ESP32的长按、短按、双击、多击 按键检测实现 您所在的位置:网站首页 demo按键作用 ESP32的长按、短按、双击、多击 按键检测实现

ESP32的长按、短按、双击、多击 按键检测实现

#ESP32的长按、短按、双击、多击 按键检测实现| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

乐鑫官方有个仓库叫做esp-iot-solution,里面有很多常用外设的驱动和物联网场景的实现代码。其中就有一个button模块来实现按键的长按、短按检测(双击多击实现请看文末): espressif/esp-iot-solution › components › general › button › button。 README翻译如下:

本模块封装了一个按键对象一个按键设备定义如下: GPIO 端口号信号有效电平触发模式:触发模式决定了是否调用连续触发多少秒后开始进行进行连续触发 一个按键设备提供如下回调: 一个按下事件回调一个释放事件回调一个短时触摸事件回调一个连续触发事件回调多个长按事件回调

所有事件可以设置不同的去抖时长。 当任意一个长按回调触发时,短时触摸事件不会被触发。 本模块基于idf的GPIO控制和freeRTOS的软件定时器实现。

按键设备使用方法 :

通过 iot_button_create() 创建按键对象然后为按键对象设置回调调用iot_button_delete 释放对象内存


增加硬件定时器模式(有时候软件定时器有些限制) NOTE:

所有事件回调基于freeRTOS的软件定时器API实现,因此必须遵循如下规则: 由于按键回调在定时器服务任务中执行,因此不应进行任何阻塞操作。例如,按键回调中不可以调用vTaskDelay(),vTaskDelayUntil() ,以及访问队列或信号量时指定非零阻塞时间。

另外: 可以对如下宏进行重定义来调整定时器服务的栈深度/队列长度/任务优先级。

#define configUSE_TIMERS //enable soft-timer #define configTIMER_TASK_PRIORITY // priority of the timers service task #define configQueue_LENGTH // length of timer command queue #define configTIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH // stack depth of the soft-timer

在模块的test子文件夹下面有参考例程。 如下代码进行了一些简化:

// Copyright 2015-2016 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) PTE LTD // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. #define BUTTON_IO_NUM 16 #define BUTTON_ACTIVE_LEVEL 0 #include "stdio.h" #include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h" #include "freertos/task.h" #include "freertos/queue.h" #include "freertos/timers.h" #include "iot_button.h" #include "esp_system.h" #include "esp_log.h" static const char* TAG_BTN = "BTN_TEST"; void button_tap_cb(void* arg) { char* pstr = (char*) arg; ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG_BTN, "tap cb (%s), heap: %d\n", pstr, esp_get_free_heap_size()); } void button_press_serial_cb(void* arg) { ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG_BTN, "serial push, heap: %d\n", esp_get_free_heap_size()); } void button_press_5s_cb(void* arg) { ESP_EARLY_LOGI(TAG_BTN, "press 5s, heap: %d\n", esp_get_free_heap_size()); } void button_test() { printf("before btn init, heap: %d\n", esp_get_free_heap_size()); button_handle_t btn_handle = iot_button_create(BUTTON_IO_NUM, BUTTON_ACTIVE_LEVEL); // iot_button_set_evt_cb(btn_handle, BUTTON_CB_PUSH, button_tap_cb, "PUSH"); // iot_button_set_evt_cb(btn_handle, BUTTON_CB_RELEASE, button_tap_cb, "RELEASE"); iot_button_set_evt_cb(btn_handle, BUTTON_CB_TAP, button_tap_cb, "TAP"); iot_button_set_serial_cb(btn_handle, 1, 1000/portTICK_RATE_MS, button_press_serial_cb, "SERIAL"); iot_button_add_custom_cb(btn_handle, 5, button_press_5s_cb, NULL); printf("after btn init, heap: %d\n", esp_get_free_heap_size()); } void app_main() { button_test(); }


before btn init, heap: 298560 use esp timer !!! I (250) gpio: GPIO[16]| InputEn: 1| OutputEn: 0| OpenDrain: 0| Pullup: 1| Pulldown: 0| Intr:3 after btn init, heap: 297752 #单次按键 I (3190) BTN_TEST: tap cb (TAP), heap: 303336 #按住不放 I (5920) BTN_TEST: serial push, heap: 303336 I (6920) BTN_TEST: serial push, heap: 303336 I (7920) BTN_TEST: serial push, heap: 303336 I (8920) BTN_TEST: serial push, heap: 303336 #到达5s时打印如下两行内容: I (9870) BTN_TEST: press 5s, heap: 303336 I (9920) BTN_TEST: serial push, heap: 303336










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