如何管理时间:Adhering to a Daily Schedule 坚持每日计划 您所在的位置:网站首页 activity怎样记 如何管理时间:Adhering to a Daily Schedule 坚持每日计划

如何管理时间:Adhering to a Daily Schedule 坚持每日计划

2023-03-24 23:55| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Method 3


Adhering to a Daily Schedule


1. Use a digital calendar.

1. 使用电子日历。

Technology is a great way to manage your time and keep track of deadlines, appointments, and more. Make use of calendars in your phone and computer. Write down daily tasks, like appointments and your work or school schedule. Set reminders for yourself. For example, have your phone send you a reminder a week before a paper is due. Schedule in time for things like studying and working on projects.


In addition to a digital calendar, it can help to have a physical calendar as a backup. You can keep this at your desk or carry it with you in a planner. Sometimes, physically jotting things down can help you remember them.


2. Identify times when you're most productive.

2. 确定你最高效的时间。

Different people are productive at different points during the day. It can help to know when you're most able to use your time wisely and plan to work during those times. For example, if you find yourself energetic during the mornings, try to get the bulk of your work done then. During the night, you can wind down and do relaxing things you enjoy.


It can take a while to identify your energy peaks. Try tracking your energy level and overall focus throughout the day for a week or so. This should help you figure out when you would be the most productive.


3. Spend the first 30 minutes of the morning planning your day.


It can help to make a game plan for the day in the morning. As soon as you get up, think about what you need to do and sketch a rough outline of when to do it. Keep work obligations as well as social obligations and errands in mind.


For example, say you work from eight to four and need to call your grandmother for her birthday and pick up your dry cleaning after work. In the morning, figure out what order you should do those activities.


If your grandmother is in a later timezone, plan to call her after work so it's not too late where she is. Then, plan on picking up your dry cleaning.


4. Schedule breaks and interruptions.

4. 安排休息和间隔。

No one can work continuously without a break or an interruption. It's okay to invite interruptions and distractions into your day on occasion. It can help to schedule these kinds of deviations from necessary tasks. This way, interruptions are less likely to take over and derail your day.


Schedule large breaks or interruptions in addition to tiny deviations from your work throughout the day.


For example, plan to have an hour long lunch at one in the afternoon each day and to watch half an hour of television to unwind after returning from work.


You can also plan tiny interruptions during daily tasks. For example, say you're writing a paper. Allow yourself five minutes to check Facebook per 500 words you write.


5.Get some work done on the weekends.


Weekends are important for unwinding, relaxing, and having fun, so don't go overboard. However, it can help to do a little work on the weekend. Think about the kind of small tasks that pile up over the weekend, making Mondays difficult.


For example, you could briefly check and review e-mails during the weekend and then send out a few so that you'll have fewer e-mails piled up by Monday. Alternatively, you can just flag those that will require immediate attention on Monday morning.


6. Stick to a sleep schedule.

6. 规律作息。

If you want to manage your time, a solid sleep schedule is vital. A good sleep schedule ensures you'll wake up early in the morning and be ready for the day. To maintain a sleep schedule, go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time each day, even on the weekends. Your body will adapt to your sleep/wake cycle, and you'll begin to feel tired at your bedtime and energetic in the mornings.



1. Formulate the goal 制定目标

2. Promote a balance in life 促进生活平衡

例句:Find goals that promote a balance in your life. 找到能促进你生活平衡的目标。

3. Split your goals 分解你的目标

4. Set specific goals 设立具体的目标

5. Build the scaffolding 构建框架

6. “scaffolding”原意为“脚手架”,与“build”连用时根据上下文可意译为“构建框架”

7. Achieve the goal 实现目标

8. Work towards a large goal 朝着远大的目标努力

9. 朝着目标的介词可以用“towards”

10. Control your actions 控制你的行动

11. Focus on your actions专注于你的行动

12. Face setbacks 面对挫折

13. Create a schedule 制定时间表

14. Set a deadline 设定最后期限

15. Set up a rewards system 设立奖励制度

16. Hold ... back from ... 阻碍

17. Hold somebody back from something阻碍某人做某事

18. Overcome potential obstacles 克服潜在障碍

19. Acknowledge your limitations 承认你的局限性

20. “limitations”在此处翻译为“局限性”最为恰当

21. Follow your plan of action 遵循你的行动计划

22. Put into action 付诸行动

23. Visualize your goal 可视化你的目标

24. Keep a list 列出清单

25. Ask for guidance 寻求指导

26. Combat unrealistic expectations 战胜不切实际的希望

27. Keep your momentum going 保持动力

28. Drive for perfectionism 追求完美主义

29. Acknowledge mistakes承认错误

30. Experience challenge 经历挑战

31. Celebrate accomplishments 庆祝成就

32. Stay passionate 保持激情






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