2023年北京石景山高三一模解析 您所在的位置:网站首页 breath的用法 2023年北京石景山高三一模解析


2023-03-25 02:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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I am never good at public speaking. Every time I was involved in a group project, I would always volunteer to be any role but the presenter. 我从来不擅长公开演讲。每次我参与一个小组项目,我总是自愿扮演任何角色,而不是主持人。So, when my partner Emily offered to be the ____1____ of our project, I was overjoyed.

Unfortunately, on the presentation day, Emily fell ill badly. She had to stay home to rest. 不幸的是,在演示当天,艾米丽病得很厉害。她不得不呆在家里休息。I was worried that she may ____2____ the presentation, so I called her. As I spoke to her on the phone, it became apparent that I had to step up and present our project. 当我和她在电话里交谈时,很明显我必须站出来介绍我们的项目。I was filled with ____3____. By the time I hung up the phone, I could hardly breathe.

I had no ____4____ but to make an alternative plan. I tried to ____5____ my nervousness and focus on the task at hand. Pulling out a piece of paper, I wrote whatever I could remember on it with great urgency. 我拿出一张纸,急切地写下了我能记得的一切。

With that piece of paper, I stood outside the classroom door, waiting for my turn. I tried to be calm, but as time passed by, ____6____ went through me and the waiting area seemed too smallfor me to ____7____. When my name was called, I broke out into a cold sweat. 当叫到我的名字时,我突然出了一身冷汗。

In front of the judges, my hands failed in their attempts to remain ____8____. All the while, my voice and hands were shaking. I tried to take shallow breaths and I felt I would fall apart anytime. 我的声音和手一直在颤抖。我试着做浅呼吸,我觉得我随时都会崩溃。Somehow, I ____9____ to go through the entire presentation and deliver my speech as planned. ____10____ my fear was not as hard as it seemed, and my alternative plan proved to be a success.

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B


1.A.recorder B.speaker

C.designer D.organizer

考查名词词义辨析。句意:所以,当我的搭档Emily提出要做我们项目的发言人时,我欣喜若狂。A. recorder记录员;B. speaker发言人;C. designer设计者;D. organizer组织者。根据上文“I would always volunteer to be any role but the presenter(除了发言人,我总是自愿担任任何角色)”及空后“I was overjoyed”刘凯老师解析:可知,作者不愿意担任发言人,所以此处指当Emily提出要做发言人时,作者欣喜若狂,故选B。

2.A.change B.give

C.analyze D.miss

考查动词词义辨析。句意:我担心她会错过演讲,所以我给她打了电话。A. change改变;B. give给;C. analyze分析;D. miss错过。根据“She had to stay home to rest.(她必须在家休息)”可知,Emily生病在家休息,作者担心她会错过演讲,所以给她打电话,故选D。

3.A.relief B.excitement

C.anxiety D.shame

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我充满了焦虑。A. relief宽慰;B. excitement激动,兴奋;C. anxiety焦虑;D. shame羞耻。根据“By the time I hung up the phone, I could hardly breathe.(当我挂断电话时,我几乎无法呼吸)”及语境可知,作者要做发言人,所以很焦虑,故选C。

4.A.resource B.worry

C.chance D.choice

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我别无选择,只好另作打算。A. resource资源;B. worry担忧;C. chance机会;D. choice选择。刘凯老师解析:根据语境可知,Emily生病无法担任发言人,所以作者别无选择,只能自己去克服恐惧担任发言人,故选D。

5.A.push aside B.let out

C.hide behind D.hold onto

考查动词短语辨析。句意:我努力不去想我有多紧张,把注意力集中在手头的工作上。A. push aside不去想,不考虑;B. let out释放;C. hide behind 躲在……后面;D. hold onto坚持不懈。根据“focus on the task at hand”可知,作者努力不去想自己有多紧张,而是把集中注意力在工作上,故选A。

6.A.sadness B.fear

C.anger D.guilt

考查名词词义辨析。句意:我努力让自己冷静下来,但随着时间的流逝,恐惧笼罩着我,等候区似乎太小了,我无法呼吸。A. sadness悲伤;B. fear害怕,恐惧;C. anger生气;D. guilt内疚。根据语境及文章最后一句“ ____10____ my fear was not as hard as it seemed”刘凯老师解析:可知,作者很害怕,故选B。

7.A.rest B.cry

C.breathe D.sigh

考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. rest休息;B. cry哭泣;C. breathe呼吸;D. sigh叹气。根据空前“the waiting area seemed too small”可知,由于作者极度紧张,所以等待室对作者来说太小了,喘不过气,故选C。

8.A.steady B.flexible

C.gentle D.strong

考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在裁判面前,我的手没能保持稳定。A. steady稳定的;B. flexible灵活的;C. gentle温柔的;D. strong强壮的。根据下一句“All the while, my voice and hands were shaking.(我的声音和手一直在颤抖)”可知,作者的手一直抖,无法保持稳定,故选A。

9.A.pretended B.expected

C.refused D.managed

考查动词词义辨析。句意:不知怎的,我设法完成了整个演示,并按计划发表了我的演讲。A. pretended假装;B. expected期待;C. refused拒绝;D. managed设法做到。根据“deliver my speech as planned”刘凯老师解析:可知,作者如期完成演讲,manage to do sth设法完成某事,故选D。

10.A.Understanding B.Overcoming

C.Admitting D.Expressing

考查动词词义辨析。句意:克服我的恐惧并不像看起来那么难,我的替代计划被证明是成功的。A. Understanding理解;B. Overcoming克服;C. Admitting承认;D. Expressing表达。根据“and my alternative plan proved to be a success”可知,作者克服了恐惧,成功完成演讲,故选B。


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