Spear of Adun

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Spear of Adun

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Shakurus SC1 Art2 You may be looking for: The Spear of Adun (Legacy of the Void mission) "The Spear of Adun, a marvel of Khalai engineering and last of the three great arkships...each created to ensure the continuation of our culture in a dark time."

- Phase-smith Karax(src)

Spear of Adun Front View Rear View Front View Rear View Historical Built Golden Age of Expansion Comissioned Golden Age of Expansion Earliest sighting Golden Age of Expansion Latest sighting 2508 Physical Race Protoss Type Arkship Length 74.4 kilometers[1] Width 17.204 kilometers (approx.)[2] Height 9.139 kilometers (approx.)[2] Armaments Harvesting beamThermal lanceTime bombsPurifier beamSolar LanceOrbital strikeTime StopReconstruction beamSolar BombardmentBlack Hole FTL Yes Political Affiliation Protoss Empire (lapsed)

DaelaamRegalia SC2 Decal1 Daelaam (2506–)

Personnel Commander(s) Hierarch Artanis

The Spear of Adun is an arkship, and was the flagship used by the Daelaam in the End War.[3] It was designed to preserve protoss society and culture in its time of great need, and be self sustaining for generations after a great calamity struck the protoss.[4]

Contents 1 Overview 2 History 2.1 Origins 2.2 The Call to War 2.2.1 Korhal 2.2.2 Shakuras 2.2.3 Glacius 2.3 Ulnar 2.4 Retaliation 2.4.1 Slayn 2.4.2 Endion 2.4.3 Revanscar 2.5 Return to Aiur 2.6 Into the Void 2.7 Pride of Aiur 3 Interior 3.1 Bridge 3.2 Solar Core 3.3 Starforge 3.4 War Council 3.5 Fabrication Matrix 3.6 Assault Cluster 3.7 Force Support 3.8 Annihilation Cluster 3.9 Other 4 Game Unit 4.1 Legacy of the Void 4.2 Co-op Missions 4.2.1 Artanis Abilities Upgrades 4.2.2 Vorazun Abilities Upgrades 4.2.3 Karax Abilities Upgrades 4.3 Heroes of the Storm 5 Notes 6 References Overview[] SpearofAdun SC2-LotV Art2

Spear of Adun schematics

The Spear of Adun is a large arkship, able to carry an entire protoss civilization. It is equipped to field armies of protoss warriors, and can even store fleets of carriers and motherships within its hangars. While ancient, its technology is still advanced by the current standards of the protoss.[5] Such is its level of firepower that it could singlehandedly wage a war by itself.[6]

The following section contains information from April Fool's that is ambiguously canonical.

The Spear of Adun possesses the ability to destroy entire planets, along with cloaking technology.[7]

GameSpot Expert Reviews Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void Review Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void Review

20 November 2015

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History[] Origins[] "A hidden flaw brought down something mighty. You want to find a solution to all hidden flaws."

- Orlana(src)

SpearofAdun SC2-LotV Head1

The Spear of Adun above a world

The Spear of Adun was commissioned by the Conclave during the Golden Age of Expansion of the Protoss Empire, following the suggestion of the three Grand Preservers, Shantira, Orlana and Rohana after a tragedy involving the destruction of two motherships. This was done to ensure that the protoss would have the means to preserve their civilization in the event of said civilization being placed in jeopardy. However, the three preservers discovered that the creation of the Spear of Adun, as well as its sister ships Pride of Altaris and Memory of Nezin, were built too early and would be wasted against the first enemy the protoss fight, rather than be used as a tool to prevent the extinction of their civilization. The Grand Preservers presented this to the Conclave, and asked that the ships be buried for a time of great need. Rohana, as well as a large contingent of templar warriors were put into stasis aboard the Spear of Adun, and the ship was buried beneath Khor-shakal.[4] Though its two sister ships were destroyed in the zerg invasion of Aiur, the Spear of Adun survived.[8]

Zealot SC2-LotV Cine3

Zealots in stasis

At some point after its burial, the Dominion Intelligence Section launched a reconnaissance operation that revealed the systems on board the Spear of Adun. Many lives were lost in the operation. These studies were published in the Dominion Marine Corps Combat Handbook: Infantry Edition, though were heavily redacted.[1]

The Call to War[] "With this vessel, we will avenge what has transpired, Karax. And we will free the Templar!"

