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2024-07-13 10:14:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

22. 当她见到寻找了多年的姐姐时,忍不住哭了起来。(help v)

23. 教室足够大,可以容纳下比你预料的还要多的学生。(enough adv)

24. 这项工程听起来很完美,但是否能实施还是个问题。(remain)

25. 要想成功,就必须抓住每一个机会。(catch)

26. 看起来老实的人并不一定真老实。(honest)

27. 上个月造好的大桥已经通车了。(built)

28. 看到老校长手捧鲜花走进大厅,我们都站了起来。(Seeing)

29. 虽然他是班级里最优秀的学生,但他仍不满足于自己的成绩。(satisfied adj.)

30. 如果你坚持我一个人去那里,我只好服从你的命令。(insist)

31. 无论什么时候你遇到麻烦,你都可以找我帮忙。(Whenever)

32. 王先生看上去比他的实际年龄小很多。(for)

33. 电视和互联网使我们了解世界大事。(inform)

34. 由于不知道如何回答那个问题,John不敢坐下。(knowing)

35. 我们学校变化太大了,我几乎认不出它来了。(so…that)

36. 尽管她自己钱也不多,但她时时为别人着想。(Despite)

37. 请您一读完这本小说就把它还给图书馆。(the moment)

38. 由于昨天缺课,我没有完成家庭作业。(absent)

39. 冬天来了,冷血动物只能冬眠。(have no choice but)

40. 你应该教他怎样使用电脑而不是取笑他。(show, instead of)

41. 我想说明的是每个人都应该为成功而拼搏。(make it clear that)

42. 有眼不看的人才是真瞎子。(so…as)

43. 快到了吃午饭的时间了。(It)

44. 我没有想到这部电影这么棒。(occur)

45. 这位病人太虚弱了,不能下床走动。(too…to)

46. 所有在事故受伤的乘客都已被送到了最近的医院。(injure)

47. 看着火车徐徐远去,她不禁感到有些失望。(couldn’t help)

48. 年轻人易犯错是个事实;重要的是他们应该向错误学习。(tend)

49. 实践地越多,技巧就越熟练。(the+比较级,the+比较级)

50. 我宁可做户外运动,即使天气非常寒冷。(even though)

51. 他是五兄弟中唯一一个读过大学的。(only)

52. 那个在角落里哭泣的姑娘没有考及格。(fail)

53. 难道你不觉得这样对老师和同学说话不礼貌吗?(it)

54. 一般来说,人迹罕至的地方,其自然景色美不胜收。(tend)

55. 他们希望尽可能早地完成任务。(as…as)

56. 在此后的三个月里,村里没有发生严重的问题。(happen)

57. 不管你做什么,你绝不能做可能会伤害别人的事。(Whatever)

58. 做这样愚蠢的事无异于浪费时间和金钱。(nothing but)

59. 顾客们表示对那家商店的售后服务感到满意。(express)

60. 那位官员让村民们放心,说每个孩子都能享受到免费教育,直至16周岁。(assure)

61. 正在修建的隧道将把崇明与上海连接起来。(connect)

62. 昨晚我没关窗户睡了一整夜。(with)

63. 乐于助人的人随便走到哪儿都有人缘。(popular)

64. 直到火车从视线中消失她才离开了车站。(It)

65. 只要学以致用,我们就能够为将来打下坚实的基础。(As long as)

66. 据报道英籍华裔科学家高锟先生获得了2009年度诺贝尔物理奖。(report)

67. 如果方便的话,请你明天早上十点到这里来。(convenient)

68. 不知我能否占用你一点时间。(spare vt)

69. 为了及时完成任务,我们必须全力以赴。(try)

70. 假如天气允许,足球比赛将于下星期四举行。(permit)

71. 要想学好语言,你就得尽可能多地置身于真实的语言环境。(expose)

72. 他似乎是这个职位的最佳人选,所以我们没有理由将他拒之门外。(seem)

73. 我们深受感动,结果把所有的零用钱都给了那个穷孩子。(moved pp)

74. 他们夜以继日地工作,为的是能够按时修建起这座大桥。(so as to)

75. 我认为买一本大型英汉词典很有必要。(it做形式宾语)

76. 他的话听起来很合乎道理,但是我们没把握他是否说了实话。(sound link v)

77. 我们宁愿步行也不愿乘坐这么拥挤的公共汽车上学。(prefer to do rather than do)

