会计英语:所有者权益 您所在的位置:网站首页 capital会计翻译 会计英语:所有者权益


2023-10-16 19:30| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

       1.Owner’s equity 所有者权益   ·equity n. 股东的权益〔拼写上注意与equal(平等的,相等的)相区别〕   owners’equity=Assets-liabilities   shareholders’equity,就是股东权益   share 一份   shareholder 股东   stock 存货,也表示股票的意思   stockholder 股东

  2.Rights of shareholders 股东的权利   ·voting rights 选举权 vote n. v. 投票,表决   e.g.Generally, each share represents one vote.     Shares without voting rights 无表决权的股票   ·Dividends right 股利分配权   Declare dividend 宣布股利   Pay dividend 支付股利   ·Claim rights on liquidation 清算参与权   Liquidation v.清算   residual claim   residual 残余的,剩余的   priority claim 优先权   ·Preemptive rights 优先购股权

  3.Composition of owners’equity 所有者权益的构成   ·实收资本:Paid-in capital/paid-up capital/contributed capital   Contribute v. 贡献   Capital stock/capital share 股本   (preference shares/preferred shares, common/ordinary shares)(优先股,普通股)   ·Additional paid-in capital 附加投入资本,   资本公积 capital reserve   ·Retained earnings 留存收益   undistributed profit 未分配利润

  4.Capital share 股本   ·Outstanding shares 发行在外的股票   ·preference/preferred shares 优先股   common/ordinary shares 普通股   ·Authorized shares 核定股票   ·Issued shares 已发行的股票   Outstanding shares 发行在外的股票   Treasury shares 库藏股(我国会计准则中叫库存股)   ·par value (pv) 票面价值 no par value (npv)无票面价值   e.g.The company issued 500 common shares, par value $1.00.     The company issued 500 common shares, no par value.     The company issued 500 common par value shares at the price in excess of par. 公司溢价发行了500股普通股。   Lecture example 1:   ①ABC company issued 10,000 common shares, par value $2.00, for cash of $5 per share.   ABC公司以每股5美元的价格发行了10 000股面值为2美元的普通股。    Dr Cash 50,000     Cr Common shares 20,000     Cr Capital reserve in excess of par, common share 30,000   ②ABC company issued 10,000 common shares, no par value, for cash of $5 per share.   ABC公司以每股5美元的价格发行了10,000股无面值的普通股。  Dr Cash       50,000     Cr Common shares   50,000

  5.dividend股利   ·Cash dividends现金股利   Lecture example 2:   ①The board of directors of ABC company declared a 50 cents per share cash dividend on 100,000 shares of common shares.   The date of declaration 宣布股利的时候:   Dr dividends      50,000     Cr dividends payable   50,000   The date of payment 支付股利的时候:   Dr Dividends payable  50,000     Cr cash         50,000   年底,股票账户结转到留存收益:   Dr Retained earnings  50,000     Cr dividends       50,000   【注意】这里英文处理与中文处理有不同之处。   ·Stock dividends 股票股利   ②A company has a balance of $200,000 in retained earnings and 5,000 shares of $10 par value common shares. The current fair market value of its stock is $15 per share. Assuming that the corporation declares a 10% stock dividend, please write the entry to record this transaction at the declaration and payment date.  Common shares to be distributed=5,000*$10*10%=5,000   Capital reserve in excess of par=5,000*$5*10%=2,500   The date of declaration 宣布股利的时候:   Dr retained earning          7,500     Cr common shares to be distributed   5,000     Cr capital reserve in excess of par   2,500   The date of payment 支付股利的时候:   Dr Common shares to be distributed  5,000     Cr Common shares            5,000

  6.EPS: earnings per share 每股收益   ·earnings per share/earnings per common share   ·potential common shares 潜在普通股   ·每股收益的计算分为两种: 基本每股收益(basic earnings per share),稀释每股收益(diluted earnings per share)。   ·计算公式:   基本每股收益=普通股股东的当期净利润÷发行在外普通股的加权平均数.   Basic EPS= net profit for the reporting period÷weighted average number of outstanding common shares   发行在外普通股加权平均数=期初发行在外普通股股数+当期新发行普通股股数×已发行时间÷报告期时间-当期回购普通股股数×已回购时间÷报告期时间   Weighted average number of common shares=ordinary shares outstanding at start of year+(ordinary shares issued during year, weighted by number of days)-(ordinary shares bought back during year, weighted number of days)   Lecture example 3:   At the beginning of 2007, ABC company had 100,000 outstanding common shares. On July 1, 2007 the company issued 3,000 common shares and bought back 1,000 on Oct. 1, 2007. The net profit for the year was 400,000.Please calculate the earnings per share of 2007.   Weighted average number of common shares   =100,000×12/12+3,000×6/12-1,000×3/12=101,250   EPS=400,000÷101,250=3.95






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