- Hierarch Artanis(src)


The Spear of Adun lies dormant

Recapturing Spear of Adun was one of Hierarch Artanis's goals during his campaign to reclaim Aiur in 2506. He had hoped to raise it on the eve of their reclamation. However, after Amon corrupted the Khala and gained control of the Golden Armada, he and Phase-smith Karax were forced to take what protoss they rescued from the dark god and attempt to escape aboard the arkship. The Daelaam forces fought through hybrid, zerg and corrupted Khalai forces, but managed to reactivate the power generators infested with zerg creep and escape aboard the Spear of Adun.[9]

The following section contains timeline information which isn't necessarily in chronological order. Korhal[] SpearofAdunKorhal SC2-LotV Cine1

The Spear of Adun over Korhal

The Spear of Adun traveled to Korhal, which was under attack by the Moebius Corps. The ship provided support for the defenders on Sky Shield[10] and aided Dominion forces to reclaim the Keystone from Bennet Port.[11]


Upon the Daelaam's return to Shakuras, the Spear of Adun provided support for the Nerazim as they evacuated Talematros, bombarding the void thrashers that assailed the city's warp conduit and rescuing the Nerazim ships that escaped into orbit.[12] After the Nerazim were evacuated, the Spear of Adun provided support to Artanis as he overloaded the phase prism xel'naga temple. After the preparations were made and a sufficient number of zerg and hybrid were on the surface of Shakuras, the Spear of Adun warped away all forces from the temple grounds.[13] Artanis was the last to be warped away as he defended the inner sanctum of the temple.[14]

Glacius[] SpearofAdunTal'darim SC2-LotV Cine1

The Spear of Adun arriving at Glacius

The Daelaam took the Spear of Adun to retrieve the revived Purifier program from the Khalai Caste facility on Glacius. However, when they arrived there they found a Tal'darim fleet preparing to destroy the facility. The Spear of Adun provided support as the Daelaam navigated through the Tal'darim displacement beam and fought through their forces to the technology vault.[15]

Ulnar[] UlnarSpearofAdun SC2-LotV Cine1

The Spear of Adun at Ulnar

When Karax discovered the location of the xel'naga resting place of Ulnar in the Altarian Rift, Artanis sent the Spear of Adun through. In spite of all scientific evidence suggesting the ship should be shredded into its base particles, the arkship made it through the rift and discovered the xel'naga temple there. The Spear of Adun supported the Daelaam as they fought Tal'darim and Moebius Corps forces to unlock the temple, but Artanis decided to go in alone, leaving Matriarch Vorazun in charge of the Spear.[16] Inside the temple, Artanis had no support from his arkship.[17]

After Amon sprung his trap against Artanis and Kerrigan inside Ulnar, First Ascendant Alarak of the Tal'darim teleported aboard the Spear of Adun. Matriarch Vorazun fought him, but he insisted that he had come to help, and gave the location where Artanis was trapped. Vorazun did not trust him, but sent forces anyway. They found Artanis and Kerrigan fighting Amon's forces as a void portal spewed void energies. Reunited with his forces, Artanis used the Spear of Adun to support his assault on the void crystals powering the portal. The crystals were destroyed and the portal was shut down.[18]


After Ulnar, the Daelaam mustered their forces aboard the Spear of Adun. Artanis decided he needed to weaken Amon and bolster his forces before he could strike Amon's host form on Aiur.[19]

The following section contains timeline information which isn't necessarily in chronological order. Slayn[] SpearofAdunSlayn SC2-LotV Cine1

The Spear of Adun at Slayn

Allying with Alarak, Artanis lead the Spear of Adun to the planet Slayn with the hopes of usurping Ma'lash as highlord. The arkship supported the Daelaam as their forces assaulted the Guardians of Ma'lash and fought off the Shadows of the Void that sieged them during the terrazine surges on the planet.[20] During the Rak'Shir between Alarak and Ma'lash, the Spear of Adun provided support for Alarak as he fought, aiding in his victory over Ma'lash and allowing Alarak to become the new Tal'darim highlord.[21]

Endion[] SpearofAdunCybrosEndion SC2-LotV Cine1

Arriving at Endion

When Artanis decided to reactivate the ancient Purifiers in Cybros, he guided the Spear of Adun to the moon of Endion. There the arkship helped guide the megalith to the stasis locks that chained Cybros.[22] When Cybros was brought out of stasis and Amon Brood assaulted the platform, the Spear of Adun landed Daelaam forces on the platform and helped them destroy the null circuits keeping the ancient Purifiers deactivated.[23]

