航空航天英语词汇 您所在的位置:网站首页 coop_mission_storm指令 航空航天英语词汇


#航空航天英语词汇| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

航空航天有关英语单词,词组 - 知乎

宇宙飞船,航天器 spaceship, space shuttle, spacecraft

载人飞船 manned spaceship

货物飞船 cargo spacecraft

航天;宇宙飞行 spaceflight

航天员 astronaut, crew members, taikonaut

载人空间站 manned space station

永久空间站 permanent space station

空间实验室 space lab

核心仓 core module

进驻核心舱 be stationed in the core module

推进仓 propelling module

发射场 launch site

发射区 launch area

发射台 launch pad

发射升空 blast off , takeoff, be lifted by

发射中止系统 launch abort system

运载火箭 carrier rocket

助推火箭 booster rocket

可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

神州十二号 Shenzhou XII

天和 Tianhe, Harmony of Heaven

长征五号B运载火箭 Long March 5B heavy-lift rocket

长征七号 Long March 7 rocket

天舟二号货运飞船 Tianzhou 2 cargo spacecraft

中国载人航天飞船办公室 China Manned Space Agency

中国航天局 China National Space Administration

设施设备 the facilities and equipment

状态良好 in good condition

发射前各种功能检查 various pre-launch function checks

联合测试 joint test

与...对接 dock with

空间对接 space docking

交会对接 rendezvous and docking

入轨后 after entering orbit

近地轨道 low-Earth orbit

在轨加注 in-orbit refuelling

后向端口 rear hatch

启动自主快速交会对接 execute rapid autonomous rendezvous and docking procedures

开展推进剂补加 conduct autonomous refueling operations

生活物资 living materials

应用载荷 mission payload

自主快速交会对接 a fast automated rendezvous and docking with ...

形成组合体 form a complex

推进剂加注 be filled with propellant

在轨道上 in orbit

出舱活动 extravehicular activities (EVAs); spacewalk

舱外作业 extravehicular operations;

新一代舱外航天服的功能性能 the functions of the new-generation extravehicular spacesuits

开展核心舱组合体日常管理 operate and manage the complex

天和核心舱在轨测试 the in-orbit test of the Tianhe module

再生生保系统验证 verification of the recycling and life support system

机械臂 mechanical arm; robot arm

机械臂测试与操作训练 testing and operation training of the robot arm

物资与废弃物管理 management of materials and waste

环境与资源勘查 explore the environment and resources

空间项目未来规划 the future development of space program

月球探测器 lunar probe

月球极区 the polar region of the moon

采样 collect samples

实施火星取样返回任务 launch a Mars sample-return mission

开展科学实验 carry out scientific experiments

长期驻留 stay for prolonged period

开展小行星和木星系列探测 explore asteroid and the Jovian system

火星取样 collect samples from Mars

月球极区探测 explore the polar region of the moon

近地小行星取样返回 collect samples from a near-Earth asteroid

火星车 Mars rover

祝融号火星车 the Mars rover Zhurong

沙丘 the sand dune

火星日 Martian days

天问一号环绕器 the orbiter of Tianwen-1/ Tianwen-1 spacecraft

单向通信时延 the delay of its one-way communication

亚轨道重复使用运载器 a reusable suborbital carrier

首飞 make maiden flight

首飞任务 the first flight mission

天地往返航天运输 the space transport system/ space transportation

编辑于 2021-11-10 14:49


嫦娥二号 Chang'e-2(moon probe)

神舟七号 Shenzhou VII (spacecraft)

载人飞船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft

载人航天 manned space flight

多人多天太空飞行 multi-manned and multi-day space flight

载人航天计划 manned space program

航天飞机  space


无人飞船  unmanned spaceship / spacecraft

试验太空船 Experimental Spacecraft

多级火箭  multistage rocket

太空舱   capsule

返回式卫星 recoverable satellite

通信卫星  communication satellite



sensing satellite

运载火箭  carrier rocket; rocket


长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket




近地轨道  low Earth orbit

调整轨道 fine-tune orbit

绕地球飞行 orbit the earth

气象卫星 weather satellite /



太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit







返回舱  re-entry module

推进舱  propelling module

指令舱  command module

服务舱  service module

登月舱  lunar module

发射台  launch pad

紧急供氧装置  emergency oxygen apparatus

空间物理探测  space physics exploration

国际空间站   International Space Station

太阳能电池板  solar panel

太空升降舱   space elevator

哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope

月球车  lunar rover

外太空  outer space; deep space

银河系  Milky Way

阿波罗号宇宙飞船  Apollo

中国空间技术研究院 CAST(the Chinese Academy of

Space Technology)

中国航天局 CNSA(China National Space Administration)

美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and

Space Administration)

太空服 space outfits(space suits)

太空食物 space food

着陆区 landing area

主着陆场 main landing field/ primary landing site

access flap  接口盖



Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船

artificial satellite   人造卫星

ascent stage    上升段

astronaut   航天员

capsule 太空舱

干货 | 中国航天yyds!“中国航天员”的专属英语单词及相关词汇了解一下_naut

原标题:干货 | 中国航天yyds!“中国航天员”的专属英语单词及相关词汇了解一下















astronaut 由两个部分构成:astro+naut

前缀 astro来自希腊语—astron,就是 star(星星)的意思,比如很多人钟爱的astrology(占星术)也是这个前缀。

词根 naut 也是来自于希腊语,表示 sailor(船员、水手)。

其重要的衍生词是 nautical(航海的),比如 nautical term(航海术语)、nautical chart(航海图)、nautical mile(海里,合1.852公里)。

因为人们把星际空间想象为茫茫大海,航天器犹如船只,故被称为“飞船”,而飞船上的工作人员,自然就是 naut(sailor)船员、水手了。

美国人发明的 astronaut(宇航员)的本质含义就是“星际水手”。

但并不是所有国家的宇航员都叫 astronaut。



为了从语言上跟美国区别开来,苏联不采用欧美 astronaut 的叫法,而用自己发明的 kosmonavt 一词,转写成英文是



前缀 cosmo 表示“宇宙”,naut 表示“船员”,所以苏联的 cosmonaut 本意就是“宇宙船员”,似乎在格局上比 astronaut(星际水手)更大。


管他是astronaut 还是 cosmonaut,中文统统译成“宇航员”,然后给自己起名叫“航天员”,这样就有了中外之分。


像“BBC 中文网”仍然把中国的称为“宇航员”,一看就是外国媒体,哈哈:




其构词法一目了然:taiko 就是“太空”(taikong)的前半段,naut 还是“船员、水手”。

目前该词也被牛津词典旗下的 lexico 词典正式收录:

明确指出 Taikonaut = Chinese astronaut(中国宇航员)



但我国官方仍然采用 astronaut 来表示我国航天员,所以 taikonaut 目前象征意义大于实用意义。

不过民间和国内外媒体似乎一直致力于 taikonaut 一词的普及和推广。

《今日美国》、CNN、法新社(AFP)也从杨利伟进入太空那一年开始使用 taikonaut。

欧洲航天局这次也使用了 taikonaut 一词来向中国的三位航天员表示祝贺:

你觉得随着中国载人航天事业的发展,taikonaut 在世界上的认可度会越来越高吗?


【 知识点 】


(unmanned space vessels, satellites, rockets)


(manned spacecraft)

的编号一般用罗马数字,比如,“嫦娥五号”的英文是Chang'e-5,而我国首个载人飞船“神舟五号”的英文是Shenzhou V。









载人飞船 manned spaceship / manned spaceflight

载人空间站 manned space station

天和核心舱 core module Tianhe

空间实验室 space lab

在轨加注 in-orbit refueling

交会对接 rendezvous and docking

货运飞船 cargo spacecraft

推进舱 propelling module

空间对接 space docking

近地轨道 low-Earth orbit

运载火箭 carrier rocket

助推火箭 booster rocket

发射中止系统 launch abort system

发射场 launch site

可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

机械臂 robotic arm

出舱活动 extravehicular activities

舱外服 extravehicular spacesuits




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航空常用英语单词 - 知乎


航空器及其系统(aircraft and its system)


航空器机构(aircraft structure)



驾驶舱cockpit/flight deck


风挡windshield/ windscreen



前部front (fore) part

后部rear (aft) part



内侧发动机inboard engine or inboards

外侧发动机outboard engine or outboards


轮舱wheel well

主轮main landing wheel

前轮nose wheel

(大)机翼(main) wing

机翼前缘leading edge

机翼后缘trailing edge

翼尖wing tip

操纵面control surface





垂直安定面fin(vertical stabilizer)

水平安定面 horizontal stabilizer

调整片trim tab

襟翼(内侧襟翼,外侧襟翼,前缘襟翼)flaps (inboard flap, outboard flap, leading edge flaps)

襟翼设定flap setting

襟翼角flap angle

全襟翼位置full flap position

放下襟翼(收上襟翼)extend the flaps (retract the flaps)

无襟翼着陆/无襟翼无缝翼着陆flapless landing/landing without slats/flaps

襟翼被卡阻the flaps are jammed

阻力板,扰流板(内、外侧扰流板)(扰流板放下、打开)spoilers (inboard/outboard spoiler) (spoiler down\up)

减速板(阻流板)speed brakes/air braking

起落架landing gear/undercarriage

起落架锁定/未锁定gear locked/unlocked

起落架前轮nose wheel

起落架舱wheel well

起落架舱门wheel door

放下起落架(收上起落架)extend/lower/deploy the gear (retract the gear)

放轮(收轮)gear extension (gear retraction)

起落架被卡阻the gear is jammed

应急放下系统emergency extension system

摇动放下起落架crank the gear down/manually lower the gear

轮胎爆破Burst tyre/blow out/flat tyre

瘪胎deflated tyre

漏胎flat tyre


反推装置thrust reverser

排气道和尾锥tail cone


客舱passenger cabin






(下)货舱lower cargo compartment

航行灯navigation light

左(右)着陆灯left(right)landing lamp

闪光灯flash light

警告灯warning light

(二)航空器系统(aircraft system)


plant system)

辅助动力装置APU(auxiliary power unit)

引擎短舱 nacelle (engine cowling)



发动机吸进了鸟/水bird/water ingestion

外来物损伤FOD(foreign object damage)

发动机失效engine failure

机械故障engineering trouble/mechanical problem

发动机熄火engine flame out


马力小 the engine is low on power

停车engine shutdown

发动机喘振 engine surge




气缸cylinder\EGT(exhaust gas temperature排气温度)

2.燃油系统(fuel system)

燃油箱 fuel tanks

燃油泵fuel pump

燃油油压过低警告灯low fuel pressure warning lights


航空煤油aviation kerosene


放油fuel dumping/jettison


油箱fuel tank

油量不足short of fuel



燃油增压泵fuel booster pump

燃油(滑油)压力低fuel(oil)pressure low(drop)



滑油温度表 oil temperature indicator

千斤顶(actuating) jacks



4.电器系统(electrical system)

发电机generator motor

无线电设备Radio equipment





跳开关circuit breaker




调压器voltage regulator

5.空调系统(air-conditioning system)

密封系统Sealing system

增压系统pressurization system

通风系统venting system

氧气设备oxygen equipment

减压 释压decompression

减压 释压depressurize

失密pressure failure

冷却 cooling

加热 heating

氧气面罩oxygen mask


驾驶舱加温pilot cabin heat




防滞装置an anti-skid device

防滞刹车anti-skid brake

刹车不可靠the brakes are unreliable

刹车状况不好 braking action is poor

松刹车brakes released

刹车brakes set

气刹车pneumatic braking

手刹车manual braking



灭火系统extinguisher system

防冰系统deicing system


发动机灭火瓶engine fire bottles

机翼除冰wing deicing



1.操纵系统(control system)

飞行操纵系统flight control system

飞行管理计算机系统(FMCS)flight management computer system

人工操纵系统manual controls

自动驾驶操纵系统autopilot controls

自动油门系统auto throttle system

仪表着陆系统instrument landing system

中央操纵台center console

操纵台control stand

控制板control panel


操纵杆control column


油门thrust levers




前轮转弯手操作盘nose wheel steering hand wheel

机内通话inter communication

耳机head set

装载与配平系统weight and balance system

2.航空器仪表(aircraft instrument)

仪表instrument /gauge/indicator

仪表板instrument panel

顶部仪表板overhead panel

主显示系统primary display system


飞行指引仪flight director

地评议horizon indicator

备份地评议stand by gyro-horizon

发动机仪表engine indicator


气压高度表pressure altimeter

无线电高度表radio altimeter

空速表airspeed indicator

升降速度表vertical speed indicator(rate of climb and descent indicator) 转速表R.P.M(revolutions per minute)

起落架位置指示器landing gear/undercarriage position indicator

刹车压力表brake pressure gauge

偏流指示器deviation altimeter


3.航空器动作(aircraft manoeuvre




压坡度bank the aircraft

抬(提)起lift off/rotate

抬机头pitch up the aircraft (to nose up)

推机头pitch down the aircraft (to nosedown)

大角度爬升climb steeply

修正动作corrective action

改平level off



从失速中改出recover from stall

急转弯sharp turn

减慢(速度)slow down






少云 FEW 1~2/8, few

疏云 SCT 3~4/8, scattered

裂开云,多云 5~7/8, broken

满天云 8/8 , overcast (continuous)

在云中In cloud

断续云中In and out of cloud

云在增加cloud is building up

云在消散cloud is clearing up/dissipating


塔状积雨云towering cumulonimbus



晴空sky clear


轻雾light fog

浓雾dense fog

吹雾,平流雾drifting fog

雾在消散fog is clearing up

雾越来越浓fog is getting worse








地面风surface wind

无风(静风)wind calm

微风light wind

中速风moderate wind

强风strong wind





阵风达8 m/s, gusts up to 8 m/s


稳定风steady wind

风向不稳定variable wind

风越来越大the wind is getting stronger

风切变wind shear






晴空颠簸clear air turbulence

中度颠簸moderate turbulence

严重颠簸severe turbulence




高空急流jet stream



小雨light rain

大雨heavy rain

间歇性雨intermittent rain

连续性降水continuous rain

偶尔下阵雨occasional showers

零零散散的阵雨scattered showers



冻雨freezing rain







闪电光flash of lightning







外界温度,大气温度outside air temperature


温度在上升the temperature is rising

温度在下降the temperature is falling/dropping

温度稳定the temperature is steady

(七)跑道道面状况(runway surface condition)

在化的雪melting snow


雪堆snow drift

雪清除snow clearance

跑道上有结冰the runway is icy

冰块(跑道上结的一块块冰)ice patches

跑道湿the runway is wet

跑道滑the runway is slippery

积水pools of water/ standing water


刹车效应差braking action is poor

刹车效应好braking action is good

刹车效应中braking action is medium


机场车辆(airport vehicle)

地面车辆ground vehicle/car

机坪车辆ramp vehicle

引导车follow me car

空调车air condition car

运送乘客巴士shuttle bus


摆渡车airport passenger bus/ferry

餐车galley service truck

食品车(配餐车)catering truck

拖车tow tug/towing tractor

拖把tow bar

机载客梯air stairs/steps

地面电源车ground power vehicle (unit)


救火车fire engine(truck)




油车tank car

供水车water service truck


保安运货车security van


犁雪车snow plough

吹雪车runway snow blower






地面相关设备与服务(relevant ground equipment and service)

服务设备furnishing equipment

医疗服务medical service

安全服务safety services



廊桥(英)air bridge/loading bridge


登机口passenger gate



地勤ground handling


舱单load sheet

航空运货单air waybill


轮挡wheel chock

风挡刮水器(美)windshield wiper

风挡刮水器(英)windscreen wiper


地面电源插座external socket

地面电源ground power

外部电源external power

拔下地面(外部) 电源disconnect ground(external) power

接上地面(外部) 电源reset ground(external) power

气源start air

供气supply start air

拔下(接上)气源disconnect(reset)start air unit

消防队fire service/assistance

故障排除trouble shooting/fixed




Abort take-off/reject/abandon中断起飞

A flock of birds一群鸟

At your own discretion由你自己决定


As published根据公布的


Active runway(runway in use)正在使用的跑道

Air conditioning smoke=pack空调冒烟

Anonymous call(letter)匿名电话(信)

Anti-icing system inoperative防冰系统不工作







Belly landing(gear up landing)机腹落地

Bird strike鸟击

Birds ingestion吸鸟


Breaking action刹车效应

Braking action poor刹车效应差

Burst tyre/blow out/flat tyre爆胎

burn off消耗

baggage loader传送带

blast fence气流档板


Cabin fire客舱失火

Caution wake turbulence注意尾流

Cabin temperature is rising客舱温度升高

Cargo fire/smoke货舱失火/冒烟

Center of gravity to the rear重心靠后



Cockpit window broken驾驶舱窗户出现问题

Converging traffic汇聚飞机




chemicals of industrial化学品

crane operating=hoist吊车

crossfeed valve failure





Deviate from the corridor偏出走廊

Discharge extinguisher(agent)喷射灭火瓶(灭火剂



Due separation=spcing由于间隔

debris=fragments(metal strips)碎片

dense smoke浓烟\drunk醉酒


disease outbreak疾病爆发

detonate explosives引爆炸药


Electric smoke or fire电器冒烟或火警

Emergency braking应急刹车

Emergency descent紧急下降

Emergency evacuation紧急撤离

Emergency gear extension not available(failure)应急放轮不成功

Emergency gear extension应急放轮

Emergency landing紧急落地

Engine failure发动机失效

Engine fire发动机失火\



Fire engine/fire truck救火车

fuel dumping/fuel jettison放油

Fuel leak out漏油

Flame out熄火

Fly around (go round, circumnavigate, detour, offset)绕航

Forced landing迫降

Fuel level is going down燃油液面下降

fade area盲区


fuel starvation不足=fuel supply



first-aid relief materials on baord紧急药品

flight strip printer飞行进程单


Give way to让路

Glide path下滑道

Ground air地面气源

Ground power地面电源

gun-launched area火箭炮空地



Heart attack/disease心脏病

Hydraulic pressure is dropping rapidly液压压力快速跌落

Hydraulic system leak液压系统泄漏

automatic direction finding system自动指引系统


hypertension lost consciousness高血压失去知觉

badly hurt=injury


Intercept localizer切航道





Jammed stabilizer landing安定面卡阻


Level change on route航路上高度改变

Left or right at your convenience左右随你

Low pass低空通场


Military movement军事活动

Maneuver left or right右左机动

Make further checks作进一步调查

Mechanical failure机械故障


mountain山脉=air convective

make a short circuit小航线


No restriction无限制

Noise abatement procedure减噪音程序

Nose gear steering inoperative前轮转弯不工作


Opposite direction相反方向





obese肥胖=policy violation


Parallel runway (taxiway)平行跑道(滑行道)

PAX baggage identification旅客行李识别

PAX evacuation旅客撤离

PAX stairs/steps旅客客梯

Proceeding to飞往,前往

Prohibited area禁区

Priority landing优先落地







Revised app. clearance修正的进近许可

Registered No.注册号码

Rest route unchanged其余航路不变

Reason unknown原因不明

Returning(coming back)返场


Same direction同向

Short of fuel燃油短缺

Skid off (slide off)滑出

Slight( moderate, severe,serious) turbulence轻度(中度,严重)颠簸

Smoke continue烟雾继续



Structure damage结构损坏

swine flu猪流感




special flight特殊飞行


Taxi with caution滑行小心

Thunder-storm ( build up, CB, indication of WX) 雷雨

Too close to the preceding aircraft太接近前面飞机

Try to find the cause试图查明原因

Transmitter发射机 tail strike擦尾

turbine blades涡轮碎片


Unreported vehicle未经报告的车辆

Unsure my position不明位置

Unaccompanied child无人陪伴的儿童


Visual app目视进近

volcanic ashes火山灰



Wheel well fire轮舱失火

Wind shear风切变


Work in progress ahead前面正在施工

Wheel chair轮椅

Warning light on警告灯亮

wrong direction错误方向




above cloud在云上

aborted-take off abandoned-take off rejected中断起飞

adjacent to靠近



aircraft status状况


all stations各电台



anti-icing system防冰系统

ask for请求

as published -at the moment暂时根据公布

at your own discretion由你自己决定



back on course回到航路




be held up阻碍


belongs to属于

be stuck in卡住


bird strike鸟击

birds ingestion吸鸟

broken断开\ break break断开

burst tyre-blow out-=flat tyre爆胎




cabin decompression客舱释压

cabin altitude客舱高度

cabin fire客舱失火




call sign呼叫


cargo conveyor belt传送带


CG moved to the rear part unbalanced重心移动、后部不平衡

check again再检查



closing from right从右接近


Comply with遵守





crowd拥挤circle to land反向落地



detailed taxi instruction详细滑行指示

delays undetermined延误未确定

detour buildup绕航雷雨




Don’t sink不要下沉

due broken surface由于道面破损

due spacing由于间隔

due weight由于重量

during push back推机期间



encounter moderate turbulence遇到中度颠簸

experiencing moderate turbulence遇到中度颠簸


emergency descent紧急下降

emergency service应急设施

engine failure发动机故障

established LOC建立航道

expedite加速\ extinguish扑灭

extend downwind延长三边

expect higher level预计高高度

expect预计\ estimating预计


facing west面朝前面飞机

fast turn off快速道

flame out熄火

flight plan route飞行计划航路


first convenient right第一道口右转

follow-in front of在前面


forced landing迫降


full call sign全呼

further advised进一步通知



gear is not down轮未放下

glide slope(path)下滑道

give way to让路

ground staff地面工作人员

go round绕航\ 重力gravity


holding area等待区域


icy patches冰片









it’s famous for---以--著名




leave frequency脱波

leave this area离开此区域

low pass低空通场

lose time消磨时间


magnetic track磁航迹


make orbit right右盘旋



miss turn off 错过快速道







not below FL130不低于FL130

unsure of my position位置不确定

north east 东北

north west西北

nose gear前轮







PAX seriously ill旅客严重生病

parking on the apron在停机坪

PAX stairs/steps旅客客梯

port engine左发


possible reason可能的原因

present position目前位置



proceed to前往

pull in to the left停靠到左面

pull over to the left停靠到左面

pull up拉升


queued up排队



r/w vacated跑道脱离





reason unknown原因不明


reduce to minimum app.减小到最低进近速度



request priority请求优先




request level change en route请求航路高度改变




right track右航迹





short count短数

short final短五边

sink rate下沉率

skid off滑出,偏出

slot time离场时间



squawk identing应答机识别

starboard engine右发问题

strengthen security加强安全

struck by lightning遭闪电击





suspected heart attack疑惑有心脏病


take the second left第二道口左转

there is WX ahead前面有雷




tow bar拖把

track out出航


transmitting blind盲发




unable to comply不能执行



unknown traffic不明飞机






visual check目视检查



why overshot为什么复飞

work in progress在施工




载人飞船 manned spaceship / manned spaceflight

载人空间站 manned space station

天和核心舱 core module Tianhe

空间实验室 space lab

在轨加注 in-orbit refueling

交会对接 rendezvous and docking

货运飞船 cargo spacecraft

推进舱 propelling module

空间对接 space docking

近地轨道 low-Earth orbit

运载火箭 carrier rocket

助推火箭 booster rocket

发射中止系统 launch abort system

发射场 launch site

可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

机械臂 robotic arm

出舱活动 extravehicular activities

舱外服 extravehicular spacesuits


北京航天飞行控制中心 Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)

