标准数字化发展现状及趋势研究 您所在的位置:网站首页 bsigroup中国 标准数字化发展现状及趋势研究


2023-04-23 02:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

[1]  中国信息通信研究院. 中国数字经济发展白皮书(2020年) [R]. 北京: 中国信息通信研究院, 2020. China Academy of Information and Communications. White paper on China’s digital economy development (2020) [R]. Beijing: China Academy of Information and Communications, 2020.

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[12]  央视网. 国家标准委: 国家标准制定周期将缩短到30个月[EB/ OL]. (2019-01-10)[2021-08-03]. http://news.cctv.com/2019/01/10/ ARTIGRNSUdZCDHHhCelK0Pid190110.shtml. CCTV Network. National standards commission: The national standard formulation cycle will be shortened to 30 months [EB/ OL]. (2019-01-10)[2021-08-03]. http://news.cctv.com/2019/01/10/ ARTIGRNSUdZCDHHhCelK0Pid190110.shtml. 链接1

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[23]  COPANT. COPANT战略规划(2021—2025) [R]. 上海: 美洲标准 化研究中心, 2020. COPANT. COPANT strategic planning (2021—2025) [R]. Shanghai: American Standardization Research Center, 2020.

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[30]  CEN-CENELEC. Annual report 2019 [R]. Brussels: CENCENELEC Management Centre, 2020.

[31]  BSI. BSI Flex 5555 community face coverings-specification V2.1 [S]. London: BSI Standards Limited, 2021.

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[35]  ZVEI. Submodel templates of the asset administration shell– generic frame for technical data for industrial equipment in manufacturing [S]. Berlin: Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), 2019.

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[39]  中国电子技术标准化研究院. IEEE标准《面向标准的知识 图谱技术要求》获批立项[EB/OL]. (2020-10-10)[2021-08-03]. https://www.baidu.com/link?url=rcVYEfcLaLj0bXRSZhLHAGhPyOSZl6nWiEuYrfuFZFJ-9mJknT4iV1o77UQD_ CLS&wd=&eqid=9984e9b7000e3a33000000026065d54b. China Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization. IEEE standard technical requirements for standard oriented knowledge atlas was approved [EB/OL].(2020-10-10)[2021-08-03]. https:// www.baidu.com/link?url=rcVYEfcLaLj0bXRSZhLHAGhPyOSZl 6nWiEuYrfuFZFJ-9mJknT4iV1o77UQD_CLS&wd=&eqid=9984 e9b7000e3a33000000026065d54b. 链接1

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