源自工业遗存的绿道,杨浦滨江公共空间二期设计 / 大观景观 – mooool木藕设计网

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源自工业遗存的绿道,杨浦滨江公共空间二期设计 / 大观景观 – mooool木藕设计网

2024-07-16 14:48:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由大观景观授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks Da Landscape for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by Da Landscape.



Da Landscape:The site is located between two ferry stations on the Huangpu River of Shanghai with a 1.2-km shoreline,which included municipal facilities such as water, power and gas plants a century ago. Compared with other landmarks along the Huangpu River of Shanghai, such as the Bund and the Lujiazui CBD, the Yangpu Riverfront section is well known as the birthplace of China’s modern industry. Historically, it has gathered many factories, warehouses and docks. The process of industrialization has led to the aging of adjacent communities and the lack of public space. The challenge of the 1.2km shoreline site is that the recession industrial belt blocks the access to the riverside and the threat of typhoons and floods.





In 2015, Shanghai developed a three-year program to connect shoreline in the downtown area of the Huangpu River, creating a continuous public open space for the city. In Yangpu Riverfront, this work is coordinated by the Pujiang Office, including land use and negotiation, planning and guidelines, and construction management. In earlier 2009, designers began to conduct preliminary analysis and research work as the basis for the final landscape design.

A multi-disciplinary team based on landscape architects has established a multi-level greenway system from the industrial legacy, extending to the city through a pedestrian network. The riverfront space defined as a city grandstand transforms into a new attraction that meeting daily use and various events, and enjoying Shanghai’s beautiful skyline. On the first opening day, it welcomed nearly 20,000 visitors, including those who had worked in the factories before. The revitalized riverfront has truly returned to the public with the coexistence of industrial legacy and natural park.



▼项目平面图 Site Plan▼项目鸟瞰分析 Aerial view analysis


如今杨浦区的人口密度已经超过2万人/平方公里,社区老龄化趋势也开始显现,人们对公共开放空间的需求更为迫切。这个 1.2 公里的工业岸线,设计的重点是振兴滨江区域的活力,并与周边的社区连接,增加更多的互动和活动。

The population density of Yangpu District now has exceeded 20,000/km2, which makes the lack of public open space of the aging communities. The vacant buildings and abandoned docks from the post-industrial era prevented people from entering the river and also cut off the walking flow along the river. With a 1.2km industry coastline on the Huangpu River, the design focuses on revitalizing the riverside and connecting with the surrounding communities to add more interaction and activities.


▼公园更新前 Existing Situation



The vacant buildings and abandoned docks in the post-industrial era prevented people from entering the river and also cut off the walking flow along the river.Based on a high-density city of more than 30 million people, Shanghai implemented a strict standard against the threat of a 1000-year flood. Therefore, the top elevation of the floodwall is 2 to 3 meters higher than ground level,making it impossible to see the river.


▼更新后鸟瞰 Aerial view


三道与健康生活 3-WAYS and Healthy Lifestyle


In the downtown area of the Huangpu River, the way of walking, jogging and cycling form the greenway system, which is called “3-WAYS”. From Yangpu Bridge to Xupu Bridge, the 45-km length is exactly the same as a marathon. The site is one of the endpoints.



步道从三道延伸至周边的商务区与居住社区,形成了一个便捷的步行交通网络。远期与公交站点、地铁站以及作为水上交通节点的轮渡口的接驳, 杨浦滨江在将来能够服务更远的范围。

More trails extend from 3-WAYS to the surrounding business district and residential community, forming a convenient pedestrian transportation network. With the connection of bus stops, subway stations and ferries as water transportation nodes, Yangpu Riverfront can serve farther in the future.



三道计划是滨江空间从封闭到开放转变的重要里程碑,继而推动了整个6.7公顷的公园项目。 通过高架的人行天桥或步道,所有断点,如渡轮站,支流河,高桩码头和敏感区等等都被连接,实现了连续的步行动线。


The 3-WAYS plan is an important milestone in the transformation of riverfront space from closed to open, and it has also promoted the entire 6.7-hectare park project. Through the elevated pedestrian bridges or trails, all breakpoints such as ferry stations, tributary rivers, offshore high-pile wharfs, and sensitive areas are linked to creative a continuous walking flow.