变轨 orbital transfer

舱口 hatch

舱外活动(即“太空行走”)extra-vehicular activity(EVA)

长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket

长征三号甲运载火箭 Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle

嫦娥1号 Chang’e-1 lunar probe; Chang’e-1 lunar satellite

登月landing on the moon

地面操作系统 ground operation system

地形和地表结构 topographical and surface structures

地月转移轨道 Earth-moon transfer orbit

定向天线 directional antenna

“东方红”卫星 Dongfanghong (DFH) satellite

多级火箭 multistage rockets

发射窗口 launch window (“发射窗口”是指运载火箭发射航天器选定的一个比较合适的时间范围,即允许运载火箭发射的时间范围。)

发射前的最后检查和测试 pre-launch tests

发射区 launch site

发射升空 blast off

发射升空 liftoff; blastoff; take off

发射台 launch pad

发射卫星 launch a satellite

返回舱 re-entry module

返回式卫星 recoverable satellite

扶梯 ladder

服务舱 service module

干涉成像光谱仪 interference imaging spectrometer

观测装置 observation instruments


轨道舱 orbital module

国防科学技术工业委员会 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)

国际空间站 International Space Station

航天服 space suit

绘制月球表面的三维图像 map three-dimensional images of the lunar surface

激光高度计 laser altimeter

极轨道 polar orbit

紧急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus

近地点 perigee

近地轨道 low Earth orbit

近月点 perilune

空间环境探测系统 space environment detector system

空间物理探测 space physics exploration

空间遥测系统 space telemetry network

立体摄像机 stereo camera

领航宇航员 lead astronaut

美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

拍摄和传送地球照片 capture and relay pictures of Earth

偏离轨道 veer off course; deviate from course

气象卫星 weather satellite; meteorological satellite

燃料加注 fuel adding

绕月circling the moon

绕月卫星 circumlunar satellite

人造卫星 artificial satellite

上升段 ascent stage

生命维持系统 life support system

试验太空船 experimental spacecraft

收集月球表面数据 collect lunar surface data

首次近月制动 first braking at perilune

太空舱 capsule

太空升降舱 space elevator

太空行走 space walk

太阳能电池板 solar panel

探月工程 moon exploration project; moon probe project; lunar exploration program

探月工程首席科学家 chief scientist of China’s lunar orbiter project

探月工程总设计师 chief designer of China’s lunar orbiter project

探月工程总指挥 chief commander of China’s lunar orbiter project

探月卫星 lunar probe; lunar exploration satellite; lunar orbiter

逃逸塔 escape tower

天线 antenna通信卫星 communication satellite

同步轨道卫星 geosynchronous satellite

推进舱 propelling module

外太空 outer space; deep space

微波探测仪 microwave sounder

卫星同发射装置分离进入指定轨道:The satellite separated from the launch vehicle and entered the projected orbit; The satellite was released from the launcher upper stage and entered the projected orbit.

无人飞船 unmanned spaceship/spacecraft

下降段 descent stage

现场观摩发射 watch the launch at the site

消毒服 sterilized uniforms

遥感卫星 remote sensing satellite

有效载荷 payload

有效载荷能力 payload capability

远地点 apogee

远月点 apolune

月球表面化学元素和矿物质分布 distribution of chemical elements and minerals on lunar surface

月球的重力场和环境 gravity field and environment of the moon

运载火箭 carrier rocket; rocket launcher

载人飞船 manned spaceship/spacecraft

载人航天 manned space flight

载人航天计划 manned space program

指令舱 command module

中国国家航天局 China National Space Administration (CNSA)

中国空间技术研究院 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)

主力火箭 main rockets

着陆架 landing pad





以上就是小编今天的分享啦,大家平时可以多积累一些英语词汇,说不定就能够帮助自己在写作上或者是口语表达上有帮助。 航空航天英语词汇 - 百度文库


1 / 19




















































A&E Architectural and Engineering 建筑和工程 

A-BPSK Aviation-Biphase Shift Keying 航空两相相移键控 

A-QPSK Aviation-Quadriphase Shift Keying 航空四相相移键控 

A/G Air-to-Ground 空对地 

AAC Aeronautical Administrative Communication 航空行政通信 

AAC Airline Administrative Control 航空公司行政管理 

AAC Aeronautical Advisory Council 航空咨询委员会 

AAIM Aircraft Autonomous Integrity Monitor 飞机自治完好性监控 

AARS Automatic Altitude Reporting System 自动高度报告系统 

AAS Advanced Automated System 先进自动化系统 

AAS Aeronautical Advisory Station 航空咨询电台 

AAS Airborne Antenna System 机载天线系统 

AASR Airport and Airways Surveillance Radar 机场和航路监视雷达 

AATS Advanced Automation Training System 先进自动化培训系统 

AAD Assigned Altitude Deviation 指定高度偏差 

ABE ARINC 429 Bus Emulator ARINC 429 总线仿真器 

ABI Advanced Boundary Information Message 高级边界信息报文 

ABPS airborne beacon processing system 机载信标信息处理系统 

ABPSK Aeronautical Binary Phase Shift Keying 航空双相移键控 

A/C Aircraft 飞机 

AC Advisory Circular 咨询通报 

ACA Aeronautical Communication Architecture 航空通信结构 

ACARS Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System 飞机通信寻址和报告系统 

ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ARINC通信寻址和报告系统 

ACAS Airborne Collision Avoidance System 机载(避)防撞系统 

ACC Area Control Center 区域管制中心 

ACCC Area Control Computer Complex 区域管制计算机网 

ACCTS Aviation Coordinating Committee for Telecommunication Services 航空电信服务协调委员会 

ACF Area Control Facility 区域管制设施 

ACID Aircraft Identification 飞行器识别标志 

ACK Acknowledgment 认可 

ACLS Automatic Control and Landing System 自动控制和着陆系统 

ACMF Airplane Condition Monitoring Function 飞机状态监视功能 

ACMS Aircraft Condition Monitoring System 飞机状态监控系统 

ACNSS Advanced Communication/Naviga- tion/Surveillance system 先进的通信导航监视系统 

ACS aircraft call sign 飞机呼号 

ACS Attitude Control System 姿态控制系统 

ACSE Access Control and Signaling Equipment 接续控制与信令设备 

ACSG Aeronautical Communication Sub-Group 航空通信分组 

ACU Aerodrome Control Unit 机场控制单位(室) 

ACU Autopilot Control Unit 自动驾驶控制单元 

ACU Antenna Control Unit 天线控制组件 

ADA computer programming language 一种计算机编程语言 

ADAS AWOS Data Acquisition System 自动气象观察系统数据采集系统 

ADC airborne data computer 机载数据计算机 

ADDI Automated Digital Data Interchange 自动化数字数据交换 

ADEP Airport of Departure 起飞机场 

ADES Airport of Destination 目标机场 

ADFE Automatic Direction-Finding Equipment 自动定向仪设备 

ADI Aggregate Demand Indicator 综合指令指示器 

ADI Attitude Direction Indicator 姿态方向指示器 

ADIRS Air Data Inertial Reference System 大气数据惯性基准系统 

ADIRU Air Data Inertial Reference Unit 大气数据惯性基准单元 

ADIS-B Automatic Data Interchange System, service B 自动数据交换系统,B类服务 

ADLOC ARINC Data Link Operations Center ARINC数据链运行中心 

ADLP Airborne Data Link Processor 机载数据链处理器 

ADM Air Data Module 大气数据模块 

ADMS Airline Data Management System 航空公司数据管理系统 

ADNS ARINC Data Network Service ARINC数据网服务 

ADP Automated Data Processing 自动数据处理 

ADPCM Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation 自适应差分脉码调制 

ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance 自动相关监视 

ADS Air Data System 大气数据系统 

ADS Satellite ADS via AMSS 一种通过航空移动卫星系统运行的ADS 

ADS-I ADS capability provided by the combination of FANS 1 avionics and ground automation 采用FANS-I 机载设备 和地面自动化系统 组合提供的ADS能力 

ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance Addressing 选址式自动相关监视 

ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast Mode 广播式自动相关监视 

ADS-B Mode S ADS-Broadcast based on Mode S Squitter 基于S模式应答机随机自发报告的广播式自动相关监视 

ADS-B VHF ADS-Broadcast based on VHF datalink 基于VHF数据链的自动化相关监视广播 

ADSEL Address Selective 寻址 

ADSF Automatic Dependent Surveillance Function 自动相关监视功能 

ADSP (ICAO) Automatic Dependent Surveillance Panel (国际民航组织)自动相关监视专家组 

ADSU ADS Study Group (ICAO) (国际民航组织)自动相关监视研究组 

ADSU Automatic Dependent Surveillance Unit or ADS Unit 自动相关监视单元 

AECU Audio Electronic Control Unit 音频电子控制单元 

AEEC Airlines Electronic Engineering Committee 航空公司电子工程委员会 

AEL Aircraft Equipment List 飞机装备清单 

AERA Automated En Route Air Traffic 自动化航路空中交通管制 

AES Aircraft Earth Station 飞机地球站 

AF Airway Facilities 航路设施 

AFC ATC Frequency Change service 空中交通管制改(换)频服务 

AFCAS Automatic Flight Control Augmentation System 自动飞行控制增强系统 

AFCS Automatic Flight Control System 自动飞行控制系统 

AFDC Autopilot Flight Director Computer 自动驾驶飞行指示计算机 

AFDS Autopilot Flight Director System 自动驾驶飞行指示系统 

AFEPS ACARS Front End Processing System ACARS前端处理系统 

AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service 机场航行情报服务 

AFIS Airborne Flight Information System 机载飞行情报系统 

AFL Actual Flight Level 实际飞行高度 

AFLS Automated Flight Inspection System 自动飞行检查系统 

AFN ATS Facilities Notification 空中交通服务设备通告 

AFS Aeronautical Fixed Service 航空固定通信业务 

AFSS Automated Flight Service Station 自动化飞行服务站 

AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network 航空固定电信网 

AFTRCC Aerospace and Flight Test Radio Coordinating Council 宇航和飞行测试无线电协调委员会 

AGCS Air Ground Communication System 空地通信系统 

AGDLS Air-Ground Data Link System 空地数据链系统 

AGL Above Ground Level 离地高度 

AGMCS Airport Ground Movement Control System 机场地面交通管制系统 

AGSS ACARS Ground System Standard(AEEC) ACARS 地面系统标准(AEEC) 

AGSVP A/G Service Planning 空地(通信)业务规划 

AGVS Air Ground VHF Subnetwork 空地VHF子网 

AI Artificial Intelligence 人工智能 

AI Alternative Interrogator 可选择询问器 

AI Aeronautical Information 航空情报 

AIC Aeronautical Information Circular 航空情报通报 

AIDC ATC Interfacility Data Communications 空中交通管制设施间数据通信 

AIDS airborne integrated data system 机载综合数据系统 

AIDS airborne integrated display system 机载综合显示系统 

AIED Aeronautical Industry Engineering and Development 航空工业工程和开发 

AIEE American Institute Electrical Engineers 美国电气工程师学会 

AIEM Airlines International Electronic Meeting 航空公司国际电子会议 

AILAS Automatic Instrument Landing Approach System 自动仪表着陆进近系统 

AIM-FANS Airbus Interoperable Modular FANS 空中客车FANS可运行模块(空中客车公司设计的一种FANS系统结构模块) 

AIMS Aircraft Information Management System 飞机信息管理系统 

AIP Aeronautical Information Publication 航行资料汇编 

AIP Airport Improvement Program 航空港改进计划 

AIRCOM digital air/ground communications services provided by SITA 由SITA提供的数字空地通信服务 

AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control 航行资料规划和管制,定期制航行通告 

AIREP Air Report 空中报告 

AIRMET Airmen's Meteorological information 飞行员的气象资料 

AIS Aeronautical Information Service(s) 航空情报服务 

AKN Acknowledgment 认可 

A/L Autoland 自动着陆 

AL Alerting Service 告警服务 

ALC Asynchronous Link Control 异步链路控制 

ALS Automatic Landing System 自动着陆系统 

ALSF Approach Light System with Sequenced Flashing lights 顺序闪光的进近灯光系统 

ALSIP Approach Light System Improvement Program 进近灯光系统改进计划 

ALT Airborne Link Terminal 机载链路终端 

ALT Altitude 高度 

ALTS Altitude Select 高度选择 

AM Amplitude Modulation 调幅 

AMC Avionics Maintenance Conference 机载电子设备维护维修大会 

AME Amplitude Modulation Equivalent 等效调幅 

AMCP (ICAO) Aeronautical Mobile Communications Panel (国际民航组织)航空移动通信专家组 

AMJ Advisory Material-Joint 联合咨询资料 

AMP ARINC Message Processor(ADNS) ARINC报文处理器 

AMS Aeronautical Mobile Service 航空移动服务 

AMSS Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service 航空移动卫星业务 

AMSSP (ICAO) Aeronautical Mobile-Satellite Service Panel (国际民航组织)航空移动卫星业务专家组 

AMTS Aeronautical Message Transfer Service 航空报文移交业务 

AMU Audio Management Unit 话音管理单元 

AMUX Audio Multiplexer 音频复用器 

A/N Alphanumeric 按字母顺序 

ANC ICAO Air Navigation Commission 国际民航组织航行委员会 

ANICS ALASKAN NAS Interfacility Communication System 阿拉斯加美国国家空域系统设施间通信系统 

ANLP ARINC Network Layer Protocol ARINC网络层规程 

ANP Air Navigation Plan 空中航行规划 

ANP Actual Navigation Performance 实际导航性能 

ANS Air Navigation System 空中航行系统 

ANS Area Navigation System 区域导航系统 

ANSI American National Standards Institute 美国国家标准学会 

AOA Aerodrome Owners Association 机场企业主协会 

AOC Aeronautical Operational Control 航空运营管理 

AOC Aerodrome obstacle chart 机场障碍物图 

AOC Aircraft Operational Center 飞行运行中心 

AOC Airline Operational Communications System 航空公司运营通信系统 

AOCI Airport Operators Council International 机场经营与国际协会 

AOP Aerodrome Operations 机场运营 

AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 航空器企业主与驾驶员协会 

AOR Atlantic Ocean Region 大西洋区域 

AORE Atlantic Ocean Region East 东大西洋区域 

AORW Atlantic Ocean Region West 西大西洋区域 

A/P Autopilot 自动驾驶 

APANPIRG ASIA/PAC Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group 亚太地区航行规划和实施小组 

APC Autopilot Computer 自动驾驶计算机 

APC Aeronautical Passenger Communications 航空旅客通信 

APC Aeronautical Public Correspondence 航空公用通信 

APIRG AFI Planning and Implementation Regional Group 非洲地区规划和实施小组 

APIWP Approach Intercept Waypoint 进近切入点 

APL Abbreviated Flight Plan 简略飞行计划 

APP Approach Control 进近管制 

APP(APPR) Approach 进近 

APS Airway Planning Standard 航路设计标准 

APSR Airport Surveillance Radar 机场监视雷达 

AQP Avionics Qualification Policy 机载电子设备资格 

A-QPSK Aeronautical Quadrature Phase Shift Keying 航空四相相移键控 

AR Arrival Route 到达航路 

ARCW ADS Route Conformance Warning 自动相关监视航路一致性警告 

ARF Airport Reservation Function 航空港预定功能 

ARINC Aeronautical Radio Inc. 航空无线电公司 

ARP Aerodrome reference point 机场基准点 

ARR Arrival message 到达信息 

ARS Automated Radar Summary chart 自动雷达综合图 

ARSA Airport Radar Service Area 机场雷达服务区 

ARSR Air Route Surveillance Radar 航路监视雷达 

ARTAS ATC Radar Tracker and Server 空中交通管制雷达跟踪和服务器 

ARTCCS Air Route Traffic Control Centers 航路交通管制中心 

ARTS Automated Radar Terminal System 自动化雷达终端系统 

AS Autonomy Sensor 自主式机载传感器 

ASCPC Air Supply and Cabin Pressure Controllers 空气供给和机舱压力控制器 

ASCII America standard Code for Information Interchange 美国信息交换标准码 

ASD Aircraft Situation Display 飞机状态显示器 

ASDE Airport Surface Detection Equipment 机场场面探测设备 

ASDL Aeronautical Satellite Data Link 航空卫星数据链 

ASECNA Agency for the Security of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar 非洲和马达加斯加航行安全局 

ASG ARINC Signal Gateway ARINC信号网关 

ASI Avionics System Integration 航空电子仪表系统集成 

ASK Amplitude Shift Keying 振幅移位键控 

AM(ASM) Airspace Management 空域管理 

A-SMGCS Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System 先进场面活动引导和控制系统 

ASOS Automated Surface Observing System 自动场面观测系统 

ASP Arrival Sequencing Program 进场顺序计划 

ASP Aeronautical communication Service Processor 航空通信业务处理器 

ASPP (ICAO) Aeronautical Fixed Service (AFS) System Planning for Data Interchange Panel (国际民航组织)航空固定电信业务系统数据 交换规划专家组 

ASR Airport Surveillance Radar 机场监视雷达 

ASRS Aviation Safety Reporting System 航空安全报告系统 

ASTERIX All- purpose Structured Eurocontrol Radar Information Exchange 

ASTA Airport Surface Traffic Automation 机场场面交通自动化 

A/T Auto throttlt 自动油门 

AT Air Traffic 空中交通 

AT&T American Telephone and Telegraph 美国电话电报公司 

ATA Air Transport Association of American 美国航空运输协会 

ATAG Air Transport Action Group 航空运输行动小组 

ATAR Automatic Air Reporting 航空自动报告 

ATAR Automatic Air Reporting Study Group 航空自动报告研究组 

ATC Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制 

ATCC Air Traffic Control Center 空中交通管制中心 

ATCBI Air Traffic Control Beacon Interrogator 空中交通管制信标询问器 

ATCComm Air Traffic Control Communications System(Hardware & Software) 空中交通管制通信系统(硬件和软件) 

ATCRBS Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System 空中交通管制雷达信标系统 

ATCS Air Traffic Control Services 空中交通管制服务 

ATCT Airport Traffic Control Tower 机场交通管制塔台 

ATCU ATC unit 空中交通管制单位 

ATD Along-Track Distance 沿航线距离 

ATE Automatic Test Equipment 自动测试设备 

ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management 空中交通流量管理 

ATIS Air Traffic Information Service 空中交通信息服务 

ATIS Airport Terminal Information Service 机场终端信息服务 

ATIS Automated(automatic) Terminal Information Service 自动终端情报服务 

ATM Air Traffic Management 空中交通管理 

ATN Aeronautical Telecommunications Network 航空电信网 

ATNP (ICAO)Aeronautical Telecommunication Network Panel (国际民航组织)航空电信网专家组 

ATO Actual Time Over 实际经过时间 

ATRK Along-Track Error 沿航线误差 

ATS Air Traffic Services 空中交通服务 

ATSC Air Traffic Services Communication 空中交通服务通信 

ATT Attitude 姿态 

AUSSAT Australian Satellite 澳大利亚卫星 

AUTODIN Automated Digital Network 自动化数字网络 

AUTOVON Automatic Voice Network 自动化话音网络 

AUX Auxiliary 辅助 

AVOL Aerodrome Visibility Operational Level 机场能见度运行等级 

AVPAC Aviation VHF Packet Communications 航空甚高频分组通信 

AVS Aviation Standards 航空标准 

AWANS Aviation Weather And NOTAM System 航空气象和航行通告系统 

AWOP (ICAO) All Weather Operations Panel (国际民航组织)全天候运行专家组 

AWOS Automated Weather Observing System 自动化气象观测系统 

AWP Aviation Weather Processor 航空气象处理器 

AWS Aviation Weather Service 航空气象服务 

AZ Azimuth transmitter 方位台 

BARO Barometric 气压 

BAZ Back Azimuth 后方位,背航道 

BER Basic Encoding Rules 基本编码规则 

BER Bit Error Rate 误码率 

BIT Built-In-Test 机内测试 

BITE Built-In-Test Equipment 机内测试设备 

BOP Bit Oriented Protocol 面向位的协议 

BPS bits per second 每秒传送位数;每秒比特数 

BPSK Biphase Shift Keying 两相相移键控 

BRITE Bright Radar Indicator Tower Equipment 塔台高亮度雷达显示设备 

BRL Bearing Range Line 方位距离线 

BSU Beam Steering Unit 天线方位控制组件 

BUEC Backup Emergency Communications 备用紧急通信 

C 通信 

C-Band Approx. 5,000MHz C波段 

C/A (CA) Code Course Acquisition Code 粗获码(民用的) 