Revanscar[] Ravenscar SpearofAdun SC2-LotV Cncpt

The Spear of Adun at Revanscar

Artanis brought the Spear of Adun to the Moebius Corps primary base in the asteroid field in Revanscar. While the asteroid field was too packed for the arkship to navigate, Phasesmith Karax planned to launch a small fleet of carriers to assault the facility. However, when the Spear of Adun arrived at the facility it was ambushed by Moebius Corps battlecruisers, and boarded by hybrid. Artanis and his forces lead the defense of the arkship while Karax commanded the assault on the base. Though the Spear of Adun was under attack, it still provided support functions to Karax's fleet. Karax was successful in destroying the power cores surrounding Revanscar, allowing the Spear of Adun to bombard the base, destroying it and ending Moebius Corps and their hybrid breeding operations.[24]

Return to Aiur[]

With the Tal'darim Death Fleet and Purifier forces behind it, the Spear of Adun moved on Aiur and Amon's host therein. It engaged the zerg broods in orbit[25] while the Daelaam leaders assaulted the psionic matrix in order to prevent Amon from instantly warping the Golden Armada to the planet, and after Artanis destroyed the last khaydarin crystal powering the matrix warped out all forces.[26] The Daelaam then began to assault Amon's host body, and the Spear of Adun assisted in destroying the void shards shielding Amon's host form. After the crystals were destroyed, Amon's host awakened and began attacking the Daelaam position. The Spear of Adun combined orbital fire with the rest of the Daelaam fleet and destroyed Amon's hybrid host body.[27]

With Amon's host defeated all that remained was to use the Keystone to pull Amon from the Khala. The Spear of Adun supported the defense of the artifact while Amon send his zerg broods against the united Daelaam forces. However, soon the corrupted Golden Armada arrived, and began attacking the Spear of Adun. Grand Preserver Rohana brought the arkship about to defend itself, but it began to take heavy fire from the armada. Though it tried to support Artanis's forces, the Golden Armada began to damage the support systems of the ship, gradually weakening its effectiveness in the battle below. It did buy enough time for the Keystone to activate, pulling Amon from the Khala and casting him into the Void.[28] Though the Spear of Adun took critical damage, it remained intact, and was brought back to combat readiness.[19]

Into the Void[] SpearOfAdunUlnar Game1

The Spear of Adun alongside terran and zerg ships

After the battle on Aiur, the Spear of Adun continued to remain in service. The ship received a communique from Kerrigan, requesting a meeting at Ulnar. Through the structure, the Spear of Adun joined a combined fleet of Dominion and Swarm forces that entered the Void to confront Amon, defeating him once and for all.[29]

Pride of Aiur[] Artanis ShadowWars1

Artanis aboard the Spear of Adun

Years after the End War, the Spear of Adun continued to be utilized by Artanis, and he was seen making command decisions from its bridge. In the aftermath of the Battle of Adena, Artanis deliberated on its ramifications on the arkship.[30]

Interior[] Bridge[] Main article: Bridge (Spear of Adun) SpearofAdun SC2-LotV DevStory1

The bridge

The bridge is the helm of the ship. It contains the celestial array, which allows for a protoss commander to have a detailed overview of known space.[31]

Solar Core[] Main article: Solar core KaraxSolarCore SC2-LotV DevStory1

The solar core

The solar core is the heart of the Spear of Adun, and is a miniature synthetic and contained star powered by solarite. Through it, power is allocated to the various weapons and support systems of the Spear of Adun, with more solarite allowing for more energy to be allocated.[32] The solar core provided nutrients for the protoss on board the arkship.[19]

Starforge[] StalkerStarForge SC2-LotV DevStory1

The Spear of Adun's starforge

A starforge is located in the ship's lower decks. It is capable of constructing weapons of war.[5] The star forge provides warp technology for surface production facilities, enables direct orbital gas extraction, and can upgrade any base nexus by adding critical defensive functionality.[19]

War Council[] Main article: War council Rohana SC2-LotV DevStory1

The war council

The war council allows for the allocation of Daelaam troops, and is where Hierarch Artanis dictates what forces from which faction will be deployed. Grand Preserver Rohana serves as an adviser and will inform Artanis when new troop choices are available.[33] The room also serves as a meeting area for the commanders aboard the arkship.[19]

Fabrication Matrix[]

The fabrication matrix is an advanced facility that can warp down a pylon to a surface location, warp in a handful of troop reinforcements or provide a quick but powerful boost to the production speed of a protoss structure.[1]

