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2024-07-10 15:15:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265






  After reading the "dream" journey to the ring, I suddenly felt the most cruel of the emotion, not betrayal, not hatred, but forgotten. Whether it is the person loved you forget, or be forgotten by the person you love.

  Think carefully, who will remember them if they do not have too much fame and achievement after their death. Isn't it us? We can only prove that they have existed.

  If we forget them, whether they will really like movies, who, in the ultimate death?

  Even though they are still alive, we seem to have too little concern for some relatives. Will they be forgotten and forgotten by their families someday?

  When MIG returned to the human world, many people left tears in the movie theater when they sang "remember me" to miss AIKE when they forgot to pick up the guitar.

  The film seems to be the theme of music. In fact, it wants to tell people that it is love. The end is very successful, but at the same time it has left a lot of thinking and a lot of memories and memories of the family.

  The most powerful emotion in the world is to remember, as the phrase on the poster says, "remember me before the memory of love disappears."


  Today, I saw a piece of the "dream ring travels". There were a lot of people crying into dogs, sitting under a person's seat next to me, with a pile of tear paper.

  A little boy named MIG has a dream: to become like the same song della coos, but his family was against him, he would steal the guitar song, the undead into the world. He met a friend of the song claiming to find the song assou ekotto, blessing, but the MIG has found a secret about della Cuse......

  People in the world of the dead are controlled by two rules: 1, if there is no one for you in the real world, you can't visit your relatives. 2, if others forget you, you will disappear forever. So the most feared of the souls is that no one can remember them and forget them.

  We do everything like MIG, stick to it, don't give up, and give up if you don't touch it. We can not learn from della Cuse, for he only killed others for his fame and fame, and finally lost his soul.

  The deepest love in the world is to remember that MIG gave cacao grandma a "remember me" and gave me infinite daydream and feelings.


  Not long ago, a film with music as its theme made me cry. This film is "Journey to the Dream". It made me feel the deep affection between father and daughter, and understood that if I have a dream, I must pursue it persistently, not afraid of any obstacles, and must follow my heart.

  Miguel, a 1-year-old boy from the shoemaker family, had a musical dream since childhood, but music was forbidden by the family. While secretly pursuing the dream of music, he accidentally entered the place of death. Here, he met the soul of his family, and got their blessing to sing, and finally returned to the world.

  There are two scenes in this film that greatly touched me. The words of the singing god Della Cruz gave me great inspiration: "When life makes me depressed, I will play the guitar. Other people may follow the rules, but I must follow my heart." Yes, there is a dream, we must go after it. No matter how painful the process is, no matter how many stumbling blocks ahead, we must walk forward with firm steps, and do not be afraid of everything we face in the future. "How can the plum blossom smell fragrant without going through the cold?" When you stand on the towering peaks after your success, you will find how valuable the sweat you have worked hard in the past. Without everything in the past, how can you see the beautiful scenery today, which is admired and worshipped by countless people?

  When Miguel sang "rememberme" for his great-grandmother, he touched many numb hearts. What makes an old man with dementia remember the song he heard decades ago? It is the strong family affection! This beautiful feeling has haunted an old man for many years. Love, which cannot be exchanged with countless money, is not only an emotion, but also a belief, a belief that makes people work hard. It makes many people cheer up and move on. If it were not for this belief, the dead would no longer be cared for, and would turn into golden powder and disappear.

  In this film, firm faith, beautiful feelings and fantastic plot are skillfully interwoven and integrated, which makes me still trapped in that artistic conception for a long time.


  After reading a certain work, you must have a lot of feelings about life or things. For this reason, you need to carefully write your impressions. But what is the appropriate way to write it? The following is the primary school students' impressions of the Dream Hunting Journey collected by the editor. It is for reference only. Welcome to read it.

  Although people often say, "What is the difference between people without dreams and salted fish?" But when dreams conflict with the family standing behind us, how should we choose? "Journey to the Dream Ring" tells a story about this choice with magic elements.