C/I Carrier-to-Interference Ratio 信号干扰比 

C/N Carrier-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比 

CA Conflict Alert 冲突告警 

CA GPS Course- Acquisition Code 粗捕获码(民用码) 

CA/MSAW Conflict Alert/Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 冲突告警/最低安全高度警告 

CAA Civil Aviation Administration, Civil Aeronautical Authority, Civil Aviation Authority 民航局 

CAAC General Administration of Civil Aviation of China 中国民用航空总局 

CAASD Center for Advanced Aviation System Development(The MITRE Corporation) (MITRE公司)高级航行系统开发中心 

CAB Civil Aeronautical Bureau 民航局 

CARF Central Altitude Reservation Function 中央飞行高度保留功能 

CARs Civil Air Regulations 民用航空规则 

CASITAF CNS/ATM implementation task force 新航行系统实施特别工作组 

CAT Category 仪表着陆等级 

CATⅠ Category Ⅰ 一类仪表着陆 

CATⅡ Category Ⅱ 二类仪表着陆 

CAT Ⅲa Category Ⅲa 三类a级仪表着陆 

CAT Ⅲb Category Ⅲb 三类b级仪表着陆 

CAT Ⅲc Category Ⅲc 三类c级仪表着陆 

CATC Civil Aviation Training Center 民航培训中心 

CATMAC Co-operative Air Traffic Management Concept 空中交通管理合作方案 

CBA Cost/Benefit Analysis 成本效益分析 

C-BAND The frequency range between 4000 and 8000MHz 4000到8000MHz频段 

CBI Computer Based Instruction 计算机基本指令 

CBT Computer-Based Training 计算机辅助训练 

CC Connection Confirm 联接确认 

CCA Continental Control Area 大陆管制区 

CCC 蜂窝式CNS概念 

CCD Consolidated Cab Display 综合机舱显示器 

CCIR International Radio Consultative Committee 国际无线电咨询委员会 

CCITT International Telegraph and Telephone Consultative Committee 国际电报电话咨询委员会 

CCP Contingency Command Post 应急指挥站 

CCWS Common controller workstation 通用管制员工作站 

CD Common Digitizer 通用数字化仪设备 

CDC Computer Display Channel 计算机显示通道 

CDI Course Deviation Indicator 偏航指示器 

CDM Code division multiplex 码分复用 

CDM Continuous Delta Modulation 连续增量调制 

CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 码分多址 

CDT Controlled Departure Times 管制离场时间 

CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information 驾驶舱交通信息显示 

CDU Control Display Unit 控制显示组件 

CEP Circular error probability 圆概率误差 

CERAC Combined Center Radar Approach Control 雷达进近管制联合中心 

CFCC Central Flow Control Computer 中央流量管制计算机 

CFCF Central Flow Control Facility 中央流量管制设施(功能) 

CFDPS Compact Flight Data Processing System 小型飞行数据处理系统 

CFWP Central Flow Weather Processor 中央流量气象处理机 

CFWSU Central Flow Weather Service Unit 中央流量气象服务单元(组件) 

CHI Computer Human Interface 机人接口 

CIDIN Common ICAO Data Interchange Network 国际民航组织公用数据交换网 

CIS Cooperative independent surveillance 合作式独立监视 

CLAM Cleared Level Adherence Monitoring 放行高度保持监视 

CLB Climb 爬升 

CLK Clock 时钟 

CLNP Connectionless Network Protocol 无连接网络规程(协议) 

CLR Clear 清除 

CMC Central Maintenance Computer 中央维护计算机 

CMD Command 命令 

CMS Cabin Management System 机舱管理系统 

CMU Communications Management Unit 通信管理单元 

CNDB Customized Navigation Database 用户导航数据库 

CNS Consolidated NOTAM System 综合航行通告系统 

CNS/ATM Communication Navigation, Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 通信导航监视/空中交通管理 

CODEC Coder/Decoder 编码器/解码器 

COM/MET/OPS Communication/ Meteorology/ Operations 通信/气象/运行 

COMLO Compass Locator 罗盘定位器;罗盘示位信标 

COMM Communication 通信 

COMP Compressor 压缩器 

COMSEC Communications Security 通信保安 

CON Continuous 连续 

CONUS Continental, Contiguous, or Conterminous United States 美国大陆本部(四十八州) 

COP Change Over Point 转换点 

COP Character Oriented Protocol 面向字符协议 

COTS Commercial Off-the-Shelf 商业货架产品供应 

CPDLC Controller Pilot Data Link Communications 管制员驾驶员数据链通信 

CPFSK Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying 连续相位频移键控 

CR Connection Request 联接申请 

CRA Conflict Resolution Advisory 冲突解脱咨询 

CRC Cyclic Redundant Check 循环冗余校验 

CRCO Central Route Charges Office 中央航路收征费办公室 

CRM C Reference Model C参考模式 

CRM Collision Risk Modeling 碰撞危险模型 

CRM Crew Resource Management 机组人员安排 

CRT Cathode Ray Tube 阴极射线管 

CRZ Cruise 巡航 

CSA Standard Accurate Channel 标准精度通道 

CSE Course Setting Error 航线设定误差 

CSMA Carrier Sense Multiple Access (datalink protocol) 载波侦听多址访问 

C/SOIT Communication/ Surveillance Operational Implementation Team 通信监视运行实施小组(美国) 

CTA Calculated Time of Arrival 计算到达时间 

CTA Control Area 管制区 

CTAS Central Tracon Automation System 中央终端雷达进近管制自动系统 

CTL Control 控制 

CTMO Central traffic Management Organization 中央交通流量管理组织 

CTMO Centralized Traffic Management Organization 中央交通管理组织 

CTOL Conventional Take Off and Landing 常规起飞着陆 

CTR Control zone 管制地带 

CTS Control Tracking Station 控制跟踪站 

CU Control Unit 控制单元 

C§W Control and Warning 控制和告警 

CW Carrier Wave 载波 

CWI Continuous Wave Interference 连续波干扰 

CWP Central Weather Processor 中央气象处理器 

CWSU Center Weather Service Unit 中央气象服务单元 

D/A Digital-to-Analog 数/模转换 

DABS Discrete Addressable Beacon System 离散寻址信标系统 

DADC Digital Air Data Computer 数字大气数据计算机 

D-ATIS Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service 数字自动终端信息服务 

DA Decision Addressing beacon system 决断寻址信标系统 

DA Demand Assignment 按需分配 

DA/H Decision Altitude(Height) 决断高度 

DARC Direct Access Radar Channel 直接存取雷达信道 

DARP Dynamic Air Route Planning 动态航线计划 

DARPS Dynamic Aircraft (Air) Route Planning Study 动态飞机航线计划研究 

DC Departure Clearance 离场放行许可 

DC Direct Current 直流(电) 

DCC Display Channel Complex 显示通道组合 

DCIU Data Control Interface Unit 数据控制接口单元 

DCL Departure Clearance Delivery 起飞许可传送 

DCPC Direct Controller Pilot Communication 管制员驾驶员直接通信 

DES Data Encryption Standard 数据加密标准 

DF Direction Finder 测向器 

DFCS Digital Flight Control System 数字飞行控制系统 

DFDAU Digital Flight Data Acquisition Unit 数字飞行数据采集单元 

DGCA Director-General Civil Aviation 民航局长 

DGNSS Differential Global Navigation Satellite System 差分全球导航卫星系统 

DGPS Differential Global Positioning System 差分全球定位系统 

DH Decision Height 决断高度 

DIP Diplexer 双工器 

DL Data Link 数据链 

DLAC Data Link Applications Coding 数据链应用编码 

DLAS Differential GNSS Instrument Approach System 差分GNSS仪表进近系统 

DLK data link 数据链 

DLORT FAA Data Link Operational Requirements Team FAA数据链运行要求工作组 

DMAP ICAO Data Link Mobile Applications Panel(proposed) 国际民航组织数据链移动应用专家组(建议) 

DME Distance Measuring Equipment 测距设备 

DME/N Distance Measuring Equipment/Normal 标准测距设备 

DME/P Distance Measuring Equipment/Precision 精密测距设备 

DMU Data Management Unit 数据管理单元 

DO(DOC) Document 记录(文件) 

DOD Department of Defense (美国)国防部 

DOP Dilution of Precision 精度扩散因子 

DOT Department of Transportation (美国)运输部 

DOTS Dynamic Ocean Tracking System 动态海洋跟踪系统 

DP Disconnect Request 分离拆线请求 

DPF Data Processing Function 数据处理功能 

D8PSK Differential Eight-Phase Shift Keying 差分8相移键控 

DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying 差分相移键控 

DRMS Distance Root Mean Square 距离均方根值 

DRN Document Release Notice 文件发放通告 

DSB-AM Double Sideband Amplitude 双边带调幅 

DSDU Data Signal Display Unit 数据信号显示单元 

DSP Departure Sequencing Program 起飞排序计划;离港排序计划 

DT Data 数据 

DTE Data Terminal Equipment 数据终端设备 

DT&E Development Test and Evaluation 开发测试和评估 

DTF Data Test Facility 数据检测设备 

DTG 待飞距离 

DTN Data Transport Network 数据传输网络 

DUAT Direct User Access Terminal 用户直接存取终端 

DVOR Doppler Very high frequency Omni-directional Range 多普勒甚高频全向信标 

EANPG European Air Navigation Planning Group 欧洲航行规划小组 

E-DARC Enhanced Direct Access Radar Channel 增强的直接存取雷达信道 

EARTS En route Automated Radar Tracking System 航路自动化雷达跟踪系统 

EASIE Enhanced ATM and Mode S Implementation in Europe 欧洲S模式和增强的空中交通管理实施项目 

EATCHIP European ATC Harmonization Implementation Program 欧洲空中交通管制协调实施计划 

EATMS European Air Traffic Management System 欧洲空中交通管理系统 

ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference 欧洲民航会议 

ECEF 地心地固坐标 

EDCT Estimated Departure Clearance Time 预计离港起飞放行时间 

EET Estimated Elapsed Time 预计经过时间 

EFAS En route Flight Advisory Service 航路飞行咨询服务 

EFAS Extended Final Approach Segment 扩展最后进近段 

EFIS Electronic Flight Instrument System 电子飞行仪表系统 

EFC Expect Further Clearance 预期进一步放行许可 

EFIS Electronic Flight Information System 电子飞行情报系统 

EGNOS European global navigation overlay system 欧洲全球导航重迭系统 

EHSI Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator 电子平面状态显示器 

EIRP Equivalent Isotropic Radiate Power 等效各向同性辐射功率 

EISA Extended Industry Standard Architecture 扩展的工业标准结构 

EL Elevation Transmitter 仰角台 

ELOD En route sector Load 航路扇区负载管制飞机数量 

ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter 紧急示位发射机 

EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility 电磁兼容 

EMI Electromagnetic Interference 电磁干扰 

ENRI Electronic Navigation Research Institute (日本)电子导航研究所 

EOF Emergency Operations Facility 应急运行设施 

EPA Environmental Protection Agency 环境保护署 

ER Error 误差 

ERL Environmental Research Laboratories 环境研究实验室 

ERM En Route Metering 航路计量管制 

ERN Earth Referenced Navigation 大地参考导航 

ERP Effective Radiated Power 有效幅射功率 

ES End System 终端系统 

ESA European Space Agency 欧洲航天局 

ESCAN Electronic Scanning(radar antenna) 

ESMMC Enhanced SMMC 增强的系统维护监视台 

ESP En route Spacing Program 航路间隔计划 

EST Estimated message 预计信息 

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 预计到达时间 

ETB Estimated Time of Boundary 预计边界时间 

ETD Estimated Time of Departure 预计离港时间 

ETG Enhanced Target Generator 增强的显示目标产生器 

ETN Estimated Time of Entry 预计进入时间 

ETO Estimated Time Over 预计飞越时间 

ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute 欧洲电信标准学会 

EU European Union 欧洲联盟 

EURATN European ATN 欧洲航空电信网 

EUROCAE European Organization for Civil Aviation Electronics 欧洲民用航空电子学组织 

EUROCONTROL European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation 欧洲航行安全组织(欧安局) 

EVS Enhanced Vision System 增强视景系统 

EWAS En-route Weather Advisory Service 航路气象咨询服务 

F&E Facilities and Equipment 设施和设备 

F,E&D Facilities, Engineering, and Development 设施、工程和开发 

FAA Federal Aviation Administration (美国)联邦航空局 

FAATC FAA Technical Center (美国)联邦航空局技术中心 

FAF Final Approach Fix 最终进近坐标 

FANS ICAO Future Air Navigation Systems (国际民航组织)未来航行系统 

FANS Special Committee on Future Air Navigation Systems 未来航行系统特别委员会 

FANS(Phase II) Special Committee for the Monitor- ing and Co-ordination of Develop- ment and Transition Planning for the Future Air Navigation System 未来航行系统监督、协调发展与过渡规划 专门委员会 

FAR Federal Aviation Regulation 联邦航空条例 

FAS Final Approach Segment 最后进近段 

FASID Facilities And Services Implementation Document 设施和服务实施文件 

FCC Flight Communication Center 飞行通信中心 

FCC Federal Communication Commission 联邦通信委员会 

FCC Flight Control Computer 飞行控制计算机 

FDAU Flight Data Acquisition Unit 飞行数据收集单元 

FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 光纤分布数据接口 

FDEP Flight Data Entry and Printout 飞行数据输入和输出 

FDI Fault Detection and Isolation 故障检测和隔离 

FDIO Flight Data Input/Output 飞行数据输入/输出 

FDM Frequency Division Multiplex 频分复用 

FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 频分多址 

FDP Flight Data Processor 飞行数据处理器 

FDPS Flight Data Processing System 飞行数据处理系统 

FDR Flight Data Recorder 飞行数据记录仪 

FEATS Future European ATS System Concept 未来欧洲空中交通服务系统方案 

FEATS ICAO Future European Air Traffic Management System 国际民航组织未来欧洲空中交通管理系统 

FEC Forward Error Correction 前向纠错 

FGC Flight Guidance Computer 飞行引导计算机 

FGCC Federal Geodetic Control Committee 联邦大地测量管理委员会 

FI Flight Inspection 飞机校验 

FIC Flight Information Center 飞行信息中心 

FIFO First In-First Out 先入先出 

FIFO Flight Inspection Field Office 飞行检查现场办事处 

FIR Flight Information Region 飞行情报区 

FIS Flight Information Services 飞行情报服务 

FISA Automatic Flight Information Service 自动飞行信息服务 

FL Flight Level 飞行高度层 

FLIR Forward Looking Infra-red Detection 前视红外线探测 

FM Frequency Modulation 调频 

FMC Flight Management Computer 飞行管理计算机 

FMEA Failure Mode Effects Analysis 故障模式效果分析 

FMS Flight Management System 飞行管理系统 

FMS Frequency Management System 频率管理系统 

FMSG Frequency Management Study Group 频率管理研究组 

FMU Flight Management Unit 飞行管理组件 

FMU Flow Management Unit 流量管理单元 

FOC Full Operation Capability 全运行能力 

FOM Figure of Merit 性能指数 

FPA Flight Path Angle 航迹倾角 

FPD Flight Plan Data 飞行计划数据 

FPS Military Primary Radar 军用一次雷达 

FREQ Frequency 频率 

FRP Federal Radio navigation Plan 联邦无线电导航计划(美国) 

FS Functional Statement 功能描述 

FSAS Flight Service Automation System 飞行服务自动化系统 

FSDPS Flight Service Data Processing System 飞行服务数据处理系统 

FSK Frequency Shift Keying 频移键控 

FSP Flight Strip Printer 飞行进程单打印机 

FSS Flight Service Station 飞行服务站 

FSTN Federal Security Telephone Network 联邦政府保安电话网络 

FT Functional Test 功能测试 

FTE Flight Technical Error 飞行技术误差 

FY Fiscal Year 财政年度; 会计年度 

GA General Aviation 通用航空 

GA Ground annta 地面天线 

Gatelink Datalink for packed aircraft 网关数据链路 

GADS Generic Aircraft Display System 通用航空器显示系统 

GAIT Ground-based Augmentation and Integrity Technique 陆基增强和完好性技术 

GAO Government Accounting Office (联邦)政府会计署 

GBA Geostationary broadcast area 静止卫星广播区域 

GCAS Ground Collision Avoidance System 地面防撞系统 

GCS Ground Controlled Approach 地面控制系统 

GDLP Ground Data Link Processor 地面数据链处理器 

GDOP Geometic Dilution of Position 位置几何扩散因子 

GDOP Geometry Dilution of Precision 精度几何扩散因子 

GEO Geostationary 静地的 

GEO Geostationary Earth Orbit 相对地球静止轨道静止卫星 

GES Ground Earth Station 地面地球站 

GFE Government-Furnished Equipment 政府提供的设备 

GHz Giga hertz 千兆赫兹 

GIB GNSS integrity broadcast 全球导航卫星系统完好性数据广播 

GIC GNSS Integrity Channel 全球卫星导航系统完好性通道 

GICB Ground-initiated Comm-B 地面启动的B类通信 

GIRU Ground Interrogator Receiver Unit 地面应答机接收单元 

GIS Geographical Information System 地理信息系统 

GLONASS Global Orbit Navigation Satellite System 全球轨道导航卫星系统(俄罗斯) 

GLS GPS Landing System GPS着陆系统 

GM Guidance Material 指导材料 

GMC Ground Movement Control 地面活动管制 

GMSK Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying 

GMT Greenwich Mean Time 格林威治时间 

GNAS General NAS 综合国家空域系统 

GND Ground 地 

GNE Gross Navigational Error 总导航误差 

GNR Global Navigation Receiver 全球导航接收机 

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System 全球导航卫星系统 

GNSSP ICAO Global Navigation Satellite Systems Panel 国际民航组织全球卫星导航系统专家组 

GPSSU Global Positioning System Sensor Unit 全球定位系统(GPS)传感器组件 

GOES Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite 静地运行环境卫星 

GOS Grade of Service 服务等级 

GOSEP Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile 政府开放系统互联结构 

GOSIP Government Open systems Implementation Profile 政府开放系统实施结构 

GP Glide-Path 下滑道 

GPIP Glide-Path Intercept Point 下滑道截获点 

GPIWP Glide Path Intercept Waypoint 滑行道切入点 

GPO/GPI General Purpose Output/General Purpose Input 通用输出/通用输入 

GPS Global Positioning System 全球定位系统 

GPWS Ground Proximity Warming System 近地告警系统 

GREPECAS Caribean/South American Planning and Implementation Regional Group 加勒比/南美洲计划和实施区域 小组 

GRS Ground-Reference Station 地面基准站 

GRS80 Geodetic-Reference System-80 大地基准系统-80 

GS(G/S) Glide Slope 下滑坡度 

GS Ground Speed 地速 

GSA General Services Administration 综合服务管理局(联邦政府下属) 

GSL General Support Laboratory 综合保障实验室 

GSM Global System (or Mobile) Communication 全球通信系统 

GWS Graphic Weather Service 图形气象服务 

H Homing radio beacon 归航无线电信标 

HARN High Accuracy Reference Network 高精度参考网 

HAT Height Above Touchdown 高于接地点的高度 

HCI Human Computer Interface 人机接口 

HDD Head Down Display 下视显示器 

HDG Heading 航向 

HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision 精度水平扩散因子 

HEMP High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse 高空电磁脉冲 

HEO High Elliptical Orbit 高椭圆率轨道 

HF High Frequency(3-30MHz) 高频 

HFDL High Frequency Data Link 高频数据链 

HGA High Gain Antenna 高增益天线 

HIRF High Intensity Radiated Fields 高强度辐射场 

HIWAS Hazardous In-flight Weather Advisory Service 飞行时遇危险天气的咨询服务 

HMI Human Machine Interface 人机接口 

HPA high power amplifier 高功率放大器 

HPF Horizontal Position Fix Error 水平位置坐标误差 

HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator 水平位置指示器 

HUD Head-up Display 平视显示仪 

HUI Head up Display 

HVAC Heating, Ventilating, And air Conditioning 加热,通风和空调 

Hybird GNSS/ILS Precision Approach/Landing based on combination of GNSS localizer and ILS glide path 基于GNSS航向和ILS下滑道组合的精密进近/着陆系统 

Hz Hertz 赫兹 

IA5 International Alopabet 5 国际字母表第5号码 

IACA International Air Carrier Association 国际航空公司协会 

IACSP International Aeronautical Communication Service Provider 国际航空通信业务提供者 

IAF Initial Approach Fix 初始进近点(坐标) 

IAG International Association of Geodetical 国际测地协会 

IAIN International Association of Institutes of Navigation 国际导航学会联合会 

IAOPA International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations 航空器企业主和驾驶员协会国际委员会 

IAP Instrument Approach Procedure 仪表进近程序 

IAR Intersection of Air Routes 航路交叉点 

IAS Indicated Air Speed 指示空速 

IASC Inter Area Speech Circuit 区域间话音线路 

IATA International Air Transport Association 国际航空运输协会 

IBAC International Business Aviation Council 国际商业航空委员会 

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 国际民航组织 

ICCAI(A) International Co-ordination Council of Aerospace Industries Associations 国际宇航工业联合会合作委员会 

ICD Interface Control Document 接口控制文件 

ICO Interim Circle Orbit 中高度圆轨道 

ICSS Integrated Communications Switching System 综合通信转换系统 

ID Identifier(Identification) 标识码(编码、识别标志) 

ID Instrument Departure 仪表离场 

IDSG ICAO Internet Working Standards Drafting Group 国际民航组织网间标准起草小组 

IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers 电气和电子工程师学会 

IF Intermediate approach Fix 中间进近定位点 

IFALPA International Federation of Airline Pilots Associations 航空公司驾驶员协会国际联合会 

IFATCA International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers' Associations 空中交通管制员协会国际联合会 

