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benefit [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈbɛnɪfɪt/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/ˈbɛnəfɪt/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(benə fit) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'benefit' (v): (⇒ conjugate)benefitsv 3rd person singular benefitingv pres p benefitedv past benefitedv past p

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译英语中文 benefit n (advantage)SCSimplified Chinese 长处 cháng chù TCTraditional Chinese 長處   SCSimplified Chinese 好处 cháng chù ,hǎo chù TCTraditional Chinese 好處   SCSimplified Chinese 好处 cháng chù ,hǎo chù TCTraditional Chinese 好處  There are benefits to owning a car.  有车有很多好处。 benefit n (profit)SCSimplified Chinese 效益 xiào yì TCTraditional Chinese 效益   SCSimplified Chinese 利润 xiào yì,lì rùn TCTraditional Chinese 利潤   SCSimplified Chinese 利益 xiào yì,lì yì TCTraditional Chinese 利益  A wise investor will enjoy good benefits from both rising and falling markets.  无论牛市还是熊市,聪明的投资者都能从中获得利润。 benefits npl (perks of a job)SCSimplified Chinese 待遇 dài yù TCTraditional Chinese 待遇   SCSimplified Chinese 福利 dài yù,fú lì TCTraditional Chinese 福利  This company offers good benefits.  这家公司福利很好。 benefits npl (service, perk) (指加入某团体享受的特殊待遇、特别服务等)SCSimplified Chinese 福利 fú lì TCTraditional Chinese 福利  Insurance and legal advice are among the membership benefits.  保险和法律咨询是会员福利之一。 benefit n often plural (government allowance) (政府提供的)SCSimplified Chinese 补助,救济金 bǔ zhù,jiù jì jīn TCTraditional Chinese 補助,救濟金  He is still claiming unemployment benefit even though he's found a job.  他已经找到了工作,却还在领取失业补助。 benefit from [sth] vi + prep (derive advantage)SCSimplified Chinese 得益于 dé yì yú TCTraditional Chinese 得益於   SCSimplified Chinese 获益于 dé yì yú ,huò yì yú   SCSimplified Chinese 得利于 dé yì yú ,dé lì yú  The company will benefit from the growth in sales.  公司会得益于销售额的增长。 benefit [sb/sth]⇒ vtr (be of use)SCSimplified Chinese 对…有用 duì … yǒu yòng TCTraditional Chinese 對…有用   SCSimplified Chinese 使…受益 duì … yǒu yòng,shǐ … shòu yì   SCSimplified Chinese 帮助 duì … yǒu yòng,bāng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 幫助  The work of the volunteers benefits the community.  志愿者的工作让社区受益良多。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 benefit n (fundraising event)SCSimplified Chinese 公益活动 gōng yì huó dòng TCTraditional Chinese 公益活動   SCSimplified Chinese 慈善活动 gōng yì huó dòng,cí shàn huó dòng  The hospital is holding a benefit to raise money.  医院正在举办公益活动来筹资。 benefit [sb/sth] vtr (do good to)SCSimplified Chinese 对…有好处 duì … yǒu hǎo chù   SCSimplified Chinese 使…受益 duì … yǒu hǎo chù ,shǐ … shòu yì   SCSimplified Chinese 有益于 TCTraditional Chinese 有益於  More exercise will benefit your body.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