78. 他说什么没有关系;重要的是他做什么。(matter v)

79. 碰巧我当时随身带着一张上海地图,因此没有迷路。(happen)

80. 这已不是我第一次来上海了。我第一次来上海时对所见所闻都觉得有趣。((for) the first time)

81. 除非你说实话,否则你不会得到我们的帮助。(Unless)

82. 你打个电话给他,他马上就会把你所需要的东西送来。(and)

83. 你真好,提醒了我有个重要的会议。(remind)

84. 任何不守规则的人都会受到惩罚。(observe)

85. 只要你让我管这个孩子,我就会让他用功。(As long as)

86. 如果有必要,我会请人把所有剩下的票都买下来。(remaining)

87. 当我们听到他被选为队长的消息时,我们禁不住欢呼起来。(help)

88. 像那样谈论是没有用的。我们必须制定一个计划并加以实施。(use n)

89. 他们一定挺忙的,因为他们必须准备考试。(prepare)

90. 你肯定丢失了什么东西,不然你不会看起来这么焦虑。(look)

91. 据报道,中国计划隆重地庆祝她的六十周年国庆。(It)

92. 你真幸运,你的数学老师被公认为是全校最好的老师。(fortunate)

93. 直到所有的病人都得到了治疗,医生才离开了他的办公室。(not…until)

94. 随着上海的发展,上海人们的生活条件已经大为改善了。(With)

95. 俗话说,“有志者事竟成”。(go)

96. 阅读完毕,请把书和杂志放回原处。(where)

97. 有老师的帮助和鼓励,学生们的进步越来越大。(With)

98. 只有领会了要点,你才能把这篇文章记住。(Only)

99. 他们来上海已经一个半月了,但至今还没有找到工作。(so far)

100. 我们只能等待进一步的消息,虽然这不是我们想做的。(nothing but)


1. At that time he was not aware of what had happened.

2. Standing before strangers, she didn’t dare to speak.

3. We demand that those who drive after drinking (should) be severely punished.

4. My hometown has changed so much that it is simply beyond my expectation/ I had not expected it at all.

5. There is little hope that anyone on the plane can survive in the crash

6. Since you have a good command of English, you should make full use of your language advantage when seeking a job.

7. Once a bad habit is formed/developed/taken up, it is hard to break/get rid of.

8. It is very difficult to find a scientist (who is) as great as Albert Einstein.

9. There is no doubt that money is something but not everything.

10. I like buying some good books (that are) worth reading repeatedly.

11. He speaks English very fluently as if he grew up in Britain.

12. I hope that all the students will spare no effort to learn/study every subject well in the coming year.

13. He gave his mother a carnation as a gift for Mother’s Day.

14. I wonder if you could let me use your computer/allow me to use…

15. He never makes any decision without thinking it over.

16. All day long, he is always ordering others to do what they should/this or that.

17. Much to my relief, none of my relatives or friends got injured in the earthquake.

18. She didn’t take part in/participate in the speaking contest, which cost her/made her lose an opportunity to practise her spoken English.