Assault Cluster[]

The assault cluster is the ship installation that controls the arkship's offensive armaments. These include massive orbital strike cannons that can decimate entire areas below, a series of timed detonations that can stun ground targets and disrupt enemy structures, and a solar lance battery that can strafe a target area.[1]

Force Support[]

The force support is a set of support functions for surface troops. It includes functionality for healing and structural repair, a temporary "guardian shield" boost that raises troop shields to near impenetrable levels, and enhanced power fields that can pump psionic energy through the base's pylon network to bolster nearby allies.[1] During the End War, it also provided the ability to warp down the Purifier Talandar to the field of battle for a short duration.[28]

Annihilation Cluster[]

The annihilation cluster is a set of combat abilities that can direct a purifier beam to eviscerate single targets, unleash a strafing fusillade over a target area, or tap into the warp drive to create a time stasis on the battlefield, briefly freezing enemies.[1]

Other[] Heroes DevLog2 The following section contains information from Heroes of the Storm and is not canon to StarCraft continuity

The Spear of Adun has the ability to fire a suppression pulse, can blind hostile forces in a large, circular area.[34]

Game Unit[] "With the touch of a button, you can command that arkship to destroy an entire enemy army. And you’re gonna need that fire power, ’cause the threat of the Xel’Naga is very real."

- Dustin Browder(src)

Legacy of the Void[]

The ship's abilities can be used as calldowns from an overhead menu after "The Spear of Adun" is completed. The solar core can be used to activate and change abilities between missions.

Co-op Missions[]

The Spear of Adun is accessible to Vorazun, Karax, and Artanis in Co-op Missions, allowing them to use various abilities in relation to it.[35] Karax is able to use the solar forge to upgrade the Spear's abilities.


Initial/maximum energy: 0/200Energy Energy regen/minute: 16 Mastery: +3/3 per Mastery point (up to a maximum 90/290Energy)

Abilities[] PylonPower SC2-LotV Icon1Project Power Field

Project a pylon power field onto the target location (starts with power field on initial base). Using this ability again will move the power field to a new location. Your ally may also use this field.

Speed Increase for Warped units Mastery: All combat units, after warped on energy fields (from both Pylons and Project Power Field ability), gain +2% to movement speed, attack speed, cooldown reduction and energy regeneration per each mastery point for 30 seconds.

Nexus Legate: Upon use, Project Power Field warps out any of your combat units standing in an existing Power Field projection into the new location. Project Power Field has no cooldown, but costs 25 energy.

Usage Cost 25 (with Nexus Legate) Energy Cooldown 30seconds0 (with Nexus Legate) seconds Notes

Mastery: +2% per Speed Increase for Warped units mastery point. Up to a maximum +60%

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e OrbitalStrike SC2-LotV Icon1Orbital Strike

Fires five lasers onto the battlefield from orbit, each of them dealing 50 (100 vs Armored) area damage. A HUD is super-imposed over the user interface when selecting points of impact.

Arkship Commandant: Increases the Orbital Strike cost by 100%. Orbital Strikes warp in Unbound fanatics, which throw off damaging energy and lasts 15 seconds.

Usage Cost 25 Energy50 (with Arkship Commandant) Energy Cooldown 30 seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e ShieldOvercharge SC2-LotV Icon1Shield Overcharge

Allows friendly units and structures to absorb up to 100 damage. Lasts for 20 seconds.

Shield Overcharge: Increases the Shield Overcharge' absorbs damage from 100 to 200.

Arkship Commandant: Reduces the Shield Overcharge cost and cooldown by 50%. Shield Overcharge is now required to target a location and applies to all units and structures within 8 range of selected area.

Usage Cost 50 Energy25 (with Arkship Commandant) Energy Duration 20 secondsMastery: +0.6 seconds per Shield Overcharge Duration and Damage Absorption mastery point. Up to a maximum 38 seconds Cooldown 180 seconds90 (with Arkship Commandant) seconds Notes

Mastery: +6 absorbs damage per Shield Overcharge Duration and Damage Absorption mastery point. Up to a maximum 380 absorbs damage

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e SC2 Artanis AC - SolarBombardmentSolar Bombardment

Bombards the target area from orbit, firing 200 random shots over 10 seconds. Each shot deals 15 (30 vs Armored) splash damage.

Solar Onslaught: Increases the Solar Bombardment shots from 200 to 400.

