列表群组(List group) 您所在的位置:网站首页 Autosar架构有关的编程语言 列表群组(List group)

列表群组(List group)

#列表群组(List group)| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



An item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one An item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one 活动项目


An active item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one An active item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one 禁用项目


A disabled item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one A disabled item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one 链接和按钮



The current link item A second link item A third link item A fourth link item A disabled link item The current link item A second link item A third link item A fourth link item A disabled link item

对于button,你也可以使用disabled属性而不是.disabled class。不幸的是,a不支持disabled属性。

The current button A second item A third button item A fourth button item A disabled button item 移除边框及圆角


An item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one An item A second item A third item A fourth item And a fifth one 编号

添加.list group numbered修饰符类(并可选地使用ol元素)以选择编号的列表组项。数字是通过CSS生成的(与ol的默认浏览器样式相反),以便更好地放置在列表组项目中,并允许更好的自定义。

数字由ol上的counter reset生成,然后在li上用 ::before 元素设置样式并放置在counter increment和content中。

Cras justo odio Cras justo odio Cras justo odio Cras justo odio Cras justo odio Cras justo odio


Subheading Cras justo odio 14 Subheading Cras justo odio 14 Subheading Cras justo odio 14 Subheading Cras justo odio 14 Subheading Cras justo odio 14 Subheading Cras justo odio 14 水平



An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item An item A second item A third item 背景和颜色


A simple default list group item A simple primary list group item A simple secondary list group item A simple success list group item A simple danger list group item A simple warning list group item A simple info list group item A simple light list group item A simple dark list group item A simple default list group item A simple primary list group item A simple secondary list group item A simple success list group item A simple danger list group item A simple warning list group item A simple info list group item A simple light list group item A simple dark list group item


A simple default list group item A simple primary list group item A simple secondary list group item A simple success list group item A simple danger list group item A simple warning list group item A simple info list group item A simple light list group item A simple dark list group item A simple default list group item A simple primary list group item A simple secondary list group item A simple success list group item A simple danger list group item A simple warning list group item A simple info list group item A simple light list group item A simple dark list group item Conveying meaning to assistive technologies

Using color to add meaning only provides a visual indication, which will not be conveyed to users of assistive technologies – such as screen readers. Ensure that information denoted by the color is either obvious from the content itself (e.g. the visible text), or is included through alternative means, such as additional text hidden with the .visually-hidden class.



A list item 14 A second list item 2 A third list item 1 A list item 14 A second list item 2 A third list item 1 自定义内容


List group item heading 3 days ago

Some placeholder content in a paragraph.

And some small print. List group item heading 3 days ago

Some placeholder content in a paragraph.

And some muted small print. List group item heading 3 days ago

Some placeholder content in a paragraph.

And some muted small print. List group item heading 3 days ago Some placeholder content in a paragraph. And some small print. List group item heading 3 days ago Some placeholder content in a paragraph. And some muted small print. List group item heading 3 days ago Some placeholder content in a paragraph. And some muted small print. 复选框和单项按钮


First checkbox Second checkbox Third checkbox Fourth checkbox Fifth checkbox First checkbox Second checkbox Third checkbox Fourth checkbox Fifth checkbox


First checkbox Second checkbox Third checkbox Fourth checkbox Fifth checkbox Sass Variables $list-group-color: $gray-900; $list-group-bg: $white; $list-group-border-color: rgba($black, .125); $list-group-border-width: $border-width; $list-group-border-radius: $border-radius; $list-group-item-padding-y: $spacer / 2; $list-group-item-padding-x: $spacer; $list-group-item-bg-scale: -80%; $list-group-item-color-scale: 40%; $list-group-hover-bg: $gray-100; $list-group-active-color: $component-active-color; $list-group-active-bg: $component-active-bg; $list-group-active-border-color: $list-group-active-bg; $list-group-disabled-color: $gray-600; $list-group-disabled-bg: $list-group-bg; $list-group-action-color: $gray-700; $list-group-action-hover-color: $list-group-action-color; $list-group-action-active-color: $body-color; $list-group-action-active-bg: $gray-200; Mixins

Used in combination with $theme-colors to generate the contextual variant classes for .list-group-items.

@mixin list-group-item-variant($state, $background, $color) { .list-group-item-#{$state} { color: $color; background-color: $background; &.list-group-item-action { &:hover, &:focus { color: $color; background-color: shade-color($background, 10%); } &.active { color: $white; background-color: $color; border-color: $color; } } } } Loop

Loop that generates the modifier classes with the list-group-item-variant() mixin.

// List group contextual variants // // Add modifier classes to change text and background color on individual items. // Organizationally, this must come after the `:hover` states. @each $state, $value in $theme-colors { $list-group-background: shift-color($value, $list-group-item-bg-scale); $list-group-color: shift-color($value, $list-group-item-color-scale); @if (contrast-ratio($list-group-background, $list-group-color) ... ... ... ... 通过JavaScript


var triggerTabList = [].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('#myTab a')) triggerTabList.forEach(function (triggerEl) { var tabTrigger = new bootstrap.Tab(triggerEl) triggerEl.addEventListener('click', function (event) { event.preventDefault() tabTrigger.show() }) })


var triggerEl = document.querySelector('#myTab a[href="#profile"]') bootstrap.Tab.getInstance(triggerEl).show() // Select tab by name var triggerFirstTabEl = document.querySelector('#myTab li:first-child a') bootstrap.Tab.getInstance(triggerFirstTabEl).show() // Select first tab 淡入效果


... ... ... ... 方法 构造器


Home Profile Messages Settings ... ... ... ... var firstTabEl = document.querySelector('#myTab a:last-child') var firstTab = new bootstrap.Tab(firstTabEl) firstTab.show() 显示

选择给定的列表项目并显示其关联的pane。而先前选择的任何其他列表项目将被取消,并使其关联的pane隐藏。在Tab pane显示之前回传给调用者(例如,在shown.bs.tab事件发生之前)。

var someListItemEl = document.querySelector('#someListItem') var tab = new bootstrap.Tab(someListItemEl) tab.show() 销毁




var triggerEl = document.querySelector('#trigger') var tab = bootstrap.Tab.getInstance(triggerEl) // Returns a Bootstrap tab instance 事件


hide.bs.tab (在当前启用的页签上) show.bs.tab (在准备启用的页签上) hidden.bs.tab (在先前启用的页签上,与hide.bs.tab事件相同)) shown.bs.tab (在刚刚显示的页签上,与show.bs.tab事件相同)


Event type Description show.bs.tab 这个事件因页签显示而触发,但是会在新页签被显示之前结束。使用event.target和event.relatedTarget将目前与先前启用的页签(如果可用)的作为目标。 shown.bs.tab 这个事件在页签显示后触发。使用event.target和event.relatedTarget来分别定位启用中和刚刚启用的页签。 hide.bs.tab 新的页签要显示(先前的启用页签将被隐藏)时,此事将触发。使用event.target和event.relatedTarget分别定位先前启用和即将启用的页签。 hidden.bs.tab 新的选项显示后(因此先前启用的选项将隐藏),此事件将触发。使用event.target和event.relatedTarget分别定位先前启用的页签和新启用的页签。 var tabEl = document.querySelector('a[data-bs-toggle="list"]') tabEl.addEventListener('shown.bs.tab', function (event) { event.target // newly activated tab event.relatedTarget // previous active tab })






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