  At the beginning of this film, it tells a story about the beginning of the Day of the Dead and the history of a family in the form of paper-cut. A fierce conflict between a music dream and the family business. From this point of view, it seems that this is just a bedtime story of coaxing children to "little tadpoles find their father to complete their dreams". The only new idea is probably about the setting of the Day of the Dead and the shuttle between the two worlds. Later, the plot was also as expected. But it is such a simple story that it can still hit the heart, poke the tears of most people, and get a high score of 9.1 points on the Douban score. Why?

  In addition to the strong support of bgm's tear effect, I believe there is another very important reason: the choice between home and distance is that everyone has, has or will have.

  It is true that in the eyes of parents such as the writer Long Yingtai, there are some roads that can only be taken by one person. The so-called fate of parents and children is just to tell them and us with their backs: don't chase.

  In the eyes of young people who are energetic and eager to try, the same is generally true. Even if they don't think so in their hearts, it is difficult to get rid of the 'mentality of wanting to leave their parents' full control. But after watching this film, my thoughts were completely reversed. Just like a simple and sincere sentence in the movie: "Family is the most important."

  No matter how many difficulties and obstacles lie ahead, our family will always stand behind us and never give up. They are our strongest backing, the strongest haven, and we can always rely on their shoulders.

  I read a hot comment about the relationship between "God of Songs" and Miguel: "I will wish you that the person who died early must not be a relative". Relatives are always worthy of our utmost trust.

  The distance may be very charming, full of unknown possibilities, but it also endows the dream with colorful colors and brilliant halls, but the smell and taste of home can not be erased. Your root and your heart are there. Don't wait until you are halfway to regret it. Just like Miguel's great-great-grandfather in the movie, he almost hated and died. He can't tell his love and regret to his daughter Coco in person.

  Although the distance is good, there is no substitute for family and home. After you leave, your heart will have no place to rest. So it is the same sentence: "Family is the most important".

  Perhaps, for those of us who have not experienced the ups and downs of life, we are homesick. It sounds like we are forced to worry about new words, or we are not growing up. But this is the real emotion and the shackles of home that this film brings to me.


  Today, my mother and I watched a movie called "Journey to the Dream". I looked at it and cried. My mother asked me, "Do you understand?" I replied, "I understand." The movie is about a little boy, his name is Milo, and Coco is his grandmother. At first, their family loved music, but Coco's dream was that his father had gone because of music. Later, their family no longer liked music. But the little boy Milo is different. He still likes music. He never gave up and continued to work hard. Finally, he finally played the guitar for everyone on the stage.

  In the movie, I like the little boy Milo best. Because I like his spirit of never giving up and working hard. I must study hard and never give up my dream. Like the little boy Milo, I will work hard for my dream.

  What moved me most was the part where Milo played the guitar and sang to Grandma Tai. In order to wake up Granny Tai's memory of her father, Milo played a guitar affectionate singing song. Granny Tai's memory was awakened. She sang with Milo in an old voice. The song was like a beam of light that lit up my heart, and it was like a fire that warmed my heart. I was moved to tears. At that moment, I felt the love between my family; At that moment, I wanted to shout: I love my mother, father, and all my family.

  Through this film, I learned a truth: to pursue dreams when you have them; Don't forget your family at the same time.


  When you grow up in the cradle of love, you will taste the warmth of home―― notes preceding the text of a book or following the title of an article

  The film "Journey to the Dream" has a supreme position in the minds of me and netizens. It is better than "Wrestling, Dad" and "Crazy Animal City", and has won a high evaluation. After watching the film, the cinema cried and praised the film like tear gas. A short film, however, evokes a warm story of people, which is gripping.