Usage Duration 10 seconds Cooldown 300 seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Artanis Level 10. v • e SC2 Artanis AC - GuardianShellGuardian Shell

Upon taking fatal damage, friendly units become invulnerable for 5 seconds and cannot be destroyed. Restore 15% life and shields. The same unit cannot be shielded again for 240 seconds.

Arkship Commandant: Guardian Shell is unavailable.

Usage Passive Duration 5 seconds Cooldown 240 seconds Notes

Mastery: +0.5% life and shield regeneration per Guardian Shell health and shield heal mastery point. Up to a maximum 30% life and shield regeneration

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Artanis Level 2. v • e SC2 Artanis AC - WarpHarmonizationWarp Harmonization

Warp Gate technology also affects Stargates and Robotics Facilities. Units can be warped in to any location with pylon power.

Usage Passive Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Artanis Level 8. v • e Upgrades[] ShieldOvercharge SC2-LotV Icon1Spear of Adun: Shield Overcharge

Doubles the amount of shields granted by shield overcharge to 200 from 100.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Artanis Level 13. v • e SC2 Artanis AC - SolarBombardmentSpear of Adun: Solar Onslaught

Doubles the number of shots fired during Solar Bombardment to 400 from 200.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Artanis Level 14. v • e Vorazun[]

Initial/maximum energy: 0/200Energy Energy regen/minute: 16 Mastery: +3/3 per Mastery point (up to a maximum 90/290Energy)

Abilities[] SC2 Vorazun AC - DarkPylonSummon Dark Pylon

Warps in a dark pylon granting supply and power. Dark pylons cloak nearby friendly units and structures.

Dark Pylon: Recall: Dark pylons gain the ability to recall friendly units to their location.

Spirit of Respite: Deploy Dark Pylon cooldown and cost reduced by 50%. Dark Pylons lose Recall.

Usage Cost 25 Energy13 (with Spirit of Respite) Energy Cooldown 60 seconds30 (with Spirit of Respite) seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available. v • e Vortex SC2 Icon1Black Hole

Creates a black hole that pulls in and stuns enemy units.

Event Horizon: Negates all armor of enemy units affected by the Black Hole ability.

Usage Cost 25 Energy Duration 8secondsMastery: +0.16seconds per Black Hole Duration mastery point. Up to a maximum 12.8 seconds Cooldown 60 seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - ShadowGuardDeploy Shadow Guard

Deploys 2 elite Dark Templar at the target location that last for 60 seconds.

Shadow Legion: increases the number of deployed Shadow Guards from 2 to 4.

Keeper of Shadows: Reduces Shadow Guard duration by 40%. Shadow Guards can be revived at the target location from Time Stop.

Usage Cost 50 Energy Duration 60 (36 with Keeper of Shadows) secondsMastery: +2 (+1.2 with Keeper of Shadows) seconds per Shadow Guard Duration mastery point. Up to a maximum 120 (72 with Keeper of Shadows) seconds Cooldown 180 seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - TimeStopTime Stop

Alters space-time, freezing all enemies in place for 20 seconds. Unlimited range.

Chronomancy: Reduces the cooldown of time stop by 60 seconds, down to 240 seconds.

Time Stop Unit Speed Increase Mastery: All friendly units gain +1% to movement speed, attack speed, cooldown reduction and energy regeneration per each mastery point, while Time Stop is active.

Keeper of Shadows: Time Stop now additionally revives dead or despawned Shadow Guards at the targeted location.

Usage Duration 20 seconds Cooldown 300seconds240 (with Chronomancy) seconds Notes

Mastery: +1% per Time Stop Unit Speed Increase mastery point. Up to a maximum +30%

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 10 v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - Orbital AssimilatorsOrbital Assimilators

Vespene gas automatically harvest from Assimilators without the need for Probes.

Usage Passive Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 2 v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - EmergencyRecallEmergency Recall

When friendly cloaked or burrowed unit takes fatal damage, it returns to the primary structure. This effect cannot occur more than once every 240 seconds.

Spirit of Respite: Emergency Recall recalls cloaked or burrowed units to the closest Nexus or Dark Pylon instead of the primary structure and heals life and shields to full.

