200+种节日快乐 & 圣诞快乐的真挚英语祝福

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200+种节日快乐 & 圣诞快乐的真挚英语祝福

2024-07-10 09:18:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





目录如何为别人送祝福祝福伴侣祝福朋友或家人祝福客户、同事和员工给老板或管理层给员工或同事给客户祝福学生和老师给老师给学生用英语说圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas)的各种方式实用的节日祝福经典金句写贺卡写商务邮件写社交媒体文案电影中的经典台词



Learn how to wish someone a Happy Holidays in English.



这就是为什么现在许多人都选择说“节日快乐(Happy Holidays)”,而不是“圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas)”,因为前面的说法更具包容性。




Wholehearted Happy Holiday wishes for your partner in English.


Wishing the merriest of holidays to the love of my life. May our days be filled with joy and our hearts with love. - 祝我一生所爱节日快乐。愿我们的日子充满欢乐,心充满爱。In your arms, every holiday feels magical. Cheers to many more wonderful moments together! - 在你的怀抱中,每个假期都充满魔力。让我们举杯共祝今后一起会有更多美好的时刻!Spending this holiday season with you is the best gift I could ever ask for. Happy holidays, my love. - 与你共度这个假期,是我能要求的最好礼物。节日快乐,我的爱人。With you by my side, every day is a celebration. Happy holidays, my dear. - 有你在我身边,每一天都值得庆祝。亲爱的,节日快乐。This season, I'm grateful for the warmth of your love that lights up my life. Merry Christmas, my love. - 这个季节,我感恩你用温暖的爱照亮了我的生活。圣诞快乐,我的爱人。May our holiday be as bright as the twinkle in your eyes and as warm as the love in your heart. - 愿我们的假期像你闪烁的双眸一样明亮,像你心中的爱一样温暖。Wishing you a holiday filled with laughter, love, and unforgettable moments. You're my everything. - 祝你的假期充满欢声笑语、甜蜜爱情和难忘时刻。你是我的一切。Snowflakes are beautiful, but your love makes every moment truly enchanting. Happy holidays, my sweetheart. - 雪花固然美丽,但你的爱才真正让每一刻都变得迷人。亲爱的,节日快乐。Here's to cuddles by the fire and sweet moments under the mistletoe. Happy holidays, my love! - 让我们庆祝那些在暖炉前相拥和在圣诞幸运枝下相吻的甜蜜时刻。亲爱的,节日快乐!You're the reason for my holiday cheer, the love that warms my heart, and the joy in every moment. Happy holidays, my darling. - 你是我节日快乐的原因,是温暖我心的爱,是我每一刻的欣喜。亲爱的,祝你节日快乐。As the snow falls, I'm reminded of the beauty and joy you bring to my life. Happy holidays, my love. - 随着雪花飘落,我想起了你给我的生活所带来的美丽和欢乐。节日快乐,我的爱人。Every holiday is special with you, my love. Cheers to creating more beautiful memories together. - 亲爱的,有你的每个假期都很特别。让我们举杯相庆,为能在一起创造更多美好的回忆。In your embrace, the world feels perfect. Here's to a holiday season as wonderful as our love. - 在你的怀抱中,世界是完美的。祝这个假期能像我们的爱情一样美好。May the spirit of the holidays fill our hearts with even more love and joy. Happy holidays, my dearest. - 愿节日的气氛让我们心中充满更多的爱和欢乐。祝我最亲爱的你节日快乐。Wishing my incredible partner a holiday season that's as extraordinary as you are. - 愿节假日如我的伴侣,精彩非凡。With you, every moment feels like a holiday. Here's to celebrating our love this festive season. - 有你,每一刻都感觉像假期。让我们在这个节日里庆祝我们的爱情。Your love is the best gift I could ever receive. May this holiday be as bright as our future together. - 你的爱是我能收到的最好礼物。愿这个节日和我们的未来一样美好。As we celebrate this holiday, know that my love for you grows stronger with each passing day. - 值此佳节,我想要你知道,我对你的爱与日俱增。Sending you all my love and warm wishes this holiday season. You're my greatest joy. - 值此假日,向你送上我所有的爱和温暖祝福。你是我最大的快乐。In your arms, I've found my forever holiday destination. Happy festivities, my love! - 我最想去的度假胜地,永远都是你的怀里。节日快乐,我的爱人!This holiday, I'm thankful for the love that makes every day a celebration. Cheers to us! - 在这个节日里,我感谢爱让每一天都变得值得庆祝。为我们干杯!You're the star on my holiday tree, the melody in my seasonal songs, and the love in my heart. - 你是我眼中的星、耳中的旋律、心中的爱。May this holiday season bring us closer than ever before, sharing love and laughter. - 愿这个节日让我们比以往更加亲近,分享爱和欢笑。Your love is the light that guides me through every holiday season. Wishing you the happiest of times. - 你的爱如一道光,照亮我的每个假日。祝你拥有最快乐的时光。As we create new memories this holiday, know that you're the best part of my life's story. - 当我们在这个节日创造新的回忆时,要知道你是我生命故事中最美好的部分。Wishing you a holiday season filled with moments that make your heart skip a beat. - 祝你度过一个充满让你心动时刻的假日。May the spirit of togetherness and joy infuse every corner of our celebrations during this holiday time. - 愿团聚和欢乐在这个节日中无处不在。You make every holiday brighter and every moment more cherished. May this holiday bring you peace, joy, and love as big as the one I have for you. - 你让每个节日都更加灿烂,每个时刻都更加珍贵。愿这个假期给你带来平安、快乐和爱,就像我为你带来的一样。May our love be the warmth that makes this holiday season truly magical. - 愿我们的爱成为温暖,让这个假日真正充满魔力。May the warmth of our affection light up the cold winter nights, making this holiday season truly magical. - 愿我们的温情照亮寒冷的冬夜,让这个节假日真正充满魔力。