IFCN Interfacility Flow Control Network 设施(单位)间流量管制网络 

IFF 敌我识别器 

IFM Integrated Flow Management 综合流量管理 

IFR Instrument Flight Rules 仪表飞行规则 

IFRB International Frequency Registration Board 国际频率注册委员会 

IFSS International Flight Service Station 国际飞行服务站 

IBM International Business Machines (美国)国际商用机器公司 

ILA International Law Association 国际法律协会 

ILS Instrument Landing System 仪表着陆系统 

IMA Integrated Modular Avionics 集成化模块式航空电子设备 

IMAWP Initial Missed Approach Waypoint 起始复飞航路点 

IMC Instrument Meteorological Conditions 仪表气象条件 

IMCS Interim MCS 过渡性监控/管制软件 

IMO International Maritime Organization 国际海事组织 

IMS Integrity Monitoring System 完好性监视系统 

IN Information Need 信息需求 

INMARSAT International Marine Satellite Organization 国际移动卫星组织(原名国际海事卫星组织) 

INS Inertial Navigation System 惯性导航系统 

INS Insert 插入 

INTNET Integrated Data Communications Network 集成化数据通信网络 

I/O input/output 输入/输出 

IOACG Informal Indian Ocean Air Traffic Services Coordinating Group 非正式印度洋空中交通服务协调小组 

IOC Initial Operational Capability 初始运行能力 

IOD GPS Issue of Data 全球定位系统数据发布 

ION Institute of Navigation 导航学会 

IOR Indian Ocean Region 印度洋区域 

IOT§E Initial Operational Test and Evaluation 初始运行测试和评估 

IP Internetwork Protocol 网络间协议 

IPACG Informal Pacific Air Traffic Control Coordination Group 非正式太平洋空中交通管制协调小组 

IRS Inertial Reference System 惯性参考系统 

ISA International Standard Atmosphere 国际标准大气 

ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network 综合业务数字网络 

ISNS 国际卫星导航服务 

ISO International Organization for Standardization 国际标准化组织 

ISPACG Informal South Pacific ATS Co-Ordination Group 非正式南太平洋空中交通服务协调小组 

ISSS Initial Sector Suite Subsystem 起始扇区管制席位分系统 

ITU International Telecommunication Union 国际电信联盟 

ITWS Integrated Terminal Weather Service 综合终端气象服务 

IVAD Integrate Voice and Data 综合话音和数据(通信数据链) 

IVRS Interim Voice Response System 过渡性话音响应系统 

IWP Interim Working Party 临时工作组 

JAWS Joint Airport Weather Studies 联合机场气象研究 

JCAB Japan Civil Aviation Bureau 日本民航局 

JAWS Joint Airport Weather Studies 联合机场气象研究 

JPO Joint GPS Planning Office 联合GPS规划办公室 

JSS Joint Surveillance System 联合监视系统 

Kbps Kilo bits per second 千位每秒 

KDP Key Decision Point 关键性决定点 

kHz Kilohertz 千赫 

KLAAS Kinematics Local Area Augmentation System 动态地面局域增强系统 

KLADGNSS Kinematics Local Area Differential GNSS 动态地局域差分GNSS 

kW Kilowatt 千瓦 

kWh Kilowatt hour 千瓦小时 

L1 1575.42MHz L-Band carrier L1频率 

L2 1227.6MHz L-Band carrier L2频率 

LAAS Local Area Augmentation System 局域增强系统 

LACAC Latin American Civil Aviation Commission 拉丁美洲民航委员会 

LADGNSS Local Area Differential GNSS 局域差分全球卫星导航系统 

LADS 局域差分系统 

LAN Local Area Network 局域网 

LAT/LONG Latitude/Longitude 

Lat/Long Reference Waypoint 经/纬度 


L-Band Approx 1,500MHz L 波段(1500兆赫附近频段) 

LCD Liquid Crystal Display 液晶显示 

LCN Local Communications Network 局域通信网络 

LDGPS Local Differential GPS 本地差分GPS 

LEO Low Earth Orbit 近地轨道、低高度轨道 

LGA Low Gain Antenna 低增益天线 

LCN Local Communications Network 局域通信网络 

LLWSA(S) Low Level Wind Shear Alert System 低空风切变报警系统 

LMM Locator Middle Marker 航向中指点标 

LNA Low Noise Amplifier 低噪音放大器 

LNAV Lateral Navigation 侧向导航 

LOC Localize Transmitter(Localizer) 航向台发信机 

LOM Locator Outer Marker 航向外指点标 

LON Longitude 经度 

LORAN-C Long Range Navigation System 罗兰-C导航系统 

LPC Linear Predicative Coding 线性预测编码 

LRR Long Range Radar 远程雷达 

LRU Line Replaceable Unit 在线替换部件 

LSB Least Significant Bit 最低有效位 

LVA Large Vertical Aperture 大垂直孔径 

MALSR Medium-intensity Approach Lighting System with Runway alignment indicator lights 中级亮度进近照明系统,并有跑道对准线显示灯 

MAP Missed Approach Point 复飞点 

MAR Minimally Attended Radar 需低度护理的雷达 

MASPS Minimum Aeronautical System Standards 最低航空系统标准 

MASPS Minimum Aircraft (Aviation) System Performance Specification(Standards) 最小飞机(航空)系统性能标准 扩展频谱 

MAWP Missed Approached Waypoint 

MB Market Beacon 指点标 

MBI Message Block Identifier 信息块指示器 

mbps、Mbit/s mega bits per second 兆位每秒 

MCA Minimum Crossing Altitude 最低穿越高度 

MCC Maintenance Control Center 维护控制中心 

MCDU Multifunction Control Display Unit 多功能控制显示单元 

MCI Mode C intruder 装有C模式应答器的入侵飞机 

MCS Master Control Station 主控站 

MCS Monitoring/Control Software 监控/管制软件 

MDA Minimum Descent Altitude 最低下降高度 

MDT Maintenance Data Terminal 维护数据终端 

MEA Minimum En-route Altitude 最低航路高度 

MED Manual Entry Device 人工输入器 

MET Meteorology 气象 

METAR Meteorological Report of Aerodrome Conditions 机场条件气象报告 

MFCP Multifunction Control Display Panel 多功能控制显示面板 

MFDU Multifunction Display Unit 多功能显示单元 

MHz Megahertz 兆赫 

MIDANPIRG Middle East Air Navigation Planning and Implementation Regional Group 中东地区航行规划实施小组 

MIFR Master International Frequency Registration 国际频率注册管理站(员) 

MIL Military 军方 

MKR Marker 指点标 

MLS Microwave Landing System 微波着陆系统 

MMALS Multi-Mode Approach and Landing System 多模式进近和着陆系统 

MMI Man-Machine Interface 人机接口 

MMR Multi-Mode Receiver 多模式接收机 

MMS Maintenance Management System 维护管理系统 

MMW Millimeter Wave 毫米波 

MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specification 最低导航性能规范 

MNPSA MNPS airspace 最低导航性能规范空域 

MNT Mach Number Technique 马赫数技术 

MOCA Minimum Obstruction Clearance Altitudes 最低超障净空高度 

Mode S specific services S模式特定业务 

MODEM Modulator-Demodulator 调制解调器 

MOPR Minimum Operational Performance Requirements 最低运行性能要求 

MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standards 最低运行性能规范 

MORA Minimum Off-Route Altitude 低偏离航路高度 

MOS Metal-Oxide Semiconductor 金属-氧化物半导体 

MOU Memorandum Of Understanding 备忘录 

MPS Maintenance Processor Subsystem 维护处理机分系统 

MRA Minimum Reception Altitude 最低接受高度 

MRT Multi-Radar Tracking 多雷达跟踪 

MRT-VU Multi-Radar Tracking using Variable Update 采用变化更新的多雷达跟踪 

MSA Minimum Sector Altitude 最低扇区高度 

MSAT 移动业务卫星系统(美国的) 

MSAW Minimum Safe Altitude Warning 最低安全高度警告 

MSCP Mobile Satellite Service Provider 移动卫星业务提供者 

MSE Mean Square Error 均方误差 

MSK Minimum Shift Keying 最小移频键控 

MSL Mean Sea Level 平均海平面 

MSP Mode S specific protocol S模式特别协议(规程) 

MSU Mode Select Unit 模式选择单元 

MTBA Mean Time Between Alarm(Warning) 平均告警间隔时间 

MTBF Mean Time Between Failure 平均故障间隔时间 

MTBO Mean Time Between Outage 平均故障停工间隔时间 

MTBR Mean Time Between Repairs 平均故障修复间隔时间 

MTBUR Mean Time Between Unit Replacements 平均更换故障单元间隔时间 

MTBW Mean Time Between Warning 平均告警间隔时间 

MTD Maintenance Terminal Display 维护终端显示器 

MTI Moving Target Indicator 活动目标指示器 

MTM Module Test and Maintenance 模块测试和维护 

MTMIU Module Test and Maintenance Bus Interface Unit 模块测试和维护总线接口单元 

MTN MEGA Transport Network MEGA运输网络 

MTSAT Multi-Functional Transport Satellite 多功能传送卫星(日本) 

MTTDA Mean Time To Dispatch Alert 平均签派告警时间 

MTTF Mean Time To Failure 平均故障时间 

MTTM Mean Time To Maintenance 平均维护时间 

MTTR Mean Time to Repair 维平均修时间 

MTTR Mean Time to Restore 平均恢复时间 

MU Management Unit 管理单元 

MUS Minimum Use Specification 最低应用规格 

MUX Multiplexer 复用器 

MN Multisensor Navigation 多传感器导航 

MUX Multiplexer 多工器,复用器 

MWARA Major World Air Route Area 世界主要航路区 

MWO Meteorological Watch Office 气象观测台 

N Navigation 导航 

NA Not Applicable 不可用 

NACK Negative Acknowledgment 出错通知 

NAD North American Datum 北美数据(基准) 

NADIN National Airspace Data Interchange Network 国家空域数据交换网 

NAGU 咨询报告 

NAILS National Airspace Integrated Logistics Support 国家空域综合后勤保障 

NAPA 国家公共管理科学院(美国) 

Nanosecond One billionth of a second 十亿分之一秒 

NAR National Airspace Review 国家空域审议 

NARACS National Radio Communications System 国家无线电通信系统 

NAS National Airspace System 国家空域系统 

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration 国家航空和宇航局(美国) 

NASNET National Airspace System Network 国家空域系统网络 

NASP National Airport System Plan 国家航空港系统计划 

NASPALS NAS Precision Approach and Landing System 国家空域系统进近和着陆系统 

NAT North Atlantic 北大西洋地区 

NAT ADSG North Atlantic Automatic Dependent Surveillance Development Group 北大西洋自动相关监视开发小组 

NAT ATS North Atlantic Air Traffic Services 北大西洋空中交通服务 

NAT SPG North Atlantic Systems Planning Group 北大西洋系统规划组 

NATCOM National Communications Center, Kansas City, Missouri 国家通信中心(位于密苏里州堪萨斯城) 

NATS National Air Traffic Service 国家空中交通服务 

NAV Navigation 

NAVAID Navigational Aid 导航设施 

NAVAID Radio Aid to Navigation 无线电助(导)收设备 

NAVD North American Vertical Datum 北美垂直向数据 

NCA National Control Authority 国家指挥当局 

NAWP National Aviation Weather Processor 国家航空气象处理机 

NCC Network Control Center 网络控制中心 

NCD No-Computed Data 无算出数据 

NCIU NEXRAD communications interface unit 改进型气象雷达通信接口单元 

NCP Network Control processor 网络控制处理器 

NCS Network Coordinating Station 网络协调台 

NDB Nondirectional Radio Beacon 无方向信标 

NEAN North European ADS-B Network 北欧ADS-B网络 

NEOF National Emergency Operations Facilities 国家应急指挥设施 

NEXRAD Next Generation Weather Radar 改进型气象雷达;下一代气象雷达 

NGRS National Geodetic Reference System 国家测地参考系统 

NGS National Geodetic Survey 国家测地勘察 

NICS NAS Interfacility Communications System 国家空域系统设施间的通信系统 

NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology 国家标准和技术研究所 

NLES 导航岸站 

NM (NMI) Nautical Mile 海里,节 

NMC National Meteorological Center 国家气象中心(美国) 

NMCE Network Monitoring and Control Equipment 网络监控设备 

NMDPS Network Management Data Process System 网络管理数据处理系统 

NMS Navigation Management System 导航管理系统 

NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 国家海洋和大气局(美国) 

NOPAC North Pacific 北太平洋 

NOTAM Notice to Airmen 航行通告 

NPA Non-Precision Approach 非精密进近 

NPDU Network Protocol Data Unit 网络协议数据单元 

NPLAS National Plan of Integrated Airport Systems 国家综合航空港系统的计划 

NRC National Research Committee 国家科学研究委员会(美国的) 

NSAP Network Service Access Point 网络服务访问点 

NSB National Secure Bureau 国家保安局(美国的) 

NSC Network Service Centre 网络服务中心 

NSDU Network Service Data Unit 网络服务数据单元 

NSE Navigation System Error 导航系统误差 

NSSF NAS Simulation Support Facility 国家空域系统的仿真保障设施 

NTLA National Telecommunications Information Agency 国家电信资料署(美国) 

NTSB National Transportation Safety Board 国家运输安全委员会(美国) 

NWS National Weather Service 国家气象服务(美国) 

O&M Operation and Maintenance 运行和维修 

O.R. Operational Requirement 运营要求 

OACC Oceanic Area Control Center 海洋区域管制中心 

OAS Obstacle Assessment Surface 障碍物评价面 

OAS Oceanic Automation System 海洋自动化系统 

OCA Obstacle Clearance Altitude 超障净高度 

OCA Oceanic Control Area 海洋管制区 

OCH Obstacle Clearance Height 超障高 

OCM Oceanic Clearance Message 海洋放行许可信息 

OCP ICAO Obstacle Clearance Panel 国际民航组织超障净空专家组 

OCS 运行控制系统 

OCS Obstacle Clearance Surface 超障面 

ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System 全向进近灯光系统 

ODAPS Oceanic Display and Planning System 远洋飞行显示和规划系统 

ODF Oceanic Development Facility 海洋开发设施 

ODIAC Operational Development of Initial Air-ground data Communications 早期空-地数据通信运行开发 

ODL Oceanic Data Link 海洋数据链 

OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer 原始设备制造商 

OFDPS Offshore Flight Data Processing System 近海飞行数据处理系统 

OLAN Onboard Local Area Network 机载局域网 

OLDI On-line Data Interchange 联机数据交换 

OMB Office of Management and Budget 国家管理和预算局(美国) 

OMEGA A navigation system that uses two high-powered transmitter grounds stations to broadcast a continuous wave signal. 奥米加导航系统 

ODALS Omnidirectional Approach Lighting System 全向进近灯光系统 

OOOI Out-Off-On-In 滑出-起飞-接地-停靠门位 

OP Operational 运行 

OP SUP Operational Supervisor 运营监督 

OPMT Operations Planning Management Team 运营规划管理小组 

OPTUS Name of one of Australia's Telecommunications Providers 澳大利亚电信业务提供者之一的名字 

OR Operational Requirements 运行要求 

ORD Operational Readiness Demonstration 运行准备就绪示范 

ORI Orientation 面向 

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration 职业安全和卫生局(美国) 

OSI Open Systems Interconnection 开放系统互联 

OSST FAA Oceanic Separation Standard Team 联邦航空局海洋间隔标准小组(美国) 

OTA Office of Technology Assessment 技术评估办公室(美国) 

OTC Overseas Telecommunications Company 海外通信公司 

OTS Organized Track Structure 编组航迹系统 

P-Code Precision Code (精)P-码 

oxy Oxygen 氧气 

P 精密码(军用码) 

PA Preassignment Arrangement 预先分配 

PAC Pacific 太平洋 

PACOTS Pacific Organized Track System 太平洋组织的跟踪系统 

PANS Procedures for air navigation services 空中航行服务程序 

PANS-OPS Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Aircraft Operations 航行服务-航空器运营程序 

PANS/RAC Procedures for Air Navigation Services-Rules of the Air Traffic 空中导航服务程序,空中交通服务规则 

PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator 精密进近航道指示器 

PAR Precision Approach Radar 精密进近雷达 

PATWAS Pilots Automatic Telephone Weather Answering Service 驾驶员电话询问气象的自动回答服务 

PCA Positive Control Area 绝对管制区 

PCC Pilot Controller Communication 驾驶员管制员通信 

PCFL Pre-Cleared Flight Level 预放行高度 

PCI Protocol Control Information 协议控制信息 

PCM Pulse Code Modulation 脉码调制 

P-Code The GPS precision code GPS精密码(军用码) 

PCS Power Conditioning System 电力调节系统 

PDC Pre-Departure Clearance 起飞前放行许可 

P-DME Precision Distance Measuring Equipment 精密测距仪 

PDN Public Data Network 公共数据网 

PDOP Position Dilution of Precision 位置精度扩散因子 

PEDI Planning, Education, Demonstration and Implementation 规划、教育、演示和实施 

PER Packed Encoding Rules 分组编码规则 

PET Pacific Engineering Trials 太平洋工程试验 

PF Position Fix Error 位置固定误差 

PFCS Primary Flight Control System 主要飞行控制系统 

PFE Path Following Error 路径跟踪误差 

PFL Planned Flight Level 计划飞行高度 

PHARE Program for Harmonized ATM Research in EUROCONTROL 欧安局空中交通管理研究协调计划 

PIAC Peak Instantaneous Aircraft Count 瞬时峰值飞机数目 

PIREP Pilot Report 驾驶员报告 

PL Psuedolite 伪卫星 

PN Pseudo-noise 伪噪音 

PNCS Performance Navigation Computer System 导航计算机系统性能 

POB Persons On Board 机上人员 

POC Proof Of Concept 概念验证 

POR Pacific Ocean Region 太平洋区域 

PPS Precise Positioning Service 精密定位服务 

PR Psuedo-Range 伪距离 

PRC Pseudorange Correction 伪距校正 

PRE Pseudo-Range Error 伪距误差 

PRF Pulse Repetition Frequency 脉冲重复频率 

PPI Plan Position Indicator 平面位置显示器 

PRM Precision Runway Monitoring 精密跑道监视 

PRN Pseudo Random Number 伪随机噪数字 

PROFS Program for Regional Observing and Forecasting Services 地区观测和预报服务项目 

PRR Pseudo-Range Rate 伪距变化率 

PSK Phase Shift Keying 相移键控 

PSR Primary Surveillance Radar 一次监视雷达 

PSTN Public Switched Telecommunications Network 公共电信交换网 

PTR Production Test Requirements 产生测试请求 

PTT Push To Talk 按下发话 

PTT Post、Telegraph、Telephone 邮政、电报、电话 

PUPS Principal User Processor 主要用户处理器 

PVC Permanent Virtual Circuit 永久性虚拟电路 

PVD Plan View Display 平面图显示器 

PVT Position, Velocity, Time 位置、速度、时间 

PZ-90 基准坐标系统(俄罗斯) 

QAM Quadrate Amplitude Modulation 正交调幅 

QC Quality Control 质量控制 

QFE Atmospheric Pressure at Aerodrome Elevations or at Runway Threshold 在机场海拨高度或跑道端头的大气压 

QNH Altimeter Sub-scale Setting to obtain Elevation when off the Ground 高度表示刻度设置以得到离地时的海拨高 度 

