动词与副词、介词的搭配关系 您所在的位置:网站首页 across的副词和介词 动词与副词、介词的搭配关系


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talk about 关于 information about/on 关于...信息


think about sth. 考虑某事                look about 环顾;考虑

bring about 带来,造成,引起             leave about 乱放

come about  发生                         go about 四处走动

get about  走动,传开,着手干            set about 开始,着手

hang about  逗留,徘徊                   put about 传播谣言

turn about 回首,转身,轮流    tell sb.about sth. 告诉某人某事          grief about sth. 对…伤心      confuse sb.about sth 使某人对某事感到混乱  

bother sb.about sth 为某事打扰某人  gossip about sb.or sth.谈论、闲聊某人或某事


hopeful about/of 希望,期待    particular about 对…讲究,特别

enthusiastic about 对…热心    crazy about ab./sth. 对…欣喜

sure about/of 对..确定知道,对…有把握 

anxious about 对…担忧,焦虑   anxious for 渴望

careful about/of 注意,保护,保重   careful with 对…注意,照顾

careless about 对…不留心  feel nervous about/at sth. 对…感到不安

doubtful about/of 对…感到好奇  optimistic about 对…感到乐观

happy about/at sth. 因某事而感到高兴


     across 既可以用作介词也可以用作副词,它常与下列动词搭配使用。

     come across 横越…,偶尔碰见  run across 跑着穿过;偶尔碰见

     cut across 抄近路穿过  get across 惹(某人)不高兴;通过

     get sth. across 领会  put across 哄骗   put sth. across 使人听懂


     against 只用作介词,常与下列名词或动词搭配使用。


grudge against 对…怨恨  declaration against 反对…声明或宣言

hostility against 对…敌意  battle against 反对…的斗争


swim against the current/tide 逆流而泳  run against the wind 逆风而跑

work against 反对,抢时间  defend against 团结起来反对…

side against 与别人站在一方反对…人  rebel against 反,反抗…

stand against 反对…  prejudice against 对…有偏见

rise against 起来反对…  argue against 抗议,反对…

protest against 抗议,反对   strike against 反抗…

struggle against(with)向…做斗争,跟…搏斗

go against 违背…   run against 与…竞选  contend against 与…抗争



      bring around 说服;使恢复(知觉、健康、正常等);把某人带来

      get around  说服,争取;下功夫去做;绕过,躲避

   go around 四处走动;绕过;顺便去;(消息)流传   look around 掉头看,环顾;参观

 pull around 使康复  come around 恢复健康;改变看法  hand around 传递,传阅,分发


    at 只用作介词,常与下列动词、分词、形容词搭配。


frown at 对…不满   shoot at 朝…射击  jump at sth.or sb. 攻击某人或某事

fire at sth. or sb. 向…开火  snap at 猛咬,猛扑  throw sth. at sth. or sb. 向…投掷…

laugh at 冷笑,嘲笑  smile at 对…微笑,对…一笑置之  get(rench) at sth.得到,达到,理解

catch at/grasp at 抓住;把握住  hint at 暗示  point at/to sb.指着某人 

glance at 瞥见    call at (family,office)/call on sb. 访问  peer/stare/gaze at 凝视    land/touch down/strike at 着路  aim at 瞄准


  be annoyed at 因…而烦恼   be astonished at 因…而惊异  be delighted at 因…而愉快

  be disgust at 因…而厌恶   be frightened at 因…而惊吓  be moved at/with 因…而感动

  be pleased at/with 因…而高兴 be surprised at 因…而惊奇  be alarmed at 因…而惊恐

  be angry at/about 对…事发怒 be angry with 对…人生气

  be impatient at 对…事感到不耐烦  be quick at 敏捷,伶俐  be clever at 擅长于…

  be slow at 对…迟钝  be efficient at 对…效率高  be apt at 善于…

  be good at 擅长于…  be mad at 对某人或某事恼火


at large 大体上,总的来说  at one’s best 最好状态  at (the) worst 在最坏的情况下

at (the) most 最多  at arm’s length 一臂的距离;疏远(keep sb.) at the point of 就要

at random 胡乱地,漫无目的地  at the risk of 冒…的危险  at dusk 黄昏 at hand 近旁,将到

at the end of 在…的底部  at heart 本质上  at the weekend 在周末 at Christmas 在圣诞节期间

at a loss 不知所措 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟  at one’s wit’s(wits’)end 志穷才尽;毫无办法;不知所措

