lie的ing形式撒谎 ,lie变成ing形式怎么写  您所在的位置:网站首页 arrive的ing形式怎么写 lie的ing形式撒谎 ,lie变成ing形式怎么写 

lie的ing形式撒谎 ,lie变成ing形式怎么写 

2024-07-15 02:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


1.lie变成ing形式怎么写 2.lie的ing形式 3.请写出lie和dead的所有形式并说明 4.lie lay lain laid口诀短语 lie变成ing形式怎么写


lie可作名词和动词,作为名词时,中文翻译为“谎言”、“谎话”、“位置”;作为动词时,中文含义为“平躺" “平放”、“保留”、 “保持”、“说谎" “编造谎言”。



lie是不及物动词,常与around, down, in, on等词连用,不能用于被动结构。




lie的ing形式是lying。lie去ie变y,再加ing。 请写出lie和dead的所有形式并说明一、lie的解释lie 1AHD:[lº] D.J.[la!]K.K.[la!]v.intr.(不及物动词)lay[l³] lain[l³n][lº“¹ng] lies To be or place oneself at rest in a flat, horizontal, or recumbent position; recline:躺:处于一种倒下的、水平的或斜卧姿式的休息状态;平卧:lay under a tree to sleep.躺在树下睡觉To be placed on or supported by a surface that is usually horizontal:摆放:被放在一个水平面上或被一个水平面支撑着:Dirty dishes lay on the table.See Usage Note at lay 1脏碟子摆在桌子上参见 lay1To be or remain in a specified condition:处于…状态:处于一种特定的状况:The dust has lain undisturbed for years. He lay sick in bed.尘土积在那儿很多年了。他卧病在床To exist; be inherent:存在;内含:The solution lies in research.答案在研究中To occupy a position or place:位于:占据一个位置或地方:The lake lies beyond this hill.翻过这座山就是湖To extend:延伸:Our land lies between these trees and the river.我们的土地位于这些树和那条河之间Law To be admissible or maintainable.【法律】 可容许的或可保留的Archaic To stay for a night or short while.【古语】 过夜,作短暂停留n.(名词)The manner or position in which something is situated.状态,位置:某物所处的状态或位置A haunt or hiding place of an animal.栖息处,隐藏处:动物的隐藏处或经常出没的地方Sports The position of a golf ball that has come to a stop.【体育运动】 停止的位置:高尔夫球停止的位置lie downTo do little or nothing:少有作为,一事无成:He's lying down on the job.他在工作上一事无成lie inTo be in confinement for childbirth.等待分娩lie to 【航海】To remain stationary while facing the wind.受阻,滞航:顶风时停滞不动lie withTo be decided by, dependent on, or up to:由…决定,取决于,视…而定:The choice lies with you.你来做出选择Archaic To have sexual intercourse with.【古语】 与某人性交lie low 或lay lowTo keep oneself or one's plans hidden.隐匿:使自己或自己的计划不为人所知To bide one's time but remain ready for action.等待时机:不露声色地时刻准备行动Middle English lien 中古英语 lien from Old English licgan * see legh- 源自 古英语 licgan *参见 legh- lielie 2AHD:[lº] D.J.[la!]K.K.[la!]n.(名词)A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood.谎言:存心说成真的不实的陈述;谎话Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.假象:目的在于欺骗或给人造成错觉的某事v.(动词)lied,[lº“¹ng] lies v.intr.(不及物动词)To present false information with the intention of deceiving.说谎:为了欺骗而提供不真实的信息To convey a false image or impression:造成假象:传递某种假象或错觉:Appearances often lie.