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2024-07-14 14:04| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


A:Are you through with your meal?你们吃完了吗?

B:Yes, we are. Could we have the check, please?吃完了。请拿帐单来。


A:Here is your check, 86 dollars in all. I can take care of it here when you're ready.给您,一共86元。如果你们要付帐,我可以帮你们拿去结帐。

B:Do you accept cheque?你们收支票吗?


A:No, I'm sorry we don't. We accept credit cards and cash.对不起,我们不收。我们只收信用卡和现金。

B:Well, I don't have any cash with me. So I'll have to put in on credit.我没带现金。我必须用信用卡结帐了。

A:Thank you, I will be right back.谢谢你,我马上就回来。

B:Oh, please wait for a minute. I want to go with the food left.请稍等一会。我想把剩下的食物带走。


A:I see. I will bring some to-go boxes for you.我明白。我会为您拿一个打包盒。

B:Thank you.谢谢。


A:Do you want to take a cooking class with me?你想和我一起去上烹饪课么?

B:What kind of cooking class is it?什么样的烹饪课?

A:It’s a Thai cooking class. They teach you how to make curries, rice dishes, and soups.泰国菜,他们会教你怎么做咖喱饭和汤。

B:Do they teach you how to make the curries from scratch?他们从头教你做咖喱么?

A:Of course.当然。

B:Is it expensive?贵么?

A:Not really. It only costs 15 U.S. Dorla/session, and you get to eat the food afterwards.不贵,每节课只需 15 美元,然后你可以吃掉食物。

B:That about the price of a meal. Not bad.差不多是一顿饭的价格,不错!

A:If you take ten lessons, you also get a free recipe book, some Thai spices and a pan.如果你想上 10 节课,你还会得到一本食谱,一些泰式香料和一个锅。

B:Sign me up!给我报名吧。

A:Do you like Thai food?你喜欢泰国菜么?

B:Not really, but I love to cook!不怎么喜欢,但我喜欢做饭!


A:Bob, do you want to go grocery shopping with me?鲍伯,你想和我一起去杂货店买些东西吗?

B:Where are you going—to the corner shop down the road or to the new supermarket downtown?你是去路那边的街角小店还是去市里的新超市?


A:I thought we could go to the new supermarket to check it out. Maybe they’ll have some of those olives that you like so much.我想我们还是去那个新的超市看看吧。可能那儿有你非常喜欢的橄榄。


B:Alright. Have you made your shopping list?好吧。你列购物清单了没有啊?

A:No, I thought we’d just have a look.没有,我想我们只是看一看。

B:You know what they say. You should never go grocery shopping when you are hungry.你知道大家怎么说的:当你饿的时候,绝不要去买东西。

A:Why not?为什么不呢?


B:Because you’ll end up buying a lot more food than you normally would. Maybe we should at least give ourselves a budget to work with.因为你通常会买比原本打算要买的多很多。或许我们至少应该定一个预算。

A:Fine. We won’t spend any more than $50.好,我们不要超过50 美元。

B:Ok. Let’s go!好,走吧。






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