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2023-03-16 21:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


In 2016, we set out to help people take control of their daily habits and improve their health. Using artificial intelligence and behavioral science, we built CoachAi, a virtual companion that could teach people about health and fitness and empower them to achieve their goals. In partnership with hundreds of fitness clubs, insurance providers, and public health charities, we coached tens of thousands of people across 5 different countries through their efforts to live healthier lives.

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 lockdown forced health and fitness clubs across the world to shut their doors, putting many of our partners and customers out of business. We continued to offer support to those who needed it for as long as possible, but now the time has come for us to move on to our next endeavor. You can still reach the CoachAi team via email at [email protected].

Thanks for everything, it鈥檚 been a wild ride. Good luck, and stay healthy 馃檪

January 2021






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