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2024-07-07 19:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Having a low temperature.寒冷的:气温低的Having a temperature lower than normal body temperature.低体温的:比正常体温低的Feeling no warmth; uncomfortably chilled.使人战栗的:感觉不温暖;令人感觉不舒服的冷

Marked by deficient heat:温度不足的:例句:a cold room.冰冷的房间Being at a temperature that is less than what is required:冷的:温度没有达到要求的:例句:cold oatmeal.凉的麦片粥Chilled by refrigeration or ice:冰镇:用冰箱或冰使变冷:例句:cold beer.冰镇啤酒Lacking emotion; objective:冷静的:不情绪化的;客观的:例句:cold logic.逻辑严密Having no appeal to the senses or feelings:索然无味的:引不起感觉或情绪的:例句:a cold decor.令人扫兴的舞台布景

Not affectionate or friendly; aloof:高傲的:不喜爱或不友好的;高傲自大的:例句:a cold person; a cold nod.冷漠的人;高傲的一颔首Exhibiting or feeling no enthusiasm:不热情的:显得或感觉没有热情的:例句:a cold audience; a cold response to the new play; a concert that left me cold.缺乏热情的听众;对新剧目的冷淡的反应;没有给我留下印象的音乐会Devoid of sexual desire; frigid.性冷淡的:没有性欲的;性冷淡的Color Designating a tone or color, such as pale gray, that suggests little warmth.【色彩】 冷色调的:指音调或颜色,比如淡灰色,使人想到寒冷Having lost all freshness or vividness through passage of time:微淡的:随着时间的推移失去了所有的新鲜和生气:例句:dogs attempting to catch a cold scent.猎狗试图抓住一丝微淡的气息

Marked by or sustaining a loss of body heat:冰冷的:(持续)失去体温的:例句:cold hands and feet.冰冷的手脚Appearing to be dead; unconscious.失去知觉的:看着好象死了;无知觉的Dead:已死的:例句:was cold in his grave.死在他自己墓里Marked by unqualified certainty or sure familiarity.肯定的:绝对确定或完全熟悉的So intense as to be almost uncontrollable:勉强忍住的:如此强烈以致几乎不能控制的:例句:cold fury.勉强忍住的愤怒adv.(副词)To an unqualified degree; totally:十足地:达到一个绝对的程度;十足地:例句:was cold sober.完全清醒With complete finality:完全地:彻底地决定性的:例句:We turned him down cold.我们一口回绝了他Without advance preparation or introduction:毫无准备地:没有事先准备或事先咨询地:例句:took the exam cold and passed; walked in cold and got the new job.贸然参加考试并且通过了;贸然走进并获得了这份新工作n.(名词)

Relative lack of warmth.冷淡:相比较缺乏热情The sensation resulting from lack of warmth; chill.扫兴,寒心:由于缺乏热情而引起的感觉;寒心A condition of low air temperature; cold weather:寒冷:低气温的情况;寒冷的天气:例句:went out into the cold and got a chill.走到户外的冷空气里打了个寒颤A viral infection characterized by inflammation of the mucous membranes lining the upper respiratory passages and usually accompanied by malaise, fever, chills, coughing, and sneezing.Also called In this sense, also called common cold ,coryza 感冒,伤风:一种病毒性感染,以上呼吸道的粘膜炎并通常伴有不适、发烧、发冷、咳嗽、流鼻涕为特征也作 在此意义上也可称作 common cold,coryzaout in the coldLacking benefits given to others; neglected.冷落的:没有好处以给别人的;被忽视的习惯用语>来源:Middle English 中古英语 from Old English ceald * see gel- 源自 古英语 ceald *参见 gel- 【引伸】cold.lyadv.(副词)cold.nessn.(名词)cold,arctic,chilly,cool,frigid,frosty,gelid,glacial,icy同义词>The central meaning shared by these adjectives is .marked by a low or an extremely low temperature.: 这些形容词所共有的中心意思是.具有低的或极低的温度的.: 例句:cold air;冷空气;例句:an arctic climate;寒冷的气候;例句:a chilly day;凉飕飕的一天;例句:cool water;冰凉的水;例句:a frigid room;寒冷的房间;例句:a frosty morning;下霜的早晨;例句:gelid seas;似冰的海水;例句:glacial winds;细风;例句:icy hands. hot 冰凉的手 hot参考词汇>






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