High-density cities like shanghai generally lack open space, especially for outdoor exercise. “3-WAYS” redefines the riverfront and encourages a healthier lifestyle. Specially painted jogging and cycling ways attract sports enthusiasts. The walkway space on the riverfront is suitable for the elderly and more sports activities on the docks. Ramps are designed in most of the entrance for people with mobility impairments. The service station along the 3-WAYS provides rest, replenishment and simple medical treatment. Every day, it is full of energetic people of all ages.


▼无障碍坡道 Barrier-free ramp


滨江步道工业遗存  The Industrial Legacy on riverside promenade

所有的高桩码头都被保留并重新利用以避免了不必要的新建工程费用增加以及水域面积的减少。宽阔的尺度与承载力非常适合作为大型活动的场地。10吨级码头起重机完全保留并成为新的视觉焦点。 起重机脚轮的形式应用于长凳设计,放置在河边的保留轨道上。 根据安全要求在码头上设置了栏杆,避开了所有现有的系缆桩。原始混凝土地坪通过抛丸平滑,保留了使用的痕迹,也令步行体验变得更为安全和更舒。整个项目使用的材料包括预制混凝土,透水混凝土,彩色沥青,而放弃使用天然花岗岩饰面。这些材料最接近旧码头的质地,并带来整体和连续的铺装效果。

All high-pile wharfs were retained and reused to avoid unnecessary new construction costs and a reduction in water area. The wide scale and carrying capacity are ideal for venues for large events.The 10-ton dock crane was completely retained as a new visual focus. The form of the crane caster is applied to the bench design and placed on the preserved track near the riverfront. The original concrete floor was smoothed by shot blasting, retaining the traces of use. The walking experience became safer and more comfortable. Railings were set up on the docks based on safety requirements,avoiding all the existed bollards. Instead of natural granite as the finish, the whole project uses materials including precast concrete or cast-in-place concrete, colored asphalt, which are close to the texture of the old dock and bring a holistic and continuous paving effect.


▼滨江步道保留了工业遗存 Renovation of Industrial Legacy



The most distinctive part of the site is the Salvage Bureau, which was once the factory of Xiangtai Wood, founded in 1902. However, the old buildings are no longer in existence. The factory boundary was partially reconstructed based on historical maps. The company’s memorabilia are displayed in the detail design with pictures and sculptures, and it is integrated into the park greening as an outdoor exhibition place. In the green space, history is no longer presented to visitors in a serious but more friendly way. By scanning the QR code on the wall or on the bench, visitors can get more information and stories about the featured points. The way of technology increases the interaction between people and landscape.



对于上海来说,杨浦滨江的区位并不是一个舞台中心,因此更多的被定义为一 个看台空间,在舒适的环境中欣赏上海优美的城市天际线。

The location of Yangpu Riverside is not a stage center to Shanghai, so it is more defined as a grandstand space, enjoying the beautiful city skyline in a comfortable environment.



防汛墙 Floodwall


The landscape architect cooperated with the water conservancy engineer to transform the original single floodwall into a two-level system. The top of the first wall is same as the preserved high-pile dock ground elevation, forming a continuous activity space. The second wall is raised a 1000-year standard, which position is 20~30 meters back and completely hidden under in landscape topography, covering with soil and planting. With a 6% grass slope facing the river, people can comfortably see the beautiful city skyline of the Huangpu River. The new flood control system enriches the landscape topography changes in a flexible manner while reducing the threat of typhoons and rainstorms.


▼滨江典型剖面图 Section of the Riverfront


阶梯型长凳 The stepped benches


Combined with the stepped benches under the cherry trees, the high-pillar dock turns into an amphitheater stage, and the granary-renovated art gallery on the other side of the river becomes the backdrop, The seats made of wood and precast concrete are all placed facing the river,surrounded by elegant plants, making open-air movies and running parties held on summer night’s full of appeal. An emergency way dedicated to the Salvage Bureau is integrated with the amphitheater as an accessible ramp. The gap between the high-pile dock and the land is linked by a steel grille trail, which can directly observe the tidal changes and hear the sound of the waves.


▼樱花树下的阶梯型长凳 The stepped benches under the cherry trees


滨水空间提供了不少休憩设施,吸引了许多老年人前来,他们多数居住在周边 的社区,其中有的还曾经在滨江的工厂里工作过。

The waterfront space provides a lot of recreational facilities and attracts many elderly people. Most of whom live in the surrounding communities, and some of them have worked in the previous factories.


