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双语——请勿吸烟No Smoking

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nosmoking什么意思中文翻译(双语——请勿吸烟No Smoking)-第1张图片-郝囷科技

No Smoking【译】请勿吸烟【单词】Smoking 原型:smoke 动词现在进行式或动名词 [smohk][sməʊk] n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物 v. 吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟

nosmoking什么意思中文翻译(双语——请勿吸烟No Smoking)-第2张图片-郝囷科技

For the past week Elizabeth would come home from work and discover that her apartment smelled like cigarette smoke.【译】在过去的一周里,伊丽莎白下班回家后发现她的公寓里有股烟味。【单词】discover 动词原形 [dih-'skuhv-er][dɪ'skʌvə] v. 发现;偶然撞见;发觉【单词】apartment 名词 [uh-'pahrt-muh nt][ə'pɑːtmənt] n. 一套公寓房间【单词】smelled 原型:smell 动词过去式 [smel][smel] n. 气味;嗅觉;嗅 v. 嗅;闻;散发气味;有臭味;察觉 smelled / smelt smelled /【单词】cigarette 名词 [sig-uh-'ret, 'sig-uh-ret][ˌsɪɡə'ret] n. 香烟,卷烟,烟卷【单词】smoke 名词 [smohk][sməʊk] n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物 v. 吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟【专有名词】Elizabeth 人名/人物 [ih-'liz-uh-buh th][ɪ'lɪzəbəθ] n. 伊莉莎白

She did not know where the smell was coming from.【译】她不知道气味是从哪里来的。【单词】smell 名词 [smel][smel] n. 气味;嗅觉;嗅 v. 嗅;闻;散发气味;有臭味;察觉 smelled / smelt smelled /

Elizabeth didn't smoke.【译】伊丽莎白没有抽烟。【单词】smoke 动词原形 [smohk][sməʊk] n. 烟;抽烟;无常的事物 v. 吸烟;以烟熏;冒烟

No one else had the key to her apartment to smoke inside while she was at work.【译】在她工作的时候,没有人有她公寓的钥匙在里面抽烟。

The smell of smoke especially bothered her because she had asthma.【译】烟味特别难闻,因为她有哮喘。【单词】bothered 原型:bother 动词过去式 ['both-er]['bɒðə] v. 烦扰;使恼怒;使不安;费心 n. 麻烦;烦扰;焦急【单词】asthma 名词 ['az-muh, 'as-]['æsmə] n. 哮喘

One day Elizabeth stayed home from work because she was expecting a package.【译】一天,伊丽莎白下班回家,因为她在等一个包裹。【单词】package 名词 ['pak-ij]['pækɪdʒ] n. 包裹;整批交易 vt. 把 ... 打包;把 ... 进行推销

When she woke up that morning, the apartment smelled fine.【译】那天早上她醒来时,公寓里的味道很好。【单词】woke 原型:wake 动词过去式 [weyk][weɪk] v. 醒来;唤醒;意识到 n. 航迹;守夜 waker woke / waked waked /

At one in the afternoon, Elizabeth went into the kitchen to make a sandwich for lunch.【译】下午一点,伊丽莎白走进厨房做了一个三明治当午餐。【单词】afternoon 名词 [noun af-ter-'noon, ahf-; adjective 'af-ter-'noon, 'ahf-, af-, ahf-][ˌɑːftə'nuːn] n. 下午【单词】kitchen 名词 ['kich-uh n]['kɪtʃɪn] n. 厨房;灶间;(全套)炊具【单词】sandwich 名词 ['sand-wich, 'san-]['sænwɪtʃ] n. 三明治 vt. 插入;夹在中间【单词】lunch 名词 [luhnch][lʌntʃ] n. 午餐 v. 吃(午餐);提供(午餐)

That was when she noticed the smell of cigarette smoke.【译】就在那时,她注意到烟味。【单词】noticed 原型:notice 动词过去式 ['noh-tis]['nəʊtɪs] vt. 注意;留心;通知 n. 通知;注意;布告

She called the building's superintendent.【译】她打电话给大楼的管理员。【单词】building 原型:build 动名词 [bild][bɪld] v. 建造;开发;创建;逐渐增强 n. 体格;身材【单词】superintendent 名词 [soo-per-in-'ten-duh nt, soo-prin-][ˌsuːpərɪn'tendənt] n. 监督人;管理人;所长

By the time he arrived at Elizabeth's apartment, the whole place smelled like cigarette smoke.【译】当他到达伊丽莎白的公寓时,整个房间都闻起来像香烟味。【单词】arrived 原型:arrive 动词过去式 [uh-'rahyv][ə'raɪv] vi. 到达;到来;成功

The super told Elizabeth he was pretty sure the smoke was coming up though the vents from her new downstairs neighbor.【译】管理员告诉伊丽莎白,他很肯定烟是从楼下新邻居的通风口冒出来的。【单词】super 形容词 ['soo-per]['suːpə] adj. 超级的;极好的;这里指公寓的管理员【单词】pretty 形容词 ['prit-ee]['prɪti] adv. 相当地 adj. 漂亮的;秀丽的;好看的 vt. 使漂亮 n. 漂亮的东西;美人【单词】vents 原型:vent 名词复数形式 [vent][vent] n. 排气口;火山口;发泄;表达 v. 发泄;表达;排放【单词】downstairs 名词 [adverb, noun 'doun-'stairz; adjective 'doun-stairz][ˌdaʊn'steəz] adj. 楼下的 adv. 在楼下;向楼下 n. 楼下【单词】neighbor 名词 ['ney-ber]['neɪbə] n. 邻居;邻国 v. 邻近

