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2024-07-04 12:44:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共20张PPT)The Power of Truth(坚持真相)第二节 读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写一段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。In our weekly staff meeting, our editor Ashley was not pleased with the quality of our reporting. “Our readership is way down. We need better stories for this Thursday’s school newspaper. Does anybody have any ideas She said.I handed her my article about our basketball team beating Deerfield High School the previous night by one point. “Sports stories are fun,” she said, “but not good enough for the front page. We need something to really get people’s attention.After our meeting, we left the newsroom together and heard someone screaming, “Perry is missing!” Perry was a big red parrot and had been our school mascot (吉祥物) for ten years. He played an important role in students’ lives both in and out of class. He had also been a constant presence at school events, inspiring a sense of unity among students.Everyone gathered around Perry’s empty cage, heartbroken. Suddenly, a student from the crowd came over and showed me a photo. “You’re a reporter for the school paper, right I happened to take this yesterday,” he said. In the photo was a Deerfield High School basketball player with something large hidden under his shirt around the size of a parrot.“He must have stolen Perry to get back at us for winning the game!” Ashley cried. We hurried back to the newsroom, agreeing to run the photo on the front page with the headline “Deerfield Steals Perry.” “This is just the story we need. Everyone will read it,” Ashley said confidently.After she left, I took a closer look at the photo. The clock in the background read 4:15 pm, but our game against Deerfield hadn’t started until 4:30 pm. Why would the boy have taken Perry before we even played An uneasy feeling came over me that we might have falsely accused someone. I went to Perry’s usual caretaker to ask if he knew Perry was missing. “He’s not missing. He’s retired. He’s ready for some quieter days,” he said. Learning the truth, I immediately told Ashley and suggested writing a story to say goodbye to Perry.Part 1 Text analysis and Appreciation【写作任务分析】该写作任务围绕“我”对真相的坚持,从而使得Ashley从急功近利、混淆事实到尊重真相、传递正能量转变,创设了人与自我、品质锤炼、社会责任的主题语境,传递互帮互助,相互影响,共建良好社会秩序的价值观。该写作任务注重引导学生分析原文中的伏笔与协同现象,通过文本信息锚定主题导向,通过段首句衔接确定写作范畴。更为可贵的是,本文具有深厚的社会现实性,反映了当今社会假新闻频发,新闻失实愈演愈烈,其背后的原因或许是素养缺乏下的情绪先行,价值观歪曲下的“流量为王”,该选题贴合当代高中生的现实生活与未来发展。综合来看,本题主要渗透了四种核心能力:强大的文本理解能力、敏锐的情感共鸣能力、丰厚的生活回归能力、适切的逻辑衔接能力,引导学生在故事发展中体现逻辑推理和情感转变,从而使得写作内容更加连贯和自然。整体而言,这是一个高质量的写作任务,能够激发学生的思维深度和情感表达,促使他们在写作过程中全面发挥自身能力。Step 1: Read for plot 结构协同The story follows the three-act structure which effectively breaks a story into an exposition, a complication, and a denouement. Editor Ashley was eager for an eye-catching story for the front page. At first, she mistook that Deerfield stole Perry to get back at her school team for winning the game. However, even after figuring out the truth, Ashley still insisted on the false accusation which she thought might boost the readership. Finally, Ashley underwent a transformation. She learnt the importance of ethical journalism and the significance of telling genuine stories that reflect the truth. Step 2: Read for languages 语言协同1、用词相仿:全文的动词时态主要以一般过去时为主,动词较多,文章动感强,如倒数第二段,动词的连贯性体现出Ashley的人设。形容词和副词较少,语言相对较为平实。2、句式相近:句式比较丰富,但没有特别难的结构,符合主人公学生身份的语言特点,不简单也不繁复。3、修辞相似作者运用拟人的手法,凸显Perry的重要性。从侧面解释说明Ashley急于利用Perry吸引读者。4、语气相通文章第一段的设问一方面给读者留下悬念,另一方面也表达了Ashley对good story的渴望和无奈。He must have stolen Perry to get back at us for winning the game! 这一句用了感叹号,强烈的语气表达了Ashley的兴奋之情。同时这“盖棺定论”的口吻也和下文的真相形成明显对比,为主题作铺垫。Step 3: Read for clues and characters 内容协同(原文 1)In our weekly staff meeting, our editor Ashley was not pleased with the quality of our reporting. “Our readership is way down. We need better stories for this Thursday’s school newspaper. Does anybody have any ideas ” she said. I handed her my article about our basketball team beating Deerfield High School the previous night by one point. “Sports stories are fun,” she said, “but not good enough for the front page. We need something to really get people’s attention.(原文 2)“He must have stolen Perry to get back at us for winning the game!” Ashley cried. We hurried back to the newsroom, agreeing to run the photo on the front page with the headline “Deerfield Steals Perry.” “This is just the story we need. Everyone will read it,” Ashley said confidently.