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目录 1 善良方 1.1 索尼克 1.2 塔尔斯 1.3 纳克 1.4 艾咪·罗斯 1.5 克琳姆 1.6 比谷 & 小青蛙 1.7 斯迪克斯 1.8 艾斯皮欧 1.9 查米 1.10 贝克达 1.11 音速小子狂热 / 索尼克狂欢 1.11.1 瑞 1.11.2 麦迪 1.11.3 经典索尼克 1.12 其他时空 1.12.1 希弗尔 1.12.2 布雷兹 2 中立方 2.1 刺猬夏特 2.2 露姬 2.3 奥米伽 2.4 巴比伦盗贼团 2.4.1 杰特 2.4.2 维芙 2.4.3 史东 3 其他出场人物 3.1 小鸟先生 3.2 奇普 3.3 威斯 3.4 查欧 4 邪恶方 4.1 蛋头帝国 4.1.1 金属索尼克 4.1.2 蛋头博士 4.1.3 球形机器人 & 立方体机器人 4.2 头目与杂兵 / BOSS与杂兵 4.2.1 茵弗尼特 4.2.2 梅菲利斯 4.2.3 伊布利斯 4.3 妖怪六鬼团 / 死亡六人组 5 其他人物 5.1 卡欧斯 5.2 蒂卡尔 5.3 玛琳 5.4 多伦佩 5.5 伽马 5.6 人类 5.7 教授杰拉尔德 5.8 玛莉亚 5.9 梅林娜 5.10 艾梅尔 5.11 外星人 6 英文简介 善良方[] 索尼克[] SONIC LOST WORLD E3 FINAL COLOURS SONIC

Sonic the Hedgehog(索尼克)日配:金丸淳一

周年纪念 / 生日: 6月23日

首次出现: 刺猬索尼克(1991)

塔尔斯[] 塔尔斯

Miles "Tails" Prower(塔尔斯)

首次出现: 刺猬索尼克2


Knuckles the Echidna(纳克/纳克鲁斯)

SBK SirGawain


首次出现: 音速小子3

艾咪·罗斯[] Amy Rose Lost World

Amy Rose(艾咪)日配:川田妙子

克琳姆[] Cream(Modern) Cheese (Modern)

Cream the Rabbit & Cheese(克琳姆 & 起司)日配:あおきさやか

比谷 & 小青蛙[] ASR Big FroggyRunners

Big the Cat & Froggy(比谷 / 胖猫比克 & 小青蛙)

斯迪克斯[] Sticks artwork

Sticks the Badger(斯迪克斯)

首次出现: 音速小子 火力全开 / 索尼克音爆

艾斯皮欧[] EspioNew

Espio the Chameleon(艾斯皮欧)日配:増田裕生

查米[] Charmy(Modern)

Charmy Bee(查米 / 查蜜)日配:鉄炮冢叶子

贝克达[] Vector Team Sonic Racing

Vector the Crocodile(贝克达)日配:三宅健太

音速小子狂热 / 索尼克狂欢[] 瑞[] SonicMania Ray

Ray(瑞)首次出现: 音速小子 狂热加强版 / 索尼克狂欢(加强版)

麦迪[] SonicMania Mighty

Mighty(麦迪)首次出现: 音速小子 狂热加强版 / 索尼克狂欢(加强版)

经典索尼克[] SFClassicRender

Classic Sonic(经典索尼克)

首次出现: 音速小子世代 / 索尼克世代

其他时空[] 希弗尔[] TSR Silver

Silver the Hedgehog(希弗尔)

Sir Galahad 3D Artwork


首次出现: 音速小子2006 / 刺猬索尼克(2006)

布雷兹[] TSR Blaze

Blaze the Cat(布雷兹)

SBK SirPercival


首次出现: 音速小子冲刺(Sonic Rush)

中立方[] 刺猬夏特[] 夏特

Shadow the Hedgehog(夏特)

SBK SirLancelot


首次出现: 索尼克大冒险2

露姬[] Mario-and-Sonic-at-the-Rio-2016-Olympic-GamesCTRP BGX charS06 1 R ad

Rouge the Bat(露姬)日配:落合るみ

奥米伽[] E-123 Omega 2011

E-123 Omega(奥米伽)日配:楠大典

巴比伦盗贼团[] 杰特[] Jet the Hawk 2011

Jet the Hawk(杰特)

Jet knight


首次出现: 音速小子滑板竞速 / 索尼克竞速

维芙[] Wave-SonicFreeRiders

Wave the Swallow(维芙)日配:中村千絵

史东[] Sonic-Free-Riders-Characters-artwork-Storm

Storm the Albatross(史东)日配:乃村健次

其他出场人物[] 小鸟先生[] Flicky in Sonic Runners

Flicky(小鸟先生)首次出现: 音速小子(1991)/ 刺猬索尼克 1

奇普[] Chip


首次出现: 音速小子世界大冒险 / 索尼克释放 / 索尼克世界冒险

威斯[] Pink Wisp and other Wisps (Opening)