19. It won’t be long before you become used to wearing glasses.

20. Those who don’t respect others can’t expect to be respected (by others).

21. However clever you are, you won’t succeed without working hard.

22. Seeing her elder sister that she had been looking for many years, she couldn’t help crying.

23. The classroom is big enough to seat/hold more students than expected.

24. The project sounds perfect, but it remains a question whether it can be put into practice.

25. You must catch every chance if you want to succeed.

26. Those who appear honest are not necessarily so.

27. The bridge built last month has already been opened to traffic.

28. Seeing the old headmaster come into/enter the hall with flowers in his hand, we all stood up.

29. Although he is the top student in the class, he is not satisfied with his achievement(s).

30. If you insist that I go there alone, I will have to obey your order.

31. Whenever you meet with trouble, you can ask me for help.

32. Mr. Wang looks much younger for his real.

33. TV and the Internet inform us of important world affairs.

34. Not knowing how to answer that question, John did not dare (to) sit down.

35. Our school has changed so much that I can hardly recognize it.

36. Despite the fact that she herself is short of money, she always thinks about others.

37. Please return the novel to the library the moment you finish reading it/are through with it.

38. Being absent from class yesterday, I didn’t finish/failed to finish my homework.

39. When winter comes, cold-blooded animals have no choice but to hibernate/sleep.

40. You should show him how to operate the computer instead of making fun of him.

41. I want to make it clear that everyone should work hard for success/to be successful.

42. None is so blind as those who won’t see.

43. It is almost time to have lunch.

44. It didn’t occur to me that this movie was so wonderful.

45. The patient was too weak to be up and about.

46. All the passengers injured in the accident have been taken to the nearest hospital.

47. Seeing the train pulling away, she couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.

48. It is a fact that young people tend to make mistakes. What is important is that they should learn from mistakes.

49. The more one practises, the more skillful one becomes.

50. I’d rather do some outdoor exercise even though it is freezing cold.

51. He is the only one of the five brothers who has graduated from college.

52. The girl weeping in the corner failed (in) the exam/failed to pass the exam.

53. Don’t think it impolite /rude (of you) to talk to the teachers and classmates like that?

54. Generally speaking, the (natural) scenery of a lonely place(a place rarely visited) tends to be more beautiful than meets the eye.

55. They hope to accomplish their/the task as soon as possible.

56. During/For the following three months, nothing serious happened to/in that village./no serious problem arose/appeared in that village.

57. Whatever you do, you mustn’t do anything that might harm others.

58. Doing such a silly thing is nothing but wasting time and money.

59. The customers expressed their satisfaction with the after-sale/follow-up service in/of that shop.

60. The official assured the villagers that every child shall/could enjoy free education until they were 16 years old.

61. The tunnel being build/constructed now will connect Chongming with Shanghai.

62. I slept all through last night with the window open.

63. Those who are always ready to help others will be popular wherever they go.

64. It was not until the train had disappeared from her sight that she left the station.

65. As long as we put what we have learnt to/into use/practice, we will be able to lay a solid foundation for our future.

66. It is reported that Mr. Gao Kun, a Chinese British, has won the 2009 Nobel Prize for Physics.

67. If it is convenient (to you), please be/come here at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.

68. Could you spare me a little time?

69. We must try our best in order to accomplish the task in time.

70. If weather permits, the football match will take place next Thursday.

71. You must expose yourself to the real language environment as much as possible if you want to learn English well.

72. He seems (to be) the best person for the position/post, so we have no reason to refuse him/there is no reason for us to refuse him.

73. We were so (deeply) moved that we gave all our pocket money to the poor boy.

74. They worked day and night so as to have the bridge completed,build/complete the bridge on time.

75. I think/deem it necessary to buy a big English-Chinese dictionary.

76. What he said sounded quite reasonable, but we were not sure (of)whether/if he had told the truth.

77. We prefer to walk to school rather than ride such a crowded bus.

78. What he says does not matter, what matters is what he does

79. It happened that I carried/had a map of Shanghai with me at that time,so I didn’t get lost/lose my way.

80. This is not the first time that I have been here in Shanghai. When I came here for the first time/The first time I came here, what I saw and heard seemed interesting to me.

81. You can’t expect to get our help unless you tell the truth.

82. Give him a ring/call, and he will bring you what you need right away/immediately.

83. It’s very kind of you to have reminded me of the important meeting.

84. Anyone who does not observe the rules shall be punished

85. As long as you let me/allow me to take care of the child, I will have/make him work hard.

86. If necessary, I will have all the remaining tickets bought.

87. Learning/Hearing the news that he has been elected/made captain, we couldn’t help cheering up.

88. It is no use talking like that. We must work out/make a plan and realize it/put it into practice.

89. They must be very busy, for they have to prepare for the test.

90. You must have lost something, otherwise you would not look so worried.

91. It is reported that the People’s Republic of China is going to celebrate her 60th National Day/anniversary in a grand way.

92. You are really fortunate to have/that you have such a math teacher as is generally considered/regarded as the best in the school.

93. The doctor did not leave his office until all the patients had been treated/received treatment.

94. With the development of Shanghai, the living conditions of its people have (been) greatly improved.

95. A proverb goes that “where there is a will, there is a way”.

96. Please put the books and magazines back where they were/you took them.

97. With the teacher’s help and encouragement, the students are making greater(and greater)progress.

98. Only when you have grasped the main points/ideas can you learn the article by heart/memorize the article.

99. It’s already a month and a half since they came to Shanghai(They have been in Shanghai for one and a half months), but so far they have not found/secured/landed jobs

100. We could/can do nothing but wait for further information, although it is not what we want to do/we do not desire to do so.








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