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60s的画像 光 头 强70s的画像 圣 诞 老 公 公






70年代中,游戏里的个人传记:(警告:有严重剧透)康斯坦丁 弗拉基米罗维奇 罗扎耶夫斯基的恶名已经从北爱尔兰到契丹无人不知无人不晓。在他的批判家眼里,他就是个疯子。在他的敌人眼里,他是土匪之王。但对他的支持者来说,他是俄罗斯的“Vozhd(元首)”。他他率领俄fxs党的王师杀入俄国。是他开始了反布和排犹的十字军东征。然而叛徒蒙蔽了他的双眼,屠杀了他旧日的战友,并且脱离了他的队伍。罗扎耶夫斯基内心陷入了无比的挣扎中,他酗酒成性,有着严重的被害妄想症;在那些时日中,他的精神就如同他在泽亚的统治一样黑暗。






































•孤家寡人:与几乎所有其他俄罗斯军阀形成鲜明对比的是,他们的统一的主题曲往往是令人振奋或不祥的行进曲和管弦乐曲,而阿穆尔的是埃里克·萨蒂(Erik Satie)的低沉而有点悲伤的格诺西第一节。即使他实现了复仇的梦想,罗扎耶夫斯基仍然是一个痛苦和空虚的人,他没有真正的朋友,身边都是野心勃勃的马屁精。



























Konstantin Rodzaevsky

Party: Rossiyskaya Fashistskaya Partiya

Ideology: National Socialism

70's In-Game Biography Click to Show (Warning: Unmarked Spoilers)  Konstantin Vladimirovich Rodzaevsky has been known by many names to many people. To his detractors, he was insane. To his enemies, he was the bandit king. To his supporters, he was the Vozhd. He was the one who led the Russian Fascist Party into Russia. He was the one that began the crusade against the Bolshevik and the Jew. And he was repaid with treachery. Traitors desecrated his vision, slaughtered his comrades-in-arms, and distanced themselves from his movement. Rodzaevsky fell into a great depression, latching onto a drinking habit and increasingly-dangerous paranoia; the dark days of Zeya.

But as his enemies were rooted out, and the splitters dealt with; the Bolsheviks destroyed and the crazed cultists ground into dust, Konstantin Rodzaevsky found his spirit renewed as the Vozhd and he was reborn: seizing more and more of Russia, he worked to shed his alcoholism, and his paranoia evaporated alongside the last of his internal enemies. Even the perfidious Germans, who the Vozhd had once looked up to, showed their true colors by ignoring him. But this was not a tragedy - it was a revelation. The Vozhd realized that the Germans were stagnant failures who fell short in establishing their own national socialist utopia - the Germans themselves a race of collective disappointment. The Vozhd learned that the Slav would not need the crutch of another.

The National State, the product of Rodzaevsky's hard work, was the first serious step in his vision to forge a Russia strengthened by national Socialism. He marches onwards, the fires of national Socialism burning in his heart and with full confidence in the future - a national socialist future. A Slavic future.

·         Abhorrent Admirer:

o    His attempt to reach out to Germany for an alliance of National Socialism ends with the German minister of foreign affairs being utterly confused at the contents of the letter. He throws it away, dismissing it as either a prank or the ravings of a madman, leaving only radio silence for Amur, much to Rodzaevsky's anger.

o    Should Yockey become President of the United States, Rodzaevsky will voice his support. Yockey's response upon getting news of this is to rant about culture wars, Slavic civilization, and equate said support to the loyalty of a dog.

·         Ax-Crazy: Rodzaevsky is just as much of a disturbed weirdo as he was in real life, if not more so now that he has the means to act out his megalomaniacal whims. This is downplayed later on, however, as he gradually composes himself.

·         Beard of Evil: Rodzaevsky's starting portrait has him with disheveled-looking stubble, which is less "Beard of Sorrow" as it is "Beard of Insanity". In his 70s portrait, Rodzaevsky grows it out into a slightly tidier, but no less sinister beard (complete with an almost Dastardly Whiplash-style moustache).

·         The Caligula: By game start, Rodzaevsky is an insane, paranoid and megalomaniacal alcoholic ruling over a petty warlord state. Should he manage to consolidate his power, defeat his rivals and reunify Russia however, he gradually becomes more and more sane, if no less evil.

·         Category Traitor: Rodzaevsky brands every Fascist he doesn't like (bonus points if they are aligned with Matkovsky, or are Matkovsky) as "Kosher fascists"note  for their apparent lack of ideological fervor and insufficient anti-Semitism. When Matkovsky finds Amur's files about himself filled with this insult after Rodzaevsky's defeat, he can't help himself but smile at his old friend's antics.

·         Defiant to the End: When defeated and captured by another Far Eastern warlord, Rodzaevsky does not stop raving at Jews and Bolsheviks and insulting his captors until his execution.

·         Faux Affably Evil: Rodzaevsky is described as being a fiery and impassioned orator who has a certain amount of genuine charisma, with the game even referring to him as "The Vozhd of the Russians" (which implies he's able to win ordinary people over with his charm and confidence). This stands in sharp contrast to him also being a ghastly madman with genocidal ambitions.

