ARM处理器的堆栈和函数调用,以及与Sparc的比较 您所在的位置:网站首页 arm处理器参数 ARM处理器的堆栈和函数调用,以及与Sparc的比较


2024-07-17 13:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

To understand functions in ARM we first need to get familiar with the structural parts of a function, which are:

Prologue,起始,序曲 Body Epilogue,结束,尾声

The purpose of the prologue is to save the previous state of the program (by storing values of LR and R11 onto the Stack) and set up the Stack for the local variables of the function. While the implementation of the prologue may differ depending on a compiler that was used, generally this is done by using PUSH/ADD/SUB instructions. An example of a prologue would look like this:





1 push {r11, lr} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer and LR onto the stack */ 2 add r11, sp, #0 /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */ 3 sub sp, sp, #16 /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack. This also allocates space for the Stack Frame */

The body part of the function is usually responsible for some kind of unique and specific task. This part of the function may contain various instructions, branches (jumps) to other functions, etc. An example of a body section of a function can be as simple as the following few instructions:

1 mov r0, #1 /* setting up local variables (a=1). This also serves as setting up the first parameter for the function max */ 2 mov r1, #2 /* setting up local variables (b=2). This also serves as setting up the second parameter for the function max */ 3 bl max /* Calling/branching to function max */

The sample code above shows a snippet of a function which sets up local variables and then branches to another function. This piece of code also shows us that the parameters of a function (in this case function max) are passed via registers. In some cases, when there are more than 4 parameters to be passed, we would additionally use the Stack to store the remaining parameters. It is also worth mentioning, that a result of a function is returned via the register R0. So what ever the result of a function (max) turns out to be, we should be able to pick it up from the register R0 right after the return from the function. One more thing to point out is that in certain situations the result might be 64 bits in length (exceeds the size of a 32bit register). In that case we can use R0 combined with R1 to return a 64 bit result.


The last part of the function, the epilogue, is used to restore the program’s state to it’s initial one (before the function call) so that it can continue from where it left of. For that we need to readjust the Stack Pointer. This is done by using the Frame Pointer register (R11) as a reference and performing add or sub operation. Once we readjust the Stack Pointer, we restore the previously (in prologue) saved register values by poping them from the Stack into respective registers. Depending on the function type, the POP instruction might be the final instruction of the epilogue. However, it might be that after restoring the register values we use BX instruction for leaving the function. An example of an epilogue looks like this:




1 sub sp, r11, #0 /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */ 2 pop {r11, pc} /* End of the epilogue. Restoring Frame Pointer from the Stack, jumping to previously saved LR via direct load into PC. The Stack Frame of a function is finally destroyed at this step. */

So now we know, that:

Prologue sets up the environment for the function; Body implements the function’s logic and stores result to R0; Epilogue restores the state so that the program can resume from where it left of before calling the function.

Another key point to know about the functions is their types: leaf and non-leaf. The leaf function is a kind of a function which does not call/branch to another function from itself. A non-leaf function is a kind of a function which in addition to it’s own logic’s does call/branch to another function. The implementation of these two kind of functions are similar. However, they have some differences. To analyze the differences of these functions we will use the following piece of code:


1 /* azeria@labs:~$ as func.s -o func.o && gcc func.o -o func && gdb func */ 2 .global main 3 4 main: 5 push {r11, lr} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer and LR onto the stack */ 6 add r11, sp, #0 /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */ 7 sub sp, sp, #16 /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack */ 8 mov r0, #1 /* setting up local variables (a=1). This also serves as setting up the first parameter for the max function */ 9 mov r1, #2 /* setting up local variables (b=2). This also serves as setting up the second parameter for the max function */ 10 bl max /* Calling/branching to function max */ 11 sub sp, r11, #0 /* Start of the epilogue. Readjusting the Stack Pointer */ 12 pop {r11, pc} /* End of the epilogue. Restoring Frame pointer from the stack, jumping to previously saved LR via direct load into PC */ 13 14 max: 15 push {r11} /* Start of the prologue. Saving Frame Pointer onto the stack */ 16 add r11, sp, #0 /* Setting up the bottom of the stack frame */ 17 sub sp, sp, #12 /* End of the prologue. Allocating some buffer on the stack */ 18 cmp r0, r1 /* Implementation of if(a






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