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每日新闻播报(March 22)

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每日新闻播报(March 22)

chinadaily.com.cn 2022-03-22 16:18

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>Guidelines strengthen science, technology governance两办印发《关于加强科技伦理治理的意见》

Photo taken on May 3, 2018 shows Tiananmen Square in Beijing. [Photo/VCG]

China has released a set of guidelines to strengthen the governance over ethics in science and technology, given the rapid progress of the country's innovation and the growing challenges facing ethics in the field. Ethics compliance should be emphasized throughout the process of scientific research and technological developments, according to the guidelines, which were issued by the General Office of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council. 近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于加强科技伦理治理的意见》。《意见》指出,当前,我国科技创新快速发展,面临的科技伦理挑战日益增多,应该将科技伦理要求贯穿科学研究、技术开发等科技活动全过程。

The document clarified ethical principles in science and technology, saying scientific activities should serve the well-being of humanity, respect people's right to life, adhere to fairness and justice, control risks in an appropriate way and maintain openness and transparency.《意见》明确科技伦理原则,包括增进人类福祉、尊重生命权利、坚持公平公正、合理控制风险、保持公开透明。


>EU China's top trade partner in Jan-Feb今年1至2月份欧盟反超东盟成中国最大贸易伙伴

Railway and commerce workers take pictures at a railway station in Yiwu, Zhejiang province, on Nov 18, 2021, as they mark the seventh anniversary of a freight train service linking the city with Madrid, Spain. [Photo by Gong Xianming/for China Daily]

With the European Union surpassing the Association of Southeast Asian Nations to become China's largest trading partner in the first two months of the year, China-EU trade demonstrates resilience and vitality, but it will take more time to figure out if the EU can hold the top position over the long term, Gao Feng, a spokesman for China's Ministry of Commerce, said in an online media briefing on Thursday. 商务部发言人高峰在3月17日的在线新闻发布会上表示,欧盟反超东盟,在今年前两个月成为中国第一大贸易伙伴,这反映出中欧贸易较强的韧性和活力,不过这一情况是季节性的还是趋势性的,还有待进一步观察。

"China is willing to join with the EU to proactively promote the liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment, safeguard the stability and smooth operations of industrial and supply chains and jointly elevate China-EU economic and trade cooperation to benefit enterprises and people from both sides," he said. 高峰称:“中方愿同欧方一道,积极推动贸易投资自由化便利化,维护产业链供应链稳定畅通,共同把中欧经贸合作的蛋糕越做越大、越做越好,造福双方企业和民众。”

During the January-February period, bilateral trade between China and the EU surged 14.8 percent year-on-year to reach $137.16 billion, which was $570 million more than the ASEAN-China trade value. 今年前两月,中欧贸易同比增长14.8%,达到1371.6亿美元,比前两月中国-东盟双边贸易额多5.7亿美元。

China and the EU also achieved a record $828.1 billion in bilateral goods trade last year, according to the MOC.商务部指出,2021年中欧货物贸易额达8281亿美元,亦创历史新高。


>'Ice Cube' will open to public in April冬奥场馆'冰立方'将于4月开放

Beijing 2022 venues such as the National Aquatics Centre, aka the Ice Cube, are opening to the public, fulfilling legacy plans that the Winter Olympics and Paralympics should benefit local communities. "They (the venues) belong to everyone who loves sports," said Yan Jiarong, a spokesperson for the Beijing 2022 organizing committee. XINHUA AND REUTERS

The National Aquatics Center or "Ice Cube" which hosted curling events during Beijing 2022 will be open to the public in April this year. 北京冬奥会冰壶比赛场馆“冰立方”将于4月向公众开放。

Yang Qiyong, general manager of the Center, said on Sunday its Winter Olympic image landscape, spectators stand and curling rinks are fully preserved for post-Games visits, while mascots Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon will still be present. 国家游泳中心总经理杨奇勇3月20日表示,届时冬奥形象景观、赛时看台、冰壶赛道全面保留;吉祥物“冰墩墩”“雪容融”“继续上班”,把“赛场感”还原给观众;

Posters, work diaries and publicity materials were collected to promote the spirit of Beijing 2022 volunteers, and the Olympic pin market will remain open for fans, Yang said.场馆团队特别收集整理了志愿者赛时服务的招贴、工作资料、宣传视频等,继续致敬志愿服务精神;场馆还将开辟奥运徽章集市,让公众感受徽章分享的乐趣。


>Wearables market hit record high in Q4 2021全球可穿戴设备出货量创新高

Huang Wang, founder and CEO of Zepp Health, introduces the company's latest smartwatches in Beijing on Oct 12, 2021. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

The worldwide wearables market hit a new record high in the fourth quarter of 2021 as shipments reached 171 million units, up 10.8 percent from the same quarter of the previous year, according to the latest data from the International Data Corp Worldwide Quarterly Wearable Device Tracker. IDC最新发布的《全球季度可穿戴设备追踪报告》显示,全球可穿戴设备市场在2021年第四季度创下新高,出货量达到1.71亿部,比去年同期增长10.8%。

Data from IDC also showed shipments for 2021 totaled 533.6 million units, an increase of 20 percent over 2020. IDC数据显示,2021年全年出货量为5.336亿部,比2020年增长20%。

IDC said new products and continued demand for health and fitness tracking products, along with wearables, helped the market maintain its momentum.新产品的推出,以及用户对健康和健身追踪产品、可听设备的持续需求,令市场保持增长势头。


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