QOP Quality Operating Procedures 质量操作程序 

QOS Quality-Of-Service 服务质量 

QPSK Quadruple Phase Shift Keying 四相相移键控 

R&D Research and Development 研究和开发 

R,E&D Research, Engineering and Development 研究, 工程和开发 

RA Resolution Advisory 解脱咨询 

RAAS Regional Augmentation System 区域增强系统 

RAC Rules of the Air and ATS 空中规则和空中交通服务 

RACGAT Russian/American Coordinating Group on Air Traffic Control 空中交通管制俄/美协调组 

RADNET Radar Data Network 雷达数据网 

RADS Radar Alphanumeric Display System 雷达字母和数字显示系统 

RAFC Regional Area Forecast Center 区域预报中心 

RAI Radio Altimeter Indicator 无线电高度指示器 

RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 接收机自主完好性监测 

RAMP Radar Modernization Project 雷达现代化计划 

RAPPS Remote Area Precision Positioning System 边远地区精密定位系统 

RAN Regional Air Navigation 区域空中导航 

RBDS Radio Broadcast Data System 无线电广播数据系统 

RCAG Remote Center Air/Ground communications facility 空对地通信设施的遥控中心 

RCC Rescue Coordination Center 援救协调中心 

RCCC Regional Communications Control Center 地区通信控制中心 

RCE Radio Control Equipment 无线电控制设备 

RCF Radio Communication Failure 无线电通信故障 

RCF Remote Communications Facility 遥控通信设施 

RCL Radio Communications Link 无线电通信链路 

RCL Runway Center Line 跑道中心线 

RCO Remote Communications Outlet 遥控通信引出线 

RCP Required Communication Performance 所需通信性能 

R&D Research and Development 研究和开发 

RDARA Regional and Domestic Air Route Area 地区和国内航路区 

RDF Radar Data Function 雷达数据功能 

RDH Reference Datum Height 基准高度 

RDMI Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator 无线电距离磁指示器 

RDP Radar Data Processing 雷达数据处理 

RDPS Radar Data Processing System 雷达数据处理系统 

RDS Radio Data System 无线电数据系统 

RDSS Radio Determination Satellite Service 无线电测位卫星系统 

RDT&D Research, Development, Trials and Demonstrations 研究、开发、试验和演示 

RECAP Reliability Evaluation and Corrective Action Program 可靠性评估和修改工作项目 

REIL Runway-End Identification Lights 跑道终端识别灯;跑道终端标志灯 

RF Radio Frequency 无线电频率 

RFI Radio Frequency Interference 无线电频率干扰 

RFP Request for Proposal 提案建议 

RFTP Request For Technical Proposal 技术建议提案 

RFU Radio Frequency Unit 射频组件 

RGCSP ICAO Review of the General Concept of Separation Panel 国际民航组织飞行间隔总概念审查专家组 

RGIC Ranging GNSS Integrity Channel 全球导航系统完好性信道范围 

RGS Remote Ground Station 远端地面站 

RHCP Right-Hand-Circular Polarized 右旋圆极化 

RLASM Reduced Lateral Separation Minima 减小的最小侧向间隔 

RLLS runway lead-in lighting system 跑道引进灯光系统 

RLOSM Reduced Longitudinal Separation Minim 减小的最小纵向间隔 

R&M Reliability and Maintainability 可靠性和可维护性 

RML Radar Microwave Link 雷达微波链路 

RMM(S) Remote Maintenance Monitoring System 远端维护监视系统 

RMS Reference Monitoring Station 基准监控站 

RMS Remote Monitoring Subsystem 远端监视分系统 

RMS Root-Mean-Square 均方根值 

RMSC RMS Concentrators 远端监视分系统集中器 

RNAV Area Navigation 区域导航 

RNG Range 距离、范围 

RNP Required Navigation Performance 所需导航性能 

RNPC Required Navigation Performance Capability 所需要导航性能能力 

RNP GM Guidance Material for Required Navigation Performance 所需导航性能指导材料 

RO Roll Out 出厂、装备完备 

ROB Right Outboard 右(飞机)外侧、右(飞机)机翼翼尖处 

ROC Rate Of Climb 爬升率 

ROD Rate Of Descent 下降率 

RPG Radar Products Generator 雷达分量发生器 

RPS Radar Position Symbol 雷达位置符号 

RRWDS Radar Remote Weather Display System 雷达远端气象显示系统 

RSC Rescue Sub-Center 援救分中心 

RSP Required System Performance 所需系统性能 

RSS Root-Sum-Square ( root of squares sum) 平方和根值 

RSSCD Runway Surface Condition 跑道道面情况 

RTA Required Time of Arrival 要求的到达时间 

RTCA Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics 航空无线电技术委员会 

RTCM Radio Technical Commission for Maritime 海事无线电技术委员会 

RTD Research and Technical Development 研究和技术开发 

RTDGPS Real-Time DGPS 实时差分全球定位系统 

RTI Real-Time Interrogate 实时询问器 

RTK Real Time Kinematics carrier tracking 实时动态载波跟踪(技术) 

RTR Remote Transmitter/Receiver 远端无线电收/发信机 

RTS Request To Send 请求发送 

RVR Runway Visual Range 跑道视程 

RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima 缩减的垂直间隔最低标准 

RVV Runway Visibility Value 跑道能见度值 

RWY Runway 跑道 

S Surveillance 监视 

SA Selective Availability 选择可用性 

SAR Search And Rescue 搜索与救援 

SAR System Analysis Recorder 系统分析记录器 

SARPs(SARP) Standard and Recommended Practices 标准和建议措施 

SARSR Air route surveillance radar 航路监视雷达 

SATCOM Satellite Communication 卫星通信 

SCAA 瑞典民航局 

SCAT Special Category 特别类型 

SCAT-I Special Category-I precision approach 特别Ⅰ类精密进近 

SCDU Satellite Control Data Unit 卫星控制数据单元 

SCPC single channel per carrier 单路单载波 

SCSI Small Computer System Interface 小型计算机系统接口 

SD standard deviation 标准偏差 

SDM Space Division Multiplex 空分复用 

SDM System Definition Manual 系统定义手册 

SDMA Space Division Multiple Access 空分多址 

SDU Satellite Data Unit 卫星数据组件 

SEI System Engineering and Integration 系统工程和集成 

SELCAL Selective Calling system 选择呼叫系统 

SEP Spherical Error Probability 球形误差概率 

SET System Embedded Training 系统附带培训 

SICAS Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements and Collision Avoidance 二次监视雷达改进和防撞系 统(国际民航组织) 

SICASP ICAO Secondary Surveillance Radar Improvements and Collision Avoidance Panel 国际民航组织二次监视雷达改进和防撞系 统专家组 

SID Standard Instrument Departure 标准仪表离场 

SIF Standard Interchange Format 标准相互交换格式 

SIGMET Significant Meteorological Information 重要气象信息 

SIGWX Significant Weather 重要天气 

SITA International Society for Aeronautical Telecommunications 国际航空电信协会 

SIU Satellite Interface Unit 卫星接口单元 

SLAP Standard Instrument Approach Procedure 标准仪表进近程序 

SLS Satellite-based Landing System 星基着陆系统 

SM 保密模块 

SMC System Management and Communication 系统管理和通信 

SMC Surface Movement Control 场面活动管制 

SMGCS Surface Movement Guidance and Control Systems 场面活动引导和控制系统 

SMMC System Maintenance Monitor Console 系统维护监控台 

SMR Surface Movement Radar 场面活动监视雷达 

SNOWTAM A special NOTAM for notifying snow. ice etc. 雪情通告 

SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio 信噪比 

SOIT Satellite Operational Implementation Team 卫星运行实施小组 

SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea(IMO standard) 洋区生存安全标准(IMO) 

SOP Standard Operating Procedure 标准运行程序 

SPDS Space-based Position Determination System 星基位置测定系统 

SPS Standard Position Service 标准定位服务 

SRADD Software Requirements And Design Description 软件要求和设计描述 

SRD System Requirements Document 系统需求文件 

SRR Search and Rescue Region 搜寻和援救区 

SSALF Simplified Short Approach Lighting System with sequenced Flashing lights 简易短距进近近灯光系统,并有 顺序闪光灯 

SSALR Simplified Short Approach Lighting system with Runway alignment indicator lights 简易短距进近灯光系统, 并有跑道对准线指示灯 

SSB Single Sideband 单边带 

SSF System Support Facility 系统保障设施 

SSL System Support Laboratory 系统保障实验室 

SSMA Spreaded Spectrum Multiple Access 扩频多址 

SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar 二次监视雷达 

SSR Mode A/C Secondary Surveillance Radar 二次监视雷达A/C模式 

SSR Mode S Secondary Surveillance Radar with Selective Addressing 二次监视雷达S模式(选址模式) 

SSSC Single Sideband Suppressed Carrier 单边带抑制载波 

SST Supersonic Transport 超音速运输机 

STAR Standard Instrument Arrival Routes 标准仪表进场航线 

STC Supplementary type certification 补充型号认证 

STCA Short Term Conflict Alert 短期冲突告警 

STDMA Self- organizing Time Division Multiple Access (datalink) 自组织时分多址 

STEP Service Test and Evaluation Program 服务试验和评估项目 

STOL Short Take Off and Landing 短距起飞和着陆 

STP Standard Temperature and Pressure 标准气温和气压 

SV Space Vehicle 空间运载体(卫星) 

SVN Space Vehicle Number 卫星号 

SVS Synthetic Vision System 综合视景系统 

SVU Satellite Voice Unit 卫星话音单元 

S/W Software 软件 

T&E Test and Evaluation 试验和评估 

TA Traffic Advisory 交通咨询 

TA Transition Altitude 过渡高度 

TAA Terminal Advanced Automation 终端高级自动化 

TACAN Tactical Air Navigation 战术空中导航(塔康导航系统) 

TACS Technical Activities Committee 技术工作委员会 

TARTAR Meeting for the planning and coordination of implementation of ATS Routes Through the Airspace of the Russian Federation, including Middle Asia 通过俄联邦包括中亚的ATC航路实施协调和规划会议 

TAS True Air Speed 真空速 

TBA To be Announced 待发布 

TBD To Be Determined 待定 

TC Type Certificate 型号认证 

TCA Terminal Control Area 终端区 

TCAS Traffic (alert and) Collision Avoidance System 交通(告警和)避撞系统 

TCASⅠ Traffic (alert and) Collision Avoidance SystemⅠ 一类TCAS(提供告警) 

TCASⅡ Traffic (alert and) Collision Avoidance SystemⅡ 二类TCAS(提供告警并提供冲突咨询) 

TCC Terminal Control Center 终端管制中心 

TCCC Tower Control Computer Complex 塔台管制计算机组 

TCH Threshold Crossing Height 跑道入口跨越高度 

TCM Technical Coordination Meeting 技术协调会 

TCP Transport Control Protocol 运输控制规程(协议) 

TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internetwork Protocol 传输控制协议/网络间协议 

TCS Tower Communications System 塔台通信系统 

TCWP Threshold Crossing Waypoint 跑道跨越点 

TDLS Tower Data Link System 塔台数据链系统 

TDM Time Division Multiplex 时分复用 

TDM Track Definition Message 跟踪定义信息 

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址 

TDOP Time Dilution Of Precision 时间精度扩散因子 

TDWR Terminal Doppler Weather Radar 终端多普勒气象雷达 

TDZ Touch-Down Zone 接地区域 

TELCO Telephone Company 电话公司 

TERPS Terminal Instrument Procedures 终端仪表程序 

TFTS Terrestrial Flight Telephone System 全球飞行电话系统 

TGL Touch and Go Landing 连续起落 

THR Threshold 跑道入口 

TIS Traffic Information Service(uplinking of Mode S data) 交通情报服务(S模式数据上行链) 

TKE Track Angle Error 航迹误差 

T/L Top-Level 顶层(设计) 

TL Transition Level 过渡层(级) 

TLS Target Level of Safety 安全目标等级 

TMA Terminal Control Area 终端控制区 

TMA Terminal Maneuvering Area 终端机动区 

TML Television Microwave Link 电视微波链路 

TMP Traffic Management Processor 交通管理处理器 

TMS Traffic Management System 交通管理系统 

TMT 电信移动卫星公司(加拿大) 

TMU Traffic Management Unit 交通管理单元 

TN 挪威电信公司 

TNA Turn Altitude 转弯高度 

TNH Turn Height 转弯高 

TOC Top of Climb 爬高顶点 

TOD Top of Descent 下降极限 

TOGA(TO/GA) Take-Off, Go-Around 起飞、复飞 

TPX Military beacon system 军用信标系统 

T/R Receiver-Transmitter 收发信机 

TRACAB Terminal Radar Approach Control in the tower Cab 在塔台舱的终端雷达进近管制 

TRACON Terminal Radar Approach Control 终端雷达进近管制 

TRACS Terminal Radar and Control System 终端雷达和控制系统 

TREAT Trans EUR/ASIA Air Traffic Management Initiative(for FANS-1 Equipped Aircraft ) 跨欧亚空中交通管理启动项目(提供给装备FANS-1的航空器使用) 

TRP Mode S Transponder S模式应答器 

TRSA Terminal Radar Service Area 终端雷达服务区域 

TSC DOT Transportation System Center 运输部运输系统中心(美国) 

TSD Traffic Situation Display 交通状态显示器 

TSE Total System Error 总系统误差 

TSO Technical Standards Order 技术标准指令 

TSR Terminal Surveillance Radar 终端监视雷达 

TSSF Terminal System Support Facility 终端系统保障设施 

TAA Terminal Advanced Automation 终端高级自动化 

TV Television 电视 

TVOR Terminal VOR 终端甚高频全向信标 

TWDL Two-Way Data Link 双向数据链 

TWEB Transcribed Weather Broadcast 抄录的气象广播 

TWR Tower 塔台 

UAC Upper Area Control Center 高空区域管制中心 

UAR Upper Air Route 高空航路 

UAV Uniform Annual Values 年均值 

UDRE User Differential Range Error 用户差分测距误差 

UDS 国家差分系统 

UERE User Equivalent Range Error 用户等效测距误差 

UFDR Universal Flight Data Recorder 通用飞行数据记录器 

UHF Ultra High Frequency(300-3000MHz) 特高频 

UIC Upper Information Center 高空情报中心 

UIR Upper Flight Information Region 高空飞行情报区 

ULR Ultra Long Range 超远程 

UNDP United Nations Development Program 联合国开发计划署 

UPS Uninterruptible Power System 不间断供电系统 

URA User Range Accuracy 用户测距精度 

URE User Range Error 用户测距误差 

USAF United States Air Force 美国空军 

USCG United State Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队 

UTA Upper Control Area 高空管制区 

UTC Universal Time Coordinated 世界协调时 

UUHF Ultra High Frequency 超高频 

V1 Critical engine failure velocity 发动机失效速度 

V2 Takeoff climb velocity 起飞爬升速度 

VAC Visual Approach Chart 目视进近图 

VASI(S) Visual Approach Slope Indicator System 目视进近坡度指示系统 

VCS Voice Communication System 话音通信系统 

VDL VHF Datalink 甚高频数据链 

VDOP Vertical Dilution Of Precision 垂直精度扩散因子 

VDR VHF Data Radio 甚高频数据无线电 

VFOP Visual Flight Rules Operations Panel 目视飞行规则运行专家组 

VFR Visual Flight Rules 目视飞行规则 

VHF Very High Frequency(30-300MHz) 甚高频 

VHF R/T Very High Frequency Receiver/Transmitter 甚高频收/发信机 

V/L VOR/Localizer 全向信标/航向台 

VLF Very Low Frequency 甚低频 

VMC Visual Meteorological Conditions 目视气象条件 

VNAV Vertical Navigation 垂直导航 

VNR VHF Navigation Receiver 甚高频导航接收机 

VOLMET Meteorological Information for Aircraft in Flight 飞行中的气象信息 

VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio Range(navigation beacon) 甚高频全向信标 

VOR/DME A system in which a VOR and DME station are co-located 甚高频全向信标和测距仪合装的台址 

VORTAC VOR Co-located with TACAN 甚高频全向信标塔康 

VOT VHF Omnidirectional range Test 甚高频全向信标试验 

VOX Voice Transmission 话音传输 

VRS Voice Response System 话音响应系统 

VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal 甚小孔径终端 

VSCS Voice Switching and Control System 话音交换和控制系统 

VSI Vertical Speed Indicator 垂直器 

VSM Vertical Separation Minimum 垂直间隔最低标准 

VSP Vertical Speed 垂直速度 

VSWR Voltage Standing Wave Ratio 电压驻波比 

VTOL Vertical Take Off and Landing 垂直起飞和着陆 

VASI Visual Approach Slope Indicator 目视进近坡度指示器 

WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System 广域增强系统 

WADGPS Wide Area Differential GPS 广域差分全球定位系统 

WADS Wide Area Differential System 广域差分系统 

WAFC World Area Forecast Center 世界区域预报中心 

WAFS World Area Forecast System 世界区域预报系统 

WARC World Administrative Radio Conference 世界无线电行政大会 

WCP Weather Communications Processor 气象通信处理器 

WDI Wind Direction Indicator 风向指示器 

WGS World Geodetic Survey 世界测量系统 

WGS-72 World Geodetic Survey of 1972 标准测地系统1972年标准 

WGS-84 World Geodetic Survey of 1984(Standard Geodetic reference System) 标准测地系统1984年 

WMSC Weather Message Switching Center 气象信息交换中心 

WMSCR WMSC Replacement 气象信息交换中心更新 

WP Way Point 航路点 

WRS Wide-area Reference Station 广域站 

WS Wind Shear 风切变 

WS Wind Speed 风速 

WSR Weather Service Radar 气象服务雷达 

Wx Weather 气象 

WXR Weather Radar 气象雷达 

XCVR Transceiver 收发信机 

XLS Multi-mode Landing System 多模式着陆系统 

XMT Transmitter 发射机 

XPDR Transponder 应答机 

XT(XMTR) Transmitter 发射机 

XTK 航迹侧向偏离 

YSAS Yaw Stability Augmentation System 偏航稳定增强 

YD Yaw Damper 偏航阻尼 

Z-Marker Z maker beacon Z指点标 


A Aeroplane (JAR-FCL) 

A/C Aircraft NOTE: plural form if "aircraft" takes no "s": aircraft 

A/G Air/Ground (Air to ground and v.v. 

ACAS Automatic Collision Avoidance System 

ACC Area Control Center 

ACI Airport Council International 

ACT active, activated, activation message 

AD Aerodrome 

ADCUS Advise customs 

ADEP Aerodrome of Departure 

ADES Aerodrome of Destination 

ADF Automatic Direction Finder 

ADIZ Air Defence Identification Zone 

ADLP Airborne Data Link Processor 

ADS Automatic Dependent Surveillance 

ADS-A Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Address 

ADS-B Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (see Capstone Test) 

ADS-C Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract 

AEA Association of European Airlines 

AECMA Association Européenne de Construction de Matériel Aéronautique 

AFB Air Force Base 

AFIS Aerodrome Flight Information Service 

AFTN Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunication Network 

AGA Aerodromes and Ground Aids (AIP) 

AGATE Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiments (NASA) 

AGL Above Ground Level 

AGLO Arbeitsgruppe Luftraum-Organisation 

AIC Aeronautical Information Circular 

AIM ATFM Information Message 

AIP Aeronautical Information Publication 

AIRAC Aeronautical Information Regulation and Control 

Airport M. Airport Manager (JAR-FCL) 

AIS Aeronautical Information Service 

ALT Altitude 

ALTN Alternate 

ALTP Airline Transport Pilot(s Licence) 

AMC Airspace Management Cell 

AMC Acceptable Means of Compliance 

AME Aero Medical Examiner 

AME ATM Message Exchange 

AMIE AIS Met Information Equipment (Swiss Computer Self Briefing System) 

AMS Aero Medical Services 

AMSL Above mean sea level 

ANM ATFM Notification Message 

ANR Air Navigation Routes 

ANS Active Noise System 

ANS Air Navigation Services 

AO Aircraft Operator 

AOPA Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 

AOWIR Aircraft Operator WHAT-IF Reroute 

APP Approach 

ARCID Aircraft Identification 

ARINC (former Aeronautical Radio Inc., now just)ARINC (Manufacturer/Standard Setter) 

ARN ATS Route Network 

ARNS Aeronautical Radio Navigation Services 

ARO Air Traffic Services Reporting Office 

ARP Airport Reference Point 

ARR Arrival 

ASAP As soon as possible 

ASF Air Safety Foundation (AOPA-USA) 

ASM Air Space Management 

ASPH Asphalt Runway 

ATA Actual Time of Arrival 

ATC(U) Air Traffic Control (Unit) 

ATE Actual Time Enroute 

ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management 

ATIR Air Traffic Incident Report ("Near-Miss Report") 

ATIS Automatic Terminal Information Service 

ATM Air Traffic Management 

ATPL Airline Transport Pilot ('s Licence) 

ATS Air Traffic Services 

ATSP Air Traffic Service Provider 

AUP Airspace Use Plan 

AVGAS Aviation Gasoline (piston aircraft fuel) 

AWY Airway 

BABLW Bundesamt für Betriebe der Luftwaffe 

BAZL Bundesamt für Zivilluftfahrt (Swiss CAA) 

BBJ Boeing Business Jet 

BDY Boundary 

BEF Before 

BFR Biennial Flight Review (USA) 

BFEAA Bureau Fédéral pour Enquètes d'Accidents d'Avions 

BFU Büro für Flugunfalluntersuchungen 

BRNAV Basic RNAV (RNP-5 compliant) 

BSE Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (or: mad cow desease) 

Crew Office (AIS/MET) 

C Celsius (Centigrade) 

CAA Civil Aviation Authority (of a country) 

CAS Calibrated Air Speed 

CASA Civil Aviation Safety Agency (CAA in Australia) 

CASA Computer Assisted Slot Allocation 

CAT Clear-Air Turbulence 

CAT Commercial Air Transport 

CAT I Instrument Landing Category I (similar: CAT II, CAT III) 

CARD II CNS Applications Research & Development 

CAVOK Ceiling and Visibility ok (good VFR weather) 

CB Cumulonimbus 

CBA Cost-Benefit Analysis 

CDR Conditional Route (FUA) 

CDTI Cockpit Display of Traffic Information 

CEAC Conférence Européenne de l'Aviation Civile (see ECAC) 

CFI Certified Flight Instructor (USA) 

CFII Certified Flight Instructor IFR (USA) 

CFIT Controlled Flight Into Terrain 

CFMU Central Flow Management Unit of Eurocontrol 

CHF Swiss Francs (Bankers' code) 

CIA CFMU Internet Application 

CILO Capacity Increase LOwer airspace 

CIV Civil 

CLR Clearance (or cleared) 

CLSD Closed 

CNS Communication Navigation Surveillance 

CNS/ATM Communication Navigation Surveillance/Air Traffic Management 

COM Communications 

COPI Co-Pilot 

CPDLC Controller-Pilot DataLink Capability 

CPL Commercial Pilots Licence 

CR Class Rating (JAR-FCL) 

CRAM Conditional Route Availability Message 

CRCO Central Route Charge Office of Eurocontrol 

CRE Class Rating Examiner (JAR-FCL) 

CRI Class Rating Instructor (JAR-FCL) 

CRS Conditional Route System (FUA: "Temporary Airways" on request) 

CSAR CFMU Service Anomaly Report 

CTAF Common Traffic Advisory Frequency 

CTO Calculated Time Over 

CTOT Calculated Take-Off time 

CTR Control Zone 

CU Cumulus 

CUST Customs 

CVFR Controlled VFR (still existing in some countries) 

CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder 

DAP Downlink Aircraft Parameter (Mode S Transponder) 

dB Decibel 

DC Dual Control (JAR-FCL) 

DCA Directorate of Civil Aviation 

DCT direct 

DEG Degrees 

DEL Delay/delayed 

DEP Departure 

DFS Deutsche Flugsicherung AG 

DG Director General (or: Direction Générale e.g. EU) 

DGNSS Differential GNSS 

DGPS Differential GPS 

DL Data Link 

DLA Delay (Message of an ICAO FPL) 

DME Distance Measuring Equipment 

DUAT Direct User Access Terminal (US Computer Self-Briefing system) 