The holiday season is a time to express the love and appreciation you feel for your family members and friends.


Wishing you a season filled with laughter, love, and cherished moments. - 祝你度过充满笑声、爱和珍贵时刻的节日。May your holidays be as bright as the smiles on your faces. - 愿你的假期和你脸上的笑容一样灿烂。Sending warm wishes for a joyful and peaceful holiday season. - 谨致温馨祝福,愿你度过欢乐祥和的节日。May your heart be light and your spirits be high during this festive time. - 愿你在这个节庆的时光里,心情舒畅,精神抖擞。Wishing you all the magic and wonder this holiday season can bring. - 愿你尽享这个节日的所有魔力和奇迹。May your home be filled with the warmth of family and the joy of friendship. - 愿你的家充满了亲情的温暖和友情的欢乐。Here's to a holiday season that's wrapped in love and tied with happiness. - 祝你拥有被爱包围、幸福相伴的假日。May the holiday spirit uplift you and those around you in the most beautiful way. - 愿节日氛围以最美的方式鼓舞你和你身边的人。Wishing you a season of gratitude, reflection, and joyous celebrations. - 祝你有个充满感恩、自省和欢乐庆祝的节日。May your days be merry, your nights cozy, and your heart full of contentment. - 愿你日日快乐,夜夜温馨,心满意足。Sending love across the miles and hoping your holidays are filled with happiness. - 遥寄相思,愿你节日快乐。May the peace and joy of the season be yours throughout the coming year. - 愿此节日的祥和与欢乐在新一年里与你同在。Wishing you a holiday filled with meaningful connections and beautiful memories. - 祝你度过一个有意义且满是美好回忆的节日。May this festive season bring you closer to your dreams and aspirations. - 愿此假日让你更接近梦想和愿望。Here's to creating unforgettable moments and treasured traditions with your loved ones. - 祝你与所爱之人一起创造难忘时刻和珍贵仪式。May the magic of the holidays brighten your days and inspire your heart. - 愿节日的魔力照亮你的日子,激励你的心灵。Wishing you a season of giving, receiving, and sharing love with those who matter most. - 祝你在这个节日里给予、接受并与最重要的人分享爱。May your holiday season be a tapestry of love, laughter, and the joy of togetherness. - 愿你的节日充满爱、欢笑和团聚的喜悦。Sending you warm hugs and heartfelt wishes for a delightful holiday experience. - 送上温暖的拥抱和真挚的祝愿,愿你度过愉快的假日。May your days be wrapped in the joy of the season and tied with ribbons of happiness. - 愿你每天都被节日的喜悦包围,被幸福的丝带绑定。Wishing you a holiday season filled with all the things that make your heart smile. - 愿你的节日充满让你会心一笑的事务。May the holiday lights shine as brightly as the love in your heart. - 愿节日的灯光和你心中的爱一样闪亮。Here's to a season of gratitude, kindness, and the simple pleasures of life. - 这个假日充满了感恩、善良和简单的生活乐趣。May the spirit of hope and goodwill fill your home and heart this holiday season. - 值此佳节,愿你家中有希望,心中有善良。Wishing you a holiday that's as special as you are to us. - 祝你的假期像你对我们一样特别。May your holiday season be blessed with love, laughter, and all things wonderful. - 愿你的节假日充满爱、欢笑和一切美好的事物。Here's to celebrating the beauty of the season and the love we share with family and friends. - 让我们一起庆祝这个美丽的季节,以及我们与家人和朋友分享的爱。May your holiday be wrapped in joy, tied with laughter, and adorned with love. - 愿你的节日被欢乐包裹,被笑声牵绊,被爱意点缀。Wishing you a holiday season that leaves you refreshed, inspired, and deeply content. - 祝你在这个节日里神清气爽、灵感迸发、心满意足。May your celebrations be filled with love, your home with happiness, and your heart with peace. - 愿你的节日充满爱,家充满幸福,心充满安宁。Here's to a holiday season that brings you closer to your dreams and the people you hold dear. - 值此佳节,愿你离梦想更近,和你珍爱的人更亲。May the holiday magic sparkle in your eyes and the warmth of love fill your heart. - 愿你眼中闪烁着节日的魔力,心中充满爱的温暖。




