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What you need to knowMicrosoft just confirmed that the new Bing is powered by GPT-4.GPT-4 is a major improvement over GPT-3.5, which is what has powered ChatGPT up to this point.The Bing brings together data from the GPT-4 model and Bing to generate answers quickly that are based on real-time information.

Microsoft announced the new Bing powered by ChatGPT earlier this year. The revamped search engine and several of its AI tools use OpenAI's technology to respond to questions and generate content. Now, it's been confirmed by Microsoft that the new Bing is powered by GPT-4.

Before Microsoft's official announcement of the new Bing, it was speculated that GPT-4 would power the search engine. Microsoft did not state that to be the case, however. It seems that was because GPT-4 wasn't quite ready to be announced. That changed when OpenAI announced GPT-4 earlier today.

Read more

> OpenAI announces GPT-4 > Microsoft cuts AI ethics staff (opens in new tab) > Unlock Bing Chat AI for any web browser (opens in new tab) > How to sign up for the new Bing-powered by ChatGPT (opens in new tab)

"GPT-4 is more creative and collaborative than ever before. It can generate, edit, and iterate with users on creative and technical writing tasks, such as composing songs, writing screenplays, or learning a user’s writing style," reads OpenAI's page for GPT-4.

Right after OpenAI announced GPT-4, Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft corporate vice president of modern Life, search, and devices, confirmed that the new tech powered Bing:

"We are happy to confirm that the new Bing is running on GPT-4, customized for search. If you’ve used the new Bing in preview at any time in the last six weeks, you’ve already had an early look at the power of OpenAI’s latest model. As OpenAI makes updates to GPT-4 and beyond, Bing benefits from those improvements to ensure our users have the most comprehensive copilot features available."

Microsoft's proprietary Prometheus technology combines OpenAI's GPT model and real-time data from Bing to generate responses. Now, we know that the GPT model under the hood is GPT-4.

Microsoft is expected to announce more AI features at an event later this week.






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