Wisp(威斯 / 威斯精灵)首次出现: 音速小子:缤纷色彩 / 索尼克色彩

查欧[] Team Sonic Racing Chao QTfiu

Chao & Omochao(查欧 & 玩具巧欧)日配:小桜エツ子

首次出现: 音速小子大冒险 / 索尼克大冒险


Shahra 首次出现: 音速小子与秘密戒指 / 索尼克与神秘指环

邪恶方[] 蛋头帝国[] 金属索尼克[] Metalsoni2

Metal Sonic(金属索尼克)


Dr. Eggman(蛋头博士)

球形机器人 & 立方体机器人[] Sonic-Colours-Orbot Cubot SLW

Orbot & Cubot (球形机器人 & 立方体机器人)球形机器人首次出现: 音速小子世界大冒险 / 索尼克释放

立方体机器人首次出现:音速小子 缤纷色彩/ 索尼克色彩

头目与杂兵 / BOSS与杂兵[] 茵弗尼特[] InfiniteConceptArt


首次出现: 音速小子 武力 / 索尼克力量

梅菲利斯[] RealMephiles

Mephiles the Dark(梅菲利斯 / 梅菲勒斯)日配:坂诘贵之 首次出现: 音速小子2006

伊布利斯[] Firstiblis01

Iblis(伊布利斯 / 易卜劣斯)首次出现: 音速小子2006

Sonic Runners King Boom Boo

King Boom Boo 首次出现: 索尼克大冒险2

Badnik collage

Badnik 首次出现: 音速小子(1991)/   刺猬索尼克 1


Dark Gaia’s Minions 首次出现: 音速小子世界大冒险

妖怪六鬼团 / 死亡六人组[] Sonic facing the Deadly Three (The 2nd)

Zeena(左)、Zavok 萨伏克(中)、Zor(右)

BossRush Act1

Zazz(左)、Master Zik(中)、Zomom(右)

首次出现: 音速小子 失落世界 / 索尼克:失落的世界

其他人物[] 卡欧斯[] SF STEAM MANUAL EN LRv5-12

Chaos(卡欧斯 / 卡奥斯)

蒂卡尔[] Tikal profile v2


玛琳[] RushAdventure Marine pose-0

Marine the Raccoon(玛琳)

多伦佩[] Team Sonic Racing Dodonpa

Dodon Pa(多伦佩)

首次出现: Team Sonic Racing


Hard Boiled Heavies 首次出现: 音速小子 狂热 / 索尼克狂欢

伽马[] E102gamma

E-102 Gamma(伽马)首次出现: 音速小子大冒险

人类[] Funny People 2


首次出现: 音速小子世界大冒险 / 索尼克释放

教授杰拉尔德[] Gerald Robotnik profile

Gerald Robotnik(教授杰拉尔德 / 杰拉德教授)

玛莉亚[] Maria Robotnik Archie

Maria Robotnik(玛莉亚)

