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2024-07-05 23:30:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#英语资源# 摘要】演讲又叫讲演或演说,是指在公众场所,以有声语言为主要手段,以体态语言为辅助手段,针对某个具体问题,鲜明,完整地发表自己的见解和主张。®作文地带为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  hello everyone!

  In this fruitful, the whole country is still immersed in celebrating the XX birthday of the motherland. The school organized a speech contest with patriotism education as the theme. Under the careful planning of the teaching office and the careful guidance of the head teacher, 15 contestants will compete today. They will praise the motherland and mother with the most sincere emotion and the most beautiful language, and offer the most beautiful wishes for the XX birthday of our great motherland. I wish our country prosperity and peace.

  Patriotism is the greatest emotion of mankind. Just think, if we live in a country invaded by foreign enemies and continuous wars, and the people have no fixed place to live and escape everywhere, then peace is a kind of happiness; If we live in an era of poverty and backwardness and lack of materials, food and clothing is an extravagant hope; If we live in a society where public order is chaotic and thieves are rampant, then plain is also a dream; If we live in an environment where "Chinese and dogs are not allowed", then it is a kind of happiness to stand up and be a man. Today, we are sitting in the spacious and bright classroom reading at ease. Do you realize the happiness?

  Today, we have no worries about food and clothing, a stable life and no loss of dignity, which all stem from the prosperity and strength of our motherland. Only when the country is rich can the people be strong. Only when the country is strong can the people have dignity. To this end, countless patriots have contributed everything to the motherland in history. Their spirit is moving, their integrity shines for thousands of years, and their deeds are handed down through the ages. Loving China is the most affectionate attachment of every Chinese people to their motherland; Loving China is the common aspiration of thousands of Chinese people.

  In the XX years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the development of new China has advanced by leaps and bounds. The ups and downs of XX, the vicissitudes of XX, and the brilliance of XX! The future of China, to occupy the earth as a dragon, lies in the hard work and efforts of each of us today.

  Youth wisdom is the wisdom of the country, and youth strength is the strength of the country. As middle school students in the new era, the blood of youth is flowing in our hearts. What should we do for our motherland? Let's set up lofty ideals, strengthen grand aspirations, pay hard sweat, strive for excellent results, forge ahead with the motherland, develop with the times, write our brilliant life and express our full patriotic enthusiasm!

  Thank you!


  Dear students and teachers:

  hello everyone!

  My motherland is an ancient civilization with a history of 5000 years. As a Chinese, I am proud of it.

  I love my motherland. It has its own brilliance and different spirit from foreign countries. Everything here is so beautiful. If I were a painter, I would use colorful brushes to depict our great motherland, but I am nothing. I am just a student, so I can only describe my motherland in simple language.

  The motherland is the mother who feeds us and the cradle of life. A large number of heroes have emerged in the long river of history. They fight to the death with the enemy for every inch of the land of the motherland. Because of their pay and sacrifice, our motherland can become rich and strong. Therefore, we should always say to ourselves: "I am Chinese, and I am proud of it!" The spiritual world of mankind is like an unattainable mountain. Our responsibility is to be a climber to climb this mountain, because the peak of the mountain has the great spirit of the Chinese nation, which is the ideological essence of the Chinese nation formed in the long-term struggle: unity, peace loving, hard-working and brave, self-improvement. We should always remember, We should establish patriotism from childhood and have lofty ideals and lofty goals in our study.

  Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, patriotism should first start with me, small things and now. When raising the national flag, the young pioneers should pay a team salute, and the students who are not young pioneers should pay attention to the salute, and regularly clean up the red scarf. These are just trivial things in daily life, but they fully reflect their patriotism, study hard in order to transform the country and society, and make their own contribution to their country and their nation.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "motherland! Motherland".

  When it comes to the motherland, we are filled with excitement, love and respect! My motherland - the people's Republic of China - is dignified, beautiful and decent; She is upright, majestic and selfless; She endured the past humiliation silently until the day when the clouds were cleared to see the blue sky; She watched silently, watching the figure of her children fighting for their country, and she showed a knowing smile. So, she lives younger and younger, more and more vigorous, more and more powerful!