The new neighbor was a smoker.【译】新邻居抽烟。【单词】smoker 名词 ['smoh-ker]['sməʊkə] n. 吸烟者;吸烟室(车厢);(男人的)吸烟聚会

The super told Elizabeth there was nothing to be done.【译】管理员告诉伊丽莎白没什么可做的。

The building was really old and the vents couldn't be sealed.【译】这栋楼真的很旧,通风口无法密封。【单词】sealed 原型:seal 动词过去分词 [seel][siːl] n. 封条;印章 n. 海豹 v. 密封;盖印;明确

It was also perfectly legal for the downstairs neighbor to smoke in his apartment.【译】楼下的邻居在他的公寓里吸烟也是完全合法的。【单词】perfectly 副词 ['pur-fikt-lee]['pɜːfɪktli] adv. 完全地;无瑕疵地;完整地;完美地;圆满地

He suggested that Elizabeth buy an air filter and see if that would help.【译】他建议伊丽莎白买一个空气过滤器,看看是否有用。【单词】suggested 原型:suggest 动词过去式 [suhg-'jest, suh-][sə'dʒest] vt. 建议;暗示;使想起;表明;要求【单词】filter 名词 ['fil-ter]['fɪltə] n. 过滤器;滤色镜;滤光器 v. 过滤;渗透

Elizabeth bought an air filter but didn't find it to be enough.【译】伊丽莎白买了一个空气过滤器,但觉得不够。

Her asthma was getting worse.【译】她的哮喘越来越严重。

Her clothes and furniture were beginning to smell like cigarette smoke, too.【译】她的衣服和家具也开始有烟味了。【单词】clothes 名词复数形式 [klohz, klohthz][kləʊðz] n. 服装;衣服【单词】furniture 名词 ['fur-ni-cher]['fɜːnɪtʃə] n. 家具;设备,装置;床罩;必要的附属品;【会计】家俬【单词】beginning 原型:begin 动词现在进行式或动名词 [bih-'gin][bɪ'ɡɪn] v. 开始;着手【单词】smell 动词原形 [smel][smel] n. 气味;嗅觉;嗅 v. 嗅;闻;散发气味;有臭味;察觉 smelled / smelt smelled /

Elizabeth decided to go downstairs to talk to the neighbor.【译】伊丽莎白决定下楼去和邻居谈谈。【单词】decided 原型:decide 动词过去式 [dih-'sahyd][dɪ'saɪd] v. 决定;判断;断定

She was going to ask him not to smoke in his apartment.【译】她打算让他不要在公寓里抽烟。【时态】be going to do sth. 表示主观打算、准备或有信心做某事,强调事情已计划好并将按照计划来做;will do sth. 则多用于客观的情况,即客观上将要发生的事情.例如:I’m not going to ask her. 我不打算去问她. It will be rainy tomorrow. 明天会下雨.

Elizabeth knocked on the door.【译】伊丽莎白敲门。【单词】knocked 原型:knock 动词过去式 [nok][nɒk] v. 敲击;互撞;攻击 n. 敲;敲门;敲打

When he opened the door, a huge wave of cigarette smoke came out.【译】当他打开门时,一股巨大的烟冒了出来。【单词】huge 形容词 [hyooj or, often, yooj][hjuːdʒ] adj. 巨大的;庞大的;极大的【单词】wave 名词 [weyv][weɪv] n. 波浪;波纹;波 v. 挥动;飘动

Elizabeth began coughing violently.【译】伊丽莎白开始剧烈地咳嗽。【单词】began 原型:begin 动词过去式 [bih-'gin][bɪ'ɡɪn] v. 开始;着手【单词】coughing 原型:cough 动词现在进行式或动名词 [kawf, kof][kɒf] v. 咳嗽;咳 n. 咳嗽【单词】violently 副词 ['vahy-uh-luh nt]['vaɪələntli] adv. 猛烈地;强烈地;暴力地

The neighbor gave Elizabeth a disgusted look.【译】邻居厌恶地看了伊丽莎白一眼。【单词】disgusted 原型:disgust 动词过去分词 [dis-'guhst, dih-'skuhst][dɪs'ɡʌst] n. 厌恶;憎恶;反感 vt. 使厌恶;使作呕

"Are you trying to get me sick?" the neighbor asked her.【译】“你想让我生病吗?”邻居问她。【单词】sick 形容词 [sik][sɪk] adj. 有病的;恶心的;腻烦的;晕的;令人毛骨悚然的 n. 病人;呕吐物 vt. 追逐;攻击;唆使

Elizabeth couldn't believe what he was saying.【译】伊丽莎白不敢相信他说的话。

"No, but you are," she said.【译】“不,但你是,”她说。

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