Happy Holiday wishes for business clients, colleagues and employees.

给老板或管理层:Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with relaxation and well-deserved time with loved ones. - 祝您有一个愉快的假期,充满放松,并与亲人团聚。May your holiday be a time of rejuvenation, reflecting on your achievements, and looking forward to new opportunities. - 愿您借着假期时光恢复活力、回味成就、期待新机遇。Sending my warmest wishes for a peaceful holiday season that brings you happiness and tranquility. - 送上我最温馨的祝福,祝祥和的节日给您带来幸福和安宁。Hoping the holidays grant you moments of rest, so you can return with renewed energy for the challenges ahead. - 希望假期您能喘口气,满血回归,以迎接未来的挑战。May your holiday be filled with the joy of accomplishments and the anticipation of a successful year ahead. - 愿你的假期充满成就的喜悦和对来年成功的期待。Wishing you a prosperous new year guided by your leadership and vision. - 祝您在新的一年里,在您领导力和远见卓识的助力下,事业兴旺。May your holiday be a time to recharge, returning to lead us with your remarkable dedication. - 愿您的假期帮您恢复活力,带着您卓越的奉献精神归来,并领导我们。Sending appreciation for your guidance throughout the year. Wishing you a delightful holiday season. - 感谢您一年来的指导。祝您节假日愉快。Hoping the holidays provide you with time to relax and enjoy the fruits of your hard work. - 希望假期能让您放松身心,享受辛勤工作的成果。May your holiday season be a blend of professional satisfaction and personal joy. - 愿您的假日融合了工作上的满足和生活中的快乐。Wishing you a well-deserved break during the holidays, followed by a year of even greater achievements. - 祝您在假期中尽享应得的休息,接下来的一年更加辉煌。May the holiday spirit bring you the satisfaction of a year well-led and the anticipation of a bright future. - 愿在节日的气氛里,您对这一年出色的领导心满意足,对美好的未来无限憧憬。Sending you warmest wishes for a joyous holiday season filled with inspiration and happiness. - 向您致以最诚挚的祝福,祝您度过一个充满灵感和幸福的欢乐节日。Hoping the holidays grant you the opportunity to reflect on your accomplishments and recharge for the journey ahead. - 希望假期能让您有机会回味自己的成就,并为未来充电。May your holiday season be a harmonious balance of relaxation and the excitement of new endeavors. - 愿您的假日能够在放松和兴奋之间取得完美平衡。Wishing you a fulfilling holiday, with time to enjoy the rewards of your leadership and dedication. - 祝您度过充实的假期,有时间享受自身的领导力和奉献所带来的回报。May your holidays be both relaxing and invigorating, setting the tone for a successful year ahead. - 愿您的假期既放松又振奋,为未来的成功奠定基调。Sending appreciation for your guidance and leadership. Wishing you a joyful holiday season and a prosperous new year. - 感谢您的指导和领导。祝您节假日快乐,新年吉祥。Hoping you find time to unwind during the holidays and return with renewed zeal to lead us toward excellence. - 希望您在假期中有时间放松,带着新的热情回归,并引领我们走向卓越。