  Open the modern history of China, it was an era full of shame! From the Opium War to the invasion of China by the Eight Power Allied forces, from the September 18th Incident to the Nanjing Massacre. Our mother of the motherland has been humiliated by imperialism. Her head is broken and bleeding, and she is scarred.

  However, those heroes of the war of resistance against Japan are not heroic! There are indomitable Zhao Yiman, Yang Jingyu, the impassioned five heroes of Langya Mountain, and Wang erxiao, the head of the children's group. All of them are indomitable, ambitious and heroic. The Chinese people unite as one, work together to resist the enemy and drive the invaders out of the country!

  Open the modern and contemporary history of China, this is an era full of glory! When China's first president Mao Zedong shouted on Tiananmen Square, "the Central People's Government of the people's Republic of China is established today!" The Chinese people are no longer the sick man of East Asia among the foreign population. The mother of the motherland has stood up strongly since then. She stands tall in the east of the world!

  At the moment, China has improved! China is strong! The 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing; In the same year, the successful test flight of shenzhou-1 spacecraft left the footprints of the Chinese people in space; In May 2010, the World Expo was held in Shanghai, showing the development of China's science and technology to the people of the world; In November 2010, the Asian Games was held in Guangzhou

  We are the descendants of Emperor Yan and the descendants of the dragon. I am proud of the prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony of my motherland!

  Finally, I wish the motherland prosperity and lead the people of the world to a new era of peace!

  My speech is over. Thank you.


  Dear leaders, teachers and students

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "start from me and be a person who loves and is proud of his motherland".

  Loving the motherland is not just a slogan, it is the cry of thousands of Chinese children with the motherland in mind; Loving the motherland is not just a line, it is the truth written by thousands of people with lofty ideals with their lives and blood.

  In the five thousand years when the Chinese nation walked alone in the east of the world, many once famous dynasties have gone from rise to fall, and many once splendid nations have gone from prosperity to decline. And we, the Chinese nation, started on the land of China five thousand years ago, and we are still prosperous here five thousand years later. We have experienced the iron horse and golden sword of the Qin emperor and the Han Dynasty, the colorful clothes and feather clothes of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the bloody wind of humiliating years, and the power and unyielding of the eight year war of resistance. Our Chinese nation, our China, existence is a kind of beauty! My Chinese heart is beating in my chest. Is yours the same? How can we not love such a motherland and such a nation? How can we do anything harmful to it?

  Opening the volume of history, fresh historical figures came to me. I saw heroes such as Huang Jiguang and Qiu Shaoyun who died for their country and looked back on death. History recognizes them and people remember them; I also saw Wang Jingwei and others betray their country and seek glory, well-dressed but evil. History threw them into a dark hell, and people despised them. There is no doubt that our heroes love the motherland and show their noble sentiments of dedication to the motherland.

  If you love your motherland, you don't have to hold a bomb bag to blow up a bunker, or block the enemy's machine gun eye with your chest; Loving the motherland is actually very simple. It may be in your civilized words or in your correct actions; Loving the motherland is actually in the small things of our life.

  Thank you!


  Dear students and teachers:

  There is an old saying in the world: "everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world." Although I am just a little woman, we love our motherland no less than men! We women should also serve the motherland and work hard for the motherland!

  The beautiful mountains and rivers and traditional customs of the motherland have bred generations of Chinese children. They are our mother and the source of our self-confidence!

  As a Chinese, what we love most is our motherland. Our motherland is the most beautiful and great mother in the world!

  Think about it. What is the most beautiful and magnificent picture in the world? It is the great river and mountain of the motherland; Which country is the most moving and inspiring poem in the world? Is the eternal spring of the motherland; Who is the bravest and wisest person in the world? Is a Chinese!

  We are Chinese people. We should cherish our black eyes, yellow skin and dark hair. This is a unique symbol of our Chinese people!