  The little boy Mig had a musical dream, but his family was angry because their great-great-grandfather abandoned their family for music, and hated music from then on. In order to find the song god Drachus, Miguel sneaked into the City of the Dead on the Day of the Dead. But it was incredible that his idol Draculus killed his real great-grandfather, Ector. Just when Ector was about to be forgotten by the world, he sang the song "Please Remember Me" to his great-grandmother Coco, which awakened her childhood memories and made Ector no longer disappear. Dracus also received his due punishment.

  This story gave me a lot of feelings. Family is the most important. When you were homeless, did you ever think about the warmth of home? Home is your destination for wandering and your support when you are lonely; It is your residence for motivation! A kind family member will help you share the burden and make your sad face full of smiles. Family members will not betray you, but will always encourage you and tolerate you behind your back. Those who are on the road of pursuing dreams will always experience failures and setbacks, but with the encouragement of their families, worries will always be left behind.

  The destination of love in life is a warm home. With the encouragement of family members, there will be motivation to move forward, but as long as there is courage and the strength of kinship, there will be hope to pursue dreams. I will not forget you!


  The saddest thing in the world is that nothing can be compared with the people who have forgotten themselves

  At noon on Sunday, Liu Jin and I went to the cinema to see the latest popular movie, "Journey to the Dream".

  The movie "Journey to the Dream", not to mention how many people cried after watching it, scored as high as 9 on the Internet alone. 3 points, 9 points higher than the popular film "Wrestling, Dad" in the first half of the year. 0 points are 0 higher. 2. Even some film critics who have always been strict in their daily life have given their thumbs up to "Journey to the Dream".

  "Journey to the Dream" mainly tells about a little boy, Miguel, who wants to become a musician like his idol: the god of songs, but in this family, music is forbidden and no one can touch it. But Miguel is a dedicated and passionate teenager who must learn music. Until one day, Miguel stole a guitar in the graveyard of the god of songs on the Day of the Dead, and found that the god of songs might be his great-grandfather, but when he stole other things, he was inexplicably moved to the world of the dead, and then with the help of Iket, he learned a earth-shaking secret

  When our relatives died, did they leave only the cold names engraved on the tombstones? Of course not. They have left footprints in this world, cried and laughed in this world. Who can prove it? Of course, we are often beside these relatives. Only we can describe their past to our children after their death. As long as we remember them, they will not disappear; As long as the memory is still there, their souls will not disappear!

  The most painful thing in the world is that your relatives forget you when you die. Time should be the most ruthless thing in the world. If you want to deal with time, you must cherish your family, cherish your family, and always remember your common home!


  On Friday afternoon, our Class 5 and Class 6 went to the cinema to watch a movie "Journey to the Dream". This film tells the story of a 12-year-old boy, Miguel, who freely had a music dream, but his family thought he was cursed by music. The family banned music, and Miguel still did not give up. When secretly pursuing the music dream, he accidentally entered the world of the dead. Here, he met the soul of his dead family, found his real great-grandfather, got the blessing of his family, and finally returned to the world.

  The film is very moving. When Miguel's great-grandfather Ector sent his blessing to Miguel with his last little time, I couldn't help crying. I have learned that "death is not terrible, but being forgotten". When no one in the living world remembers you, you will eventually die in the dead world. Miguel played and sang "Please Remember Me" on the guitar to her great-grandmother Coco to remind her of her father, Ector, in order not to let Ector finally die and return to the living world. When Miguel and Ector were in a huge pit, Ector took the photo and said to Miguel, "I just want him to know that Dad loves her." It also made me cry. There are also many warm and funny places. A dog named Dante was very cute and behaved very funny. I felt warm when the last living people and their dead relatives celebrated the Day of the Dead.

  After watching the film, I understand that family is the most important thing. Although some relatives have gone away from you, they will also live well in the world of the dead. We should always remember them. It seems that death is not so terrible in the face of family love. Those who have gone away just walk out of the world, and they always watch you grow up slowly.

  Please remember me before the memory of love disappears.