at all costs(any cost)不惜一切代价

at any rate 不管怎样   at sea 茫然

at the request of 应…的请求


   away 只用作副词


break away 脱离,逃脱;放弃

carry away 取走;使失去理智,使入迷

give(sb.)away 泄漏,出卖   make away 离去

turn away 避开;逐出;解雇

clear away 清除掉;(云雾)消散

cut away 切掉;逃走     run away 逃跑;失控

put away 把…收起来;储存备用;放弃


do away with 废除;干掉     make away with  废除

get away from 摆脱;回避

run away with 携带…逃走;消耗

get away with 和…一起离开;拿走,抢走


       back 用作副词时,常用的搭配形式如下。


bring back 带回;使回忆起;使健康

call back 叫回;收回(说错的话);回电话

cut back 修剪;减少            fall back 退却

get back 回来,收回;恢复      hold back 抵挡;踌躇;忍住

draw back 拉开;往后退;不履行(诺言等)

keep back(sth.)阻止向前;忍住;隐瞒

pull back 向后拉;撤回;节省;改变主意

put back 放回原处;把(钟表)拨回;推迟

sit back 休息;不采取行动

set back 把(钟表)拨回;阻碍;倒退

ring back 回电话,再打电话  take back 拿回,收回,带回

turn back 折回;重新提到    talk back 顶嘴;反复重说

pay back 报答;向…报复;偿付


fall back on 求得…支持   run back over 回顾

go back (up) on 背约,食言,出卖

to and back 往返,来回

go back from one’s word 违约,食言

(8) but








      She did nothing but (=only)cry.

      He desired nothing but to pass the examination.

   (9) by

       by 既可以作介词也可以作副词


go by 走过;按…判断;顺便走访

stand by 站在旁边;袖手旁观;支持

get by 通过;维持生活

hold by 坚持(意见)


put  + by 把…放在旁边;积蓄木

          set by  把…搁开;储备


take sb. by the hand 拉某人的手

catch sb.by the coat,hair,etc. 抓…人的外衣、头发等

abide by sth.遵守,坚持

go ,come ,travel by land (sea,air,train,bus,car)


by and by 不久       by oneself 单独地

by accident 偶然     by surprise 突然,出乎意料 

by chance  偶然,意外  by the way  且说,顺便说

by way of  作为,取道  by mistake  弄错,误会

by one’s appearance  从…的外表  by turns 轮流

by means of 利用  by all means 无论如何

by reason of  由于,凭…理由  by far 在很大程度上

by on means 决不     


      down 既可用作介词也可用作副词。

1)      down 用作副词时常与以下动词搭配使用。

break down 坏了;(身体)垮了,(计划)失败了;分解

bring down 击落,使降落;使降低  cut down 砍倒;削减

get down 下来,下车;咽下;记下  put down 放下;平息;记下

take down 取下;咽下;记下  set down 放下;记下;记载

hold down 镇压;抑制  let (sb.)down 使失望

lay down  放下;制定  look down 俯视(look down on/upon 轻视,看不起)  pull down 拉倒,推翻;使虚弱  knock down 击倒

run down 用完;疲惫,(身体)变坏;(表等)停;诽谤

settle down 定居;平静下turn down 翻下;(音量等)开小;拒绝



come down on 责备  cut down on 削减  get down on 对…开始不喜欢  run down from 因而疲惫不堪  down to the ground 当然,完全


      for 只作介词,常与下列名词、动词、形容词搭配使用。


tasted for …的趣味 distaste for 厌恶  reputation for 因…而出名

love for 爱…  affection for 喜爱  preference for 偏爱

match for …对手  talent for …的才能  sympathy for 同情

opportunity for/to do sth. 有机会做…

occasion for/to do sth. 有…的理由、必要  appreciation for 为…而致谢 excuse for 借口  desire for/to do 希望做…

