2023年初中英语语法之不定式易错点与测试练习题(含答案) 您所在的位置:网站首页 blame语法 2023年初中英语语法之不定式易错点与测试练习题(含答案)


2023-05-09 00:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2023年初中英语语法之不定式易错点与测试练习题不定式to do使用易错点英语写作中,我们常用不定式to do,但是你真的会使用 to do 吗?不定式 to do 属于非谓语三种形式中的一种,不时与动词,形容词等组成短语,在句子中可充当主宾表、定状补等成分,其中做状语可表示目的、结果以及原因。这次分两章为大家作不定式 to do 的易错点分析。误: This job ought to finish well.正: This job ought to be finished well.(这项工作应该做得尽善尽美。)本句错误的地方在于没有注意到虽然不定式形式是 to do,即to后面须用动词原形,但是不定式同样需要注意语态的变化。本句中“工作”与“完成”是被动关系,故不定式应使用 to be finished。误: No one is to be blamed for it.正: No one is to blame for it.(这事谁也不能怪谁。)本句与上一句同样是被动关系,为何要用主动形态?本句的错误在于没有注意到一个知识点:不定式to do以主动形式表示被动含义,如to blame(归咎于)和to let(出租)。如:① She is the one to blame.(她难辞其咎。)② This house is to let.(这所房子要出租。)误: This job is hard to be finished well.正: This job is hard to finish well.(这项工作难以做得尽善尽美。)本句同第一句语境相同,即应该是被动语态。但是在 hard, difficult, easy, good, bad 等形容词后,只能用主动形式,因而应该改为 to finish。误: This job ought to finish well.正: This job ought to be finished well.(这项工作应该做得尽善尽美。)本句错误的地方在于没有注意到虽然不定式形式是 to do,即to后面须用动词原形,但是不定式同样需要注意语态的变化。本句中“工作”与“完成”是被动关系,故不定式应使用 to be finished。误: No one is to be blamed for it.正: No one is to blame for it.(这事谁也不能怪谁。)本句与上一句同样是被动关系,为何要用主动形态?本句的错误在于没有注意到一个知识点:不定式to do以主动形式表示被动含义,如to blame(归咎于)和to let(出租)。如:① She is the one to blame.(她难辞其咎。)② This house is to let.(这所房子要出租。)误: This job is hard to be finished well.正: This job is hard to finish well.(这项工作难以做得尽善尽美。)本句同第一句语境相同,即应该是被动语态。但是在 hard, difficult, easy, good, bad 等形容词后,只能用主动形式,因而应该改为 to finish。不定式 to do 还有一些易错点和重要的知识点我们下期再作讲解,大家不见不散。可以省略to的情形讲解不定式作表语与 to 的省略当不定式用作表语的时候,其中的to 原则上是不能省略的。如:His aim is to make a million dollars in ten years. 他的目标是十年挣一百万。This wall made of stone was to keep the cattle out。这堵墙为的是不让牲畜进来。但有一种例外,那就是当主语部分有动词do的某种形式时,用作表语的不定式可以省略to。如:All I did was (to) touch the vase, and it broke all of a sudden. 我只不过碰了一下窗户,它突然就碎了。并列不定式与to的省略当两个或多个作用相同的不定式并列时,通常只需在第一个不定式前用to,其余不定式前的to 可以省略。如:I’d like to go to sleep and(to)have a good rest。我想躺下休息了。Will you go to the America or (to)the Africa 你要去美洲还是非洲啊?但是,如果两者有对比关系,则后面不定式前的to不可省略。如:To try and fail is better than not to try at all. 尝试而失败总比不尝试好。固定搭配与to的省略1. let类固定搭配:let fall (无意中说出),let fly(发射、攻击),let go (放开),let slip (放走),live and let live (自己活也让别人活)等。如:She let slip an opportunity to study abroad. 她错过了出国留学的机会。He arranged all and then let fly. 他安排好了之后便开了枪。I got to know what was going around from a few words she let fall. 我从她说的几句话中猜出发生什么事了。2. make类搭配:make believe (假装),make do (凑合着用)等。如:The girls made believe (that) they were angles.女孩子们假扮成天使。We were in a hurry so we had to make do with a quick snack. 我们时间很紧,只好胡乱吃了顿小吃。动词不定式的省略 为了避免重复,我们常常把作宾语、宾补和谓语动词的一部分的不定式省略,只保留动词不定式的符号to。现将常见省略不定式的几种情况通过实例加以简析,供大家参考:(1)—How about coming to my dormitory for a party —I’d love to if it doesn’t make you so much trouble. (到我寝室参加聚会怎么样?----只要你不嫌麻烦,当然好啦)。这里的知识点是:在hope, like, love, promise, want, wish等词后作宾语的不定式常省略。再如:You could go outside for a party if you want to. (如果你想去参加聚会,你就去吧)She can get a chance of interview if she hopes to.(如果她喜欢这个职位,可以给一个面试的机会)—How about going for a picnic the day after tomorrow? —I’d like to, but I have no permission from my parents.(后天一起去野餐怎么样?------我倒是很愿意去呢,但是得不到我父母的允许啊!)哎,小编不禁感叹,这位小朋友也是我小时候一样,干巴巴望着其他孩儿们玩耍。(2)please do not stop the music until I ask you to.(我没通知你关掉音乐的话,请不要关。)这里涉及到的知识点就是 :在allow, ask, tell 等词后作宾语补足语的不定式常省略。再如:Don’t touch the exhibits unless the assistants allow you to. (没有服务员的允许,你绝对不可以触摸这些展览品)。Don’t water the flowers on the balcony until the owner tells you to.(=阳台上的花,主人没有叫浇水之前别动它)(3)To be honest,he didn’t want to hand in his homework at all, but he had to. 在be able to, be going to, have to, need to, enough to, used to等后的不定式需省略。