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cold是什么意思/翻译_cold读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 David • 2022年12月5日 pm5:51 • 英文单词 • 阅读 537


cold是什么意思/翻译_cold读音音标/用法例句/同反义词 cold

英 [kəʊld] 美 [koʊld]

adj.  寒冷的; 冷的; 未热过的; 已凉的; 冷却的; 冷漠的; 不友好的n.  冷; 寒冷; (尤指)低气温; 感冒; 伤风; 着凉adv.  突然; 完全; 毫无准备地



Oxford 3000 / Collins.4 / BNC.972 / COCA.885



低气温 low temperature

寒冷的;冷的having a lower than usual temperature; having a temperature lower than the human body I’m cold. Turn the heating up.我觉得冷,把暖气温度调高一点。 to feel/look cold 感觉 / 看起来冷 cold hands and feet冷手凉脚 a cold room/house寒冷的房间 / 屋子 hot and cold water in every room每个房间都供给的冷热水 Isn’t it cold today?今天真冷,是不是? It’s freezing cold .天气寒冷彻骨。 to get/turn colder 变得更冷 bitterly cold weather严寒的天气 the coldest May on record有记载以来最冷的五月 The water has gone cold.水已变凉。

食物;饮料 food/drink

未热过的;已凉的;冷却的not heated; cooled after being cooked a cold drink冷饮 Hot and cold food is available in the cafeteria.自助餐厅有冷热食物供应。 cold chicken for lunch午餐的鸡肉冷盘

不友好 unfriendly

冷漠的;不友好的without emotion; unfriendly to give sb a cold look/stare/welcome 冷冷地看某人一眼 / 瞪着某人 / 迎接某人 Her manner was cold and distant .她的态度冷漠而疏远。 He was staring at her with cold eyes .他用冷漠的眼光盯着她。

光线;颜色 light/colours

冷的;冷色的;寒色的seeming to lack warmth, in an unpleasant way clear cold light清寒的光 cold grey skies冷灰色的天空

路径 route

不易发现的not easy to find The police followed the robbers to the airport but then the trail went cold .警察追踪抢劫犯到了机场,但是后来却失去了他们的踪迹。

游戏 in games

(儿童游戏中)离目标远的,未猜中的used in children’s games to say that the person playing is not close to finding a person or thing, or to guessing the correct answer

失去知觉 unconscious

失去知觉unconscious He was knocked out cold in the second round.他在第二轮中被击倒失去了知觉。

事实 facts

真实的;客观的facts with nothing added to make them more interesting or pleasant


低气温 low temperature

冷;寒冷;(尤指)低气温a lack of heat or warmth; a low temperature, especially in the atmosphere He shivered with cold.他冻得发抖。 Don’t stand outside in the cold .别站在外面冻着。 She doesn’t seem to feel the cold .她好像不觉得冷。 You’ll catch your death of cold (= used to warn sb they could become very ill if they do not keep warm in cold weather) .你会冻出重病的。

疾病 illness

感冒;伤风;着凉a common illness that affects the nose and/or toat, making you cough, sneeze , etc. I’ve got a cold.我感冒了。 a bad/heavy/slight cold 严重 / 重 / 轻微感冒 to catch a cold 患感冒


突然;完全suddenly and completely His final request stopped her cold.他最后的请求突然阻止了她。 毫无准备地without preparing I can’t just walk in there cold and give a speech.我不能什么准备都没有,进去就发表演讲。 柯林斯词典 ADJ-GRADED 冷的;冰凉的Something that is cold has a very low temperature or a lower temperature than is normal or acceptable. Rinse the vegetables under cold running water…用凉的自来水清洗这些蔬菜。 He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold…他想要杯不凉不热的茶。 Your dinner’s getting cold.你的饭快凉了。 ADJ-GRADED (天气或地方)冷的,寒冷的If it is cold, or if a place is cold, the temperature of the air is very low. It was bitterly cold…天冷得刺骨。 The house is cold because I can’t afford to turn the heat on…屋里很冷,因为我没钱付暖气费。 This is the coldest winter I can remember.这是我记忆中最冷的一个冬天。 N-UNCOUNT 冷;寒冷Cold weather or low temperatures can be referred to as the cold . He must have come inside to get out of the cold…他肯定是进来避寒的。 His feet were blue with cold.他的脚冻得发紫。 ADJ-GRADED (人)感觉冷的,寒冷的If you are cold, your body is at an unpleasantly low temperature. I was freezing cold…我快冻僵了。 I’m hungry, I’m cold and I’ve nowhere to sleep.我饥寒交迫,甚至连睡觉的地方都没有。