3)  动词+for

sail for 驶向  steer for, head for 向…前进 depart for 向…出发

start for 动身去…  call for 接某人同往某处  enter for 参加

go in for 从事,参加   make for 向…前进   set out for 向…出发

long for 渴望

search for 寻找      ask for 请求,要求

look for 寻找         beg for 请求,要求

demand for 要求          arrange for 安排

thirst for 渴求     hunt for  渴求   hunger for  渴求

send for 派人去请(拿)  take for  误认为  account for 说明解释

care for 关心;计较,介意;喜欢  blame for 对…负责,因…受指责

stand for 主张;支持;可当…用  pray for sb. or sth. 为某人或某事祈祷


eligible for 合法  appropriate for 适合,合乎  fit for 合适于

available for 准备妥当  qualified for 合格 good for 对…有益

       necessary for 为..所必须  bad for 对.有害  convenient for 对…方便  possible for 可能  famous for 因…而出名  noted for 因…而出名  anxious for 渴望  enger for  渴望

       responsible for sth. 对…事负责 

       responsible to sb. 对…人负责

       favourable for  有利于(动作,名词)

       favourable to  有利于(人或事)

       adequate for 适当,合乎


for fear of(that) 唯恐,担心

word for word 逐字地

have sympathy for 同情,可怜

leave room for 为…留余地

make an application for 申请

make preparations(arrangement)for 为…作准备

take(bear,assume)responsibility for 负起对…责任

for the sake of 为了…的利益/缘故

for the purpose of 为了…的目的

for the benefit(good)of 为了…的利益

for the time being 暂时,在目前


       forward 作副词时常与下列动词搭配使用

       bring forward 提出;提前;涌现

       carry forward 推进,发扬

       put forward 提出;推举出;提前

       set forward 提出;促进;将(钟表)拨快


   from 只作介词,常与下列名词,动词,形容词搭配使用。


relief from 解除,免除   absence from  离开

shelter from 躲避     difference from  与…不同


suffer from 受…之苦   dismiss from  被革职

separate…from   使…和…分开

deduce...from 从…推出

infer from 从…推论出  know…from 使…和…区分开

tell... from 将…和…区分开   keep...from  使…不…

escape from 从…逃脱

prohibit...from 禁止…做…,阻止…做…

cease from 停止    result from  起于…,由于…

retire from 从…离开     shrink from 畏缩不…

dissent from 不同意    emerage from 从…中出现

prevent ...from  使…不…  stop...from 阻止…不…

restrain ...from 使…不…  dissuade...from 劝阻…不…

protect... from 保护…不受…  defend...from 保护…不受…

save...from 救护…使不受   hide...from 隐藏…,使…不…

judge...from 从…判断    release from 解除

refrain from 控制,禁止   differ from 与…不同

abstract...from 从…提取…  disappear from 从…消失

die from (wound, overwork,carelessness) (因受伤,劳累,粗心)死亡

eliminate...from 把…从…中除去

distinguish...from 把…和…区分开

discriminate…from 把…和…区分开

discourage sb.from 劝…不做…


distinct from 有差别    remote from 远离…地方

distant from 远离       exempt from 免除,豁免

free from 免受…          different from  与…不同

absent from  缺席         safe from 免受…而安全


    in 既可作介词也可以作副词,常与下列名词,动词,形容词搭配


trust in 相信        interest in 对…有兴趣

error in 有错误      pleasure in 喜欢

delight in 喜欢,高兴   skill in 有…技能

confidence in 信任   difficulty in 有困难

(in confidence 秘密地,暗中地)

progress in 有进步

faith in 有信心    glory in 光荣

pride in 对…自豪    belief in 相信


indulge in 沉溺于…       engage in 从事, 忙于

     share in 分享,共同使用   abound in 富于

     encourage sb. in 在…方面鼓励某人

     believe in 相信,信仰      persist in 坚持

     end in 以…而告终          result in 导致…结果

     give in 让步               succeed in 成功于…

     assist in 帮助             consist in 在于…

     specialize in 专攻…,专门研究

     break in 闯入,使不驯服,插话

     bring in 收获,生产;引进

     call in 叫来;来访

     take in 接受,吸收;领会;受骗(to be taken in)

