时间副词有哪些 您所在的位置:网站首页 above的句子位置 时间副词有哪些


2024-06-07 22:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



我们介绍了5种英语副词的分类整理和用法归纳,今天介绍时间副词有哪些?时间副词是什么?我们使用时间副词来表示某事发生时的信息。时间副词可以告诉我们某事发生的 how often 频率、how long 多久或时间周期。

频率 how often?

一些时间副词告诉我们事情发生的频率。这一组的副词包括: hourly, daily, weekly and monthly。它们告诉我们,有些事情“every day”(daily)或“every month”(monthly)发生。这些副词也可以用作形容词。

当用作副词时,最常见的句子位置在动词之后  after the verb。当用作形容词时,像“每日”这样的词出现在名词之前 before a noun。比较下面两个例句:

形容词(描述名词)副词(描述动词)My hourly rate is fifteen pounds. As a babysitter, I am paid hourly. 时间上的关系

这组副词是用来比较时间段的。它们允许说话者比较时间段或者阐明什么时候发生了什么事。副词如 previous,lately,earlier,recently 和 before 提供了更多的动作发生时间的信息。


时间副词有哪些?这些副词及时修饰事件。它们包括诸如 tonight  今晚和 tomorrow 明天这样的副词。它们允许说话者给出某事发生时的具体信息。它们可能包括副词短语,例如: the day before yesterday。


这两个副词是常用的,在一个句子中有许多不同的功能。现在暗示着我们正在做一些事情。我们倾向于认为 then 指的是过去,但它也可以指的是未来,这取决于上下文。它的意思只是“那个时候”。比较这两个例子:

I lived in Germany then. (past)I’ll be living in Germany then. (future)



过去现在将来Yesterday, last year, just, before, previously, recentlyStill, today, nowTomorrow, soon, next week, later


I am feeling happy today. (present)I bought lots of books at the shop today. (past)I’m going to see my friend Sally today. (future)



I lived in France for a year.I have lived in London since 2001.

时间副词的用法 句子位置


主语 + 主要动词 + 时间副词e.g. I went swimming today.


主语 + 主要动词 + 时间副词e.g. I didn’t swim today.


主语 + 主要动词 + 宾语 + 时间副词e.g. I haven’t read the book yet.


I haven’t read yet the book. (wrong!)


时间副词 + 主语 + 主要动词 + 宾语E.g. Eventually, I arrived at the hotel.E.g. Today, I am going to finish my essay!

时间副词有哪些?这个列表中只有少数时间副词可以出现在动词之前。可以出现在这个位置的副词包括: 最近、最后、最终和先前。

主语 + 时间副词 + 主要动词 + 宾语E.g. Andrew eventually arrived at the station.


时间副词可以表示事情发生的频率、时间和持续的时间。如果一个句子有多个时间副词,按照下面的顺序: 多长?多久一次?什么时候?

How long?How often?When?I take/took my dog for a walkfor an hourdailylast yearI go/went on holidayfor a weekFour timesevery yearI work(ed) onlinefor five hoursEvery weeklast year

多长时间? 多久一次?

I take my dog for a walk for an hour each day.

多长时间? 什么时候?

I go on holiday for a week every year.

例三. 多长时间? 多久一次? 什么时候?

I worked online for five hours every week last year.

例四. 多久一次? 什么时候?

I go on holiday four times every year. 多个副词的词序


e.g. I went out yesterday.e.g. I’m staying indoors tomorrow.

时间副词有哪些 以后

时间副词有哪些?Later 后面的副词可以出现在三个不同的句子位置: 句首、句尾或动词之前。比较下面的例子:

Later, I went to the cinema. I went to the cinema later. I later went to the cinema.

在最后一句中,把副词放在动词前面会增加更多的形式感。这个句子的位置用来报告已经发生的事情。我们经常在故事或官方报道中找到它,例如:。She later remembered that she had seen the man approaching the bank.

时间副词有哪些A-Z 列表并举例

AgoI lived in France a long time ago.He gave up smoking ages ago.

AlreadyWhere is the cake? Oh, I have already eaten it!Have you finished your coffee already?

AnnuallyShe renews her house insurance annually.Are you going to get a pay rise? I’m not sure. My pay is reviewed annually.

BeforeWho is that? I don’t know. I have never seen him before!Yes, I have told you that before!

Daily (every day)I take a vitamin pill daily.The milkman delivers milk every day.

EarlyThey got seats on the train because they arrived early.He always gets up early.

EventuallyShe found her purse eventually.Eventually, the cat climbed down from the tree.

时间副词有哪些?当你想强调某事何时发生时,在句首加上时间副词,例如: Finally, I understand how adverbs work! 这给句子增添了更多的感情色彩。

FinallyHe finally passed his driving test.Finally, I would like to thank my mother and father.

FirstFirst, he started running as a hobby, but then he decided to enter a race.He arrived at the party first.

FormerlyThat hotel was formerly a school.I formerly wrote to you regarding my complaint.

时间副词有哪些?副词 formerly 的意思与 previously 相似。它描述了一种与过去不同的情况。这个词在英语口语中用得不多。它主要用于印刷文本,如报纸报道

Fortnightly (every 2 weeks)She visits her grandmother fortnightly.The finance department met fortnightly to set budgets.

HourlyThe London Ghost Tour sets off from here hourly.When her mother was ill, she checked her temperature hourly.

JustI’ve just remembered where I put the key!Why are you so late? Sorry, I have just walked back from the station.

LastWhen did you see her last?I last saw Helen in the summer.

LateI planned the trip carefully, but I still arrived late.The shops are open late on Fridays!

LatelyI haven’t slept well lately.Have you read any good books lately?

LongI’m going to the shop. I won’t be long.I’ll be with you in a moment. Sorry this is taking so long.

MonthlyMost office workers are paid monthly.My mother has her windows cleaned monthly.

NextI’d like to visit Italy next.When I next saw her, she was driving a red car.

NightlyThe security guard has to organise a patrol around the site nightly.She has to take a sleeping pill nightly.

No longer / not any longerShe no longer believes in the tooth fairy.He doesn’t live with his mum any longer.

Now­­­­­­­­­I think I’d like to go home now.She now realised why the door was locked.Now, let’s see if we can find your missing hat!The examination has finished. Please, stop writing now.

 PreviouslyI previously worked as a receptionist.Previously, she lived in a small house on the other side of town.                         

RecentlyI have recently moved to the neighbourhood.What have you been doing recently?

Quarterly (4 times a year)My favourite magazine is published quarterly.The company publishes its financial results quarterly?

SinceI had an argument with Steven and I haven’t seen him since!Jan moved to Edinburgh in 2000 and she has lived there ever since.

SoonI hope we will be able to meet up again soon.How soon can you fix my car?


StillOh! You have still got that old car!I can still remember my first day at school.

ThenIf you wait until the summer, the weather will be better then.Just then, there was a loud knock at the door.

TodayI saw my friend Sheila today.Today, there are a lot of social problems in our big cities.

TomorrowI will do my homework tomorrow. Honestly!Tomorrow, I’ll pick you up after work.

TonightLet’s go out tonight!I really enjoyed the party tonight.

YearlyShe meets up with her school friends yearly.The interest is added to my bank account yearly.

YesterdayMum and Dad went on holiday yesterday.Yesterday, there was a huge crowd in town.

时间副词有哪些?副词 yet  只用在否定句和疑问句中。它指的是没有发生或者我们认为没有发生的事情。用它来问问题: Have you finished with that book yet?

YetI haven’t done my university application yet.The application has not yet been received.



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