假象经常存在及物动词)To cause to be in a specific condition or affect in a specific way by telling falsehoods:用谎骗的:通过说谎而使处于一种特定的状况或以特定的方式影响:You have lied yourself into trouble.你的谎言给自己带来麻烦Middle English 中古英语 from Old English lyge * see leugh- 源自 古英语 lyge *参见 leugh- lie,equivocate,fib,palter,prevaricateThe central meaning shared by these verbs is “to evade or depart from the truth”: 这些动词共有的中心意思是“逃避或背离事实真相”: a witness who lied under oath;违背誓言而撒谎的证人;didn't equivocate about her real purpose in coming;关于她来访的真正目的不编造假词;fibbed to escape being scolded;撒谎以期躲过责骂;paltering with an irate customer;搪塞一个愤怒的顾客;didn't prevaricate but answered forthrightly and honestly. 毫不欺骗而是坦言相告 LieLieAHD:[l¶] Trygve Halvden (1896-1968) D.J.[li8]K.K.[li]NONE(无词性)Norwegian politician and first secretary-general of the United Nations (1946-1953).赖伊,特里格夫·哈尔维登:(1896-1968) 挪威政治家和联合国第一任秘书长(1946年至1953年)lie[lai]n.谎言虚伪之行为, 欺诈, 假象对谎言或虚伪的指控She threw the lie in his face.她当着他的面指控他撒谎。lie[lai]vi.(lied; lying)撒谎作假, 欺骗作不正确的表示Don't lie to me.不要对我撒谎。lie[lai]vt.以谎言骗; 用谎骗使得...lie oneself out of difficulty撒谎以摆脱困境lie-detectvt.进行测谎试验act a lie用行为骗人big lie弥天大谎black lie用心险恶的谎言eighteen carat lie[美]彻头彻尾的谎言; 恬不知耻地对某人当面说谎flap the lie in sb.'s teeth对某人当面撒谎give sb. the lie in his throat指责某人说谎give the lie to sth.揭穿某事的虚伪性live a lie过欺骗人的生活; 做人虚伪nail a lie拆穿谎言, 拆穿西洋镜One lie needs seven lies to wait upon it. (=One lie makes[callsfor] many)[谚]一次撒谎装得象, 得有七次假话帮。swap lies[美、口]闲聊, 闲话, 胡扯throw a lie in sb.'s face当面斥责某人说谎white lie不怀恶意的谎言worship a lie盲目崇拜错误的事物Lies have short [no] legs.[谚]撒谎总是站不住脚的。lie falsehood fib都含“谎言”的意思。lie 指“有意捏造谎言以欺骗或中伤他人”, 如:He is always telling a lie.他总是说谎。falsehood 指“与事实不符的谎言”或“不愿意别人知道事实的真相, 而故意撒谎”, 如:Since he did not want to hurt his brother's feelings, he told a falsehood and said he didn 't know.由于他不想使他弟弟伤心, 就撒个谎, 说他不知道。fib 指“小谎”, 如:He is a person who tells fibs.他是个撒小谎的人。二、dead的解释deaddeadAHD:[dµd] D.J.[ded]K.K.[dWd]adj.(形容词),dead.est Having lost life; no longer alive.死亡的:丧失了生命的;不再活着的Marked for certain death; doomed:宣告死亡的;注定要死的:was marked as a dead man by the assassin.被暗杀而丧生Having the physical appearance of death:具有死亡的身体外观的:a dead pallor.毫无血色的苍白Lacking feeling or sensitivity; numb or unresponsive:没感觉的:缺乏感觉或反应能力的;麻木的或不反应的:Passersby were dead to our pleas for help.路过的人不理睬我们的呼救Weary and worn-out; exhausted.疲倦的:疲倦的和筋疲力尽的;疲惫的Not having the capacity to live; inanimate or inert.无生命的:没有生存能力的;无生命的或不活泼的Not having the capacity to produce or sustain life; barren:贫瘠的:没有能力生产或不能维持生命的;贫瘠的:dead soil.