     set in 到来,开始;插入

     check in 办理(住店,登记)手续

     lay in 储存     cut in   插嘴;突然插入

     put in 放进;交接;停留   settle in  安顿好;乔迁新居

     confide in 信任;吐露机密   involve in 卷入…


disappointed in 对…失望    specific in 明确的,具体的

successful in 在…成功

absorbed in 专心于,埋头于…

efficient in 有效的     prompt in 敏捷的

confident in 信任    versed in  精通

active in 积极于…    fortunate in 幸运

exact in 确切的     deficient in 缺少….的

rich in 富于,盛产    weak in  在…差的

poor in  在…差的     diligent in   在…勤奋的

expert in  在…熟练      accurate in 精确的


in public  公开地     in time  及时

in turn  依次    in detail   详细地

in hand  在掌握中,在控制中 in sum 总之

in sequence  依次 逐一  

in the long run 最后结果,归根到底

in good spirit 精神好      in the hope of  怀着…希望

in need of 需要     in any case   无论如何

in a hurry 匆匆地

in good working order (机器)运转良好

in good condition 情况良好,(物件)无损坏

in one’s opinion  据…人的见解

in comparison with  和…相比

in accordance with 根据

in line with  根据     in regard to 关于

in the name of  奉…的命令,以…的名义

in despair  绝望地     in earnest   热情地

in secret   秘密地   in brief   简短地

in debt 欠债     in the way    障碍,不便

in honour of 为纪念     in contrast to 与…相对照


  of 只能作介词,常与下列名词,动词,形容词搭配


distrust of  不相信    grasp of   把握住,理解

evidence of 证据     consequence of 是…结果

way of …的方法     habit of   习惯

care of 注意    intention of  意图

possibility of 可能性   description of  描述 

prevention of 预防,阻止   consideration of 体谅

correction of 改正,批改   dislike of 厌恶

advocate of 提倡者,鼓吹者  expectation of 预期



boast of 吹嘘    die of  因…而死

dream of 渴望,向往,梦想  think of 想起,想出

talk of 谈到    disapprove of  不准 不同意

deserve of 应受,值得    approve of 同意,准许

speak of 讲起;特别(推荐)说

break sb.of sth. 制止某人某事

remind sb.of sth. 提醒某人某事,使某人想起某事

hear of sb.or sth. 听人说起某人或某事,听到某人或某事的情况

borrow sth.of/from sb. 从某人那里借…

accuse sb.of sth.控告某人某事

deprive sb.of sht. 剥夺某人某事,使某人失去

cure sb.of sth. 治愈某人某病

rob sb.of sth. 强夺某人某物

convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事

inform sh.of sth. 通知某人某事

warn sb. of sth. 警告某人某事

cheat sb.of sth. 欺骗某人某事

suspect sb.of sth. 怀疑某人某事

persuade sb. of sth. 说服某人某事

tell sb.of sth. 告知某人某事

expect sth.of sb. 寄希望于某人,指望某人… 

nervous of 害怕(mervous with 紧张)

regardless of 不管,不顾,尽管

capable of 可以…的,做得出…的

empty of 无,缺    forgetful of 忘记

found of 喜欢     exclusive of  除,不计,不算

full of 充满   

sick of  厌烦       short of  缺

ashamed of 羞耻      tired of  厌倦

incapable of 不能…,没有能力做…

proud of 自豪,骄傲     aware of  知道

conscious of 认识到,意识到   afraid of 害怕

worthy of 值得     sure/certainof 确信

independent of 与…无关的,不受…支配的

jealous of 妒忌   characteristic of 特有的

envious of 妒忌,羡慕     considerate of 体贴,关怀

thoughtful of 体贴    suspicious of 对…怀疑

guilty of 有罪的,内疚的    impatient of 不耐烦


  off 既可作副词又可作介词,常与以下动词搭配使用。

     Break off 突然中断;折断    call off  叫走;取消

     Carry off 获得(奖品等);夺去…

     Come off  脱离;举行;突现;成功

     Clear off 清除;偿还;(云雾)消散

     Cut off 切断,关掉,中断

     Cool off  冷起来,(热情)低落;平静下来

     Drop off 减少; 掉下;散去;让…下车;睡着

     Fall off 跌落;缩减;下降;背离

     Get off  下来;拿(脱)下;离开;逃脱

     Go off 离去;消失;爆炸;熄灭;变坏

     Give off 发出(光、热、气等)