Usage Passive Cooldown 240 seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 13 v • e Upgrades[] SC2 Vorazun AC - DarkPylonRecallDark Pylon: Recall

Dark pylons gain the ability to recall friendly units to their location.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 11 v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - EventHorizonSpear of Adun: Event Horizon

Negates all armor of enemy units affected by the Black Hole ability. This ability is located in the top panel.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 8 v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - ShadowGuardSpear of Adun: Shadow Legion

Increases the number of Vorazun's Shadow Guard from 2 to 4. This ability is located in the top panel.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 3 v • e SC2 Vorazun AC - ChronomancySpear of Adun: Chronomancy

Reduces the cooldown of Time Stop from 300 seconds to 240 seconds. This ability is located in the top panel.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Vorazun Level 14 v • e Karax[]

Initial/maximum energy: 0/200Energy Energy regen/minute: 16 Mastery: +3/3 per Mastery point (up to a maximum 90/290Energy)

Abilities[] OrbitalAssault SC2-LotV Icon1Orbital Strike

Fires lasers onto the battlefield from orbit, each of them dealing 50 (100 vs Armored) area damage (radius 1.5).

Solarite Celestial: Reduces the Orbital Strike cost by 40%.

Usage Cost 5 per shot Energy3 per shot (with Solarite Celestial) Energy Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available. v • e SolarLance LotV Icon1Solar Lance

Strafes the target area with 3 laser beams dealing 200 damage with each beam. A HUD is super-imposed over the user interface when selecting travels of impact.

Solarite Celestial: Reduces the Solar Lance cost by 40% and it's cooldown by 50%.

Usage Cost 50 Energy30 (with Solarite Celestial) Energy Cooldown 120 seconds60 (with Solarite Celestial) seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e ChronoWave SC2-LotV Icon1Chrono Wave

Increases production speed of all allied buildings t0 200% for 20 seconds.

Chrono Overload: Increases Chrono Wave production speed from 200% to 500%.

Chrono Overload Energy Regeneration Mastery: Chrono Wave restores 3 more Spear of Adun energy per mastery point for 20 seconds.

Architect of War: Chrono Wave affects defensive structures, increasing their attack speed.

Solarite Celestial: Chrono Wave are unavailable.

Usage Duration 20 seconds Cooldown 240 (Initial cooldown=300) seconds Notes

Mastery: +3 restored energy per Chrono Overload Energy Regen mastery point. Up to a maximum +90 restored energy

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Initially available v • e Purifier Beam Ability IconPurifier Beam

Fires a beam that deals 750 (1500 vs Armored) damage (within a radius 3) over 15 seconds. The beam will auto-acquire targets with a speed 1.5 if not manually controlled. A HUD is super-imposed over the user interface when selecting point of impact.

Purifier Protocol: Increases the Purifier Beam's movement speed from 1.5 to 4.5 and deals 1000 (2000 vs Armored) damage (within a radius 3) over 20 seconds.

Solarite Celestial: Reduces the Purifier Beam cooldown by 50%.

Usage Duration 15 seconds20 (with Purifier Protocol) seconds Cooldown Coolup: 450 secondsCooldown: 360 seconds180 (with Solarite Celestial) seconds Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 10. v • e ChronoField SC2-LotV Icon1Chrono Field

Increases production speed of all friendly buildings by 15%.

Architect of War: Chrono Field affects defensive structures, increasing their attack speed.

Solarite Celestial: Chrono Field are unavailable.

Usage Passive Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 2 v • e ReconstructionBeam LotV Icon1Reconstruction Beam

The Spear of Adun automatically repairs up to three allied mechanical units and structures at a time. Restores 5 hit points per second on units and 10 hit points per second on structures.

Architect of War: Reconstruction Beam only repairs allied mechanical structures, but restores 20 hit points per second and repairs up to six targets.

Usage Passive Notes

Mastery: +0.15 (+0 with Architect of War) restored hp on unit and +0.3 (+0.6 with Architect of War) restored hp on structure per Reconstruction Beam Regen Speed mastery point. Up to a maximum 9.5 (0 with Architect of War) restored hp on unit and 19 (38 with Architect of War) restored hp on structure

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 7 v • e Upgrades[] ChronoWave SC2-LotV Icon1Spear of Adun: Chrono Overload

Chrono Wave now increases production speed of allied buildings by 500% for 20 seconds. Activate Chrono Wave from the top panel.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 5 v • e PurifierProtocol LotV Icon1Spear of Adun: Purifier Protocol

Increases the Purifier Beam's movement speed by 200% and its duration by 5 seconds, for a total of 20 seconds. Activate Purifier Beam from the top panel.

Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 13 v • e SolarEfficiency SC2-LotV Icon1Solar Efficiency

The solar forge automatically generates additional energy for the Spear of Adun. Level 1: 1 energy every 6 seconds Level 2: 3 energy every 6 seconds Level 3: 6 energy every 6 seconds

Acquisition Purchased from Solar forge Hotkey E Level 1 Cost 100 Minerals 100 Vespene gas 90seconds Level 2 Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 120seconds Required Twilight council Level 3 Cost 200 Minerals 200 Vespene gas 180seconds Required Fleet beacon/Robotics bay v • e PhaseDetonation LotV Icon1Phase Detonation

Orbital Strike stuns targets struck by the blast.

Usage Passive Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 12 Acquisition Purchased from Solar forge Hotkey B Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 120seconds Required Twilight council v • e SolarFlare LotV Icon1Solar Flare

Solar Lance sets the ground on fire, dealing 15 damage a second to enemies over time in double the width of the initial impact zone.

Usage Passive Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 12 Acquisition Purchased from Solar forge Hotkey A Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 120seconds Required Twilight council v • e AdvancedRepair LotV Icon1Advanced Repair Systems

Allows the Spear of Adun's Reconstruction Beam to affect 2 additional targets, increasing the maximum from 3 to 5.

Architect of War: Reconstruction Beam can affect 4 additional targets, increasing the maximum from 6 to 10.

Usage Passive Campaign Acquisition Unlock Reach Karax Level 8 Acquisition Purchased from Solar forge Hotkey R Cost 150 Minerals 150 Vespene gas 90seconds Required Cybernetics core v • e Heroes of the Storm[] Heroes DevLog2 The following section contains information from Heroes of the Storm and is not canon to StarCraft continuity "Yes, my starship follows me wherever I go. It is like what you terrans call a pet. Only useful."

- Artanis(src)

SpearofAdun Heroes Art1

The Spear in the CraftWars event

The Spear of Adun provides support powers for Artanis in Heroes of the Storm.[34]

For the CraftWars event, a draenei-themed Spear of Adun appeared in artwork.[36]