If you want to emphasize how cold the weather is, you can say that it is freezing, especially in winter when there is ice or frost. In summer, if the temperature is below average, you can say that it is cool. In general, cold suggests a lower temperature than cool, and cool things may be pleasant or refreshing. A cool breeze swept off the sea; it was pleasant out there. If it is very cool or too cool, you can also say that it is chilly.如果要强调天气冷,尤其是在冬天有冰或霜时,可以说 freezing。在夏天,如果气温低于平均气温,可以说 cool。一般来说,cold 表示的温度比 cool 低,cool 含有舒服或凉爽之意:A cool breeze swept off the sea; it was pleasant out there (一阵凉爽的微风拂过海面,让人感觉外面十分舒服)。如果天气很凉甚至太凉,可以用 chilly。

ADJ (食物)凉的,冷的Cold food, such as salad or meat that has been cooked and cooled, is not intended to be eaten hot. A wide variety of hot and cold snacks will be available.会有各种冷热小吃。 …cold meats.冷肉 ADJ-GRADED (色彩或光)冷的,冷色调的Cold colours or cold light give an impression of coldness. Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede.通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。 …the cold blue light from a streetlamp.街灯发出的幽幽蓝光 ADJ-GRADED 冷淡的;冷酷的;不热情的A cold person does not show much emotion, especially affection, and therefore seems unfriendly and unsympathetic. If someone’s voice is cold, they speak in an unfriendly unsympathetic way. What a cold, unfeeling woman she was…她真是个冷酷无情的女人! ‘Send her away,’ Eve said in a cold, hard voice.“把她打发走。”伊芙冷酷无情地说道。 ADJ-GRADED (痕迹或气味)已变淡的A cold trail or scent is one which is old and therefore difficult to follow. He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones.他能循着地面上甚至是石头上留下的淡淡的痕迹展开追踪。 远未猜中的If you say that someone is cold when they are trying to guess the answer to a question or puzzle, you mean that they are thinking about it in the wrong way and are going to give a wrong answer. 感冒;伤风If you have a cold, you have a mild, very common illness which makes you sneeze a lot and gives you a sore toat or a cough. See also: common cold PHRASE 患感冒If you catch cold, or catch a cold, you become ill with a cold. Let’s dry our hair so we don’t catch cold.我们把头发吹干,这样就不会感冒。 PHRASE 未能打动;未能激起…的兴趣If something leaves you cold, it fails to excite or interest you. Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold.劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已,要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。 PHRASE 昏迷的;失去知觉的;睡得很沉的If someone is out cold, they are unconscious or sleeping very heavily. She was out cold but still breathing.她处于昏迷状态,但还有呼吸。 PHRASE 被忽视;受冷落If you say that a person, group, or country has been left out in the cold, you mean that they have been ignored by others rather than being invited to take part in some activity with them. Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks.在目前的世界贸易洽谈中,发展中国家可能会受到冷落。 in cold blood → see: blood 双语例句 I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here 感冒和流感季节来了,对此我有切身体会。 Rinse the vegetables under cold running water 用凉的自来水清洗这些蔬菜。 He likes his tea neither too hot nor too cold 他想要杯不凉不热的茶。 Your dinner’s getting cold. 你的饭快凉了。 It was bitterly cold 天冷得刺骨。 The house is cold because I can’t afford to turn the heat on 屋里很冷,因为我没钱付暖气费。 This is the coldest winter I can remember. 这是我记忆中最冷的一个冬天。 He must have come inside to get out of the cold 他肯定是进来避寒的。 His feet were blue with cold. 他的脚冻得发紫。 I was freezing cold 我快冻僵了。 I’m hungry, I’m cold and I’ve nowhere to sleep. 我饥寒交迫,甚至连睡觉的地方都没有。 A wide variety of hot and cold snacks will be available. 会有各种冷热小吃。 Generally, warm colours advance in painting and cold colours recede. 通常,绘画中暖色调为近感色,而冷色调为远感色。 What a cold, unfeeling woman she was 她真是个冷酷无情的女人! ‘Send her away,’ Eve said in a cold, hard voice. “把她打发走。”伊芙冷酷无情地说道。 He could follow a cold trail over hard ground and even over stones. 他能循着地面上甚至是石头上留下的淡淡的痕迹展开追踪。 Let’s dry our hair so we don’t catch cold. 我们把头发吹干,这样就不会感冒。 Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold. 劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已,要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。 She was out cold but still breathing. 她处于昏迷状态,但还有呼吸。 Developing countries might be left out in the cold in current world trade talks. 在目前的世界贸易洽谈中,发展中国家可能会受到冷落。 The cold war came to an end. 冷战结束了。 It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard. 现在天气冷极了,地面都冻硬了。 His shoes and clothing were wet tough and icy cold. 他的鞋和衣服都湿透了,冰冷冰冷的。 They shot him down in cold blood. 他们残忍地开枪将他打死了。 I like cold weather 我喜欢冷天。 He’s caught cold. 他传染上感冒了。 He appears to have caught cold. 他似乎伤风了。 The weather is getting cold. 天渐渐地冷了。 The child’s hands were chapped from the cold. 孩子的手皴了。 My fingers are numb with cold. 我的手指冻麻木了。 同义词辨析