E East 

EAA Experimental Aircraft Association 

EASA European Aviation Safety Authority (planned to replace JAA) 

EATCHIP European Air Traffic Control Harmonization Implementation Project 

EATMP European Air Traffic Management Programme (successor of EATCHIP) 

EATMS European Air Traffic Management System 

EBAA European Business Aviation Association 

EC European Commission 

ECAC European Civil Aviation Conference ("Association" of Europe's CAAs) 

EET Estimated Elapsed Time 

EGASF European General Aviation Safety Foundation 

EGNOS European Geostationary Navigation Overlay System 

EHS Enhanced Surveillance (Mode S, 2nd step) 

ELBA Emergency Locator Beacon-Aircraft 

ELEV Elevation 

ELS Elementary Surveillance (Mode S, 1st Step) 

ELT Emergency Locator Transmitter (crash-activated transmitter) 

EOBD Estimated off-block date 

EOBT Estimated off-block time 

ERA European Regional Airlines Association 

ERR Error (Message) 

ESA European Space Agency 

ETA Estimated Time of Arrival 

ETD Estimated Time of Departure 

ETFMS Enhanced Tactical Flow Management System 

ETO Estimated Time Over 

ETOPS Extended Twin-Engine (Overwater) Operations (or: Engines Turn Or Passengers Swim) 

ETOT Estimated Take-Off Time 

ETSC European Transport Safety Council 

EU European Union 

EUR European Region 

EUROCAE European Organisation for Civil Aviation Electonics 

F Fahrenheit 

F/E Flight Engineer (see also FE) 

FAA Federal Aviation Administration 

FADEC Full Authority Digital Engine Control 

FAF Final Approach Fix 

FANS Future Air Navigation System (an ICAO project group) 

FAR Federal Aviation Regulation (+Number) 

FBO Fixed Base Operator 

FCL Flight Crew Licensing 

FDR Flight Data Recorder 

FE Flight Examiner (JAR-FCL) 

FI (automatic) Flight Identification (Mode S ELS) 

FIC Flight Information Center 

FIE Flight Instructor Examiner 

FIO Flight Information Office 

FIR Flight Information Region 

FIS Flight Information Service 

FFAS Free Flight Air Space (Eurocontrol Definition) 

FL Flight Level, Altitude x100 = feet AMSL (FL 70 = 7000ft) at ISA 

FLOS Flight Level Orientation System 

FLS Flight Suspension Message 

FLT Flight 

FM Frequency Modulation 

FMD Flow Management Division 

FMP Flow Management Position (local Slot coordinator) 

FMS Flight Management System 

FNM Flight Notification Message 

FNPT Flight Navigation and Procedure Trainer (JAR-FCL) 

FOCA Federal Office for Civil Aviation (Swiss CAA) 

FPD Flight Plan Data 

FPL Flight Plan (for ATC) 

fpm feet per minute (vertical speed) 

FSDO Flight Safety District Office (FAA USA) 

FSH Flight Shift Message 

FSS Flight Service Station 

ft feet (approx 0.3 Meters) 

FTD Flight Training Device (lower category "simulator") 

FTDT Flight Time & Duty Time 

FTO Flight Training Organisation (Flight School) 

FUA Flexible Use of Airspace 

FVS Fliegerische Vor-Schulung 

G Acceleration force unit (1G = Earth Gravity) 

GA General Aviation (mainly private and business aviation) 

GA&AW GA/AW General Aviation and Aerial Work (all non-commercial civil aviation) 

GAC General Aviation Center 

GAFOR General Aviation Forecast (Weather) 

GAL Gallons (usually US 3.78 liter, may be Imperial 4.54 liter) 

GAMA General Aviation Manufacturers Association (USA) 

GAP General Aviation Propulsion (Program) 

GAT General Aviation Terminal 

GBAS Ground Based Augmentation System (DGNSS/DGPS/LAAS) 

GCA Ground Controlled Approach ("Talk-down") 

GEN General 

GENDEC General Declaration Customs Form see full size, download zipped form, 

GHz Gigahertz (1'000 MHz or 1'000'000'000 Hertz) 

GLD Glider 

GLONASS Global Orbitting Navigation Satellite System (Russian GNSS) 

GLS GPS Landing System 

GM-P10 GM=Morocco, P10=Prohibited Area No. 10. 

GND Ground 

GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System (Satellite Navigation in General) 

GPA Groupe Parlementaire pour l'Aviation 

GPS Global Positioning System (USA GNSS), see also FAA GPS Product Team 

GPWS Ground Proximity Warning System 

GS Ground Speed 

H Helicopter (JAR-FCL) 

HB- Swiss nationality marks for aircraft registration 

HP, hp Horse Power 

hPa Hecto-Pascal. Unit to measure pressure (e.g. weather reports) 

HDG Heading 

HEL Helicopter 

HF High Frequency 

HJ Operating hours during daylight 


HP Horsepower 

HQ Headquarters 

HSI Horizontal Situation Indicator 

HX Operating hours on request 

H24 Operating 24 hours 

IACA International Air Charter Association 

IAF Initial Approach Fix 

IAOPA International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations 

IAOPA-EUR IAOPA European Region 

IAS Indicated Air Speed 

IATA International Air Transport Association 

ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation (a UN-Suborganisation) 

ID Identification 

IFPS Initial Flightplan Processing System of Eurocontrol 

IFR Instrument Flight Rules ("all" weather operations rules) 

IG, IGal Imperial Gallon (4,54 Liter) 

ILS Instrument Landing System 

IMC Instrument Meteo Conditions (weather requiring IFR flight) 

in inch 

inHg inches of Mercury (unit of pressure) 

INS Intertial Navigation System 

IOBD Initial Off-Block Date 

IOBT Initial Off-Block Time 

IPPL National (ICAO) Private Pilots License (AOPA internal abbreviation) 

IR Instrument Rating 

IR Infra Red 

IRE Instrument Rating Examiner (JAR-FCL) 

ISA ICAO Standard Atmosphere ) Both definitions exist. 

ISA International Standard Atmosphere ) Unclear which one is correct! 

ITU International Telecommunication Union 

JAA Joint Aviation Authorities (CAA of Europe) 

JAR Joint Aviation Requirement 

JAR-36 JAR on Aircraft Noise 

JAR-FCL JAR on Flight Crew Licensing 

JAR-MED JAR on Medical 

JAR-OPS 1 JAR on Flight Operations (Commercial Air Transport) 

JAR-OPS 2 JAR on Flight Operations (General Aviation and Aerial Work) 

JET-A1 Jet Fuel type A1 

JPPL JAR-FCL Private Pilots License (AOPA internal abbreviation) 

JSA Joint Steering Assembly (JAA) 

JURG Joint User Requirement Group 

kHz Kilohertz (1'000 Hertz) 

KIAS knots indicated air speed 

KOSIF Koordinationsstelle für Schiess-Informationen (Swiss MIL Shooting) 

KTAS knots true air speed 

kts knots (1.852 km/h) 

LAAS Local Area Augmentation System 

LAHSO Land And Hold Short Operation (to cross intersecting runway) 

LBA Luftfahrt-Bundes-Amt (German CAA) 

LDG Landing 

LH Lefthand 

LI-R5 LI=Italy, R5=Restricted Area No. 5 

LLZ Localizer (approach system) 

LNAV Lateral Navigation (GLS) Approach 

LOC Local, Location, Localizer 

LORAN Long Range Navigation 

LS-D12 LS=Switzerland, D12=Danger Area No. 12 

LT Local Time 

MAC Mean Aerodynamic Chord 

MAP Map section of AIP 

MAS Managed Airspace (Eurocontrol Definition for ATM2000+) 

MASP Minimum Aviation System Performance 

MATZ Military ATZ 

MCTR Military CTR 

MD Medical Doctor 

ME Multi-Engine 

MEA Minimum Enroute Altitude 

MET Meteo (office, report, service etc.) 

METAR Meteorological Actual Report (current weather) 

MHz Megahertz (1'000 kHz) 

MIL Military 

MLS Microwave Landing System 

MM Middle Marker 

MMR Multi-Mode Receiver 

MNPS Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications 

MOD Moderate 

MOGAS Motor Gasoline (Auto-Gas) 

MON Motor Octane Number (aviation fuel rating) 

MOT Ministry of Transport 

MP Multi-Pilot (JAR-FCL) 

MPA Multi-Pilot Aeroplane 

MPH Multi-Pilot Helicopter 

mph Miles per hour (statute miles, 1.609 km/h) 

MSG Message 

MSL Mean Sea Level 

MTOM Maximum Take-Off Mass 

MTOW Maximum Take-Off Weight 

M$ Megadollars (1'000'000 US dollars) 

n/a not available 

N North 

NAA National Aviation Authority (generic term within JAA) 

NASA National Aeronautics and Space Agency (USA) 

NAT North Atlantic 

NATS National Air Traffic Service (UK) 

Navaid Navigation Aid (Ground Radio Station for Navigation) 

NAV Navigation 

NDB Non Directional Beacon 

NEAN North European ADS-B Network 

NELS Northwest Europe Loran Steering Committee 

NIMBY "Not In My Back-Yard"-Syndrome: "We need an airport but not here" 

NIL Nothing, no information 

NM Nautical Mile (1.852 km) 

NOSAR No Search and Rescue required (Australia) 

NOTAM Notice to Airmen 

NPA Notice of Proposed Ammendment (JAR) 

NPPL National (ICAO) Private Pilots License (AOPA internally used: IPPL) 

NTSB National Transport Safety Board (USA) 


NW North-west 

O/R on request 

OACI Organisation de l'Aviation Civile Internationale (voir ICAO) 

OAT Outside Air Temperature 

OBST Obstacle, obstruction 

OBT Off-Block Time 

OCD Operational Concept Document 

OFAC Office Fédérale de l'Aviation Civile (Swiss CAA) 

OM Outer Marker 

ONC Operational Navigation Chart 

OPIF Operator Interface 

OPR Operator 

OPS Operations (or Operating hours) 

ORGMSG Original Message 

ORGN Original 

ORGRTE Original Route 

ORM Operator Reply Message 

p/p per person, per passenger 

PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator 

PART Pressure Altitude Reporting Transponder 

PAX Passenger(s) 

PFD Planned Flight Data 

PGL Parlamentarische Gruppe für Luftfahrt 

PiC, PIC Pilot in Command 

PNR Prior Notice Required 

POB Persons on Board 

PP(L) Private Pilots Licence (general) 

PPLA Private Pilots Licence Aeroplane 

PPLH Private Pilots Licence Helicopter 

PPO Prior Permission Only 

PPR Prior Permission Required 

PRNAV Precision RNAV (RNP-1 compliant) 

PSI Pounds per square inch 

PSIA Plan Sectoriel d'Infrastructure Aéronautique 

PTOT Provisional Take-Off Time 

PVT private 

QDR (Q-Code) for Magnetic Homing Track from a Station 

QDM (Q-Code) for Magnetic Homing Track to a Station 

QFE (Q-Code) for Air Pressure in hPa on Ground (airport elevation) (=>ELEVATION or HEIGHT) 

QGO (Q-Code) for Airport Closed 

QNH (Q-Code) for Air Pressure in hPa calculated to MSL (=>ALTITUDE) 

QTE (Q-Code) for True Track from Station abeam 

R Rating (JAR-FCL) 

R&D Research and Development 

RAF Royal Air Force 

RAIM Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring 

RBAS Receiver Based Augmentation System (DGNSS/DGPS) 

RCA Remote Client Application (CFMU) 

REA Ready Message 

REGUL Regulation 

RF Registered Facility ("national" flight school as per JAR-FCL) 

RFI Ready for Improvement Message 

RFP Reglement für das Flugpersonal 

RH Righthand 

RIA Regulatory Impact Assessment 

RJT Rerouteing Rejection Message 

RM Regional Meeting 

RMK Remark(s) 

RNAV Area Navigation 

RNP Required Navigation Performance 

RNP-n accuracy of +/- n NM during 95% of flight must be maintained 

RNSS Radio Navigation Satellite Services 

ROC Rate of Climb 

RON Research Octane Number (Auto fuel rating) 

RON Remain Over Night 

RPL Repetitive Flight Plan 

RPM Revolutions per Minute 

RPN Réglement pour le Personnel Navigant 

RPPL Restricted PPL 

RQP Request Flight Plan Message 

RRN Rerouteing Notification Message 

RRP Rerouteing Proposal Message 

RSO Route per State Overflown 

RTA Remote Terminal Application (CFMU) 

RTCA (formerly) Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics, now RTCA Inc. 

RT(F), R/T Radio Telephony 

RUSC RVSM User Support Cell 

RVR Runway Visual Range 

RVSM Reduced Vertical Separation Minima (1000ft above FL 290) 

RW, RWY Runway 

RxTx Receiver-Transmitter 

s/n serial number 

SAM Slot Allocation Message 

SAR Search and Rescue 

SARP Standards And Recommended Practices (usually "Sarps" =plural form) 


SAT Satellite ... 

SATNAV Satellite Navigation (generic) 

SB Service Bulletin 

SBAS Space Based Augmentation System (DGNSS/DGPS/WAAS/EGNOS) 

SC Stratocumuls 

SE Single Engine 

SFE Synthetic Flight Examiner (NOTE: FLIGHT is synthetic, not the Examiner!) (JAR-FCL) 

SID Standard Instrument Departure 

SIGMET Significant Meteo (hazardous weather warning) 

SIM Simulator 

SIL Sachplan Infrastruktur Luftfahrt 

SIP Slot Improvement Proposal Message 

SIRO Simultaneous Intersecting Runway Operation 

SIT Slot Issue Time 

SITA Société Internationale de Télécommunication Aérienne 

SL Sea Level 

SLC Slot Cancellation MEssage 

SME Small and Medium Enterprises 

SMM Slot Missed Message 

SMS Short Message System (Mobile Telephone Feature) 

SP Single Pilot 

SPA Single Pilot Aeroplane 

SPA Slot Proposal Acceptance Message 

SPH Single Pilot Helicopter 

SPECI Special Report (Meteo) 

SR Sunrise 

SRJ Slot Improvement Proposal Rejection Message 

SRS Standard Routing Scheme (ARN) 

SS Sunset 

SSR Secondary Surveillance Radar 

SST Super Sonic Transport 

STAR Standard Arrival 

STC Supplemental Type Certificate 

STD Synthetic Training Device (JAR-FCL) 

STDMA Self-Organizing Time Division Multiple Access (VDL) 


SURV Surveillance 

SWC Significant Weather Chart 

SWM SIP Wanted Message 

t/o take-off 

TA Transition Altitude 

TACAN Tactical Air Navigation 

TACT Tactical System (CFMU) 

TAF Terminal Area Forecast (weather forecast) 

TAS True Air Speed 

TAWS Terrain Awareness and Warning System 

TBO Time between overhaul 

TCAS Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System 

TDMA Time Division Multiple Access (VDL) 

TF Task Force 

THR Threshold 

TIS Time to Insert the Sequence 

TKOF Take-Off 

TLS Transponder Landing System 

TMA Terminal Area 

TMG Touring Motor Glider (JAR-FCL) 

TNC Tactical Navigation Chart 

TPC Tactical Piloting Chart 

TR Type Rating (JAR-FCL) 

TRE Type Rating Examiner (JAR-FCL) 

TRI Type Rating Instructor (JAR-FCL) 

TRS Time to Remove from Sequence 

TSMO Time since major overhaul 

TSO Technical Standard Order 

TT Total Time 

TTSN Total Time since new 

TTSO Total Time since overhaul 

TWR Tower (Control Tower) 

u/s unserviceable 

UFN Until Further Notice 

UFO Unidentified Flying Object 

UHF Ultra High Frequencies (300 MHz-30 GHz) 

UL, ULM Ultralight, Ultra-léger motorisé 

UMAS Unmanaged Air Space (Eurocontrol Definition) 

URB User Relations Bureau (CFMU) 

USAF US Air Force 

USG, USGal US-Gallon (3.78 Liter) 

UTC Universal Time Coordinated 

UUP Updated Airspace Use Plan 

VAL Visual Approach and Landing (Chart) 

VAR Variation 

VAT Value Added Tax 

VDL VHF Data Link (-n = type n) 

VFR Visual Flight Rules ("good" weather operations rules) 

VHF Very High Frequency (30-300 MHz) 

VIS Visual, Visibility 

VJAR-FCL Verordnung JAR-FCL (JAR-FCL transformed to Swiss Law) 

VLA Very Light Aircraft (Aircraft certification category) 

VLA Very Large Aircraft (NATO description for future transport aircraft) 

VMC Visual Meteo Conditions ("good" weather for VFR or IFR) 

VNAV Vertical Navigation (GLS) Approach 

VOR VHF Omnidirectional Radio-Range 

VOR/DME Combined VOR and DME radio station 

Vso V-Speed-List: Stall Speed in Landing Configuration 

WA (IAOPA) World Assembly 

WAAS Wide Area Augmentation System 

WIP Work in Progress 

WMO World Meteorological Organisation 

WPT Waypoint 

WWII 2nd World War 

WX Weather 

XPDR Transponder. Radar-enhancement/datalink box for ATC purposes. 

Y2k Year-2000 computer date problem 

k=decimal kilo=1000 starting at 1, =1000 

often erroneously referred to as: 

Y2K which means 2047 (a peculiarity of binary counters), not 2000: 

K=binary kilo=1023 starting at 0, =1024 


5 by 5 Five by five is an expression used in aviation (and maybe other) 

radio communication to indicate the quality and loudness of received voice 

transmissions. Rated one to five indicates - first figure - clearness and - 

second - loudness. Five by five means that a transmission is received clear 

and loud (in clear words usually loud and clear is used...). One by one, on 

the other hand, means it can hardly be heard and is not understandable. If 

you have a loud but distorted transmission, you may hear two by five, and a 

weak but clearly understandable one may be called five by three... The 

definition of this must be included somewhere in a radiotelephony document 

of ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) 

406 MHz Emergency Locater Beacon (or Transmitter) on 406 MHz Frequency 

8.33 (kHz) Communication Frequences with 8.33 kHz channel spacing 

80/87 AVGAS of 80 (best mixture)/87 octane (full rich mixture) 

82UL AVGAS of 82 (best mixture) octane (approx 90 octane full rich) unleaded 

91/96UL AVGAS of 91 (best mixture)/96 octane (full rich mixture) unleaded 

100/130 AVGAS of 100 (best mixture)/130 octane (full rich mixture) 

100LL AVGAS of 100 (best mixture)/130 octane (full rich) low lead (=most used) 

Voice Spelling Alphabet 





EXAMPLE: Echo X-ray Alfa Mike Papa Lima Echo. 

FPL Codes Equipment Codes to be used in FPL NAV/COM/APP SUR/CAP Letter current use proposed use Letter current use proposed use A RNAV A XPDR Mode A XPDR Mode A B FMS single B C LORAN-C LORAN-C C XPDR Mode A+C XPDR Mode A+C D DME DME D ADS ADS E FMS dual E FMS F ADF ADF F G GPS GNSS G GNSS H HF HF H I INS (?) INS I J Datalink Datalink J K MLS K MLS L ILS ILS L M MMR MMR M N no equipment N O VOR VOR O P GPS P Q Glonass Glonass Q R RNAV R(n) RNP RNP n=1+9 S S(n) XPDR Mode S XPDR Mode S n=1+9 T TACAN TACAN T(n) ACAS ACAS n=1+9 U UHF UHF U V VHF VHF V(n) RVR RVR n=1+9 W W RVSM RVSM X X MNPS Y 8.33kHz Y 8.33kHz Z other equipment Z other equipment 


An occurrence associated with the operation of an aircraft which takes place between the time any person boards the aircraft with the intention of flight and until such time as all such persons have disembarked, and in which any person suffers death or serious injury or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage. 


A person who undertakes directly, by lease, or other arrangement, to engage in air transportation. 


The area of airspace over land or water, extending upward from the surface, within which the ready identification, the location, and the control of aircraft are required in the interest of national security. 

1. Domestic Air Defense Identification Zone - An ADIZ within the United States along an international boundary of the United States. 

2. Coastal Air Defense Identification Zone - An ADIZ over the coastal waters of the United States. 

3. Distant Early Warning Identification Zone (DEWIZ) - An ADIZ over the coastal waters of the State of Alaska. 

ADIZ locations and operating and flight plan requirements for civil aircraft operations are specified in FAR Part 99. 


A facility established to provide air traffic control service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within controlled airspace and principally during the en route phase of flight. When equipment capabilities and controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft. 


An aircraft operator who conducts operations for hire or compensation in accordance with FAR Part 135 in an aircraft with 30 or fewer passenger seats and a payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or less. An air taxi operates on an on demand basis and does not meet the "flight scheduled" qualifications of a commuter. 


A service operated by the appropriate authority to promote the safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of air traffic. 


An area on land or water that is used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of aircraft and includes its buildings and facilities, if any. 


A terminal facility that uses air/ground communications, visual signaling, and other devices to provide ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of an airport or on the movement area. Authorizes aircraft to land or takeoff at the airport controlled by the tower or to transit the Class D airspace area regardless of flight plan or weather conditions (IFR or VFR). A tower may also provide approach control services (radar or nonradar). 


The continuous broadcast of recorded noncontrol information in selected terminal areas. Its purpose is to improve controller effectiveness and to relieve frequency congestion by automating the repetitive transmission of essential but routine information; e.g., "Los Angeles information Alfa. One three zero zero Coordinated Universal Time. Weather measured ceiling two thousand overcast, visibility three, haze, smoke, temperature seven one, dew point five seven, wind two five zero at five, altimeter two niner six. ILS Runway Two Five Left approach in use, Runway Two Five Right closed, advise you have Alfa." 


The heights above the earth's surface of the lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena that is reported as "broken," "overcast," or "obscuration," and not classified as "thin" or "partial". 


