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2024-03-15 10:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、Trump's academic performance at Wharton, good or bad, didn't affect his career much.Trump在沃顿学院的成绩好坏,并不影响他的职业。

2、If you are more interested in academic research, you can join in the Faculty Aide Program.如果你对学术研宄更感兴趣的话,你可以加入教员助手计划。

3、Harvard spirit is to uphold academic freedom of tolerance!哈佛精神就是崇尚学术自由的气度!

4、A ceremony at which academic degrees or diplomas are conferred.学位授予典礼授予学术学位或学位证书的仪式

5、Development of academic network periodicals网络学术性期刊的发展研究

6、A violation of safety protocols; academic protocol.违反安全行为标准学院规则

7、Ilike to teach,because I like the academic calendar.我喜欢教书,是因为我喜欢学校这里安排的作息。

8、The focus on academic "skills and drills" has cut deeply into recess and other time for free play.专注学业“技能训练”大大减少了课间休息和自由活动的时间。

9、The degree provides the academic and practical experience to practise as a radiographer.该学位提供技师的学术及实务执业经验。

10、Based on Academy,Doing the Taste of the Academic Journal以学术为本,办出学术期刊的品位

11、Computer science is now a fully-fledged academic subject计算机科学目前已是一门成熟的学科。

12、This observation, however, is largely an academic point that doesn't do much to help the problem.这种观察,很大程度上是一个学术结论,对解决问题没有帮助。

13、a requirement for admission to or completion of an academic program允许进入或完成某个学院课程的要求。

14、He launched a determined attack on academic criticism他对学究式的评论发起坚决的 * 。

15、Academic researchers are beginning to conduct intensive studies.学院中的学者也对这个问题展开密集的研究。

16、In addition to academic paper sessions, there will be a keynote address and practitioner panels.除了学术论坛外,会议还将设有主旨演讲和金融从业者论坛。

17、Study on Times Value of Wen Yiduo’s Academic Research论闻一多学术研究的时代性

18、relating to a specific field of academic study.与学术研究的某一领域有关的。

19、He is a vice-president for academic affairs他是抓业务的副校长。

20、On the Academic Standard and Market - orientation of Literature Journals论文学期刊的学术化和市场化

21、all that academic rigmarole was a waste of time.所有的理论上的胡言乱语都是浪费时间。

22、Academic success is our goal and academic achievement must become every child's birthright.孩子们在学习上的成功是我们的目标,取得好的成绩应该成为每个孩子与生俱来的权利。

23、All your answers are used for academic aims and your information will be kept confidentially.你的答案仅供学术性参考并且有关于你的个人信息将严格保密。

24、Wang himself is no academic slouch.王力宏的学术也不赖。

25、The interpretation of these events is still a matter of academic discussion有关这些史迹的考证,学术界仍是众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

26、Believe it or not, there 'snow a whole academic subfield of happiness studies.不管信与否,在关于幸福的研究中,衍生了一个很大的学术领域。

27、A good historian must have an academic mind出色的历史学家须有学术头脑。

28、The number of cheerleading injuries fell slightly in the 2007-08 academic year.啦啦队受伤的数字在2007-2008学年中稍有下降。

29、(3) Promoting the development of academic activity;③促进了研究性学习活动的开展。

30、From Cultural Criticism to Academic Research从文化批判回到学术研究

academic翻译a. 学院的, 学术的, 不切实际的n. 大学生, 大学教师, 学者, 学会会员 详情






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