复合形式:英语中文 benefit of the doubt expr (favorable judgement)SCSimplified Chinese 假定无罪   SCSimplified Chinese 疑犯从宽 cost-benefit, cost benefit n as adj (weighing costs and benefits)SCSimplified Chinese 成本效益的 death benefit n (insurance)SCSimplified Chinese 死亡保险金   SCSimplified Chinese 死亡抚恤金 for [sb]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb] expr (for [sb]'s sake)SCSimplified Chinese 为了你好 wèi le nǐ hǎo TCTraditional Chinese 為了你好   SCSimplified Chinese 为了你的利益 wèi le nǐ hǎo,wèi le nǐ de lì yì  For your benefit, I recommend you quit smoking.  为了你好,我建议你戒烟。 for [sb]'s/[sth]'s benefit, for the benefit of [sb/sth] expr (to create impression for)SCSimplified Chinese 为了 wèi le TCTraditional Chinese 為了   SCSimplified Chinese 为了...好   SCSimplified Chinese 为了...的利益  The celebrity struck a pose for the benefit of the cameras. fringe benefit n often plural (benefit in addition to pay)SCSimplified Chinese 额外福利 é wài fú lì TCTraditional Chinese 額外福利   SCSimplified Chinese 附加补贴 give [sb] the benefit of the doubt v expr (believe [sb] despite misgivings)SCSimplified Chinese 姑且认为...是对的   SCSimplified Chinese 暂且相信  When John said he hadn't broken the lamp, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt and believe him. in hindsight, with hindsight, with the benefit of hindsight expr (in retrospect)SCSimplified Chinese 事后聪明 shì hòu cōng míng TCTraditional Chinese 事後聰明   SCSimplified Chinese 事后诸葛亮  In hindsight Laura realized that she should have studied harder in school. public good, public benefit n (benefit of all people)SCSimplified Chinese 公共利益 gōng gòng lì yì  Elected officials are expected to act for the public good, not to benefit themselves. reap the benefit, reap the benefits v expr (profit)SCSimplified Chinese 获益  If you spend ten minutes a day learning a foreign language, you'll soon reap the benefits. reap the benefit of [sth], reap the benefits of [sth] v expr (profit)SCSimplified Chinese 得益于 dé yì yú TCTraditional Chinese 得益於   SCSimplified Chinese 从…获得益处 dé yì yú ,cóng huò dé yì chù   SCSimplified Chinese 因…得到好处 dé yì yú ,yīn dé dào hǎo chù  If you practice the piano every day, you'll soon reap the benefit of all your hard work. state benefit n (government welfare allowance)SCSimplified Chinese 国家福利 unemployment benefit n UK (allowance paid to [sb] out of work)SCSimplified Chinese 失业救济 shī yè jiù jì TCTraditional Chinese 失業救濟   SCSimplified Chinese 失业补助 shī yè jiù jì,shī yè bǔ zhù  I had a hard time because I was on unemployment benefit for six months.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: benefit [ˈbɛnɪfɪt] I n 1 [c/u] (=advantage) 好处(處) hǎochù [个 gè] 2 [c/u] (=money) 救济(濟)金 jiùjìjīn [份 fèn] 3 [c] (also: benefit concert/dinner) 募捐 mùjuān II vt 有益于(於) yǒuyì yú III vi ▶ to benefit from sth 从(從)某事中获(獲)益 cóng mǒushì zhōng huòyì to have the benefit of sth 受益于(於)某事 shòuyì yú mǒushì to be of benefit (to sb) (对(對)某人)有益 (duì mǒurén)yǒuyì to give sb the benefit of the doubt在证(證)据(據)不足的情况(況)下,假定某人无(無)辜 zài zhèngjù bùzú de qíngkuàng xià,jiǎdìng mǒurén wúgū 在这些条目还发现'benefit': 在英文解释里: abuse of power - advantageously - appanage - avail - be to your advantage - behoof - best interest - claimant - common good - could do with - credit - dole - economic analysis - enjoy - family allowance - for - for yourself - fringe benefit - gift wrap - good - gravy - have the advantage of - helpful - icing on the cake - in aid of - interest - living allowance - nutritional - on the dole - perk - perquisite - plus - profit - public good - public health - reap the rewards - sake - sign on - vested interest 中文: 效益 - 益处 - 福利 - 惠 - 利益 - 受益 - 好处 - 得力 - 益 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, PET Vocabulary List - B, 更多……同义词: welfare, good, wellbeing, sake, interest, 更多……习惯性搭配: benefit the [community, school, public], [medical, work, maternity, public, unemployment, dental] benefits, benefit [package, plans, payments, claimant], 更多……

标题中含有单词 'benefit' 的论坛讨论:

for the benefit of This memorandum does not confer any right or benefit enforceable by law against the United States or its representatives. to be taken to scale to benefit every child. " did you ever receive a redundancy or other payment benefit?" what does it mean? - English Only forum (for the) benefit (of) mankind - English Only forum (of) benefit to you - English Only forum few benefit - English Only forum a mutual -aid society at work? a benefit society at work? - English Only forum a reorientation toward tradition would benefit writers no less than readers - English Only forum a society that looks out for the mutual benefit and good of everyone - English Only forum advantage / merit / pros / benefit - English Only forum Advantage/ benefit - English Only forum advantage/benefit - English Only forum All the benefit I could draw from it - English Only forum Allow us the benefit or allow us to have the benefit - English Only forum allows the baby to benefit from intimacy - English Only forum An idiom that means “to make a cost-benefit analysis” - English Only forum an unqualified benefit. - English Only forum and giving Kim the benefit - English Only forum And I wish my collection were larger for your benefit and my own credit - English Only forum and those who don’t benefit do not - English Only forum and to produce the greatest benefit - English Only forum Another important benefit are the versatile mounting options - English Only forum anything but benefit - English Only forum apparent benefit - English Only forum apply for employment benefit - English Only forum as a benefit to promote - English Only forum at a fancy benefit - English Only forum be of much benefit / be much of benefit - English Only forum behavior of hope to benefit - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'benefit'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "benefit" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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