  Today, I saw a movie called "Journey to the Dream" and benefited a lot.

  The story mainly tells that the little boy Miguel is bent on becoming a musician and hopes that he can create music that moves people's hearts like the idol god of songs, Draculus. Miguel is obsessed with music and desperately wants to prove his musical talent, but he has been misled into the world of the dead because of a series of strange things. There, Miguel met his dead relatives. They all want to send Mig back to the living world and don't let Mig touch music again. In order to find the "singing god" Drachus. On the way, Miguel met another musician, Ector, who was once a good friend of Draculus. At last, Mig learned the truth. Dracus killed Ector in order to occupy Ector's works, and became famous by singing "Please Remember Me" written by him in his lifetime, and also took Ector's guitar as his own. Ector is his great-grandfather! With the unremitting efforts of Miguel, Ector and the deceased family, they defeated Drax. Miguel also returned to the world and completed his musical dream.

  What impressed me most about this film is the different feelings and different "love" that Ector and Drax poured into when they sang "Please Remember Me". Ecedo wrote this song for his daughter Coco, and poured it into his father's love. He wanted to convey to everyone and Coco that Coco should not forget me and my love and missing for you. I love you, although I must leave you. Ector sings about love given. This kind of love, no matter how far apart they are and how long they are separated, will not disappear. This is true love!

  What kind of emotion did Draculus pour into when singing? Because he did not have the same experience as Ector, he did not understand the pain of separation between Ector and his family, nor did he understand Ector's feeling of missing his family alone... Because he did not understand this one by one, the feeling he sang was very different from that of Ector. He seemed to say to everyone: you should remember me, you should worship me, you should be infatuated with me, you should always love me, you can't forget me, I will always be mine... In the "you want to...", it can be clearly felt that this is a kind of demanding love, selfish "love", not true love. This kind of love is that one party only pays, and the other party only gains; This kind of love can be parted at once and separated at once.

  What is love? Love is an unrequited effort; What is love? Love is giving without seeking benefits. Just like the "friend" of "friend", it is composed of two identical "months", which means that people must pay equal "love" to become true friends or family members. The essence of love is to pay each other and give each other.

  What is love? This film gives us a perfect answer.


  Skeletons are scary and frightening. But in the movie, the skeletons are not terrible at all. They become cute, emotional, and just like living people.

  Because of the separation of yin and yang, their living family could not see them. On the Day of the Dead, they returned to the world through the bridge made of golden petals and reunited with their family.

  When I saw the world of "dead people", I was shocked. Their world is like ours, with tall buildings and shining lights, like a prosperous metropolis. Skeletons also have a happy life.

  What impressed me most was that Miguel and Ector watched an old skeleton die. I cried when I saw the plot. No one in the family of the old skeleton remembers him, so he finally died. How pathetic! Yes, a person "died", just stopped breathing, no longer opened his eyes, just "slept". But because someone still loves him and thinks about him, he doesn't really die.

  I remembered that on New Year's Eve, people were going to "pick up their grandparents" when they spent the New Year at their grandmother's home in the countryside. To set off firecrackers in the cemetery, throw a burning incense while walking home to guide the "dead family" home, just like people in the movie sprinkle petals all the way to the door. At that time, I didn't care too much. I thought it was just a form. After watching the movie, I realized that this is an expression of love, expressing that people still remember, love those "dead" family members, and still think of them. So those "deceased" families did not die. Every New Year, they will go home and celebrate the New Year with us.

  So don't be afraid of "death". Although "death" makes you lose something, with love, you won't die, just go to another world.

  I have to sigh that love is really great. It can make people "come back from the dead" and make people warm and happy. With love, death will not appear!


  On Saturday, I went to see 9 with my cousin. 3. A hot film with high marks - Journey to the Dream! At the beginning, many skeletons made me very scared, but later, because of love, I was very moved, and tears fell inadvertently.