给员工或同事:Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with rest and rejuvenation. - 祝你节日快乐,充分休息、恢复活力。May this holiday bring you well-deserved relaxation and quality time with loved ones. - 愿这个节日你能享受到应得放松,并与所爱的人共度美好时光。Sending warm wishes for a peaceful holiday and a prosperous new year ahead. - 送上温馨的祝福,祝你节日平和、新年一切顺利。May your holiday be a time of joy, reflection, and anticipation for the coming year. - 愿你的假期充满欢乐、思考和对来年的期待。Wishing you a wonderful break to recharge and return with renewed energy. - 祝你有个美好的休息时间,好好充电,焕发着活力回归。May the holiday spirit inspire you with fresh ideas and a positive outlook. - 愿节日氛围给你带来新的灵感和积极展望。Enjoy your time away from work, and return with enthusiasm to conquer new challenges. - 享受不用工作的时光吧,带着热情回来征服新的挑战。Wishing you a season of happiness, both personally and professionally. - 祝你节日快乐,无论是生活还是工作。May this holiday bring you moments of inspiration and connections with those you care about. - 愿这个节日为你带来灵感,让你与关心的人紧密相连。We appreciate your hard work and dedication this year. Enjoy a well-deserved holiday. - 我们感谢你今年的辛勤工作和奉献。享受一个应得的假期吧。Wishing you a healthy and joyous holiday season surrounded by family and friends. - 祝你能在家人和朋友的陪伴下度过健康快乐的假期。May your holidays be filled with joy, and may you return with a sense of purpose and motivation. - 愿你的假期充满快乐,带着目标和动力归来。Enjoy the festivities and make the most of your time away from the office. - 充分利用远离办公室的时光,尽情享受节日的快乐。Wishing you a season of success, relaxation, and memorable moments. - 祝你度过一个成功、放松,且难忘的假期。May the holiday break provide you with a fresh perspective and renewed determination. - 愿假期给你带来新视角和新决心。

给客户:Wishing you a joyful holiday season filled with success and prosperity. - 祝您节假日快乐,事业蓬勃兴旺。May the holidays bring you relaxation and a fresh perspective for the upcoming year. - 愿假期能让您放松身心,以全新的视角迎接新的一年。Sending warm wishes of gratitude for your continued partnership. Happy holidays! - 送上温馨的祝福,感谢您一如既往的合作。节日快乐!May your holiday season be a time of reflection and anticipation for a productive year ahead. - 愿您在节假日期间能忆往昔,并期待来年成果丰硕。Wishing you moments of rest and rejuvenation during this festive season. - 祝您在这个节假日能休息片刻,养精蓄锐。May the holiday spirit inspire new opportunities and fruitful collaborations. - 愿节日氛围激发新的机遇和富有成效的合作。Expressing our sincerest appreciation for your trust and partnership. Happy holidays to you and your team! - 谨对您的信任和合作致以最诚挚的谢意。祝您和您的团队节日快乐!Wishing you a peaceful holiday break and a successful journey in the upcoming year. - 祝您假期宁静祥和,来年成功顺利。May your holidays be filled with joy and surrounded by loved ones. - 愿您的假期充满快乐,并有亲人相伴。Reflecting on a year of shared accomplishments and looking forward to future successes. Happy holidays! - 回顾一年的共同成就,期待未来的更多成功。节日快乐!Wishing you a festive holiday season and a prosperous start to the new year. - 祝您节假日快乐,开年大吉。May your holidays be as bright as the value you bring to our partnership. - 愿您的假期就像您为我们的合作所带来的价值一样,熠熠生辉。Expressing our gratitude for your loyalty and support throughout the year. Happy holidays! - 感谢您一年来对我们的信任和支持。节日快乐!Wishing you a season of inspiration, growth, and well-deserved relaxation. - 祝您在这个节日里收获灵感、成长和受之无愧的放松。May the holiday season be a time of celebration, connection, and professional achievement. - 愿节日成为庆祝、增进联络、取得事业成就的时光。





Teacher wishes her student a very merry Christmas in English.