(原文 3)After she left, I took a closer look at the photo. The clock in the background read 4:15 pm, but our game against Deerfield hadn’t started until 4:30 pm. Why would the boy have taken Perry before we even played An uneasy feeling came over me that we might have falsely accused someone. I went to Perry’s usual caretaker to ask if he knew Perry was missing. “He’s not missing. He’s retired. He’s ready for some quieter days,” he said. Learning the truth, I immediately told Ashley and suggested writing a story to say goodbye to Perry. Part 2 Plot weaving and ContinuationStep 1: Read for conflict and theme1、Conflict 矛盾冲突Ashley insisted on running the sensationalized story despite knowing the truth, while the narrator advocated for honesty and ethical reporting.2、Resolution 解决方案The narrator convinced Ashley of the importance of telling the truth and honoring Perry’s legacy with a genuine and heartfelt article. 3、Theme 主题The theme of the passage revolves around Ashley’s evolution from prioritizing sensationalism to valuing genuine stories, coupled with the narrator’s steadfast commitment to truth highlight the importance of integrity in journalism.Step 2: Design potential plotsFollow the Action-Reaction principal, try to raise questions and complete the plot-weaving.Step 3: Depict mini scenes1、善用修辞,饱满情绪2、利用对比,突显改变3、侧面描写,彰显主角4、名词总结,细腻精准5、内容协同,升华主题Part 3 Sample writing and Assessment【官方范文】To my surprise, Ashley insisted on reporting the “Deerfield Steals Perry” story. “This is the very story we need to attract more readers,” she argued. To convince her, I defended that if we wrote this article, we would be telling a lie. Noticing her hesitant expression, I further explained the potential harm it would cause to the player and our paper’s reputation. After some discussion, Ashley finally gave in, “OK, let’s try with real stories.” Then I went to gather all the necessary information to write an article about Perry and the precious memories we shared over the years. (87 words)On Thursday, the paper came out with the headline “Bye-Bye, Perry” on the front page. Soon, it sparked heated discussions among students about Perry. Many were disappointed with Perry’s sudden departure but were comforted by the fact that he was in good care. The story also evoked sweet memories of Perry. Some students even requested to share their stories of him in our paper! Seeing the story’s success, Ashley came to me and said sincerely, “You are right! It's a good story.” Her words brought me a great sense of fulfillment. Indeed, true stories might not always draw attention, but they have the power to touch and connect. (93 words)Updated VersionTo my surprise, Ashley insisted on reporting the “Deerfield Steals Perry” story. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she was determined to make a splash with this controversial piece. However, a wave of uneasiness arising from me, I felt a desperate need to intervene before it was too late. My mind raced with thoughts of the potential damage to our credibility and the harm to the innocent. As I made my case to her, Ashley paused, her brow furrowing in thought. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Ashley nodded slowly, a silent acceptance of the truth. I was more than delighted to see the internal battle come to an end, which was replaced by a sense of determination. With a deep breath, she made the decision to let go of the eye-catching headline and embrace the path of truth and sincerity.On Thursday, the paper came out with the headline “Bye-Bye, Perry” on the front page. The current article sang high praise of Perry’s years of service as the school mascot, which went viral immediately. The genuine and heartfelt tribute resonated with readers, with many students sharing fond memories of Perry and expressing their sorrow at his departure. As the positive feedback poured in, Ashley’s eyes widened in surprise and her face lit up with joy. “I’m so proud of you.” congratulated me, with her voice filled with genuine admiration. “I couldn’t have done it without you.” Ashley turned to me and whispered, her eyes shimmering with gratitude. It was a moment of growth for both Ashley and me, an enlightening realization that sometimes the most impactful stories are the ones rooted in honesty and integrity.文本句式点评:1. 外貌描写:表情绪2. 无灵主语:诉心理3. 衔接词句:串上下Thank you !








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