如: If you don’t have any point of view during the meeting , you don’t need to.(如果会上你没有什么意见或者想说的,那你可以不用说)the little girl doesn’t go out at night, because she was afraid to. (这个小女孩因为害怕,所以晚上一般都不出门)在afraid, glad, happy, pleased, sorry等词后作状语的不定式常省略。单项选择1. ______ the seeds and they will grow. A. Water B. To water C. Watering D. Watered2. The purpose of the scheme is not to help the employers but ______ work for young people. A. provide B. to provide C. providing D. provided3. He arrived at the office early, ______ a good example to the others. A. set B. to set C. to be set D. having set4. Please make my excuse at tomorrow’s meeting — I’ve got too much work ______. A. to do to come B. doing coming C. to do coming D. to do coming5. We looked everywhere for the keys, but they are nowhere _____ A. to find B. to have found C. to be found D. being found6. After describing the planned improvements, she went on ______ how much they would cost. explain B. explaining C. to be explaining D. having explained7. To test eggs, ______ them in a bowl of water: if they float they’re bad, if they sink they’re good. A. put B. putting C. to put D. to be putting8. Please remember ______ the plants while I’m away. A. watering B. to be watering C. to water D. being watering9. ______ wine, first you must press the grapes. A. Making B. To make C. To be making D. Make10. I’ve never been so poor ______ able to afford a meal. to be not B. not as to be C. as not to be to not be11. I don’t know whether to stay in teaching or ____another job. A. trying getting B. to try to get C. trying to get D. try get12. I’ll have to change my clothes before I go out — I don’t want ______ like this. A. to see B. to be seeing C. to be seen D. being seen13. In fact, she was the first woman ______to such a post. A. to elect B. to be electing C. to have elected D. to have been elected14. I’d like ___over the Alps and looking down at the mountains. A. flying B. being flying C. to be flying D. be flying15. I’m learning ______ a cake. Can you explain ______ one A. to make, to make B. how to make, to make C. to learn, how to make D. making, making16. Whom would you rather _____ with you, Jim or Jack A. have go B. have to go C. have gone D. has to go17. The husband advised ______to the south, but his wife advised him _____ up the idea. A. moving, giving B. to move, to give C. moving, to give move, giving18. “Would you like to come for a walk with me ” “I’d prefer ___, thank you.” A. not to B. to not C. not D. can’t19. I would mend your radio, but I don’t know ______. A. how B. to C. how to D. to how20. “I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time.” “What do you suppose ______ to him ” A. was happening B. to happen C. has happened D. had happened21. When I handed the report to John, he said that George was the person _____. send sending it send it to sending it to22. “Do you know the girl in red ” “She seems _____ me at last month’s party. But I’m not sure. A. to introduce to B. to be introduced to C. being introduced to D. to have been introduced to23. We all agreed ______ for another day, but Jim disagreed ____ wait,to do so wait,不填g, doing so g,不填24. He made up his mind to devote his life _____ pollution _____ happily. A. to prevent, to live B. to prevent, from living C. to preventing, to live D. to preventing, from living25. I wish I’d been there — I would like ____ her face when his husband came in. A. to see B. to have seen C. seeing D. having seen【参考答案】 1—5 ABBAC 6—10 AACBC 11—15 BCDCC 16—20 ACACC 21—25 CDBCB








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