贫瘠的土地No longer in existence, use, or operation.消失的,静止的:不再存在、使用或运转的No longer having significance or relevance.不再重要的,不再关联的Physically inactive; dormant:不再活动的;休眠的:a dead volcano.死火山Not commercially productive; idle:闲置的:缺乏商业上活力的;闲置不用的:dead capital.闲置的资金Not circulating or running; stagnant:不流通的:不流通的或不流动的;停滞的:dead water; dead air.死水;不流通的空气Devoid of human or vehicular activity; quiet:罕有人迹的:没有人类或交通工具活动的;安静的:a dead town.罕有人迹的城镇Lacking all animation, excitement, or activity; dull:沉闷的:缺乏充分活力、热情或活动的;乏味的:The party being dead, we left early.由于聚会过于沉闷,我们很早就离开了Having no resonance. Used of sounds:无杂音的:没有共振的。用于声音:“One characteristic of compact discs we all can hear is dead sound. It may be pure but it has no life”(Musical Heritage Review)“激光唱片的特点之一就是音质纯净。虽然没有杂音,但是缺乏生命力”(音乐精品回顾)Having grown cold; having been extinguished:冷却的,熄灭的:变得冷的;已经熄灭的:dead coals; a dead flame.冷却的煤炭;熄灭的火焰Lacking elasticity or bounce:缺乏弹性或反弹的:That tennis ball is dead.这个网球没弹力了Out of operation because of a fault or breakdown:失灵的,出故障的:由于错误或损坏而不能正常使用的:The motor is dead.汽车熄火了Sudden; abrupt:突然的;冒失的:a dead stop.突然停住Complete; utter:完全的;彻底的:dead silence.死静Exact; unerring.正确的;无错误的Sports Out of play. Used of a ball.【体育运动】 死球的。用来指球Lacking connection to a source of electric current.没有接上电源的Drained of electric charge; discharged:电力用完的;放电的:a dead battery.电力用完的电池n.(名词)One who has died:死者:respect for the dead.对死者的尊重The period exhibiting the greatest degree of intensity:最高阶段,最强阶段:程度最高或强度最强的阶段:the dead of winter; the dead of night.隆冬;深夜adv.(副词)Absolutely; altogether:绝对地;完全地:You can be dead sure of my innocence.你绝对可以相信我是无辜的Directly; exactly:直接地;确切地:There's a gas station dead ahead.就在前面有一个加油站Suddenly:突然地:She stopped dead on the stairway.她突然在楼梯上停住了dead and buriedNo longer in use or under consideration:不再使用的,不在考虑的:All past animosities are dead and buried now.过去的所有仇恨现在都不考虑而且一笔勾销了dead in the waterUnable to function or move:不能起作用的,不能移动的:The crippled ship was dead in the water. With no leadership, the project was dead in the water.那只坏船停滞在水中不能动了。没有了领导,计划不能实施dead to rightsIn the very act of making an error or committing a crime:现场作案的:正在犯错误或犯罪的那一时候:The police caught the thief dead to rights with my silverware.警察抓住了正在偷我银器的小偷Middle English ded 中古英语 ded from Old English d¶d * see dheu- 2源自 古英语 d¶d *参见 dheu- 2dead“nessn.(名词)dead,deceased,departed,extinct,lifeless,inanimateThese adjectives all mean without life.这些形容词均表示无生命的。 