2020年11月14号CATTI三笔实务真题及答案【英译汉】 您所在的位置:网站首页 career英译 2020年11月14号CATTI三笔实务真题及答案【英译汉】


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11月14号三笔实务真题及答案 答案由51找翻译教研团队翻译制作

【英译汉】 At 51, Cathy wanted to put her Oxfordphysics degree and former experience to better use, she had worked part-time ina school for several years while her there children were young, but she wantedto get back into the corporate world. Several applications later, she wasgetting nowhere. Then a friend told her about “returnships”, a form of workexperience that some companies are experimenting with to help middle-agedpeople--mainly women--return to work, often breaks to care for families. 51岁的凯茜希望更好地利用她的牛津大学物理学学位以及先前的工作经验。在三个孩子尚幼之时,她曾在一所学校做过数年的兼职,而今她想重返企业界。几番尝试之后,她依旧毫无进展。此时,一位朋友向她介绍了“重返职场计划(returnship)”。这是某些公司正在尝试的一种工作类型,目的是帮助年长者(主要是女性)重返工作岗位——通常是在她们为了照顾家人而数次中断工作之后。   Cathy eventually secured a place on an11-week “Career returners” program with a company, open to men and women, whichincluded being paired with a 20-year-old male student. He helped to acquainther with new technology, such as using an iPhone and accessing the company’svirtual network from her laptop so she could work from home but still accessinternal files. 凯茜最终被一家企业的“职场回归者”计划所录取。这项为期11周的计划同时面向男女求职者开放,而她将与一位20岁的男学生结成对子,由后者帮助她熟悉各种新技术,包括如何使用iPhone以及如何使用笔记本电脑访问公司的虚拟网络。这样,她可以在家工作的同时依然可以访问公司的内部文件。     “On the assessment day, I thought they musthave been looking at my project management skills. But they weren’t looking atus for specific roles. They were just thinking, ‘these women have a lot tooffer, let’s see what they can do.’ That was refreshing.” A clutch of companiesin the UK and the U.S. have spotted an opportunity in hiring female returnees,who can put to use again technical skills learned earlier in their careers. “在最终的评估日,我想他们肯定一直在观察我的项目管理技能。但是,他们并非在考虑我们适合哪些具体岗位,而是在琢磨:‘这些女人都是多面手,我们看看她们能做些什么。’这实在是太新奇了。”英国和美国的一些企业早已发现了聘用女性职场回归者的好处——她们可以重新利用自己在早期职业生涯中所掌握的多种技能。   They believe middle-aged women returningafter a break make particularly good employees, because they bring a freshperspective. Women tend to combine high emotional intelligence with strongleadership and organizational skills. “There is a massive pool of highlyskilled people who want to return to work”, says the head of human resources ofan engineering company. “Recruitment agencies typically view people who havehad two years out as a risk, but we see them as a great opportunity.” 这些企业认为中断工作数年之后重返职场的中年女性更有可能会成为优秀员工,因为她们带来了全新的视角。女性往往在具备较高情商的同时兼具强大的领导力以及优秀的组织能力。一家工程公司的人资经理表示:“有许多高技能人才都希望重返职场。招聘机构通常会将那些有两年空档期的求职者视为风险,但我们却将他们视为重大机遇。”    In fact, by hiring female returnees,companies can access good skills these women developed in their former high-leveljobs--and for a discount. In return, employers coach these middle-aged femalesback into working life. Though her returnship, Cathy gained a full-time role asan operations data consultant. She still is earning less than she would liketo, “but it’s a foot in the door and the salary is up for review in sixmonths,” she says. It is still overwhelmingly women who stay home to care foryoung children. UK government figures show that women account for around 90percent of people on career breaks for caring reasons. A lack of middle-agedwomen working, particularly in high skilled roles, is costing the UK economy£50 billion a year, according to a report. The report found that men over 50took home nearly two-thirds of the total wages paid out to everyone in that agerange in 2015. It blamed the pay gap on the low-skilled, part-time rolesmiddle-aged women often accept. Some 40 percent of women in work in the UK doso part-time, as opposed to only 11 percent of men. This issue is notrestricted to the UK. A study last year by e-conomists found “strong evidence ofage discrimination in hiring against older women” in a range of white- andblue-collar jobs. The data show that it is harder for middle-aged women to findjobs than it is for middle-aged men, regardless of whether they have taken abreak from working. 事实上,通过雇佣重返职场的女性,企业可以收获她们在之前所从事的高级工作岗位期间所积累的优秀技能——而且只需支付更低的薪水。作为交换,企业亦会指导这些中年女性如何重返职场生活。通过“重返职场计划”,凯茜获得了一个运营数据顾问的全职工作。一份报告显示,由于职场中缺少中年女性——尤其是一些需要较高技能的工作岗位——英国每年都在蒙受500亿英镑的经济损失。该报告还指出2015年50岁以上年龄段的所有男性将其近三分之二的薪水都拿回了家,并认为男女之间的薪酬差距主要缘于中年女性通常只能接受低技能的兼职工作。在英国,大约40%的女性在从事兼职工作,而男性只有11%。这个问题并非英国独有。根据几位经济学家在去年开展的一项研究,一系列的白领和蓝领工作“在招聘之时均存在明显的、针对年长女性的年龄歧视”。数据显示,与中年男性相比,中年女性更难找到工作——无论她们是否存在空档期。  







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