     Hold off 不使接近;抗击;延缓

Keep off  让开;挡住

Let off 放掉;说出;饶恕;燃放(炮竹),开(枪)

     Lay off  解雇;停工;搁置

     Make off 急忙跑掉(离开),逃走

     Pay off 付清        play off 暴露弱点;假装

     Put off 脱掉;推迟;关掉(收音机、灯等);使…分心

     Pull off 扯下,脱掉(衣服等);努力实现;赢得

     Ring off 挂断电话      see (sb.) off 送行

     Send off 送行;寄出;派遣   set off 出发;爆破;开始

     Take off 取消;脱掉(衣帽等);削减;起飞

     Turn off 关掉(电器,自来水,煤气等);避开;辞退;生产;完成;变


     touch off 使炸裂;引起,触发     show off 炫耀

     wear off 磨掉;逐渐减弱;消失

     work off 排除;卖掉;发泄(怒气等)


     on 既可以作介词又可作副词,常与下列名词、动词、形容词搭配。


impact on 对…影响  effect on 效果,作用,影响 

opinion on/about 对…的意见  influence on 影响,感化

outlook on/about 对…的看法  impression on 留有..印象

attack on 攻击  judgement on 对…判断  mercy on /pity on 怜悯

2)      动词+on

comment on sth. 评论某事  comment about sb. 评论某人

bring on 引起,提出  feed on 用…喂养  concentrate on 集中精力做  expend on 花费   insist on 坚持  congratulate on 对…祝贺  carry on 继续进行,坚持下去  base on 以…为基础

found on 以…为基础  count on 依靠,指望  elaborate on 精心制作,推敲  hold on 抓住,坚持  focus on 把精力集中在…上

rely on 依靠  operate on  对…动手术  

draw on  利用,开支票    perform on 演奏

jump on 突击,严责  act on  生效,起作用

impose on 征(税);强加于;欺骗

react on 对…反应 

reflect on 考虑;反省  get on 上车;相处;进展

hit on 碰见; 突然想起   depend on  依靠;取决于

frown on/at  皱眉,不赞许   experiment on  用…作实验

catch on 理解   come on 举行; 进展;赶快

look on  旁观    keep on   继续进行;坚持

put on 穿戴上;打开,上演

take on 呈现出;承担;开始从事

work on 继续工作;说服

hold on 坚持,抓住;继续;别挂(打电话语)


   Intent on 专心致志的    bent on 决心地,一心想

   Fanatic on 狂热于…


   On and after 自…以来

   On and on 继续地,不停地

   On an(the) average 平均,总的来看,大体地

   On behalf of 为了…,为了…的利益

   On the contrary 相反

   On the tip of one’s tongue 话到嘴边;差一点就能想起

   On no accounts 慎重考虑

   On no account 决不

   On account of 由于    on schedule 准时

   On time 准时   on the spot 在现场

   On business 因公  on the move 在移动中

   On occasion 遇必要时,有时on purpose 故意

   On seposit 储蓄  on the way 在途中

   On the run 跑动  on demand 一经要求…就…

   On guard 警界   on leave 休假

   On c(redit 赊帐   on duty 上班(off duty 下班)

   On hand 手头,近处   on foot 步行

   On fire 着火      on sale 出售,上市

   On one’s own 独自地;主动地;凭自己的力量


1)      out用作副词时(与of构成复合介词),常与下列动词搭配。

Break out 爆发  act out 表演

Bring out 阐明;生产  knock out 击败,击倒

Call out 调来;引起   keep out 勿入内

Carry out 贯彻;进行到底  make out 领会;辨认出;证明

Cut out 切掉,删掉;停止  check out 付帐离店

Pull out 拔出;完成;熄灭;康复

Dine out 外出吃饭

Put out 摆出;生产;熄灭;消除

Do out 收拾

Draw out 拉长;引出   run out 跑出;用完;期满

Fall out 争吵;结果    set out 启程;叙述

Figure out 分辨出;断定;解决

Stand out 突出;支撑住   fill out 填写

Stay out 呆在户外;直到…结束

Give out 分发;发出;公布  turn out 制造;结果是;关掉

Hand out 散发   hold out 伸出;提供;坚持

Wipe out 消灭;还清;报仇   reach out 伸出

Lay out 展示;安排    look out 朝外看;留神

Work out 算出;制定出 

2)      其它惯用搭配词组

Look out for 注意,提防   look out on 面朝(场所)