Dead, which has the widest use, applies in general to whatever once had—but no longer has—physical life ( Dead 用得最广,一般适用于前面所述的——但是现在不再有的——生命( a dead man; a dead leaf), function (The battery is dead ), or force or currency ( 死者;a dead issue; a dead language). 枯叶), 功能(电池没电了 ), 或力量、流通( Deceased —likedeparted, which is a euphemistic term—refers only to nonliving human beings: 不再流通的文件;attended a memorial service for a recently deceased friend;不用的语言)。 “shedding funereal tears over his departed dog” (Ben Jonson). Deceased ——象departed ,委婉的语言——仅指死者: 参加一最近逝世朋友的悼念仪式; Extinct can refer to what has no living successors ( “在他的狗的葬礼上落泪” (本·琼森)。The dodo is extinct) or to what is extinguished or inactive ( Extinct 可指没有继承者的( 渡渡鸟绝种了) 或灭绝的或不活动的( an extinct volcano). 死火山)。 Lifeless applies to what no longer has physical life ( Lifeless 意被不再有生命的( a lifeless body), to what does not support life ( 死尸), 不能维持生命( a lifeless planet), and to what lacks animation, spirit, or brightness ( 无生命的行星), 和缺乏生气、精神或欢乐的( a lifeless performance of the sonata; lifeless colors). 奏鸣曲乏味的演出; Inanimate is most often limited to what has never had physical life: 无生机的颜色)。 “He then fell, like an inanimate log, to the earth” (James Fenimore Cooper). Inanimate 常常仅限于没有生命的: “然后他像一条死狗一样,倒在了地上” (詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)dead[ded]adj.死的; 无生命的麻木的, 无知觉的, 死一般的无动静的, 无生气的, 不活泼的, 不新鲜的缺乏特性的, 无趣的已不通用的, 呆滞的; 滞销的用完了的, 失灵的, 不发挥作用的; 熄灭了的(语言、习惯)已废弃了的; (法律等)已失去重要性的, 有名无实的(球等)无弹性的荒芜的, 贫瘠的, 不毛的准确无误的绝对的, 完全的(信件等)无法投递的(路等)一端不通的没充电的, 不通电的[俚]疲惫的, 累极的无放射性的(声音)发闷的(色彩)灰暗的; 无光泽的(金属)(饮料)走了味的 ⑵⑽【信】无信号的, 静的 ⑵注定的; 不可挽回的 ⑵无凸凹的, 平滑的 ⑵无矿的dead market萧条的市场a dead certainty绝对确实a dead street不通行的街道a dead sound沉闷的声音My fingers feel dead.我的手指冻僵了。He is dead to all sense of shame.他全无羞耻之感。deadadv.完全地, 绝对地突然地直接地, 正对地I was dead tired.我累极了。The wind was deadagainst us.风向我们迎面吹来。deadn.死人, 死者最冷的时刻, 最静的时候临死情形[俚]无处投递的信件[pl.]脉[废]石; 损失; 烧损mourn the dead哀悼死者in the dead ofwinter在严冬时air dead广播电视停播时dead(-and)-aliveadj.无生气[精神]的, 不景气的dead-brightn.抛光dead-burnn.【采矿】透彻煅烧dead-burnedadj.僵烧的dead-colo(u)ringn.油画的底色dead-drawn.deadadj.强拉(的)dead-end[`ded`end]n.(街道等)一头不通的; [喻]没有出路的贫民区的vi.到达尾端的, 终止deadfall[`dedfR:l]n.陷井[美]因年久腐烂倒落的林木(美西部)下级酒馆dead-filen.扁三角锉, 软锉, 油锉失效存储器不用的资料, 废文件dead-frontn.正面不带电的部件, 死面, 空正面dead-fulladj.完全的dead-grassn.死草黄色dead-hardadj.极硬的deadhouse[`dedhaJs]n.陈尸所, 太平间deadlatchn.单向弹簧锁dead-liftn.凭力气往上拉(不用滑车)dead-pulln.凭力气往上拉(不用滑车)deadlight[`dedlaIt]n.舷窗(玻璃)不能打开的天窗在坟墓上见到的发光物中板墙deadlimbn.死肢感, 手足麻木dead-loadn.底(负)载, 静重[载], 固定负荷deadman[`dedmAn]n.(pl. -men)尸体叉杆一端有钩的杆锚定物deadmeltn.静熔dead-on-endn.逆风deadpan[5dedpAn]n.