MOBILIZED在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译 您所在的位置:网站首页 agitation形容词 MOBILIZED在剑桥英语词典中的解释及翻译


2023-06-02 19:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



These mannose polymers are a form of storage carbohydrate that is mobilized following germination. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus Both countries mobilized their armies, but pressure from the international community averted further escalation. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus These channels then mobilized group and individual reactions, creating new measures of power in the villages in question. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus The most assertively discontented and mobilized regions received larger benefits than their more docile - though arguably more 'needy' or 'deserving' - neighbours. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus They impeded recruitment for military service by obliterating lists of mobilized soldiers. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus Within the cancer field a highly mobilized group of patients and medical professionals campaign to promote the philosophy that much cancer is avoidable and curable. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus The anterolateral papillary muscle is fully mobilized by detaching die muscular bands which are inserted on to die lateral wall of die right ventricle. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus The mobilized vanguard saw its role as class organising and agitation. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus Only in the area of youth organization, where all school children were involved, and in welfare organizations were large numbers of girls and women mobilized. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus However, it must surely now look like a bill which the bishops wanted and for which they mobilized council support. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus The storage polymers in the starchy endosperm must then be mobilized and transported to the embryo to fuel its subsequent heterotrophic growth. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus Whatever human resources could be removed from the land were mobilized into fighting men rather than labourers for productive enterprises. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus The percentage of citizens who report being mobilized through these groups is extremely small, so it seems as if their influence has been exaggerated. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus Thus, it is essential that an appropriate battery of antioxidants be mobilized as soon as the seeds begin imbibing water. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus These soluble oligosaccharides are mobilized during the first 2 days of germination. 来自 Cambridge English Corpus 示例中的观点不代表剑桥词典编辑、剑桥大学出版社和其许可证颁发者的观点。






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