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双语新闻播报(March 24)

#双语新闻播报(March 24)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

双语新闻播报(March 24)

chinadaily.com.cn 2023-03-24 15:40

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> 'Frozen Planet II' arriving this winter on BBC America这部纪录片揭露人类面临的最大危机……

A scene from the previous BBC Planet series that include Planet Earth and Frozen Planet. The BBC has announced a slew of new natural-history shows that'll be broadcast in China. [Photo provided to China Daily]

In this follow-up to 2011’s Frozen Planet, the new six-part series called Frozen Planet II revisits the Arctic and Antarctic. 继2011年的《冰冻星球》之后,共六集的全新纪录片《冰冻星球2》再次造访南北两极。

It also gives a view into the secret wildlife dramas that play out in all the world’s coldest areas, such as high mountains and frozen deserts.该片还为人们展示了在诸如冰封高山、冰雪沙漠等世界上最寒冷的地区,野生动物上演着怎样隐秘的生活剧情。

It took the team over three years to make videos of Siberian tigers in Russia walking over great distances to hunt for black bears. 摄制团队花了三年多时间,拍摄下俄罗斯东北虎长途跋涉捕食黑熊的视频。

In China’s Wolong National Nature Reserve, the team brought to light giant pandas doing handstands to mark their scent. 在中国卧龙国家级自然保护区,摄制组还拍到了喜欢用“倒立”做气味标记的大熊猫。

While there are lighter moments, the ever-changing frozen planet is a central theme of the documentary. 《冰冻星球2》虽然不乏一些轻松的时刻,但仍将不断变化的冰冻星球作为核心主题。

Mark Brownlow, the series’ executive producer, points out that Frozen Planet II is not just about capturing nice footage, but also “[drawing] attention to changes going on now”.该纪录片的执行制片人马克•布朗罗指出,《冰冻星球2》不仅要捕捉绝佳的镜头,还要“吸引人们注意到现在正在发生的变化”。

The series shows the great challenges caused by climate change that many polar animals now face. 《冰冻星球2》展示了气候变化为那些依赖极寒环境生存的动物带来的巨大挑战。

For example, pups of harp seals in the Arctic Ocean rely on sea ice for the first six weeks of life. 例如,生长于北冰洋的竖琴海豹宝宝,出生后前六周需要在浮冰上生活。

However, the sea ice of today melts and breaks up sooner in spring. As a result, groups of seal pups fall off the ice into the ocean before they have learned how to swim. 然而,由于如今冰面在春季融化、碎裂的速度加快,成群的海豹宝宝在学会游泳之前就从冰上掉入了海里。

Meanwhile, chinstrap penguin chicks use their fur to stay warm. Due to a warming Antarctica, however, more rainy days have led to them suffering from hypothermia.


Despite this, Frozen Planet II tells us that there is still hope. 虽然前路堪忧,《冰冻星球2》还是告诉大家,我们仍保有希望。

Professor Alun Hubbard is a glaciologist from Norway. He has spent over 30 years studying the movement of ice along Greenland’s coastline. 来自挪威的冰川学家艾伦•哈伯德教授花了30多年时间,研究格陵兰岛海岸线上冰川的运动。

Although there has been much more ice melting there over the last 20 years, he believes that all these processes can still be turned back. 尽管在过去的20年里,那里的冰融化了很多,但他相信所有这些过程仍然可以逆转。

“Consume less ... think more sensibly about the journeys we take and the food we eat. Figure out a lifestyle that is sustainable,” he warns us. 哈伯德警示我们称,“节制消费……对出行和进食做出更理智的思考,找到一种可持续的生活方式。”

> Mysterious streaks of light seen in the sky over California美国加州夜空现神秘光点 或为日本太空垃圾


Mysterious streaks of light were seen in the sky in the Sacramento area Friday night, shocking St. Patrick’s Day revelers who then posted videos on social media of the surprising sight.当地时间17日晚上在美国加州萨克拉门托地区的天空中出现了神秘的流光,震惊了圣帕特里克节的狂欢者,他们随后在社交媒体上发布了这一惊人景象的视频。

Jaime Hernandez was at the King Cong Brewing Company in Sacramento for a St. Patrick’s Day celebration when some among the group noticed the lights. 目击者海梅•埃尔南德斯当时正在萨克拉门托的King Cong 酿酒厂参加圣帕特里克节的庆祝活动,当时人群中有人注意到了这些光点。

Hernandez quickly began filming. 埃尔南德斯迅速开始拍摄。

It was over in about 40 seconds, he said on Saturday.他周六(3月18日)说,这个神秘现象持续了40秒左右。

The brewery owner posted Hernandez’s video to Instagram, asking if anyone could solve the mystery. 酿酒厂老板将埃尔南德斯的视频发布到社交媒体上,询问是否有人能解开这个谜团。

Jonathan McDowell says he can. 乔纳森-麦克道尔说他可以。

McDowell is an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. 他是哈佛-史密森天体物理学中心的一名天文学家。

McDowell said Saturday in an interview with The Associated Press that he’s 99.9% confident the streaks of light were from burning space debris.麦克道尔周六(3月18日)在接受采访时说,这串神秘光点“有99.9%的可能”系太空垃圾燃烧所致。

McDowell said that a Japanese communications package that relayed information from the International Space Station to a communications satellite and then back to Earth became obsolete in 2017 when the satellite was retired. 麦克道尔说,2017年当国际空间站的通信卫星退役时,日本的一个将信息从国际空间站传送给该通信卫星的装置也被废弃了。

The equipment, weighing 310 kilograms, was jettisoned from the space station in 2020 because it was taking up valuable space and would burn up completely upon reentry, McDowell added.麦克道尔补充说,这套设备重达310公斤,于2020年被从空间站丢弃,因为它占用了宝贵的空间,并且在重返大气层时将完全燃尽。

The flaming bits of wreckage created a “spectacular light show in the sky,” McDowell said. He estimated the debris was about 40 miles high, going thousands of miles per hour.麦克道尔介绍,这些燃烧的太空垃圾在天空中形成了 "壮观的灯光秀"。他估计这些残骸大约有40英里(64千米)高,以每小时数千英里的速度运行。

The U.S. Space Force confirmed the re-entry path over California for the Inter-Orbit Communication System, and the timing is consistent with what people saw in the sky, he added. 他补充说,美国太空军证实这个通信装置重返地球时会途经加州上空,时间也与加州出现的神秘光点吻合。

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