  The douban score of this film is so high, so the general content is also bright! This film tells the story of a family that loved music very much, but after having children, my mother was not so fond of music, but my father was very stubborn and wanted to play in front of many people. Before leaving, he wrote the song "Please Remember Me" for his daughter Coco. Later, their family began to make shoes and became shoemakers. Since then, music has been taboo in the family. Later, Miguel (also known as the great-grandson of the god of songs), he also fell in love with music. In an accidental opportunity, he planned to steal the guitar of the god of songs. Unfortunately, he fell into the world of the dead, met the god of songs, and opened a shocking secret. After receiving the blessing of the god of songs, he returned to the human world. He sang "Please Remember Me" to his great-grandmother Coco, which made her remember her father.

  "Journey to the Dream Ring" made me understand that people are separated from each other in life and death, and dreams can't be given up lightly. Although the way to pursue dreams is difficult, it can be achieved as long as you have perseverance. Of course, the greatest happiness in the world is the love and support of your family. Shen Shixi once said, "Animal novels write about animals, but reflect human emotions." Why is it not true of human beings? My feeling is: "Although cartoons are childish, they reveal love everywhere."

  After watching this cartoon, I understand what is family love and what is love! The most powerful emotion in the world is "please remember me"!


  At night, the sky is gray. If there is no street light, I think it will be impossible to see the road!

  However, my heart is particularly sunny, just like a small sun in front of me, because I am going to the Dadi Cinema to see "Journey to the Dream Ring".

  At first, the film was quite interesting and funny, but when it came to the end, the style of painting was reversed, and it was deeply emotional and touching. It is no wonder that the network said that nearly 60000 people cried into dogs in the cinema. Even the people I don't like to cry at ordinary times can't stop shedding tears. If there are people in the world who will never cry to see the film, their eyes will be red.

  The content of the film is about a little boy named Miguel who fell into the world of the dead by mistake. After knowing that the god of songs Draculus was his great-grandfather, he was found with the help of Ector, but in the end, Ector was unexpectedly his great-grandfather

  After watching the movie, I summed up a truth. The most important thing for a dead old man or a young man who died unexpectedly is to remember him. All we need to do is to think of our relatives and respect our old friends.

  This film has made me remember for a long time that when I see similar scenes, I can't stop crying.

  At this time, I suddenly remembered that although I still have a healthy grandpa, every time I respond to him, I refuse or shout at him. From this moment on, I know how stupid I am. I decided to think about my grandpa every day, respect him, and let him live happily every day.

  The story in the city of the dead has brought me profound enlightenment: the most important thing in the world is the warmth from the family. Remembering the kindness of the family members to themselves is the best reward for them.


  This weekend, I saw a movie that moved me for a long time - Journey to the Dream. The moving story and profound truth in the film are firmly imprinted in my heart.

  The story takes place on the Day of the Dead in Mexico. The little boy Miguel, who was born in a shoemaking family, left the home where music was banned in order to pursue his dream of music. When he was about to participate in the talent contest of the Day of the Dead, Miguel found himself in the World of the Dead by mistake, and met his dead relatives in the World of the Dead, but they still did not let Miguel touch music. In a fit of anger, Miguel went to look for Draculus, the god of songs, his great-grandfather who had left home because of music. But he finally found that his great-grandfather was Ector who had been helping him since he entered the world of the dead! The truth gradually came to light, and Meg's relatives finally understood his dream.

  The next year's Day of the Dead, the family got together again, singing and playing guitar

  Although I wear 3D glasses, my eyes are still blurred several times, and this soul-stirring affection has deeply melted my heart. I still remember that when the sun was about to rise, Ector would disappear forever because of being forgotten by his family, and Miguel even wanted to help Ector retrieve the photos even if he became a skeleton! This is the power of kinship! Miguel and Ector can sacrifice themselves and help their relatives at the critical moment. Why can't we? Since we are a family, we should help each other at all costs, share weal and woe, and the whole family will be more harmonious and happy.