An Air Route Traffic Control Center (ARTCC). See Air Route Traffic Control Center. 


An airport operating under FAR Part 139. The FAA issues airport operating certificates to all airports serving scheduled or unscheduled air carrier aircraft designed for more than 30 passenger seats. Certificated airports must meet minimum safety standards in accordance with FAR Part 139. 


The airspace not designated as Class A, B, C, D or E. 


An air traffic facility which combines the functions of an ARTCC and a radar approach control facility. 


A frequency designed for the purpose of carrying out airport advisory practices while operating to or from an airport without an operating control tower. The CTAF may be a UNICOM, Multicom, FSS, or tower frequency and is identified in appropriate aeronautical publications. (Refer to AC 90-42) 


An air carrier operator operating under 14 CFR 135 that carries passengers on at least five round trips per week on at least one route between two or more points according to its published flight schedules that specify the times, day of the week, and places between which these flights are performed. The aircraft that a commuter operates has 30 or fewer passenger seats and a payload capability of 7,500 pounds or less. 


An airspace of defined dimensions within which air traffic control service is provided to IFR flights and to VFR flights in accordance with the airspace classification. Controlled airspace is a generic term that covers Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, and Class E airspace. Controlled airspace is also that airspace within which all aircraft operators are subject to certain pilot qualifications, operating rules, and equipment requirements in FAR Part 91 (for specific operating requirements, please refer to FAR Part 91). For IFR operations in any class of controlled airspace, a pilot must file an IFR flight plan and receive an appropriate ATC clearance. Each Class B, Class C, and Class D airspace area designated for an airport contains at least one primary airport around which the airspace is designated (for specific designations and descriptions of the airspace classes, please refer to FAR Part 71. 

Controlled airspace in the United States is designated as follows: 

1. CLASS A (formerly PCA -Positive Control Area) 

generally, that airspace from 18,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) up to and including flight level (FL) 600 (60,000 feet pressure altitude) , including the airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles of the coast of the 48 contiguous States and Alaska. Unless otherwise authorized, all persons must operate their aircraft under IFR. 

2. CLASS B (formerly TCA Terminal Control Area) 

Generally, that airspace from the surface to 10,000 feet mean sea level (MSL) surrounding the nation's busiest airports in terms of airport operations or passenger enplanements. The configuration of each Class B airspace area is individually tailored and consists of a surface area and two or more layers (some Class B airspace areas resemble upside down wedding cakes), and is designed to contain all published instrument procedures once an aircraft enters the airspace. An ATC clearance is required for all aircraft to operate in the area, and all aircraft that are so cleared receive separation services within the airspace. The cloud clearance requirement for VFR operations is "clear of clouds." 

3. CLASS C (formerly ARSA Airport Radar Service Area) 

Generally, that airspace from the surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation (charted in mean sea level (MSL)) surrounding those airports that have an operational control tower, are serviced by a radar approach control, and that have a certain number of IFR operations or passenger enplanements. Although the configuration of each Class C area is individually tailored, the airspace usually consists of a surface area with a 5 nautical mile (NM) radius, an outer circle with a 10 nm radius that extends from 1,200 feet to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation and an outer area. Each person must establish two-way radio communications with the ATC facility providing air traffic services prior to entering the airspace and thereafter maintain those communications while within the airspace. VFR aircraft are only separated from IFR aircraft within the airspace. 

4. CLASS D (formerly ATA Airport Traffic Area and CZ Control Zone) 

Generally, that airspace from the surface to 2,500 feet above the airport elevation (charted in mean sea level (MSL)) surrounding those airports that have an operational control tower. The configuration of each Class D airspace area is individually tailored and when instrument procedures are published, the airspace will normally be designed to contain the procedures. Arrival extensions for instrument approach procedures may be Class D or Class E airspace. Unless otherwise authorized, each person must establish two-way radio communications with the ATC facility providing air traffic services prior to entering the airspace and thereafter maintain those communications while in the airspace. No separation services are provided to VFR aircraft. 

5. CLASS E (formerly General Controlled Airspace) 

Generally, if the airspace is not Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class D, and it is controlled airspace, it is Class E airspace. Class E airspace extends upward from either the surface or a designated altitude to the overlying or adjacent controlled airspace. When designated as a surface area, the airspace will be configured to contain all instrument procedures. Also in this class are Federal airways, airspace beginning at either 700 or 1,200 feet AGL used to transition to/from the terminal or enroute environment, enroute domestic, and offshore airspace areas designated below 18,000 feet mean sea level (MSL). Unless designated at a lower altitude, Class E airspace begins at 14,500 feet mean sea level (MSL) over the United States, including that airspace overlying the waters within 12 nautical miles of the coast of the 48 contiguous States and Alaska, up to, but not including 18,000 feet mean sea level (MSL), and the airspace above flight level (FL) 600. 


With respect to the operation of aircraft, means the height at which a decision must be made during an ILS, MLS, or PAR instrument approach to either continue the approach or to execute a missed approach. 


Delays are incurred when any action is taken by a controller that prevents an aircraft from proceeding normally to its destination for an interval of 15 minutes or more. This includes actions to delay departing or enroute, or arriving aircraft as well as actions taken to delay aircraft at departing airports due to conditions en route or at destination airports. 


The number of aircraft take-offs actually performed in domestic and international scheduled and non-scheduled passenger/cargo and all-cargo revenue services. 


Operations within and between: the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and the United States Virgin Islands, Canadian transborder operations, and (for certain carriers) Mexican transborder operations. 


Air traffic control services provided aircraft on IFR flight plans, generally by centers, when these aircraft are operating between departure and destination terminal areas. When equipment, capabilities, and controller workload permit, certain advisory/assistance services may be provided to VFR aircraft. 


A revenue passenger boarding an aircraft. 


14 CFR FAR Part 91 - General Aviation (portions apply to all operators) 

14 CFR FAR Part 103 - Ultralight Vehicles 

14 CFR FAR Part 105 - Parachute Jumping 

14 CFR FAR Part 108 - Airplane Operator Security 

14 CFR FAR Part 119 - Certification: Air Carriers and Commercial Operators 

14 CFR FAR Part 121 - Domestic, Flag and Supplemental Air Carriers and Commercial Operators of Large Aircraft 

14 CFR FAR Part 123 - Travel Clubs 

14 CFR FAR Part 125 - US Civil Airplanes, seating 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity 6,000 pounds or more. 

14 CFR FAR Part 127 - Air Carriers using helicopters for scheduled interstate flights (within the 48 contiguous states) 

14 CFR FAR Part 129 - Foreign Air Carrier and Foreign Operators of US registered aircraft engaged in common carriage 

14 CFR FAR Part 133 - Rotorcraft External Load Operations 

14 CFR FAR Part 135 - Air Taxi Operators and Commercial Operators 

14 CFR FAR Part 137 - Agricultural Aircraft Operations 

14 CFR FAR Part 141 - Pilot School 


CFR - Code of Federal Regulation 


A flight for the purpose of: 

1. Returning an aircraft to base. 

2. Delivering an aircraft from one location to another. 

3. Moving an aircraft to and from a maintenance base. 

Ferry flights, under certain conditions, may be conducted under terms of a special flight permit. 


A level of constant atmospheric pressure related to a reference datum of 29.92 inches of mercury. Each is stated in three digits that represent hundreds of feet. For example, flight level 250 represents a barometric altimeter indication of 25,000 feet; flight level 255, an indication of 25,500 feet. 


Specified information relating to the intended flight of an aircraft that is filed orally or in writing with an FSS or an ATC facility. 


Air traffic facilities which provide pilot briefing, enroute communications and VFR search and rescue services, assist lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situations, relay ATC clearances, originate Notices to Airmen, broadcast aviation weather and NAS information, receive and process IFR flight plans, and monitor NAVAIDs. In addition, at selected locations, FSSs provide Enroute Flight Advisory Service (Flight Watch), take weather observations, issue airport advisories, and advise Customs and Immigration of transborder flights. 


The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) allows all U.S. citizens and residents to request any records in possession of the executive branch of the federal government. The term "records" includes documents, papers, reports, letters, films, photographs, sound recordings, computer tapes and disks. An object that cannot be reproduced is not considered a record in this case. The federal FOIA covers the President's cabinet agencies, independent agencies, regulatory commissions and government-owned corporations. Congress is exempt, as are federal court and state and local governments. Some states and municipalities have laws modeled after the federal FOIA. The federal act includes nine exemptions that agencies may claim as a basis for withholding information. An administrative appeal can be filed that argues for disclosure based on benefits to the public vs. privacy. If a good argument is made, appellate reviewers may waive an exemption. 


That portion of civil aviation which encompasses all facets of aviation except air carriers holding a certificate of public convenience and necessity from the Civil Aeronautics Board and large aircraft commercial operators. 


A rotorcraft whose rotors are not engine-driven, except for initial starting, but are made to rotate by action of the air when the rotorcraft is moving; and whose means of propulsion, consisting usually of conventional propellers, is independent of the rotor system. 


A rotorcraft that, for its horizontal motion, depends principally on its engine-driven rotors. 


The airborne hours in domestic and international scheduled and non-scheduled revenue service, computed from the moment an aircraft leaves the ground until it touches the ground again. 


An aircraft conducting flight in accordance with instrument flight rules. 


An occurrence other than an accident associated with the operation of an aircraft, which affects or could affect the safety of operations. 


A set of rules governing the conduct of flight under instrument meteorological conditions. 


Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds, and ceiling less than minima specified for visual meteorological conditions. 


Arrivals or departures of an aircraft in accordance with an IFR flight plan or special VFR procedures or an operation where IFR separation between aircraft is provided by a terminal control facility. There are three kinds of instrument operations: 

1. Primary Instrument Operations: arrivals and departures at the primary airport which is normally the airport at which the approach control facility is located. 

2. Secondary Instrument Operations: arrivals and departures at airports other than the primary airport. 

3. Overflights: operations in which an aircraft transits the area without intent to land. 


The miles (computed in airport-to-airport distances) for each inter-airport hop actually completed in domestic and international revenue services, scheduled and non-scheduled. In cases where the inter-airport distances are inapplicable, aircraft miles flown are determined by multplying the normal cruising speed for the aircraft type by the airborne hours. 


The common network of US airspace; air navigation facilities, equipment and services, airports or landing areas; aeronautical charts, information and services; rules, regulations and procedures, technical information, and human resources and material. Included are system components shared jointly with the military.


An L/MF or UHF radio beacon transmitting nondirectional signals whereby the pilot of an aircraft equipped with direction finding equipment can determine his bearing to or from the radio beacon and "home" on or track to or from the station. When the radio beacon is installed in conjuncion with the Instrument Landing System marker, it is normally called a Compass Locator. 


An incident associated with the operation of an aircraft in which the possibility of a collision occurs as a result of proximity of less than 500 feet to another aircraft, or a report is received from a pilot or flightcrew member stating that a collision hazard existed between two or more aircraft. 

Degree of Hazard (NMAC) 

Critical: A situation in which collision avoidance was due to chance rather than an act on the part of the pilot. Less than 100 feet of aircraft separation would be considered critical. 

Potential: An incident which would probably have resulted in a collision if no action had been taken by either pilot. Closest proximity of less than 500 feet would usually be required in this case. 

No hazard: A situation in which direction and altitude would have made a midair collision improbable regardless of evasive action taken. 


Revenue flights, such as charter flights, that are not operated in regular scheduled service and all nonrevenue flights incident to such flights. 


An occurrence where applicable separation minima, as referenced in the operational error definition below were maintained, but: (1) less than the applicable separation minima existed between an aircraft and protected airspace without prior approval, (2) an aircraft penetrated airspace that was delegated to another position of operation or another facility without prior coordination and approval, (3) an aircraft penetrated airspace that was delegated to another position of operation of another facility at an altitude or route contrary to the altitude or route requested and approved in direct coordination or as specified in a Letter of Agreement, pre-coordination or internal procedure, (4) an aircraft, vehicle, equipment, or personnel encroached upon a landing area that was delegated to another position of operation without prior coordination and approval. 


An occurrence attributable to an element of the air traffic control system which results in less than the applicable separation minima between two or more aircraft, or between an aircraft and terrain or obstacles as required by Handbook 7110.65 and supplemental instructions. Obstacles include vehicles/equipment/personnel on runways, or aircraft lands or departs on a runway closed to aircraft operations after receiving air traffic authorization. 


The actions of a pilot which result in the violation of a Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) or a North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ) tolerance. 


The pilot responsible for the operation and safety of an aircraft during flight time. 


The separation of all air traffic within designated airspace by air traffic control. 


A terminal ATC facility that uses radar and nonradar capabilities to provide approach control services to aircraft arriving, departing, or transiting airspace controlled by the facility. This facility rovides radar ATC services to aircraft operating in the vicinity of one or more civil and/or military airports in a terminal area. The facility may provide services of a ground controlled approach (GCA); i.e., ASR and PAR approaches. A radar approach control facility may be operated by FAA, USAF, US Army, USN, USMC, or jointly by FAA and a military service. Specific facility nomenclatures are used for administrative purposes only and are related to the physical location of the facility and the operating service generally as follows: 

Army Radar Approach Control (ARAC) (Army) 

Radar Air Traffic Control Facility (RATCF) (Navy/FAA) 

Radar Approach Control (RAPCON) (Air Force/FAA) 

Terminal Radar Approach Control (TRACON) (FAA) 

Tower/Airport Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) (FAA). (Only those towers delegated approach control authority) 


Pertaining to activities for which remuneration is received by the carrier. 


A heavier-than-air aircraft that depends principally for its support in flight on the lift generated by one or more rotors. Includes helicopters and gyroplanes. 


Any occurrence at an airport involving an aircraft, vehicle, person, or object on the ground that creates a collision hazard or results in loss of separation with an aircraft taking off, intending to take off, landing or intending to land. 


Transport service operated pursuant to published flight schedules, including extra sections and related nonrevenue flights. 


The minimum longitudinal, lateral, or vertical distances by which aircraft are spaced through the application of air traffic control procedures. 


Airspace of defined dimensions identified by an area on the surface of the earth wherein activities must be confined because of their nature and/or wherein limitations may be imposed upon aircraft operations that are not a part of those activities. Types of special use airspace are: 

a. Alert Area - Airspace which may contain a high volume of pilot training activities or an unusual type of aerial activity, neither of which is hazardous to aircraft. Alert Areas are depicted on aeronautical charts for the information of nonparticipating pilots. All activities within an Alert Area are conducted in accordance with Federal Aviation Regulations, and pilots of participating aircraft as well as pilots transiting the area are equally responsible for collision avoidance. 

b. Controlled Firing Area - Airspace wherein activities are conducted under conditions so controlled as to eliminate hazards to nonparticipating aircraft and to ensure the safety of persons and property on the ground. 

c. Military Operations Area (MOA) - An MOA is airspace established outside of Class A airspace area to separate or segregate certain nonhazardous military activities from IFR traffic and to identify for VFR traffic where these activities are conducted. (Refer to AIM) 

d. Prohibited Area - Airspace designated under part 73 within which no person may operate an aircraft without the permission of the using agency. (Refer to Enroute Charts, AIM) 

e. Restricted Area - Airspace designated under FAR Part 73, within which the flight of aircraft, while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction. Most restricted areas are designated joint use and IFR/VFR operations in the area may be authorized by the controlling ATC facility when it is not being utilized by the using agency. Restricted areas are depicted on enroute charts. Where joint use is authorized, the name of the ATC controlling facility is also shown. (Refer to FAR Part 73 and AIM) 

f. Warning Area - A warning area is airspace of defined dimensions extending from 3 nautical miles outward from the coast of the United States, that contains activity that may be hazardous to nonparticipating aircraft. The purpose of such warning area is to warn nonparticipating pilots of the potential danger. A warning area may be located over domestic or international waters or both. 


Airspace surrounding designated airports wherein ATC provides radar vectoring, sequencing, and separation on a full-time basis for all IFR and participating VFR aircraft. Service provided at a TRSA is called Stage III Service. TRSA's are depicted on VFR aeronautical charts. Pilot participation is urged but is not mandatory. 


An aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which in turn operates the air compressor. 


An aircraft having a jet engine in which the energy of the jet operates a turbine which drives the propeller. 


An aeronautical vehicle operated for sport or recreational purposes which does not require FAA registration, an airworthiness certificate, nor pilot certification. They are primarily single occupant vehicles, although some two place vehicles are authorized for training purposes. Operation of an ultralight vehicle in certain airspace requires authorization from ATC. 


An entry or movement on an airport movement area by a vehicle operator or pedestrian that has not been authorized by air traffic control (includes aircraft operated by a non- pilot). 


Rules that govern the procedures for conducting flight under visual conditions (VMC). The term is also used in the United States to indicate weather conditions that are equal to or greater than minimum VFR requirements. In addition, it is used by pilots and controllers to indicate a type of flight plan. 


Meteorological conditions expressed in terms of visibility, distance from clouds, and ceiling equal to or better than specified minima. 


A ground-based electronic navigation aid transmitting very high frequency navigation signals, 360 degrees in azimuth, oriented from magnetic north. Used as the basis for navigation in the National Airspace System. The VOR periodically identifies itself by Morse Code and may have an additional voice identification feature. Voice features may be used by ATC or FSS for transmitting instructions/information to pilots. 

A AC - Advisory circular. A/C - Airconditioning Unit ACARS - Airline communications and reporting system. AD - Airworthiness Dirctive. Maintenance or modification ordered by FAA. ADC - Air Data Computer ADF - Automatic Direction Finder ADI - Attitude direction indicator ADS - Automatic dependent surveillance. AES - Aircraft Earth station. AFCS - Automatic flight control system. AFD - Adaptive flight displays. AFDS - Autopilot flight director system. AFIS - Automated flight information system (AlliedSignal) AHRS - Attitude-heading reference system. AI - Altitude indicator aileron - A small hinged portion of an airplane's wing, used to make an airplane roll, or turn around its long axis. air data - Values cmputed from pitot, static and temperature measurements, usually by means of a digital computer; ARINC 575 defines outputs. airfoil - A surface, such as an airplane wing, shaped to produce more lift than resistance when driven through the air. All-weather fighter - A radar-equipped jet fighter airplane which can operate at night or in the worst weather. All-weather interceptor - A radar-equipped jet fighter airplane which can operate at night or in the worst weather. AM - Amplitude modulation. AME - Aviation Medical Examiner (U.S.) AMLCD - Active-matrix liquid crystal display. Annual - Mandatory inspection of airframe and powerpland that occurs every 12 months. AOA - Angel-of-attack AP - Auto Pilot APR - Auxiliary Power Reserve APU - Auxiliary power unit ARINC - Aeronautical Radio, Inc. A nonprofit corporation owned by member airlines to define form, fit and function of avionics equipment and to provide radio communication services. ARINC 419 - Digital information transfer characteristics as applied in ARINC 500-series equipment specifications. ARINC 547 - Digital specification for ILS reference sensors. ARINC 561 - Inertial navigation system specifications. ARINC 568 - Inertial sensor DME reference specification. ARINC 571 - Inertial sensor attitude-heading reference system specifications. ARINC 575 - Digital air-data system specifications. ARINC 700-series - All-digital equipment specifications for new-generation transport category aircraft. ARINC 743 - All-digital specificaitons for FANS-1 compatibilty. ASA - Autoland status annunciator. ASCB - Avionics standard communication bus (Honeywell) A/T - Auto throttle. ATC - Air Traffic Control. The people in control towers (at airports that have them) to regulate takeoffs, landings, and planes moving through their general area. ATI and ATR - ARINC from factors. ATM - Air traffic management. ATP - Airline Transport Pilot (the "highest" grade of pilot certificate) Audio Panel - Electronic device used to switch between radios. Autogyro - An aircraft equipped with a rotating wing, or rotor, to sustain itself in the air, and a propeller to move forward. AUX Fuel - Auxiliary fuel tanks. AWACS - Airborne Warning And Control System. An electronically very souped-up Boeing 707. [Pronounced ``AY-wax.''] 

B Barnstormer - A pilot who, in the early years of aviation, gave airplane rides to people and performed aerobatics for a fee. Basic Operating Weight (BOW) Empty weight typically equipped + unusable fuel and trapped liquids + 2 pilots (400 lbs.) + supplies. BCD - Binary coded decimal. Beam width - The included angel of a weather radar interrogation signal. Bendix - Avionics mfgr. BITE - Built-in test equipment. Bleed Air - High pressure air ducted from engine to pressurize cabin and other uses. Boeing -``The Boeing Company, with headquarters in Seattle, Washington, U.S., is the world's leading manufacturer of commercial airplanes and one of the nation's largest exporters. The company is a major U.S. government contractor, with capabilities in space systems, helicopters, military airplanes, missile systems, information and electronic systems and software products.'' Boots - Inflatable device on leading edge of wings and tail. Used to remove ice. Bracing wire - A solid steel wire used to support the structure of an airplane's wings or fuselage. BRG - Bearing. BSU - Beam steering unit. 