给老师:Wishing you a peaceful and joyful holiday season, and thank you for everything you’ve taught me this year. - 祝您度过一个祥和、快乐的节假日,感谢您这一年来教给我的一切。May your holidays be filled with relaxation and well-deserved rest. - 愿您在假期能充分放松、好好休息。Sending my best wishes for a restorative and enjoyable break. - 谨致我最诚挚的祝愿,愿您度过一个恢复活力的愉快假期。May this holiday bring you the time to rejuvenate and recharge. - 愿这个假期能让您养精蓄锐。Wishing you a season of happiness, surrounded by your loved ones. - 祝愿您在亲人的陪伴下,度过一个快乐的假期。May your holidays be a blend of serenity and delightful moments. - 愿您的假期宁静而愉悦。Here's to a well-earned break and a prosperous new year ahead. - 您是该好好休息一下了,祝新年吉祥。Wishing you a holiday season filled with warmth, both in spirit and surroundings. - 祝您度过一个暖心且温馨的假期。May your holidays be as enriching as the knowledge you share with us. - 愿您的假期和您与我们分享的知识一样丰富多彩。Wishing you health, happiness, and renewed energy this holiday season. - 祝您在这个节假日里健康幸福、精力充沛。May your holidays bring you the relaxation you truly deserve. - 愿您在假期能好好休息。May your holiday season be peaceful and marked by gratitude and reflection. - 愿您的假期平和安宁,充满感恩与回忆。Wishing you a joyful holiday with time for leisure and cherished moments. - 祝您节日快乐,享受休闲时光和珍贵的时刻。May this holiday provide you with the opportunity to enjoy life's simple pleasures. - 愿您得以在此假期享受生活中的简单乐趣。Sending my heartfelt wishes for a restful holiday filled with positivity. - 衷心祝您度过一个积极向上的宁静假期。

给学生:Wishing all my wonderful students a joyful and relaxing holiday break. - 祝我优秀的学生们度过一个轻松愉快的假期。May your holidays be filled with laughter, love, and precious moments with your loved ones. - 愿你们的假期充满欢声笑语、浓浓爱意、与亲人们在一起的珍贵时刻。Sending warm wishes for a well-deserved break and a rejuvenating holiday season. - 送给你们温馨的祝福,祝你们节假日好好休息,满血复活。May this holiday time bring you the rest and joy you've earned throughout the year. - 愿这个节日带给你应得的放松和快乐。Enjoy the holiday festivities, recharge your spirits, and come back refreshed. - 尽情享受节日的欢乐气氛,充实精神,神清气爽地归来。Wishing you a season of happiness, positivity, and cherished memories. - 祝你节日快乐、积极向上,并留下美好回忆。May your holiday be as bright and colorful as your imagination and dreams. - 愿你的假期像你的思想和梦想一样绚丽多彩。Take this time to unwind, pursue your passions, and return with renewed enthusiasm. - 利用这段时间放松身心,做你热衷的事,热情洋溢地归来。Wishing you a holiday that's a perfect mix of relaxation, adventure, and happiness. - 祝你度过一个放松、刺激和快乐的假期。May your holidays be a time of growth, reflection, and connecting with your loved ones. - 愿您的假期成为一个充满成长、思考、和与亲人紧密联系的美好时刻。Enjoy the magic of the season and return with a heart full of stories to share. - 享受假期的魔力,带着满心的故事回来分享。May your break be filled with joyous moments and the company of those you hold dear. - 愿你的假期充满欢乐时光,并有你所爱的人相伴。May this holiday season be a time for you to take a break, indulge in your favorite activities, and return ready to embrace new learning. - 愿这个节假日你能好好休息,沉浸在你最喜欢的活动中,并准备好迎接新的学习。Wishing you a holiday filled with exploration, fun, and unforgettable experiences. - 祝你的假期充满探索、乐趣和难忘的经历。May this holiday season be a time of gratitude, giving, and personal growth for each of you. - 愿此节假日成为你们每个人感恩、奉献和个人成长的时刻。

用英语说圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas)的各种方式

鉴于许多人在12月份庆祝除圣诞节以外的其他节日,“圣诞快乐(Merry Christmas)”不再是通用的节日祝福语。在你不确定对方是否庆祝圣诞节时,更合适的节日问候语是“节日快乐(Happy Holidays)”。


