that引导从句的时的词性区分(连接词、连接代词、连接副词、从属连词、关系代词/副词) 您所在的位置:网站首页 breakdown分解的词性 that引导从句的时的词性区分(连接词、连接代词、连接副词、从属连词、关系代词/副词)


2024-07-09 12:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【1】that 作从属连词引导名词性从句:无意思,不作成分,只起连接句子作用,有时候可以省略,有时候不能省略:

A.引导主语从句。例如:It's surprising that she is [should be] so angry. 她那么生气,令人惊讶。/It is natural that she should cry. 她大哭是人之常情。/That he is a doctor is true.= It is true that he is a doctor.千真万确,他是医生。【注意】引导主语从句的that被省略的情况很少,特别是在句首时绝对不能省略。

B.引导宾语从句,作及物动词、某些形容词、某些介词的宾语。例如:I know that he doesn't love me. 我知道他不爱我。/The teacher taught us that we should always do our best. 老师教我们要时刻尽己所能。/ I'm sure that he is clever.我确信他是聪明的。 / I enjoyed the concert except that the hall was cold.我很欣赏那场音乐会,只是会场冷了些。【注意】(1)这个that在口语中常常可以省略。但是 that 引导两个或者多个名词性从句时,只能省略第一个that,以免意思变得模糊不清。例如:He said (that) there were lots of things to do and that he wouldn't go with us. 他说他有很多事要做,所以不和我们一起去。(2) 如果宾语从句作要求接宾语补足语的动词的宾语,通常在动词后面用it作形式宾语。例如: I found it impossible that I silenced her.我发觉自己无法使她安静下来。

C.引导表语从句。例如:The fact is that he doesn't even take the exam .事实是他连考试都没有参加。

D.引导同位语从句。The rumor that they would get married spread at once .他们要结婚的谣言马上传了开来。

【2】that 作关系代词,引导定语从句并且在从句中充当句子成分,可以作主语,宾语,表语等。

A.作主语,一般不能省略。例如:The building that stands over there is a hospital.坐落在那边的建筑物是医院。

B.作宾语,通常可以省略。例如:These are the pictures that I took in China.这些是我在中国拍的照片。

C.作表语。例如:She is not the girl that she was ten years ago. 她已经不是十年前的那个女孩了。

【3】that 作从属连词引导状语从句:

A.(表示目的) 以便......,为使...... (通常使用so that ...或 in order that ...形式):I took a taxi so that I would be in time for the appointment.我坐出租车去,以便赶上约会。Come closer in order that you may see the screen better.靠近一些,以便你能更清楚地看到银幕。

B.(以so...that...或such...that...形式,表示结果、程度) 很 ...... 所以 ......;那么......以致...... :I was so tired that I couldn't keep awake. 我很疲倦,所以不能保持清醒。She was such an excellent secretary that her boss tried to dissuade her from resigning.她是个非常优秀的秘书,所以她的上司设法劝她不要辞职。

C.(以so that...形式,表示结果) 所以 ......(在口语中 that 常可省略): I slept well, so that I felt much better afterward.我睡了一个好觉,随后感觉舒服多了。







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