梅林娜[] Merlina nb

Merlina the Wizard(梅林娜)首次出现: 音速小子与黑暗骑士 / 索尼克与黑暗骑士

艾梅尔[] Sonicchannel emerl-0


外星人[] Zoah Brute profile

Aliens(外星人)首次出现: 音速小子编年纪 黑暗兄弟会

Nights 2


首次出现: NiGHTS into Dreams

英文简介[] Sonic Sonic is the fastest thing alive and the eponymous protagonist of the series who possesses incredible super speed and numerous other abilities that are known to be based on breakdancing. He uses these skills to save the world from Dr. Eggman. He is impatient, laid-back, confident, cool-headed and always on the lookout for an adventure as well as to help anyone in need of rescuing. Sonicchannel sonic02 nocircle Tails Sonic's best friend. He is a young two-tailed fox who can fly for a limited time by spinning his tails rapidly, and has most of Sonic's abilities, including his supersonic speed. He is a skilled mechanic and often takes care of Sonic's biplane, the Tornado. Sonicchannel tails Dr. Eggman Real name Dr. Ivo Robotnik, Eggman is Sonic's arch nemesis and the series' main villain. He is extremely intelligent, pompous, bad-tempered, egg-shaped, and has a giant red-brown mustache. Eggman is an expert in robotics with an IQ of 300 whose goal is to conquer the world and build the Eggman Empire. However, Sonic and his friends always stand in his way. In many cases, he is ironically outdone by his own plans. Sonic Art Assets DVD - Eggman - 4 Knuckles The last living echidna and Sonic's hotheaded friend and rival. Knuckles resides onAngel Island, where he guards the Master Emerald, the source of the island's ability to float in the sky. Knuckles is very strong; his spiked fists are capable of smashing through boulders as well as allowing him to climb walls. The nature of his echidna dreadlocks allows him to glide in the air for periods of time. Sonicchannel knuckles nocircle Amy A young pink hedgehog who has become Sonic's self-appointed girlfriend, first seen in Sonic the Hedgehog CD. Ever since Sonic and Amy met, she has been in love with Sonic and she now wants him to marry her. Amy is quite strong and smashes enemy forces down with her trusty Piko Piko Hammer. Sonicchannel amy nocircle Shadow Shadow is a mysterious black hedgehog resembling Sonic in appearance and skills, making him Sonic's biggest arch-rival. He is the Ultimate Life Form created by Gerald Robotnik with Black Doom's DNA on the Space Colony ARK over five decades ago. He recently suffered from amnesia but has regained all of his memories since then. He can use Chaos Control to distort time and space. Sonicchannel shadow Cream & Cheese A naive young rabbit who lives with her mother, Vanilla. Cream's best friend is a Chao called Cheese (which she uses as missile). Because Cream has been brought up like a princess, she does not like being involved in other peoples' affairs. She can fly using her large ears. Sonicchannel cream nocircle Rouge Rouge is a sassy female bat treasure hunter who's goal is to make all the gems in the world hers and also works as a spy for GUN. She is full of feminine charm and can be very manipulative. She is Knuckles' rival. Sonicchannel rouge nocircle Big A big purple tabby cat who loves fishing. His best friend is a frog named Froggy, whom he constantly keeps losing. Big lives with his buddy in a peaceful hut in theMystic Ruins. Big 7 Chao Chao are a brittle, fleeting and very lovable life form with no defined evolutionary direction. They primarily inhabit clear watersides. By interacting with other living things, they can incorporate their natures and change themselves to adapt to the environment and survive. They are known for their very loving behavior. 3 Chao Chaotix A team of misfits who have started their own detective agency. The Chaotix consists of Vector the Crocodile, Espio the Chameleon and Charmy Bee, with Vector being their leader. They met for the first time when they fought against Dr. Robotnik inKnuckles' Chaotix, along with Mighty the Armadillo and Knuckles The Echidna, both of which haven't appeared with them since. Sonicchannel vector nocircle Sonicchannel espio nocircle Sonicchannel charmy E-123 Omega The last of the E-100 series of robots created by Eggman and seeks revenge on his master for shutting him down, not being able to realize his potential. Rouge accidentally activated him when trying to free Shadow from Eggman's base. Since then, he has became good friends with both of them. Sonicchannel omega nocircle Babylon Rogues A group of professional Extreme Gear riders that searches for treasure for their benefits. The leader is Jet the Hawk who is the most talented of Extreme Gear riding, being known as the Legendary Wind Master and shares a rivalry with Sonic in speed.Wave the Swallow, a brilliant and intelligent mechanic, and Storm the Albatross, physically strong in arms but somewhat clumsy, follow Jet's leadership. JetChannelNoBackground WaveChannelNoBackground StormChannelNoBackground Blaze A female, pyrokinetic lavender cat from a parallel universe. As guardian of the Sol Emeralds, it is her duty to prevent anyone from taking them away from her. She is somewhat shy and tends to conceal her real feelings. Sonicchannel blaze Silver  Silver is a mysterious, white-colored hedgehog from the future. He traveled through time to stop Sonic, who he believed to be the Iblis Trigger causing his time to be ruined. Unlike Sonic, Silver utilizes psychokinesis that allows him to lift objects with his mind and throw them at foes. Sonicchannel silver Chaos Chao is an ancient, mutated Chao with high intelligent and god-like powers. With a peaceful temperament, it used the power it gained from the seven Chaos Emeralds to keep the waters around its altar clean and protect its family from enemies. However, when the Knuckles Clan sacrificed its fellow Chao to steal the Chaos Emeralds, Chaos was consumed by anger and used the seven Emeralds to become Perfect Chaos. It then caused a flood and tried to destroy the world until it was sealed in the Master Emerald. Thanks to Sonic though, it has now found peace. Sonicchannel chaos E-102 Gamma Eggman's shooting robot and the second model in the E-100 Series. Much like Eggman's Badniks, Gamma relied on an animal as a source of bioenergy. After encountering Amy, it began to doubt its allegiance. Eventually, it broke free from Eggman's control to "save" its other brethren from the E-100 Series by setting their animal power sources free. It was destroyed after saving E-101 Mark II. GammaBIG Tikal The daughter of the chief of the ancient Knuckles Clan, Pachacamac. Tikal is kind and gentle with a peaceful temperament. She can also communicate with Chaos who was originally feared as a foreign object. She was critical of her father's warmongering and constantly opposed his violent raids of other countries. After Chaos went out of control when Pachacamac invaded its altar, Tikal sealed herself and Chaos in theMaster Emerald. When Chaos resurrected in the modern day, Tikal's soul emerged as a orb to stop Chaos by guiding Sonic and his allies. Sonicchannel tikal Emerl A mysterious robot from the Nocturnus Clan with the ability to learn skills from others and copy them for himself. He was identified as the legendary "Gizoid", the ultimate combat weapon from 4,000 years ago, by Professor Gerald Robotnik, after the professor discovered him and awoke him during an experiment with the Chaos Emerald. In the end, Sonic destroyed Emerl when he went on a rampage. His name "Emerl" is derived from his affinity with the Chaos Emeralds. Sonicchannel emerl Metal The robotic counterpart of Sonic the Hedgehog, created by Dr. Robotnik who possesses many of Sonic's abilities including his super speed. He seems to believe that he is in fact the real Sonic and that Sonic is his copy. In Sonic Heroes he betrayed his creator, and took the task of trying to achieve world domination into his own claws. Sonicchannel metal Marine A spirited and talkative raccoon girl (who is surprisingly also a neat freak). Active and behavioral, she has a strong longing for adventure. When she encounters something new, she gets so caught up in it that she ignores the surroundings. Her reckless attitude is a frustration to many, but after her adventures with Sonic, she has sworn to grow up. RushAdventure Marine pose Chip An ancient deity from the beginning of time and the incarnation of light, day and rebirth. He got his name from Sonic after the hedgehog noticed Chip's affection for the Sundae Supreme ice cream. He is a tremendous glutton and always hides chocolate somewhere on him. He is bright and friendly, but also a bit goofy. While easily frightened, he possesses enormous powers. Chip 3 Sticks A crazy and paranoid badger girl from the Sonic Boom franchise who has appeared in a couple of Sonic the Hedgehog mainstream medias. She lives at the edge of the forest. Because she has lived in the wild since early age, Sticks is feral and without common sense. However, she is a skilled hunter and an expert at using boomerangs. She is also a good friend of Amy. Sticks Sonic Channel Eggman Nega The opposite but equally evil Dr. Eggman known as Eggman Nega. Like Silver the Hedgehog, Nega is from the distant future, and is Eggman's descendant. Similar to his ancestor, he tries to steal the mystic gems of his world to rule the universe. He is cunning, cold-hearted and a genius, just like the true mad scientist. However, he can easily be seen as a different doctor by his deep shades, nasal voice and gray mustache. Rush eggman nega Orbot & Cubot Dr. Eggman's robots, who he made for the purpose of aiding him. The round one is Orbot and the square one is Cubot—together they are a duo.