C CAB - Civilian Aviation Board. Cabin pressurization - A mechanism used to maintain air pressure in an airplane's sealed cabin at a level suitable for passengers. Canard - An airplane designed to have its normal horizontal tail surface on the front rather than the rear of its fuselage. Caster - To swivel or rotate slightly. Category I (CAT I) - An ILS facility providing operation down to a 200 foot decision height and an RVR of not less than 2,400 feet. Category II (CAT II) - An ILS facility providing operation down to a 100-foot decision height and an RVR of not less than 1,200 feet. Category IIIa (CAT IIIa) - An ILS facility providing operation with no decision height to and along the surface of the runway with external visual reference during the final phase of landing and with an RVR of not less than 7000 feet. Category IIIb (CAT IIIb) - An ILS facility providing operation with no decision height limit to and along the surface of the runway without reliance on external visual reference and, subsequently, taxiing with an external RVR of not less than 150 feet. Category IIIc (CAT IIIc) - An ILS facility providing operation with no decision height limit to and alsont the surface of the runway and taxiways without reliance on external visual reference. CAVU - Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited. Perfect flying weather -- no major clouds, no major haze. CD-ROM - Compact disc read-only memory. CDU - Control-display unit. Centre-pod configuration - A type of airplane whose fairly short fuselage is not connected to the tail surfaces. CESC - Cescom Maintenance Program. CFI - Certified Flight Instructor. (see also certificate suffixes) CMOS - Complementary metal oxide semiconductor. CMU - Communications management unit. CNS - Communications, navigation and surveillance. Coherent detection - A technique used in certain ADF receivers to improve useful range. Collins - Avionics mfgr. COM - Communications. Comosite video - Analog VOR receiver output before processing. CONT - Teledyne-Continental (engine mfgr.) Contact digitizer - A mechanical device that converts analog information to digital codes by means of electrical contacts. Cowling - A removable metal covering placed over and around an airplane's engine(s). C/R - Counter-rotating propellers. Cross-over exhaust - A mechanism through which the exhaust from one side of an inline engine is carried to the other. CRT - Cathode ray tube. CSDB - Commercial standard data bus. CVR - Cockpic Voice Recorder. Device that records crew conversations. Used in accident investigations. CW - Continuous wave. A radio carrier broadcast that does not have modulation. Cycles - Pertaining to turbine engines. Cycle begins with starting, continues through full-power, and ends with shutdown. 

D DA - Drift angle. DADC - Digital air-data computer. dB - Decibel. DG - Directional gyro. DGPS - Differential global positioning system. LA- prefix refers to local area DGPS; WA- prefix refers to wide-area DGPS signal retransmission schemes. Digitizer - Any electronic device capable of converting information to a digital format; usually refers to encoding devices that convert sensed altitude into a transponder code. DME - Distance Measuring Equipment. DP - Deal Pending. DR - Ded (deduced) reckoning. drms - Distance root mean squared. DTK - Desired track. DTU - Data transfer unit. Duplex - Separate channels for transmitting and receiving. 

E EAROM - Electrically alterable read-only memory, a type of digital memory device. EEPROM - Electrically erasable programmable read-only-memory. EEVIP - Early Extended Validation Integration Program. An FAA program, first implemented for the Boeing 777, to give ``out-of-the-box'' ETOPS clearance to a new plane, rather than waiting for a couple of years of domestic service experience. EFIS - Electronic Flight Instrument System EGT - Exhaust gas temperature indicator. EICAS - Engine indicating and crew alerting system. Elevator - A small control surface hinged to the rear of the horizontal stabilizer and used to tilt an airplane up or down. encal - Encoding Altimeter Encoder - Displays aircraft's altitiude on ground-based radar screens. Engine cowl - A removable metal covering placed over and around an airplane's engine. EROS - Brand Name for Oxygen Mask ETOPS - Extended Twin-engine operations. FAA designation of over-ocean flights far from possible emergency landing strips, in which the possibility of engine failure in a twin-engine plane represents a heightened risk. ETOPS certification is not normally given to a new passenger aircraft until it has been in regular domestic service for at least a year. 

F FAA - Federal Aviation Administration. FADEC - Full authority digital engine control. Fairing - A section of aircraft surface, or an attached structure, designed to reduce drag. For example, the contoured sheet metal where wing meets fuselage. FAR - Federal Aviation Regulations (U.S.) FAR 36 Noise Levels - In order to meet FAR 36 Stage 3 requirements, the maximum noise level permitted is: *Take Off 89.0 EPNdB *Sideline 94.0 *Approach 98.0 FDE - Fault detection and exclusion (GPS) FDR - Flight Data Recorder FDS - Flight Director System FFON - Flight Phone Flare - The point where an airplane floats above the runway just before touchdown. Flight Data Recorder - Electronic device that records aircraft maneuvers. Used in accident investigations. Flight Phone - Air-to-ground telephone system. FM - Frequency modulation. FMCS - Flight management computer system. FMS - Flight Management System FOG - Fiber-optic gyro. Forward elevator - A control surface used to tilt an airplane up or down and mounted on the front rather than the rear of an airplane. Full De-ice - Complete anti - and/or de-ice equipment installed on wings, tail, props, and windsheild. Full Panel - All gyros necessary for instrument flight. 

G Galley - On-board meal service equipment. Gas discharge - A type of luminescent digital display. GCR - Ground clutter rejection. GE - General Electric. They make aircraft engines. GLU - GNSS landing unit. Provides precision GPS guidance to the runway in Category III operations. GNSS - Global navigation satellite system. Gold Crown - Trade name owned by King Radio Corp. GPADIRS - Global positioning, air data, inertial reference system. GPS - Global positioning system. GPWs - Ground Proximity Warning System Ground Air - A/C unit to cool aircraft while on the ground. GS - Groundspeed. G/S - Glide slope reciver and indicator. GTWO - Gross Take off Weight 

H HF - High Frequency radio equipment. HF COM - High Frequency Communication. HIRF - High intensity radiated field. HP - Horsepower. HPA - High-power amplifier. HUD - Head-up display. Hz or Hertz - Cycles per second, used to describe radio frequencies; usually with the prefix k for kilo (one thousand), M for mega (one million) or G for giga (one billion). 

I IAC - Integrated avionics computer. Central processor of a Honeywell integrated cockpit system. IAPS - Integrated avionics processing system. Central processor of a colins integrated cockpit system. IFR - Instrument Flight Rules. An Instrument Rating is further training after a Pilot's license to allow pilots to fly in bad weather. The pilot has been trained to not merely fly by instruments alone, but also to understand the Air Traffic Control system, because an IFR flight is continuously monitored by ATC, radar, flight following, and a dozen other agencies. ILS - Instrument Landing System. In-line engine - An engine in which the cylinders are mounted in a straight line or else in two, connected at an angle. INS - Inertial Naviagation System INT - Interior. ITC - Investment tax credit. ITU - International Telephone Union, refers to certain HF channels. IVSI - Instantaneous vertical speed indicator. 

J Jet Prop - Describes aircraft using turbine engines to drive propellers. 

K King - King Radio Corp. (Avionics mfgr.) Known Icing - FAA certified for flight into icing conditions. 

L Laser IRS - An inertial reference system deriving angular rate information by measuring Doppler shift between two contra-rotating light beams. Lateral control - The ability to make an airplane roll, or turn around its long axis, according to its pilot's wishes. L-band - A radio frequency between 890 and 1550 MHz. LCD or LC - Liquid-crystal display. Leading and trailing edges- The foremost and rearmost edges of a wing. LED - Light-emitting diode. LMB - Light marker beacon. LNAV - Lateral navigation guidance. LOC - Localizer receiver and indicator. Looks per minute - Scanning or sweep rate of a wather radar antenna. LOP - Line of position. Loran-C - Hyperbolic grid navigation system based upon measured time differences (TD) from pulse transmissions. LRT - Long range fuel tanks. LRU - Line replaceable unit. LYC - Avco-Lycoming (Engine mfgr.) 

M Maximum Payload = Maximum Zero Fuel Weight - (minus) Basic Operating Weight MCU- Minimum configuration unit. MDAU - Maintenance data acquisition unit. MDH - Major damage history. MFD - Multifunction display. The third or fifth tube in an EFIS, it replaces the weather radar screen and displays radar data, navigation maps, checklists and other information. Microline - Trade name owned by Collins. MNPS - Minimum navigational performance specificaitons. MLS - Microwave Landing System Mode- A - A transponder which does not give the controllers altitude information Mode-C - A transponder and encoding altimeter which together give air traffic controllers altitude information Mode-S - A transponder which features unique identification per unit, the potential for low-speed up and down datalinks, and "selective interrogation" triggered by ground facilities MOH - Major overhaul. MOPS - Minimum operational performance standard (RTCA) MSP - Maintanance Servie Program. (Garret engine) 

N NARA - NARA is a professional trade association of 54 reputable business companies organized to promote the growth and public understanding of the aircraft resale industry. Its members abide by a 12-point Code of Ethics that provides standards of business conduct regarding aircraft transactions. NAT - North Atlantic Tracks. Nautical Mile - Measurment of distance. Equals 1.15 statute miles. NAV - Navigation Receivers NAV/COM - Navigation and communication radios combined in a single unit. NBAA IFR Fuel Reserves = Fuel for go-around at destination airport + climb to 500 ft. and hold for 5 minutes + fly to and land at alternate airport 200 NMi. away + fuel to hold at 5000 ft. for 30 minutes. NDB - Non-Directional Beacon - an older type of electronic navigation aid, basically a low-power AM radio station NMS - Navigation management system. NMU - Navigation management unit. NTSB - National Transportation Safety Board. Investigates airplane accidents. Plays at most an advisory role in flightworthiness accreditation. NVM - Nonvolatile memory. Digital memory that retains information through system shutdown. 

O OAT - Outside Air Temperature. OBS - Omnibearing Selector - part of a VOR receiver system, which allows the pilot to select a course to or from a VOR station OFUELWT - Zero Fuel Weight. OH - Overhaul. Omega - A very-low-frequency navigation system. Opitcal digitizer - Any device using a photosensor that can convert analog informatin to digital code. OXY - Oxygen system for passengers and crew. 

P Payload with Full Fuel = Useful Load - (minus) Usable Fuel PBH - Power by the Hour. (Rolls Royce engines) PC - Positive Control. (Trade name for Mooney Aircrft wing leveler) PAR - Precision Approach Radar - a ground-radar based instrument approach which provides both horizontal and vertical guidance Peak power output - The maximum transitter power output measured over a short time; usually used to rate pulse transmissions. PEP - Peak envelope power. A standard electronic rating of any AC source, including a radio transmitter. PNT - Paint port - Nautical usage adopted in aviation. The left side, as determined by an observer in the vehicle, when vehicle and observer are right side up, and observer is looking ``forward'' (in the normal direction of travel of the vessel or vehicle). PSI - Pounds per square inch. PTT - Push-to-talk (switch) Pulse - A transmission of very brief duration used to carry information by using time measurement or as a series of pulses representing code. PVT - Private (pilot certificate) (see also certificate suffixes) PW - Pratt & Whitney, the world's leading designer, developer and manufacturer of gas turbine engines for commercial, military and general aviation aircraft.'' 

R RA - (1) Radio altitiude; (2) Resolution advisory (TCAS) radal - Radio Altimeter Radar - On-board weather radar. Radar Altimeter - Device that senses aircraft's height above the terrain. Different from normal (barometric) altimeter. Radome - A detachable nose cone made of plastic-type material, used to cover and protect an airplane's radar antenna. RAIM - Receiver autonomous integrity monitoring (GPS) RAM - Random access memory. Ramjet - A type of jet engine with very few moving parts which consists of a specially shaped tube open at both ends. Rate of roll - A measure of the speed with which an airplane can turn around its long axis, or roll. RCA - Avionics mfgr. RCU - Radio control unit. Reversers - System for braking aircraft during landing roll. RFU - Radio frequency unit. RG - Retractable landing gear. RMI - radio magnetic indicator - an ADF-like display with a pair of pointers which might be attached to either VOR or ADF receivers RNAV - Area navigation device. RNP - Required navigation performance. ROM - Read-only memory. RR - Rolls Royce makes engines for a variety of aircraft, including the Boeing 777 and Airbus 330. RT - Receiver-transmitter combined in a singel line-replacable unit. RTCA, Inc. - An association of U.S. governmental and industry aeronautical organizations dedicated to advancing aeronautics through consensus and recommendations. Runway XX - Runways are numbered after magnetic compass points, minus the 1's column (where North is 0, and 360, degrees). RVSM - Reduced Vertical Seperatation Minimum 

S SAR - Search and rescue. Satcom - Satellite communications system. SDU - Satellite data unit. SELCAL - Selective Calling system (used primarily with HF) Service ceiling - The altitude above sea level beyond which an airplane can no longer climb more than 30 m(100 ft) per minute. SHP - Shaft horsepower. (refers to turbine engines.) Silver Crown - Trade name owned by King Radio. Simplex - Single frequency for both transmitting and recieving in communications; generally implies a push-to-talk function and verbal procedures. Slaved compass - North-seeking gyro-stabilized compass system. Technically superior to DG. slip - A way to lose altitude in a hurry (on purpose), or slide into a final approach during a heavy wind. The technique is to put nearly full rudder in one direction, and then bank in the opposite. This keeps the plane almost level, except pointing to one side. SMOH - Since major overhaul. SMPI - Time Since Major Periodic Inspection SN - Serial Number. Spar - A principal section of the wing structure of an airplane, going from tip to tip. Sperry - Avionics mfgr. SPOH - Since prop overhaul. Squawk - A 4-digit (actually 4-octal-digit -> 12-bit) number which is set into a transponder by the pilot to identify the aircraft to air traffic controllers Squitter - The transmission of a specified reply format at a minimum rate without the need to be interrogated (transponders) SSB - Single sideband. A highly efficient form of radio transmission wherein information is carried on a sideband instead of the center carrier in order to gain range performance; usually used in HF communication transceivers. SSCVR - Solid state cockpit voice recorder. stall - The point at which wings fail to generate enough lift to keep the plane stable. starboard - Nautical usage adopted in aviation. The right side, as determined by an observer in the vehicle, when vehicle and observer are right side up, and observer is looking ``forward'' (in the normal direction of travel of the vessel or vehicle). STC - (1) Supplemental Type Certificate. (2) Sensitivity-time compensation. In weather radar, a technique and circuit for calibrating a display. STOL - Short takeoff and landing ability. sumps - Points underneath each fuel tank to test for contamination like water or other debris. Supercharged - Method for increasing engine power. Synchro - Any device capable of converting mechanical position into an analog electronic signal. Synthesizer - Frequency synthesizer, an electronic circuit capable of generating multiple frequencies from a single crystal oscillator. Swept-wing - A wing in which both the leading and trailing edges are slanted backward, to reduce air resistance at high speed. synch - Engine Fan Synchronizer 

T TA - Traffic advisory (TCAS) TBO - Time between overhaul TCAS - Traffic Collison Avoidance System. TCAS-I provides warnings (TAs) of other nearby aircraft; TCAS II provides warnings and resolutions advisories (RAs), and coordinates RAs with other TCAS II equipped aircraft via Mode S transponder. TKE - Track error. T/Rs - Thrust Reversers Trend Monitoring - Continuous computerized observation of turbine engine performance. Used to detect early sings of wear. TSC - Total Time Since CORE TSN - Time Since New (also TTSN) TSO - Technical standard order. A performance specification and production compliance criteria applied to avionics and defined by FARs and the RTCA. TT - Total Time Airframe TTG, TTS or TTW - Time to go, time to station, time to waypoint. Turbo prop - Is said of an airplane powered by a type of jet engine, the turbo prop, equipped with a turbine-driven propeller. Turbulence mode - Flight control system mode in which a "softer" response to gust upsets is programmed. TX - Transponder 

U Undercarriage strut - A part of an airplane's structure, designed to resist distortion, which supports the landing gear. Usable Fuel (lbs) = Usable fuel (gallons) x 6.7 lbs/gallon Useful Load = Maximum Ramp Weight - (minus) Basic Operating Weight UTC - Universal Coordinated Time. 

V VAC - Volts alternating current. VDC - Volts direct current. VFR - Visual Flight Rules. Private Pilots start as VFR certified. This means that, in most cases,they must have about 3 miles of visibility, be 500 feet below clouds, 1000 feet above clouds, and/or 2000 feet next to clouds at a bare minimum. Unless they have an Instrument Rating (and all the associated control along with that...see IFR), they are required to avoid all clouds and weather. VHF - Very High Frequency radio equipment. VLF - Very Low Frequency VNAV - Vertical navigation, or the capability to compute pitch-axis maneuvers and altitude-related points in space. VOR - VHF Omnidirectional Receiver. One of the more common navigational aids that the FAA has dropped all over the country (and sometimes the world). A VOR sends out a radio signal that is slightly different in each direction (the difference is phase, if you want to get technical). So, an airplane's VOR tool listens to the VOR, and by measuring the difference in the radio, it can tell which direction it is from the VOR. Since your chart will show where the VOR is, and you now know where you are in relation to the VOR, it has helped you figure out where in the local area you might happen to be. 

W WAAS - GNSS wide-area augmentation system. wet wings - Method for containing fuel in wings without using rubber fuel cells. wing fence - Term preferred by Airbus and McDonnell-Douglas aircraft manufacturers for the vertical structures at the outside ends of the wings of some of their jets. More at winglet. winglet - Term preferred by Boeing for the vertical structures at the ends of the wings on their 747-400. Airbus and McDonnell-Douglas aircraft manufacturers use the term ``wing fence.'' The 747-400 winglets only rise from the end of the wing. MD-11 and Airbus wing fences extend both above and below the wing. WPT - Waypoint. 

X xpond - Transponder X-band - Frequency range in which most general aviation weather radars operate. XTK - Cross track; cross track error. 






(完整版)航空航天英语词汇(较全) - 百度文库









manned space flight 


   multi-manned and multi

day space flight 


     manned space program 


  space shuttle


    manned spaceship/ spacecraft


  unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 


 Experimental Spacecraft 


  multistage rocket 




 recoverable satellite 


  communication satellite 


  satellite in Sun

synchronous orbit 


   geosynchronous satellite 


  remote sensing satellite 


  carrier rocket; rocket launcher 




 Long March II F carrier rocket 


     payload capability 


      low Earth orbit


        fine-tune orbit 


    orbit the earth 


   weather satellite/meteorological satellite 

anned space flight


multistage rocket        




carrier rocket

 rocket launcher

英文版航天词汇清单 英语考试必背词汇-新高三



载人飞船 manned spaceship / manned spaceflight

载人空间站 manned space station

天和核心舱 core module Tianhe

空间实验室 space lab

在轨加注 in-orbit refueling

交会对接 rendezvous and docking

货运飞船 cargo spacecraft

推进舱 propelling module

空间对接 space docking

近地轨道 low-Earth orbit

运载火箭 carrier rocket

助推火箭 booster rocket

发射中止系统 launch abort system

发射场 launch site

可重复使用运载火箭 reusable carrier rocket

机械臂 robotic arm

出舱活动 extravehicular activities

舱外服 extravehicular spacesuits


北京航天飞行控制中心 Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC)

变轨 orbital transfer

舱口 hatch

舱外活动(即“太空行走”)extra-vehicular activity(EVA)

长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket

长征三号甲运载火箭 Long March 3A launch vehicle; LM-3A launch vehicle

嫦娥1号 Chang’e-1 lunar probe; Chang’e-1 lunar satellite

登月landing on the moon

地面操作系统 ground operation system

地形和地表结构 topographical and surface structures

地月转移轨道 Earth-moon transfer orbit

定向天线 directional antenna

“东方红”卫星 Dongfanghong (DFH) satellite

多级火箭 multistage rockets

发射窗口 launch window (“发射窗口”是指运载火箭发射航天器选定的一个比较合适的时间范围,即允许运载火箭发射的时间范围。)

发射前的最后检查和测试 pre-launch tests

发射区 launch site

发射升空 blast off

发射升空 liftoff; blastoff; take off

发射台 launch pad

发射卫星 launch a satellite

返回舱 re-entry module

返回式卫星 recoverable satellite

扶梯 ladder

服务舱 service module

干涉成像光谱仪 interference imaging spectrometer

观测装置 observation instruments


轨道舱 orbital module

国防科学技术工业委员会 Commission of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND)

国际空间站 International Space Station

航天服 space suit

绘制月球表面的三维图像 map three-dimensional images of the lunar surface

激光高度计 laser altimeter

极轨道 polar orbit

紧急供氧装置 emergency oxygen apparatus

近地点 perigee

近地轨道 low Earth orbit

近月点 perilune

空间环境探测系统 space environment detector system

空间物理探测 space physics exploration

空间遥测系统 space telemetry network

立体摄像机 stereo camera

领航宇航员 lead astronaut

美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

拍摄和传送地球照片 capture and relay pictures of Earth

偏离轨道 veer off course; deviate from course

气象卫星 weather satellite; meteorological satellite

燃料加注 fuel adding

绕月circling the moon

绕月卫星 circumlunar satellite

人造卫星 artificial satellite

上升段 ascent stage

生命维持系统 life support system

试验太空船 experimental spacecraft

收集月球表面数据 collect lunar surface data

首次近月制动 first braking at perilune

太空舱 capsule

太空升降舱 space elevator

太空行走 space walk

太阳能电池板 solar panel

探月工程 moon exploration project; moon probe project; lunar exploration program

探月工程首席科学家 chief scientist of China’s lunar orbiter project

探月工程总设计师 chief designer of China’s lunar orbiter project

探月工程总指挥 chief commander of China’s lunar orbiter project

探月卫星 lunar probe; lunar exploration satellite; lunar orbiter

逃逸塔 escape tower

天线 antenna通信卫星 communication satellite

同步轨道卫星 geosynchronous satellite

推进舱 propelling module

外太空 outer space; deep space

微波探测仪 microwave sounder

卫星同发射装置分离进入指定轨道:The satellite separated from the launch vehicle and entered the projected orbit; The satellite was released from the launcher upper stage and entered the projected orbit.

无人飞船 unmanned spaceship/spacecraft

下降段 descent stage

现场观摩发射 watch the launch at the site

消毒服 sterilized uniforms

遥感卫星 remote sensing satellite

有效载荷 payload

有效载荷能力 payload capability

远地点 apogee

远月点 apolune

月球表面化学元素和矿物质分布 distribution of chemical elements and minerals on lunar surface

月球的重力场和环境 gravity field and environment of the moon

运载火箭 carrier rocket; rocket launcher

载人飞船 manned spaceship/spacecraft

载人航天 manned space flight

载人航天计划 manned space program

指令舱 command module

中国国家航天局 China National Space Administration (CNSA)

中国空间技术研究院 China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)

主力火箭 main rockets

着陆架 landing pad






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