Get out of 出来(去);下车(飞机等)

Run out of 用完

Out of control 失控

Out of hand 失控




Priority over 优越于…   power over 支配,领导

Superiority over 优越于…


Get over 克服;摆脱(疾病) turn over 打翻;移交

Leave over 留下;留待后用

Run over 商讨     carry over 储存,延期

Rule over 统治,治理    glance over 看一看

Go over 复习    take over 接管;继承

Pull over 把…拉过来;从头上套下去;把…停在路旁

Hold over 延期;保留   look over 查阅

Think over 仔细考虑



       Break through 突围,冲垮

       Bring through 救活;使渡过难关

       Carry through 进行道底

       Come through 失败    think through 仔细考虑

       Get through 通过;到达;完成;打通电话

       Get through 经历;仔细检查;通过(考试)

       Look through 查阅,看穿

       See through 识破;帮助渡过难关

       Pull through 恢复健康;渡过危机

       Put through 使穿过;从事;接通电话

       Run through 删除;穿过;匆匆看过


To 是介词,常与下列名词、动词、形容词搭配


Exception to 例外    attention 注意

Exposure to 暴露于…   answer to 对…作答

Key to 答案      approach to …的方法(途径)

Solution to 解决办法    reference to 提及,涉及,关系

Disgrace to 对…耻辱


See to 照料,负责     amount to 达…;共计

Take to 喜欢,开始,赴   defer to 听从

Limit to 限制   assent to 赞同

Attach…to 把…附到…上   allude to 反应,响应

Lead to 导致,通向   point to 指向

Correspond to 与…一致,符合

Fix…to 使…固定在…上

Fasten to 固定    adhere to 粘附于…;坚持

Cling to 粘在…上   stick to 粘住;坚持

Agree to 同意(建议、安排)

Talk to sb 找(和)某人谈话

Accede to 同意

Report sth .to.sb 向…汇报…

Mention sth.to sb 向某人建议

         Suggest sth.to sb 向某人介绍

         Trust to 依靠,信赖

         Explain sth.to sb 向某人解释

         Look to sb.to (do) 呼吁某人(做)