·         Foil:

o    Over time, he's revealed to be one, in a rather perverse sense, to Sergey Taboritsky. Rodzaevsky progressively becomes more composed and sane (though no less vile) towards the 70s, almost in a warped reversal of Taboritsky's Sanity Slippage.

o    He is also one to Gutrum Vagner, another National Socialist warlord. Both of them are disturbed leaders that practice Nazism and seek an alliance with Germany, who will want nothing to do with either of them and take their diplomatic letters with bewilderment. However, Vagner operates with a cult-like demeanor, worshipping the Germans as gods and believing that they will recognize his organization's attempts to "Aryanize" themselves, while Rodzaevsky does not believe in a Master Race and will eventually conclude that Germany should not be Russia's ally, thinking that they have failed to follow National Socialism and that his nation and people will stand just fine on their own.

·         From Nobody to Nightmare: While not exactly a nobody to begin with, at start of the game, Rodzaevsky is nothing more than a paranoid, alcoholic loser in the middle of nowhere, who has delusions of grandeur, and who wishes for German approval. By the time he unifies Russia, he has shed his alcoholism and paranoia, become more sane and competent, and has come to the realization that the Germans are not Russia's friends. He still remains a violent fascist after all of this, though.

·         Hate Sink: Rodzaevsky is a violent, genocidal anti-semite who adapts Nazism and whose only positive quality is caring for his pet. His extremist tendencies have turned one faction of his party against him and pretty much everyone in the Far East despises his faction. Even Sablin, who has a tendency to forgive his opponents or just imprison them in his least brutal route, decides that he must die for peace to be restored to the east.

·         Horrible Judge of Character: Rodzaevsky still thinks the Nazis could be valuable allies to Amur in cleansing Russia of Bolshevism... even though they've killed millions of his countrymen in their genocidal war of aggression. It's not clear why Rodzaevsky is so unwilling to change his mind on this even after it caused a split within the RFP. It could be that he views the widespread destruction as a necessary cost in eradicating communism for good... or he's just that bloodthirsty and immoral that he doesn't care about all the innocent people who've gotten burned. Subverted, however, when he unifies Russia, at which point he turns against Germany for supposedly not following National Socialism properly.

·         Kick the Son of a Bitch: Usually winds up on the receiving end when he loses to one of the other factions. Bonus points if he loses to Yagoda's Irkutsk, as he's swiftly executed by the NKVD, a fate which he ends up sharing with any other faction that is beaten and purged by Irkutsk.

·         Lonely Piano Piece: In stark contrast to virtually all the other Russian warlords, whose reunification themes tend to be uplifting or ominous marching songs and orchestral pieces, Amur's is Erik Satie's subdued and somewhat mournful Gnossienne No.1                                               . Even as he accomplishes his dreams of revenge, Rodzaevsky remains a bitter and empty man who has destroyed all of his real friendships and surrounded himself with ambitious sycophants.

·         No True Scotsman: Other Fascists that he doesn't like are dubbed "Kosher Fascists," and he especially feels this away about Matkovsky and his allies. Should he reunify Russia, he will extend this label to Germany, dropping the intention to ally with them and believing that they are not practicing National Socialism correctly.

·         The Paranoiac: Although he was already a bitter and hateful man, Rodzaevsky became even more vindictive and paranoid after Matkovsky's defection. Combined with his preexisting nastiness, Rodzaevsky's purges got even more ruthless and extensive.

·         Pet the Dog: Despite being a violent Nazi, it seems even he has the capacity to care for others. In one flavor event, he feeds and adopts a stray kitten as his own, affectionately giving the kitten the name Mura.

·         Poke the Poodle: If Barry Goldwater (a Jew) becomes President of the United States, Rodzaevsky will send him a denouncing letter full of anti-Semitic tirades, calling him "one of the most corrupt and black-hearted Judeans of them all" who manipulated the American population to ensure the total Zionist domination. At the end of the letter, he declares that no matter how Goldwater and the Jewish ruling class feel confident in their untouchability, the American people will eventually take action against their yoke and the Russian people will aid them.

"That ought to put him in his place!"

·         Politically Incorrect Villain: As you would expect from a National Socialist, Rodzaevsky has a bitter hatred for Jews.

·         The Purge: Rodzaevsky's paranoia is so severe that anyone suspected of being a traitor, a foreign agent, or not sufficiently loyal to the RFP will be executed sooner rather than later. As a result, Amur's government is filled with sycophants in lieu of competent administrators and commanders.

·         The Quisling: As was the case in real life, he previously collaborated with the Japanese Empire and used the blackshirts to do their bidding (which included kidnapping people for the Kwantung Army to use as test subjects in Unit 731). During the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Japanese showered him and his blackshirts with Japanese materiel, training, and basically anything else that he could dream of, in exchange for the implied Japanese influence in Russia if he manages to unify the country.

·         Right-Hand Cat: Rodzaevsky adopts a stray cat and names it Mura.

·         Straight Edge Evil: He gradually gets his act together, composing himself and eventually doing away with his more self-destructive habits. By the 70s, he even tidies up, complete with a beard.

·         Tyrant Takes the Helm: Should Amur be the one to unify Russia, being an insane fascist that grows somewhat saner and more pragmatic the longer he remains in rule.

·         We Used to Be Friends: Even after defeating and executing Matkovsky and the monarchists at Chita, Rodzaevsky still remembers a time where he once called them friends. The atmosphere of Harbin and the scarcity of resources in their struggle made cooperation between the Whites and the fascists absolutely necessary. There were always arguments, but there were both good times and bad. Sharing dinner and a vodka with Ataman Semyonov, or drunkenly belting out White Army songs with Matkovsky from his balcony into the chilly, Manchurian night.

·         You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: When his letter asking for an alliance between fellow Nazis reaches Germany, the minister of foreign affairs initially believes it to be a prank, if not the work of a madman. They're in such disbelief that it is serious that they throw it in the garbage.







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