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cobble是什么意思 cobble的翻译、中文解释 – 下午有课

2023-11-19 04:49| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  cobble是什么意思 cobble的翻译、读音、例句、中文解释



  词组搭配:cobble together(草草拼凑出来),cobblestone(鹅石路面)

  短语:cobble something up(匆忙制作)



  1. The cobbler was cobbling away at his workbench.(鞋匠正在他的工作台上修补鞋子。)

  2. After the accident, John had to cobble together enough money to pay for the car repairs.(事故后,约翰不得不草草拼凑出足够的钱来支付汽车维修费用。)

  3. The city is planning to cobblestone the streets in the historic district.(城市计划在历史街区铺鹅石路面。)

  4. The patchwork quilt was cobbled together from ss of fabric.(拼布被子是用零碎的布料拼凑而成的。)

  5. The cobbler used a hammer and nails to cobble the sole of the s back together.(鞋匠用锤子和钉子将鞋底草草地修补好。)

  6. She had to cobble together a meal from leftovers in the fridge.(她不得不从冰箱里的剩菜剩饭中草草地组合出一顿饭。)

  7. The tourists admired the cobblestone streets in the old town.(游客们欣赏了老城区的鹅石路面。)




  1. They used natural stones to cobble the path through the forest. (他们用天然石材铺路穿过森林。)

  2. The old town is famous for its narrow streets and cobblestone alleys. (老城区以其狭窄的街道和铺有圆石的小巷而闻名。)

  3. It took us a long time to cobble together a solution to the problem. (我们花费了很长时间才拼凑出一个解决问题的方案。)



  例句:Stylist is surrounded with the cobble of black and white alternate with in gazebo all round, the style is fashionable and halfback. (设计师用黑白相间的鹅石包围在露台的四周,风格时尚而前卫。)


  例句:To cobble together a synthetic biome, the half-dozen Bio2 ecologists sat down at a table together and played this ultimate jigsaw puzzle. (为了要拼凑起一个合成生态区,六七个生态学家一起坐下来玩这个终极拼图游戏。)


  例句:Hi, I’m Nina Borowski, and I think all of you are new here, so welcome to the Cobble Hill Community Center. (现在让我们开始欣赏这个精彩的表演. 大家好,我是妮娜 我想你们都是第一次来这里吧,)


  例句:I’ve called every Democrat in the House to cobble together a number, but no one’s getting back to me. (翻译:没 我联系了国会里每个党人 让给一个大概数字 但没人回复)

  cobble一般作为名词、动词使用,如在pebble cobble desert(砾碎石沙漠)等常见短语中出现较多。

  pebble cobble desert砾碎石沙漠1. Hi, I’m Nina Borowski, and I think all of you are new here, so welcome to the Cobble Hill Community Center. (翻译:现在让我们开始欣赏这个精彩的表演. 大家好,我是妮娜 我想你们都是第一次来这里吧,)

  2. I’ve called every Democrat in the House to cobble together a number, but no one’s getting back to me. (翻译:没 我联系了国会里每个党人 让给一个大概数字 但没人回复)

  3. Mr Tsang can usually rely on an alliance of pro- business and pro- Beijing legislators to cobble together the majorities he needs . (翻译:通常可以依赖于由亲商界和亲北京的立议员组成的联盟,来凑足他所需要的多数票。)

  4. Still I managed to cobble a list together. (翻译:我还是想要凑出一张排名来。)

  5. She wants someone to take charge of the preliminaries, help cobble together the legal framework. (翻译:她想找一位 可以主管准备工作的人 来把法律体制搭配起来)

  6. Unemployment, or the fear of it, restrains many Americans from spending and is forcing them to cobble together their own safety net. (翻译:失业问题或是相关忧虑使得很多美国人节省开支,并正迫使他们修补自己的保障网络。)

  7. Jen walks from Cobble Hill to Crown Heights so she can go with me. (翻译:珍要从科布尔山走到皇冠高地, 为了陪我一起。)

  8. The Iraqi military and police forces the U. S. is trying to cobble together will mostly prove unreliable, unwarlike and treacherous. (翻译:人和强迫美国正在试着一起铺鹅石将会大概不可靠的,不战争的和叛逆的。)

  9. This idea of the way that people cobble together solutions in our life — and the things we kind of do in our environment that are somewhat subconscious but have huge potential — is something that we look at a lot. (翻译:人们组合生活中各个问题的解决方案—— 以及那些平常我们在做的事情, 那些虽是潜意识的,却具有很大潜力的—— 就是我们所苦苦追寻的创意。)

  10. But the Congress Party is taking no chances, and is busy trying to cobble together parliamentary support to ensure its survival. (翻译:不过,国大党没有心存侥幸,他们为了确保胜利正忙于在议会活动,努力获得议员们的支持。)

  11. Furnace slate, brick or cobble can be used to decorate the EXCALIBUR ‘S appearance , and become the focal point. (翻译:炉膛石板、瓷砖、砖面或鹅石都可以点缀EXCALIBUR外观并成为家中的摆设焦点。)

  12. Old Riga with its labyrinth of cobble stoned streets is a live open-air museum containing more than 150 architectural monuments . (翻译:老里加的街道是鹅石铺就的迷宫,150多个路标式建筑更使其成为活生生的露天博物馆。)

  13. I’ll be your group leader, and we can talk about whatever you’d like. (翻译:欢迎来到Cobble Hill社区中心.)

  14. We love the “highly effective” makeshift silencers which movie characters cobble together on the spur of the moment. (翻译:我们喜爱影片角色临时抓过来应急代替消声器的“非常管用的”东西。)

  15. This idea of the way that people cobble together solutions in our life — and the things we kind of do in our environment that are somewhat subconscious but have huge potential — is something that we look at a lot. (翻译:人们组合生活中各个问题的解决方案—— 以及那些平常我们在做的事情, 那些虽是潜意识的,却具有很大潜力的—— 就是我们所苦苦追寻的创意。)

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