  We have such a beautiful motherland and such a unique appearance, which is the pride given to us by our motherland! Let's take this pride and work hard! Fight! For a better tomorrow of the motherland!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  You are my spring, desolate shade; You are my summer, cool breeze; You are my autumn, golden harvest; You are my winter, warm bonfire... Ah! Great motherland!

  You make us proud, make us proud! The flame in my heart was burning. On October 1, 1949, the people's Republic of China, a country bullied by imperialist countries for more than 20 years, was finally established! I'm proud, I'm proud! On July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to the embrace of the motherland, and the whole country cheered and cheered! I'm proud, I'm proud! On December 20, 1999, Macao also returned. That day, the whole world was happy! I am more proud, more proud!

  Your technology is advanced and superior! The explosion of the first atomic bomb caused a sensation all over the world; Manned spaceships Shenzhou 5, 6 and 7 have taken off one after another; Tiangong-1, which implemented space docking, was successfully docked; The powerful power generation equipment of the Three Gorges Project... And so on have proved that the science and technology of our new China is becoming more and more powerful!

  You are like a mother who has cultivated those outstanding talents! At 8:00 on August 8, 2008, the first Olympic Games opened in Beijing, China. The athletes of the motherland, all of whom have strong strength, have achieved "first" good results for our country. They are the name of our great motherland - China is the first in the gold medal list!

  Hello, everywhere is good, everything is good! Your exquisite ceramics and silk have conquered the world. Papermaking, printing, compass and gunpowder -- four great inventions that benefit the world. There is also the human genome project. All great inventions make our motherland better and stronger!

  You - the great mother of the motherland - China! You will be better and more brilliant!

  Thank you!


  Dear students and teachers:

  At this moment, my mood is particularly excited and can't be calm for a long time. Because the title of my speech is "the motherland is in my heart".

  The motherland is a seed, buried in the bottom of my heart, watered with ambition and become a blueprint; The motherland is paint, colorful, painted with both hands, becoming rivers and mountains; The motherland is music, floating in the ear, listen attentively and become eternal; The motherland is the mother, who secretes milk and becomes a dream with yearning. The motherland is great, and fresh examples are in front of us: in the London Olympic Games, when Chinese athletes win medals, the first thing to thank is the motherland, which shows that the motherland is better than the golden and heavy medals in their hearts. Not long ago, when torrential floods and monsters swept in, all the commanders and fighters of the people's Liberation Army took the lead and went into battle at the command of the motherland. In the eyes of refugees, the motherland is so sacred! When the Shenzhou spaceship is cruising in space and the astronauts launch the five-star red flag, the motherland becomes even greater! As Chinese people, how proud?

  My motherland is the grapes of Turpan and the melons of Hami; Pineapple from Hainan Island and Yali pear from Tianjin; The snow-white cotton in Guanzhong Plain is the golden rice on both sides of the Yangtze River. For the prosperity of the motherland and the well-being of the people; For the all-round modernization of the motherland, please tell me and order me what to do and how to do, so that our 56 children can work hard, work hard and side by side to make the motherland stronger and stronger! Because the motherland is in my heart!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone! The topic of my speech today is "love the motherland from your side".

  October 1, 1949 is a day that carries history forever. On that day, our people's Republic of China was officially established. Since then, October 1 of each year has been designated as China's national day. It is October 1 again. This year's National Day is the XX birthday of the great motherland.

  We are the Chinese people. We will never forget the important task entrusted by the state and the nation. We are the future of our motherland and the successor of communism. As the future masters of the motherland, we have the responsibility and obligation to shoulder the heavy burden of revitalizing the Chinese nation.

  We primary school students should turn the spirit of patriotism into the enthusiasm of loving school, collective and learning. Loving the school not only means loving every plant and tree of the school, but also means that everyone maintains the image of the school and does not do anything or say anything that damages the image of the school. We should strive to: study hard, make progress every day, and strive for the prosperity of the country and the nation since childhood; Be civilized and disciplined, be strict with yourself, cultivate the quality of being a civilized person and doing civilized things from an early age; Work hard, actively explore, dare to work hard and compete for the first. Study scientific and cultural knowledge diligently and be a reliable and capable socialist successor for our parents.