  cold chilly cool frozen icy【导航词义:温度低的】

  cold adj. 寒冷的


〔例证〕 It’s a cold winter. 这是一个寒冷的冬天。 He was swimming in cold water. 他在冷水中游泳。 My tea has gone cold. 我的茶已经凉了。

  chilly adj. 寒冷的,冷飕飕的

〔辨析〕指天气或地方冷得让人不舒服的,程度介于 cool 和 cold 之间。

〔例证〕 the chilly morning/wind 寒冷的早晨/风 There is no heater in the room, so you may feel chilly. 屋内没有暖气,你会感觉冷飕飕的。

  cool adj. 凉爽的,凉快的


〔例证〕 We spent a cool night together. 我们一起度过了一个凉爽的夜晚。 Wine should be stored in a cool cellar. 葡萄酒应贮存在阴凉的地下室里。

  frozen adj. 冻僵的;冻住的


〔例证〕 He’s nearly frozen! 他快冻僵了! It was so cold that she felt frozen to the bone. 天气太冷了,她感到寒冷刺骨。 The ground was frozen solid for a whole year. 地面一整年都冻得硬邦邦的。 You can use fresh or frozen meat. 你可以使用新鲜或冷冻的肉。

  icy adj. 冰冷的,寒冷的

〔辨析〕多指水、风等寒冷刺骨的;也可说 icy cold。

〔例证〕 There was an icy wind blowing outside. 外面正刮着凛冽的寒风。 She gasped as she stepped into the icy water. 她步入冰凉的水中时倒抽了一口冷气。 Her shoes were soaked and icy cold. 她的鞋湿透了,冰冷冰冷的。

  impersonal aloof apathetic cold cool indifferent【导航词义:不带感情的】

  impersonal adj. 冷漠的


〔例证〕 Most of the letters from her were impersonal and formal. 她的来信多数都是既没有人情味又模式化的。 All his colleagues knew him as an impersonal man. 他的同事们都知道他是一个冷漠的人。

  aloof adj. 冷漠的,疏远的

〔辨析〕指主观上不愿意和别人多说话的,强调不合群,含不友好之意,通常作表语,常后接介词 from。

〔例证〕 She is so aloof. 她很不合群。 He is a man who stays aloof from his neighbours. 他这个人一直和邻居很疏远。 She has few friends due to her aloof exterior. 她外表冷漠,因此几乎没什么朋友。

  apathetic adj. 冷淡的,无动于衷的


〔例证〕 He became apathetic after his failure. 他失败后变得很冷漠。 She feels too apathetic to even move. 她毫无兴趣,甚至连动都不想动。