         Appeal to 求助于;引起…的兴趣

         Describe sth .to sb 向某人负责

         Compare to 将…比作      succeed to 继承

         Attend to 注意,照顾,出席   attribute to 归因于…

         Confine…to 将…限制于…     conform to 遵守…

         Dedicate to 贡献于,致力于    devote …to 致力于…

         Fall to 开始做某事;(死后)传给;落在

         Fit…to 使…适合…    resort to 凭借,求助于

         Adjust to 使适应于…

         (it)occur to sb.(that)… 想到

         Object to 反对


Incomprehensible to 费解的

Superior to 强于…,比…有优势

Insensitive to 对…迟钝的   acceptable to 可接受的

Comparable to 比作…的    incentive to   刺激,鼓励

Relevant to 与…有关的    beneficial to 对…有益的

Susceptible to 易受影响的,易害(病)的

Rude to 对…无礼的   applicable to 适合的,适当的

Related to 与…有关的    proportional to 与…成比例

Strange to 对…陌生的

Agreeable to 依,从,遵照;欣然同意

Polite to 对…有礼貌的   suitable to 称意的;合宜的

Prior to 先于…      vital to 对…极重要的

Disadvantagerous to 对…不利的

Unaccustomed to 对…不习惯的

Adapted to 适应于      adverse to 与…相反的

Convenient to 方便的    common to 共同的

Injurious to 对…有害的    useful to 对…有用的

Parallel to 与…平行的     close  to 接近…

Grateful to 感谢的     blind to 视而不见的

Contrary to 与…相反的   loyal to 忠于…的

Pleasant to 使…愉快的  alike to 与…一样的,相似

    Pleasant to 使…愉快的     alike to 与…一样的,相似

        Familiar to 对…所熟悉的        equal to /with 同等的

        Opposite to …对面的            true to 忠实于…

        Similar to 与…相似的           deaf to 拒绝听取…


        to the contrary 相反

        to one’s surprise 使某人惊奇的是

        to one’s knowledge  就某人所知

    to and fro 来来去去,往复

        to the best of one’s knowledge 据某人所知

        to say nothing of (=not to speak of)更不必说




        break up 打碎;结束;驱散;分类

        bring up 养育;呕吐;提出

        back up 支持;堵塞;后退   clear up 支撑

        call up 召唤;打电话    clear up 整理;解除;晴朗

        come up 走近;长出;出现;提出

        cut up 切碎;歼灭

        check up 核实;审查    do up 修理;包扎;打扮

        fill up 填补;淤积

        hold up 举起;支撑;阻挡;拦劫

        lay  up 储存     keep up 保持;坚持

        make up 弥补;编排;虚构;组成;化妆,打扮

        draw up 草拟;停住

        pull up 拔起;停下   show up 暴露;到场

        sit up 熬夜

        stay up 熬夜

        stand up 站起;经磨    think up 想出

        stick up 竖起     take up 拿起;开始干;选学

        turn up 出现;发生    touch up 润色(文章、图画)

        tie up 束紧;包扎;使停顿    wind up 卷紧;上紧…发条

        work up 激起;逐步发展;加工


cheek up on 检查   check up with 与…相符

come up to 达到,赶上

come up against 碰到(困难);反对

come up with 赶上,提出   face up to 正视

fill up with 填满     be up against 面临;直向

keep up with 与(某人)保持联系,和…并驾并驱

lead up to 把…带到,渐渐引到(…话题)

live up to 不辜负,与…相符  look  up with 与…和解

put up with 忍受     run up against 意外碰到

run up to跑到,积累达到   stand up to 经得住

stand up for 坚持,拥护    up to 到,至于;胜任;责任在

up and down 上下;沉浮;高低;前后;往返




         agreement with 与…达成协议

         combination with 组成

         trouble with 烦恼    connection with 和…关联

         common with 与…的畅谈   harmony with 和…调和融洽

         consultation with 协商    acquaintance with 与…相识

         alliance with 与…联合     dissatisfaction with 不满


contract with 与…订立契约   collide with 与…冲突

cooperate with 与…合作    start with 着手于

unite with 与…团结起来    deal with 研究;应付

reason with 与…讲理     vary with 随…改变

acquaint with 与…认识    link …with 把…与…连接起来

meet with 遇见     compare …with 与…比较

agree with 同意…(意见)  argue with 与…争论

associate …with把…和…联系起来

mix…with 将…和…混合起来

make away with 携…而逃;除去,杀死;浪费(钱)

interfere with 干涉   sympathize with 同情…

communicate with 与…交往   match with 与…较量

make friends with 与…交朋友

coincide with 一致


familiar with 精通,熟悉   (in)consistent with 一致

occupied with 从事…   disgusted with 讨厌

compatible with 适合,和谐  complete with 准备齐全

gifted with 赋有   lined with 排列成行

frank with 对…坦率

identical with(to)同一,一致

generous with 慷慨  patient with 对…耐心

angry with 对某人脑火    friendly with 对…友好

popular with 受欢迎

burdened with 给…加重负担

satisfied with 对…满意    concerned with 关切,涉及

busy with 忙于   bored with 厌烦

pleased with 对…满意


with one voice 异口同声  with ease 轻易地

with regard to 关于   with pleasure 愉快地

with a view to 为了   with open arms 热情地

with respect to 关于

with all one’s heart 真心诚意地

with a will热情地   with reference to 关于

with a heavy heart 心情沉重地

keep pace with 跟上

find fault with 给(某人)挑毛病,找错

have weight with 对…重要

have an agreement with 与…达成协议







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