  Students, the new semester has begun. I hope we all have new goals in study, new improvements in work, new weather in school and new breakthroughs in quality. Let all our teachers and students hold high the banner of patriotism and national spirit, study hard with full enthusiasm and high morale, work hard, and present the XX anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China with excellent achievements!

  After the speech, thank you.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Patriotism is the source of strength for the rise of the Chinese nation, a powerful driving force for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and a spiritual pillar for the Chinese nation to carry forward the past and forge ahead into the future. Through the ages, many historical figures have been full of patriotism and left us many brilliant works, intelligent thoughts and immortal achievements, which encourage us to climb higher mountains. Patriotism has deeply touched the hearts of all Chinese people, moved me more deeply and inspired me.

  Since I was a child, I have heard my parents tell me many stories about patriotic heroes. There are Huo Qubing, a Hun who never dies and vows not to return home. The horse never gets off its saddle and fights all his life; The majestic general Qi Jiguang bravely killed the enemy and retreated the Japanese pirates; Holding a scepter and shepherding outside the Great Wall, Su Wu eventually maintained national integrity and fulfilled his mission; Yue Fei, who was loyal to the country, left a solemn oath to recover the lost land and return our rivers and mountains; There is also the prime minister Fan Zhongyan, who is full of talent and ideas. He grew up in a poor family, but he persevered and improved himself. Finally, he worked for the imperial court and became a famous official of a generation; In modern times, Sun Yat Sen's patriotic act of "expelling tartar prisoners and restoring China" to save the nation from subjugation and survival... These countless examples are the embodiment of patriotism.

  "A strong young man makes a strong country, a progressive young man makes progress, and a young man who is strong on the earth makes a strong country". As a new era, I should start from now on, from every moment, and strive to study every subject, be serious, down-to-earth, work hard and make progress every day. When I grow up, I will be a person who contributes to the country and society, and do my best to serve the motherland, Build the motherland into a more prosperous place.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone!

  It is said that the Chinese nation is "the descendant of the dragon", and the Chinese people have the spirit of leaping dragons and tigers. When the Olympic athletes won the championship, "Shenzhou 5" took off and the economy developed rapidly, we had too much emotion and excitement. In the days of SARS, the Chinese nation has gathered great strength that is invincible and radiated the strong vitality of the national spirit. The great national spirit of "unity and unity, love of peace, diligence and courage, and constant self-improvement" has been further carried forward, and it is the unyielding backbone of our Chinese nation.

  The philosophical discourse of "prospering the country through difficulties" is a portrayal of the development history of the Chinese nation. Since the Opium War, the Western powers have knocked on the door of China with strong ships and sharp guns. The decadent Manchu Qing government signed one unequal treaty after another. The Yellow River is crying, the Great Wall is crying, and the turret of Humen is crying. However, the great Chinese nation did not give in. Sanyuanli, the boxer League and Sun Yat Sen, generation after generation, went ahead and persevered. Finally, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, we have built the "three mountains" and re stood in the forest of nations in the world. The Oriental Dragon woke up from a thousand years of sleep! Inspired by the great national spirit, we have created miracles one after another, overcome challenges one after another, and emerged batch after batch of excellent children. In the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, two bombs and one satellite competed for the first. The Three Gorges Dam impounded water and Shenzhou V flew into the sky. From Lin Zexu to Yang Jingyu, from Deng Jiaxian to Yang Liwei, the national spirit is handed down from generation to generation, and the backbone of the nation is always upright and unyielding.

  The more difficult a great nation is in times of difficulty, the more it shows its strength and unyielding. The heroic deeds that emerge in the fight against SARS have added new luster to the great national spirit.

  An unbreakable building must have tall and straight pillars; An unyielding giant must have a straight backbone. Great China is an unbreakable building, and the great Chinese nation is an unbreakable giant. For thousands of years, the Chinese nation has been able to endure hardships without decline, to endure hardships without yielding, and to become stronger after repeated tempering. It is this powerful national spirit and the unity and struggle of the people of all ethnic groups.

  Thank you!

本文地址: http://www.joozone.com/m/tg/120767.html






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