  And Meg's great-grandmother Melda. When she sent Meg a blessing for the second time to let him go home, her only requirement was to let him remember his relatives in the world of the dead forever. Yes! Although this requirement is very simple, it is extremely valuable. Many parents hope that their children will always remember themselves and their love for them. So when we go to the ends of the earth, we should not forget our parents and all our relatives and friends, so that the hearts of the family will always be together.

  Family love is very simple, and its power is also extremely huge. After watching the film "Journey to the Dream", I will cherish the time with my family more and cherish the precious family love more.


  "Journey to the Dream" is a very moving film.

  On the Day of the Dead in Mexico, Miguel, who loves music, accidentally entered the world of the dead and met his dead relatives. Relatives are willing to help him return to the real world, but on the condition that he is not allowed to touch music. Mig, who loved music, disagreed, so he went to find Drachus, the god of songs, hoping to get his blessing and return to the world. Later, Mige and his great-grandfather, who had not been masked, worked together to reveal the true face of the god of song. Finally, the family understood his good intentions and helped him successfully return to the real world.

  Miguel is a child who likes music, and the god of songs is his favorite idol. However, the god of songs is a liar who does not hesitate to poison people for the sake of interests. He stole the guitar and honor of the victim - Ector - Miguel's great-grandfather... what originally belonged to Ector, instead, it belonged to him! It's really "knowing the face but not the heart"! His desire is a big bag, which can't be filled up. However, one day, that pocket will always be worn out. On that day, the honor he snatched will be returned to the original owner, and even the honor that originally belonged to him will be emptied. Greed has brought such a disaster to people!

  Later, the Mig family found that Mig and his great-grandfather were in a big hole, and saved them with the auspicious animal "Little Pumpkin". At this time, Grandfather Zeng was about to die and disappear in the paradise of the dead. The Meg family gave the blessing to Meg unconditionally. Because they hope that Miguel can live a good life. If Miguel still can't touch music, his life will be miserable. Without the pursuit of dreams, we can only inherit the family's craftsmanship and make those shoes that can never be finished.

  We should learn from Miguel's unremitting pursuit of dreams. No matter how difficult it is, we must overcome it, overcome it, and never retreat. You should make your own decisions in your life, and not let others become your own masters. Life is to have a little happiness, anger and sorrow. Otherwise, who can bear the ordinary life?

  After reading "Journey to the Dream Ring", please quickly open your eyes and look for your dream; After reading "Journey to the Dream", you can quickly clear your mind and realize your dream!


  "The real death is that no one in the world remembers you

  At the end of the film, what I didn't want to leave for a long time was not only the beautiful music and wonderful pictures in the film, but also the courage and perseverance of the little hero and his love for his family.

  In the film, Mig loves music. Because his great-grandfather abandoned his family for music, he was strictly forbidden to touch music. Once, Dandan broke the pictures of Miguel's great-grandfather, grandmother and great-grandmother, and found that his grandfather was holding the guitar of the god of songs.

  Miguel believed that Drachus was his great-grandfather. On the Day of the Dead, for his dream of music, Miguel stole the guitar of the god of songs. He traveled to the world of the dead and met his deceased relatives.

  At first, his great-grandmother asked Mig to go back and asked him never to touch music again. However, just a second after his return, Miguel touched the guitar and was unexpectedly sent back. Later, after a series of things, he realized that his great-grandfather was Ector, and his great-grandmother's request changed from not touching music at the beginning to an unconditional blessing for Miguel.

  Yes, family love is so clean and pure! After returning to the world, Miguel woke up Granny's memory with music, so that Ector did not disappear from the world.

  There is no conflict between dream and family, but we must choose one from the other. Then I think the love of family must be above the dream. On the way of pursuing dreams, only with love can there be strength, and only with love can there be more laughter!
















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