脸部没有表情, 一点也不笑的丑角, 毫无表情的喜剧演员adv.以面无表情的方式adj.没有表情的, 不带感情色彩的vi., vt.以一种毫无表情的方式表达; 不带感情色彩地说[写]dead-set[`ded`set]adj.坚定不移的, 决心的dead-short-circuitn.全短路dead-softadj.极软的dead-stroken.【机】死冲程dead-sureadj.绝对确实[可靠]的dead-timen.空载[寂静]时间dead-weightn.(车辆)自重; (船舶)载重量; 按实际重量计算运费的货物dead-windn.逆风dead-zoneadj.恒域的, 死区的as dead as a doornail肯定死了, 死僵了报废; 消失, 失效as dead as a coffin-nail肯定死了, 死僵了报废; 消失, 失效(as)dead as a herring ([USA.]as a salmon)[口]肯定死了, 死僵了(as) dead as (Julius) Caesar死的僵硬了dead as mutton肯定死了过时, 不存在, 失效dead as yesterday's mutton肯定死了过时, 不存在, 失效as dead as mutton肯定死了过时, 不存在, 失效as dead as yesterday's mutton肯定死了过时, 不存在, 失效(as) dead as Queen Anne(事情, 办法等)早就过时了, 早听腻了(as) deadas the dodo[口]彻底完蛋了, 早死了; 早就过时了at dead of night在夜深人静时in the dead of night在夜深人静时drop (fall) dead倒闭, 立即死去give up for dead (lost)认为...已死; 失踪认为...不可救药或无法挽救了in the dead of winter在隆冬in the death of winter在隆冬Let the dead bury the dead.[谚]既往不咎; 不念旧恶; 过去的事, 就让它成为过去吧。more dead than alive累得要死not be seen dead[口]宁死也不肯(与某人在一起)not be seen dead with sb.[口]宁死也不肯(与某人在一起)on the dead[美俚]当真, 一点儿也不假; 老实说raise from the dead使复活, 起死回生raise from death使复活, 起死回生rise from the dead死后复活rise again死后复活stop dead突然中止strike me dead if ...[赌咒用语]如果...我就不得好死strike me blind if ...[赌咒用语]如果...我就不得好死strike me dumb if ...[赌咒用语]如果...我就不得好死strike me ugly if ...[赌咒用语]如果...我就不得好死The dead don't bite. (=Dead men tell no tales.)死人泄露不了秘密; 人死口闭(用作杀人灭口的理由).dead ahead直向前dead and gone死了好久了早已不存在了, 早已过时了dead (nuts) on热爱; 擅长于对准; 向...射击dead one[美俚]已改过自新的罪犯讨厌鬼; 吝啬鬼没有用的人, 笨蛋dead (set) against[口]断然反对; 正对着dead to对...无反应或感觉的; 麻木不仁的dead to rights[口]肯定无疑(地); 当场acoustical dead声滞的acoustically dead不透声的, 隔声的, 隔音的make dead切断massive dead大量死亡shamming dead假死dead in line轴线重合(配置于一线)dead deceased departed late extinct inanimate lifeless都含"无生命的"、"死的"意思。dead系常用词, 指"死的", 如:He was dead.他死了。deceased指人"最近死的", 多用于法律,如:The deceased man left no will.死者没有留下遗嘱。departed 指"最近死的", 多用于宗教, 如:my departed father我逝去的父亲 late指"已故的", 多用于刚死的人, 如:the late Mr. Green已故的格林先生 extinct指"灭种的, 灭绝的", 如:an extinct family已绝嗣的家族 inanimate指"从未有过生命的", 如:inanimate rocks.无生命的岩石。lifeless指"无生命的", 如:lifeless blocks无生命的木头。 lie lay lain laid口诀短语







即:lie(原形)--lied(过去式)--lied(过去分词) 撒谎 lying(现在分词)

lie(原形)--lay(过去式)--lain(过去式) 躺,放置 lying(现在分词)

lay(原形)--laid(过去式)--laid(过去式) 产卵,下蛋 laying(现在分词)




v.(尤指轻轻地或小心地) 放置,安放,搁;铺,铺放,铺设(尤指在地板上);(在某物上) 摊开,涂,敷;用一层…覆盖;


n.性伙伴;(尤指) 性交的女人;(通常供吟唱的) 叙事诗;

[例句]Lay a sheet of newspaper on the floor







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