英语词根(七):aud, audit = to hear 听 您所在的位置:网站首页 audit词根 英语词根(七):aud, audit = to hear 听

英语词根(七):aud, audit = to hear 听

2023-07-17 21:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

audit:audit = to hear听;

【v】①(在大学)旁听:to audit a history course at college旁听大学历史课程;②审查(账目):The yearly accounts will be audited by a special committee.年度账目将由特别委员会审查。

audition:audit = to hear听;    -ion [n] = the act表行为;

【n】①听;②(对演员等)试听,试镜:to give an audition to a singer听歌手试唱决定是否录用

audience:aud = to hear 听;    -i-;    -ence [n] = the act or state 表行为或状态;

【n】①会见;接见:The foreign guests had an audience with the mayor. 外宾拜会了市长。②听众:There will be a large audience today. 今天会有很多听众。

auditorium:audit = to hear 听;    -orium [n] = place场所;

【n】①礼堂;演讲厅;②听众席:The author was found sitting in the auditorium.有人发现作者正坐在听众席中。

audible:aud = to hear听;    -ible [adj] = capable of being 能被······的;

【adj】听得见的:Their whispers are hardly audible. 他们窃窃私语,别人听不见。

inaudible:in- = no, not, opposite无,不,非;    aud = to hear听;    -ible [adj] = capable of being 能被······的;

【adj】听不见的:The noise of the machinery made her voice inaudible.机器的噪声淹没了她的声音。

audile:aud = to hear听;    -ile [adj] = pertaining to ······的;

【adj】关于听的,听觉的:audile power 听的功能;

auditory:audit = to hear 听;    -ory [adj] = relating to 与······有关;

【adj】听觉的:auditory nerves听觉神经;

audiology:audi = to hear 听;    -o-;    -logy [n] = branch of science 一门科学;


audio:aud = to hear听;    -io >>> of hearing与听有关的;

Ⅰ【adj】声音的,声波的:audio frequency音频;

Ⅱ【n】播音,录音:My television set has a good picture but weak audio.我的电视机图像清晰,但是收音不好。






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