批处理 检测 并修改系统屏保时间和密码最大过期时间 您所在的位置:网站首页 bat设置密码 批处理 检测 并修改系统屏保时间和密码最大过期时间

批处理 检测 并修改系统屏保时间和密码最大过期时间

2023-10-08 23:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

@echo off   secedit /export /cfg c:\security-check-log\temp.txt find /i "MaximumPasswordAge " c:\security-check-log\temp.txt | find /i "=" > c:\security-check-log\temp2.txt reg query "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /s | find /i "ScreenSaveTimeOut" >c:\security-check-log\temp3.txt   for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%a in ('wmic path win32_operatingsystem get LocalDateTime /value') do (       set t=%%a   )   set /p str1= "c:\security-check-log\securitycheck_ %USERNAME% _%t:~0,8%.log" if %str1% GTR 180 (     echo Check failed! It must be no more than 180 seconds. >> "c:\security-check-log\securitycheck_ %USERNAME% _%t:~0,8%.log" ) else (     echo Check passed! >> "c:\security-check-log\securitycheck_ %USERNAME% _%t:~0,8%.log" )   set /p str2=> "c:\security-check-log\securitycheck_ %USERNAME% _%t:~0,8%.log" if %str2% GTR 30 (     echo Check failed! It must be no more than 30 days. >> "c:\security-check-log\securitycheck_ %USERNAME% _%t:~0,8%.log" ) else (       echo Check passed! >> "c:\security-check-log\securitycheck_ %USERNAME% _%t:~0,8%.log" ) del c:\security-check-log\temp.txt del c:\security-check-log\temp2.txt del c:\security-check-log\temp3.txt




if %str1% GTR 180 (

    echo It must be no more than 3 minutes.The program is resetting it now!     reg add "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop" /v ScreenSaveTimeOut /t REG_SZ /d 180 /f     echo The ScreenSaveTimeOut has been resetted.     echo It will be ok after you restart your computer. ) else (       echo The current ScreenSaveTimeOut is ok. )     #大于30天 if %str2% GTR 30 (     echo It must be no more than 30 days.The program is resetting it now.     pushd "%~dp0" >>sec.inf     echo.[Unicode] >>sec.inf     echo.Unicode=yes >>sec.inf     echo.[Version] >>sec.inf     echo.signature="$CHICAGO$" >>sec.inf     echo.Revision=1 >>sec.inf     echo.[System Access] >>sec.inf     echo.MaximumPasswordAge = 30 >>sec.inf     secedit /configure /db sec.sdb /cfg sec.inf /log sec.log /quiet     del sec.*     echo The MaximumPasswordAge has been resetted. ) else (       echo The current MaximumPasswordAge is ok. )






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