▼花园坡地休息区 Garden slope with seating spaces


滨江种植 Planting design

为保证通往江面的视觉通廊,种植设计侧重于上下两个层次,上层主要是乔木,以本土树种为主,可以稳定生长并抵御台风。 下层是各种草本植物,飘逸在江风中可以呈现动态景观,也与厚重的工业遗存形成鲜明对比。高桩码头与陆域之间的岸边选用了抛石与芦苇,用于减缓水体对河岸的冲击。

In order to create a better visual corridor to the river,the planting design focuses on two levels in the vertical direction. The upper level is mainly arbor, with local species that can grow stably and resist typhoon. The understory level is a variety of Herbaceous plants, with the dynamic landscape of the river wind, which makes an interesting contrast with the heavy industry. The riprap and reed plants on the shore between the high-pile dock and the land are used to slow the impact of the water on the river bank.



雨水花园 Rain garden

城市道路与防汛墙之间的绿地设计为雨水花园,减轻了风暴期间市政排水网络的负担,也使得硬混凝土墙不再是负面因素。此外,地埋式的雨水收集装置,为绿地提供了灌溉用水。 林下的架空木栈道和休憩平台节点作为生态教育的空间,可以帮助人们进入并了解海绵城市的意义。

The green space between the city road and the floodwall is designed as a rain garden which alleviating the burden of the municipal drainage network during storm,which makes the hard-concrete walls no longer a negative factor. In addition, an underground rainwater harvesting device provide irrigation water for the park. As a space for ecological education, the wooden elevated trails and platform nodes under the tree can help people understand the meaning of sponge city.


▼城市道路与防汛墙之间的雨水花园 The green space between the city road and the floodwall


项目总结 Project review


Designers changed the hard-ground image of most factory and the docks, increasing the green coverage rate from less than 5% to 65%,creating a green park experience.






项目名称:杨浦滨江公共空间二期设计 项目地点:上海市杨浦区安浦路 项目类型:公共空间/公园绿地设计 基地面积:67000平方米

业主单位:杨浦区浦江办/杨浦滨江投资有限公司 总体顾问:同济原作工作室 景观方案:大观工作室 主持设计:杨晓青 设计团队:张向阳,王骏杰,孙杰,张先之,张燕飞,邹敏,吕文瑛 景观深化:上海聚隆绿化发展有限公司

建筑设计:同济原作工作室 道路设计:上海市政设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 水工设计:上海市政设计研究总院(集团)有限公司 地下车库:上海城市建设设计研究计院 桥梁设计:原作+同济大学建筑设计研究院 工程总承包:上海园林集团有限公司 灌溉顾问:上海鼎迹环境科技有限公司 漆面顾问:莱恩科创(北京)有限公司(滨江锈) 雨水收集:上海莱多实业有限公司 灯光照明:上海罗曼照明科技股份有限公司 绿色屋顶:上海一山景观工程有限公司 预制混凝土:RECKLI/上海鼎中新材料有限公司

Project: Yangpu Riverfront South Section Phase II Location: Anpu Road,Yangpu District, Shanghai, China Type: Public Space Site area: 67000㎡

Client: Pujiang Office of Yangpu / Yangpu Riverfront Investment Co., Ltd. General consultant: Tongji Original Design Landscape Architect: Shanghai da landscape design Co., Ltd Chief Designer: Xiaoqing Yang Design team: Xiangyang Zhang; Junjie Wang; Yanfei Zhang; Jie Sun; Xianzhi Zhang; Wenying Lv; Min Zou Landscape detailed: Shanghai JuLong Green Development Co., Ltd

Architect: : Tongji Original Design + SUCDRI Civil Engineer: SMEDI TJAD General Contract:Shanghai Gardens Group Co., Ltd Irrigation Consultant: Shanghai Dingxun Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. Paint Consultant: Ryan (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Rainwater collection: Shanghai Laiduo Industrial Co., Ltd. Lighting: Shanghai Luoman Lighting Technology Co., Ltd. Green Roof: Shanghai Yishan Landscape Engineering Co., Ltd. Precast concrete: RECKLI/Shanghai Dingzhong New Materials Co., Ltd.


项目中的材料运用 Application of materials in this project

三道 — 彩色沥青 长凳 — 预制混凝土 种植池 — 耐候钢板+保护涂层


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