【然而英文】But, However, Nevertheless 5個常用英文對比連接詞用法 AmazingTalker® 您所在的位置:网站首页 but的高级用法 【然而英文】But, However, Nevertheless 5個常用英文對比連接詞用法 AmazingTalker®

【然而英文】But, However, Nevertheless 5個常用英文對比連接詞用法 AmazingTalker®

2024-07-09 02:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

在寫作時我們常需要利用比較、對比連接詞來連接前後相反的句子,以表達語氣的轉折,就類似中文當中的「雖然…但是」「然而」。除了But以外還有什麼英文連接詞可以用?以下整理了5個常用的英文對比連結詞的用法、差異和例句:But、Although、Nevertheless、However及In Contrast ,一次搞動英文對比連結詞就看這一篇!英文寫作時別再搞混了!


Nevertheless的用法 But的用法 Although的用法 However的用法 In Contrast的用法 單元練習 相關文章 參考網址 Nevertheless 然而、不過、仍然

Nevertheless(或是nonetheless)解作「然而、不過、仍然」,但是它並不是動詞,而是連接副詞(Conjunctive Adverb),主要用在句子開頭。


Nevertheless, many people were injured in the accident. (然而,很多人在意外中受傷。) We brought along the umbrella, but we got wet nevertheless. (雖然我們帶了雨傘,但我們仍然濕透了。)


Nevertheless 和 Nonetheless 都是「然而、不過」的意思,但普遍而言Nevertheless較為常用,而且Nevertheless於比較主動句(Active Voice)較常見。而Nonetheless則會較多使用在被動句(Passive Voice)。 Nevertheless與However最大的分別是Nevertheless的表達較強烈和正式。 But 然而、但是、不過

「但是」的英文很多人會先想到 But 這個單字,But有很多不同的詞性,它可以是連接詞(Conjunction)或者副詞(Adverb),更可以是介詞(Preposition)。不過,But最常見的用法是用作並列連接詞 (Coordinating Conjunction),用來連接2個意義相反的單字、短語或是子句。

連接單字:The car is big, but cheap. (這輛車很大,但是很便宜。) 連接短語: She has a beautiful appearance, but a bad temper. (她擁有美麗的外表,然而脾氣很壞。) 連接子句: Wendy is sick, but she still comes to my birthday party. (Wendy生病了,但是她還是來了我的生日派對。)


跟在but後面的子句如果較長的話,需要在它前面加上逗號,用作語句停頓和分隔2個完整句子,避免讀者混淆句意。否則,可以省略逗號。例如:The car is big but cheap. 我們不可用however作連接詞來取代but。例如: The car is big but cheap. (✓) The car is big however cheap. (✘) Although 雖然、不過

Although(或是though)解作「雖然、不過」也可以用作對比,但是與but不同的是,它們是附屬連接詞(Subordinating Conjunctions),用以連接主子句和附屬子句。Although可以放在句子開首或是句子中間,若它放在句子中間,它前面不用加上逗號。

Tim is smart although he is just 5 years old. (雖然Tim只有5歲,但是他很聰明。) Raymond and James are close friends although they are studying in different schools. (雖然Raymond和James讀不同的學校,但是他們是很親近的朋友。)


Although和Though的意思是一樣,只是Although在書寫上較常見,而Though則較常在口語或會話上使用。 一般而言,Although在語意上較But正式, But跟Although的用法不同,因為它們是2種不同的連接詞(Conjunction)。But作為並列連接詞 (Coordinating Conjunction)只能連接2個相同語法類型的項目,即是: 單字和單字:The car is big, but cheap. 短語和短語: She has a beautiful appearance, but a bad temper. 子句和子句:Wendy is sick, but she still comes to my birthday party. 使用Although或Though的時候,主子句和附屬子句的次序不可掉轉。 We all feel happy although we lose the game. (✓) Although we lose the game, we all feel happy. (✓) We lose the game, but we all feel happy. (✓) But we lose the game, we all feel happy. (✘) 我們在中文當中常說「雖然…但是…」但在英文當中,Although和But是不可以放在同一句句子內使用的! Although we lose the game, but we all feel happy. (✘) However 然而、可是、不管怎樣

However 的中文是「然而、可是、不管怎樣」用來表達前後句意義相反的副詞(Adverb),用來連接2句獨立的句子,意思跟but類似,但But是用來連接2句子句。However的用法與Nevertheless比較相似,只是沒有前者在語氣強調上那麼強烈。另外However較Nevertheless常用。


We practice hard for the competition. However, we lose. (我們為比賽很用心地練習,可是輸了。) I must buy this computer however expensive it is. (我一定會買這部電腦,不管它有多昂貴。)


若把However放在句首使用,後面必須加上逗號。 In Contrast 相反

In Contrast是一個短語(Phrase),中文可解作「相對來看」「與…相反」,它較常在句首出現,In contrast 後面須加上逗號。它亦可以與with或是to使用,即In contrast with或是In contrast to。

In contrast to recession, ABC company earned a lot in the beginning of the year. (與經濟衰退相反,ABC公司在年頭賺了很多錢。) ABC company earned a lot in the beginning of the year, in contrast with XYZ company. (與XYZ公司相比,ABC公司在年頭賺了很多錢。) In contrast, Jennie attend classes punctually. (相反,Jennie很準時上課。) 單元練習


( However / Although / In contrast) she felt really tired after work, she went to Jane’s birthday party yesterday.I was there by 7 o’clock. ( Although / Nevertheless / However ), none of my friends arrived on time.Hong Kong is small, ( in contrast to / nevertheless / but ) it has 7 millions of population.There are lots of talents fighting for that position. ( Nevertheless / In contrast with / Although ), only 1 of them can be the winner.Benny is a shy boy. ( Although / But / In contrast), Jason, his brother is very outgoing. 相關文章


【然而英文】But, However, Nevertheless 5個常用英文對比連接詞用法

現在大家應該可以容易分辨到But、Although、Nevertheless、However及In Contrast的分別和用法了吧?當然,以上只是一些很基本和常用的英文知識,想了解更多英文寫作、語法知識的話,可以參考我們的英語學習專欄或是體驗我們的英文課堂!






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