Orbot is the brains and more serious and firmer one. Although he carries out his master's orders with devotion and he completes his work diligently, his spiteful sarcasm sometimes angers Dr. Eggman. He is the straight man to Cubot’s funny man.

Cubot is a good-hearted and easy-going robot. Even though he is supposed to be built with the same CPU as Orbot's, he is somehow slow on the uptake. He admires Dr. Eggman, but his behavior is like a sloth that cannot be bothered to be woken up, so he does nothing but upset him. Cubot is the funny man to Orbot’s straight man.

Orbot&CubotSonicChannel 音速小子系列 人物 英雄 索尼克 | 塔爾斯 | 納克 | 艾咪 | 貝克達 | 艾斯皮歐 | 查米 | 比谷 | 小青蛙 | 克琳姆 | 起司 | 希弗爾 | 布雷茲 | 瑪琳 | 蒂卡爾 | 麥迪 | 雷 | 奇普 | Avatar | 經典索尼克 | 經典塔爾斯 反英雄 夏特 | 露姬 | 奧米伽 | 卡歐斯 | 伽馬 | 艾梅爾 | 傑特 | 維芙 | 史東 反派 蛋頭博士 | 金屬音速小子 | Iblis | 梅菲利斯 | Solaris | Dark Gaia | Orbot | Cubot | Zazz | Zomom | Master Zik | Zeena | Zor | Zavok | 茵弗尼特 其他 Omochao | 教授傑拉爾德 | 瑪莉亞 | Elise | Pickle | Shahra | 梅林娜 | Lancelot | Gawain | Percival | Nimue | Blacksmith | Galahad | Lamorak 團隊 Badnik | 蛋頭帝國 | 小動物 | 巧兒 | Knuckles Clan | E系列 | 卡歐迪克斯 | G.U.N. | 巴比倫盜賊團 | 圓桌騎士團 | Nocturnus Clan | 基佐伊德 | Zoah | Dark Gaia's Minions | 威斯 | Deadly Six | Hard Boiled Heavies






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