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2024-07-08 22:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Man: Sarah Williams, please.男:请找莎拉·威廉姆斯。Woman: I'm afraid she's not available now.女:她现在不在。Man: Ah, can you ask her to call me back? Brian Jones—it's urgent.男:你能让她给我回电话么?我是布莱恩·琼斯—事情紧急。Woman: Of course. Can I ask what it's about?女:当然,我能问问是什么事么?Man: You tell her there's been a mix-up yet again. Instead of plain paper, we've got headed paper. Last month, we even got lined paper!男:你告诉她又出问题了,我们拿到的不是空白纸,而是带信头的信纸。上个月,我们甚至拿到的是横格纸!Woman: I do apologise. I'll ask her to phone you as soon as possible.女:我很抱歉,我会让她尽快给你回电话。She's at lunch at the moment, and then she'll be in a training session, but I'll make sure she contacts you when that finishes.她这会儿在吃午餐,然后她要去上培训课程,但是我会确保她在上完课后联系你。Man: Ah, we need the goods by Thursday, otherwise our production line will be held up, and we'll miss our deadlines.男:我们周四就需要这批货,否则我们的生产线就会停工,我们就会错过截止日期。If you can't sort it out, we'll have to change supplier. We can't afford to wait around.如果你们不能解决,我们将不得不更换供应商。我们不能等。Woman: Of course.女:当然。Man: And another thing—the amount owing on the invoice is given in full—that's not right.男:还有一件事—发票单上的数额是全款——这个不太对,I'd thought we'd agreed I'd settle the bill by installments. I could pay half now, but I'm not prepared to.我以为我们都同意了按分期付款。我现在可以付一半的金额,但是我不打算付。Woman: I'm sure she can sort something out.女:我确定她可以解决这些问题的。






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