Notes[] SpearofAdun SC2 Art1

The Spear of Adun ad

When designing the ship, Blizzard went for something that was "very high concept, and very protoss." However, due to its long history, the design had to incorporate archaic designs that would blend in with modern protoss ones.[37] Thematically it represents the idea of the protoss clinging to the past, standing as a contrast to what their civilization is now, as opposed to what it once was.[38] Concept art for the Spear was done by Justin Thavirat.[39] The effects for its abilities were conceived by Jesse Brophy.[40] As part of its 2015 April Fool's event, Blizzard advertised a Spear of Adun replica (estimated completion date 2315), and one to scale.[7] This included a link to its merchandise page with a special price of $9,999,998.00 (a whole $1 discount).[41] A Spear of Adun portrait is available to players who attended BlizzCon 2015 or purchased a virtual ticket for the event.[42] The Spear of Adun is 224 times the size of a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.[2] Through the comparison, its length, width, and height can be roughly ascertained. A Spear of Adun shirt outlining the schematics of the arkship was available on the Battle.net store, but has since been discounted.[43] References[] ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Barba, Rick. StarCraft Field Manual (hardcover). Insight Editions, November 17, 2015. Cite error: Invalid tag; name "SC:FManual" defined multiple times with different content ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2015-10-29, StarCraft Twitter, Twitter. Accessed on 2015-11-04 ↑ 2014-11-07, Legacy of the Void: Spear of Adun. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2014-11-10 ↑ 4.0 4.1 Brooks, Robert. "It Will End in Fire." (Nov 3, 2015). Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft Lore: It Will End in Fire Accessed 2015-11-03. ↑ 5.0 5.1 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Arkship. (in English). 2015. ↑ Rob Zacny. 2014-11-08. How Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void makes your Protoss fantasies come true. PC Games N. Accessed 2014-11-11. ↑ 7.0 7.1 2015-03-31, Pre-Order Legacy of the Void Keepsake Now!. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2015-04-02 ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Rohana (in English). 2015. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, The Spear of Adun (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Sky Shield (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Brothers in Arms (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Amon's Reach (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Last Stand (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: Alone. (in English). 2015. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Forbidden Weapon (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment.StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Temple of Unification (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, The Infinite Cycle (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Harbinger of Oblivion (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 19.4 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cutscenes: Spear of Adun (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Steps of the Rite (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Rak'Shir (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Unsealing the Past (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Purification (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Templar's Charge (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, Karax Lines ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Templar's Return (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, The Host (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ 28.0 28.1 Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Mission: Legacy of the Void, Salvation (in English). 2015-11-10. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Cinematic: An Unexpected Meeting. (in English). 2015. ↑ Watrous, Valerie (w), Sepulveda, Miguel (i) and Javir Mena (c). (February 3rd, 2018). StarCraft II: Shadow Wars: Part 6. Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Shadow Wars: Part 6 Accessed 2018-02-03. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Bridge (Spear of Adun) (in English). 2015. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. Solar core (in English). 2015. ↑ Blizzard Entertainment. StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void. (Activision Blizzard). PC. War council (in English). 2015. ↑ 34.0 34.1 Blizzard Entertainment. Heroes of the Storm (Blizzard Entertainment) (in English). June 2, 2015. Cite error: Invalid tag; name "HeroesoftheStorm" defined multiple times with different content ↑ 2015-10-08, LotV Data Hidden in Patch, accessed via map editor. StarCraft Legacy, accessed on 2015-10-08 ↑ 2020-08-31, Heroes of the Storm is teasing new Warcraft, Starcraft crossover content. Blizzard Watch, accessed on 2020-09-05 ↑ 2014-11-07, StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Campaign Overview. YouTube, accessed on 2014-11-13 ↑ 2014-12-01, BlizzCon 2014 LotV Lore Community Corner Discussion with James Waugh. YouTube, accessed on 2015-04-03 ↑ 2016, Starcraft II Legacy of the Void - Spear of Adun - InGame. Art Station, accessed on 2017-02-07 ↑ 2016, Starcraft II Legacy of the Void - Spear of Adun - Upgrade Screen. Art Station, accessed on 2017-02-07 ↑ 2015-03-31, SPEAR OF ADUN. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2015-04-02 ↑ 2015-09-21, BlizzCon 2015 In-Game Goodies Round-Up. Blizzard Entertainment, accessed on 2015-09-29 ↑ 2016-08-05, StarCraft Shirt Review, Youtube.com. Accessed on 2017-07-08 Legacy of the Void v • e Characters Daelaam Artanis Karax Rohana Selendis Talis Vorazun Zeratul Supporting Amon's Xel'naga Amon Emil Narud/Samir Duran Zerg Swarm Sarah Kerrigan Alexei Stukov Zagara Terran Dominion Jim Raynor Matt Horner Valerian Mengsk Rory Swann Purifiers Talandar Clolarion Tal'darim Alarak Ma'lash Allied Xel'naga Ouros Organizations and Concepts Amon Brood Daelaam End War Keystone Moebius Corps Purifier Shadow of the Void Tal'darim Xel'naga Campaign Mechanics Spear of Adun Bridge Solar core War council Campaign Units

Melee Warrior: Zealot (Aiur); Centurion (Nerazim); Sentinel (Purifier) Ranged Warrior: Stalker (Nerazim); Dragoon (Aiur); Adept (Purifier) Robotic Assault: Immortal (Aiur); Annihilator (Nerazim); Vanguard (Tal'darim) Cloaked Warrior: Dark templar (Nerazim); Avenger (Aiur); Blood hunter (Tal'darim) Robotic Support: Sentry (Aiur); Energizer (Purifier); Havoc (Tal'darim) Starfighter: Phoenix (Aiur); Corsair (Nerazim); Mirage (Purifier) Psionic Warrior: High templar (Aiur); Dark archon (Nerazim); Ascendant (Tal'darim) Assault Ship: Void ray (Nerazim); Destroyer (Tal'darim); Arbiter (Aiur) Robotic Siege: Colossus (Purifier); Reaver (Aiur); Wrathwalker (Tal'darim)

Capital Ship: Carrier (Aiur); Tempest (Purifier); Mothership (Tal'darim) Versus Units Adept Cyclone Disruptor Liberator Lurker Ravager Missions Void Campaign v • e Whispers of Oblivion Dark Whispers Ghosts in the Fog Evil Awoken Aiur Missions For Aiur! The Growing Shadow The Spear of Adun Shakuras Missions Amon's Reach Last Stand Moebius Corps Missions Sky Shield Brothers in Arms Templar's Charge Ulnar Missions Temple of Unification The Infinite Cycle Harbinger of Oblivion Purifier Missions Forbidden Weapon Unsealing the Past Purification Tal'darim Missions Steps of the Rite Rak'Shir Return to Aiur Missions Templar's Return The Host Salvation Epilogue Missions Into the Void The Essence of Eternity Amon's Fall Mission chart






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