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2023-03-24 09:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Women's athletic apparel, but most of all, womens sneakers, have undergone huge renovations since the early 1900s. The first mens running shoes date back to about 1860, but the first women's shoes didnt appear until nearly 50 years later. Ironically, these early women's sneakers actually looked more like a dress shoe with a heel than anything youd slip on to play sports. With a stacked heel and leather upper, these shoes could easily be paired with a dress for church. Apparently, some worried that women might lose their femininity by playing mens sports.

Eventually, the rubber-soled black and white saddle shoe would replace these sport heels. This shoe would be the main athletic shoe available for women well into the 1960s. Luckily, most have realized that women's sports and therefore womens sporting apparel is not a threat to ones femininity. Womens athletic sneakers are thus much more comfortable with all the technologies you will find on mens athletic shoes.






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