  cold adj. 冷漠的,冷淡的



〔例证〕 She is always cold to others. 她对人总是冷冰冰的。 His voice was so cold that she didn’t have the guts to tell him the truth. 他的声音冷冰冰的,致使她不敢告诉他真相。 She was cold towards everyone at the party. 她在聚会上对每一个人都很冷淡。

  cool adj. 冷漠的,冷淡的


〔例证〕 a cool ruthless manner 冷漠无情的态度 The president received a cool welcome when he visited Japan. 总统访问日本时受到了冷遇。

  indifferent adj. 不在乎的,不关心的

〔辨析〕指对某人或某事物漠不关心、毫无兴趣的,常后接介词 to。

〔例证〕 Nobody knew why she was so indifferent to him. 没人明白她为什么对他这么冷淡。 She was absolutely indifferent to this topic. 她对这个话题完全没兴趣。 He is indifferent to the girls around him. 他对周围的女孩们毫不在意。



a cold fish

冷漠无情的人a person who seems unfriendly and without strong emotions

get/have cold feet

临阵胆怯;畏缩to suddenly become nervous about doing sth that you had planned to do He was going to ask her but he got cold feet and said nothing.他本来是想向她提出邀请的,可事到临头他却胆怯得什么也没有说。

give sb the cold shoulder

冷漠对待;使受到冷遇to treat sb in an unfriendly way

in cold blood

残忍地;蓄意地;冷酷地;无情地acting in a way that is deliberately cruel; with no pity to kill sb in cold blood残忍地杀害某人

in the cold light of day

有时间冷静考虑时;在头脑更清醒些的第二天早晨when you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer These things always look different in the cold light of day.这些事情在冷静地考虑后总会显得不同。

leave sb cold

未打动某人;无法引起某人的兴趣to fail to affect or interest sb Most modern art leaves me cold.大多数的现代艺术引不起我的兴趣。

pour/tow cold water on sth

泼冷水;批评;责备to give reasons for not being in favour of sth; to criticize sth

make sb’s blood run cold

使某人不寒而栗(或毛骨悚然)to make sb very frightened or fill them with horror

blow hot and cold (about sth)

拿不定主意;出尔反尔to change your opinion about sth often

go hot and cold

突然感到害怕(或焦虑)to experience a sudden feeling of fear or anxiety When the phone rang I just went hot and cold.电话铃响时我吓得一阵冷一阵热。


come in from the cold

不再受冷落(或排斥)to become accepted or included in a group, etc. after a period of being outside it

leave sb out in the cold

冷落;排斥to not include sb in a group or an activity

catch your death (of cold)

患重感冒to catch a very bad cold 英英释义


the absence of heat the coldness made our breath visible come in out of the cold cold is a vasoconstrictor

Synonym:    coldnesslow temperaturefrigidityfrigidness

the sensation produced by low temperatures he shivered from the cold the cold helped clear his head

Synonym:    coldness

a mild viral infection involving the nose and respiratory passages (but not the lungs) will they never find a cure for the common cold?

Synonym:    common cold


lacking the warmth of life cold in his grave of a seeker unconscious from a blow or shock or intoxication the boxer was out cold pass out cold feeling or showing no enthusiasm a cold audience a cold response to the new play having lost freshness tough passage of time a cold trail dogs attempting to catch a cold scent having a low or inadequate temperature or feeling a sensation of coldness or having been made cold by e.g. ice or refrigeration a cold climate a cold room dinner has gotten cold cold fingers if you are cold, turn up the heat a cold beer extended meanings a cold unfriendly nod a cold and unaffectionate person a cold impersonal manner cold logic the concert left me cold without compunction or human feeling in cold blood cold-blooded killing insensate destruction

Synonym:    cold-bloodedinhumaninsensate

sexually unresponsive was cold to his advances a frigid woman

Synonym:    frigid

so intense as to be almost uncontrollable cold fury gripped him lacking originality or spontaneity moth-eaten theories about race stale news

Synonym:    staledustymoth-eaten

marked by errorless familiarity had her lines cold before rehearsals started (color) giving no sensation of warmth a cold bluish grey



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