Write a memorable and perfectly-worded Happy Holidays message in English.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas filled with joy and laughter. - 祝你有个充满欢声笑语的圣诞节。May your Christmas be as bright and magical as the holiday lights. - 愿你的圣诞节像节日灯光一样明亮和神奇。Sending warmest wishes for a joyful and peaceful Christmas season. - 送上最温暖的祝福,祝你度过一个欢乐祥和的圣诞季。Have yourself a merry little Christmas filled with love and happiness. - 愿你度过一个充满爱和幸福的快乐圣诞节。May your heart be light and your days be merry this Christmas. - 这个圣诞节,愿你心情舒畅、天天快乐。Wishing you a season of love, laughter, and cherished memories. - 祝你有个充满爱、欢笑和珍贵回忆的圣诞节。Hoping your Christmas is wrapped in happiness and tied with love. - 希望你的圣诞节被幸福包裹、被爱所系。Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year filled with endless possibilities. - 祝你圣诞快乐、新年快乐,并愿来年充满无尽的可能。May the magic of Christmas fill every corner of your life with joy. - 愿圣诞的魔力让你生活的每个角落都充满欢乐。Here's to a holiday season that sparkles with hope and glows with love. - 祝你的节假日闪耀着希望,洋溢着爱。May your days be merry and bright and your heart be full of delight. - 愿你的日子欢快明亮,内心充满喜悦。Wishing you all the joy and wonder the holiday season brings. - 愿你拥有节日带来的所有快乐和奇迹。May the spirit of Christmas warm your heart all year round. - 愿圣诞氛围全年温暖你的心。Sending you festive wishes for a jolly and wonderful Christmas. - 为你送上节日的祝福,祝你度过一个欢乐美好的圣诞节。Wishing you a season of giving, receiving, and treasured moments. - 祝你度过一个既有付出、也有收获,并充满珍贵时刻的圣诞节。Merry Christmas to you and yours, from our hearts to yours. - 我们衷心祝愿你和你的家人圣诞快乐。May your Christmas be surrounded by the love of family and friends. - 愿你的圣诞节被家人和朋友的爱所包围。Warmest holiday wishes to you and your loved ones. Merry Christmas! - 谨向你和你的亲人致以最温馨的节日祝愿。圣诞快乐!Here's to a Christmas filled with happiness, love, and plenty of good times. - 祝大家度过一个充满幸福、爱和美好时光的圣诞节。Wishing you a joyous holiday season and a bright new year ahead. - 祝你假期愉快,并有个欢乐的新年。May the holiday spirit bring you peace, love, and endless happiness. - 愿假期的氛围带给你平安、爱意和无尽的幸福。Merry Christmas! May your heart be as light as a snowflake and as warm as a fireplace. - 圣诞快乐!愿你的心如雪花般轻盈,如壁炉般温暖。Wishing you a season of togetherness, laughter, and cherished memories. - 祝你的节日充满团聚、欢声笑语和珍贵回忆。May your Christmas be wrapped in love and tied with good health. - 愿你的圣诞被爱包裹,与健康相伴。Hoping your holiday season is sprinkled with moments of pure joy. - 希望你的假日充满纯粹的快乐。Merry Christmas and a New Year that's as amazing as you are. - 圣诞快乐,愿新年和你一样精彩。May the magic of Christmas fill your heart with wonder and awe. - 愿圣诞的魔力让你的内心充满惊奇和敬畏。Sending you warm wishes for a sparkling Christmas and a joyful year ahead. - 送上温馨的祝福,祝你的圣诞熠熠生辉,新年充满喜悦。Wishing you a holiday season that's as special as you are to us. - 愿你的假期如你一般特别。Merry Christmas! May your days be merry and your heart be light. - 圣诞快乐!愿你的日子欢快,心情轻松。May the holiday lights shine as brightly as the love in your heart. - 愿节日的灯火和你心中的爱一样闪亮。Here's to a season of gratitude, kindness, and the simple pleasures of life. - 祝你的节日充满感恩、善意和简单的生活乐趣。Wishing you a Christmas filled with love, laughter, and all things wonderful. - 祝愿你的圣诞充满爱、欢笑和所有美好的事物。May your holidays be merry and your heart be aglow with happiness. - 愿你节日快乐,幸福满怀。Sending you love, joy, and warm wishes for a Merry Christmas. - 向你致以爱、喜悦和温暖的祝愿,祝圣诞快乐。





"Christmas isn't a season. It's a feeling." - Edna Ferber“圣诞不是季节,而是感觉。” - 埃德娜·费伯"The spirit of Christmas is the spirit of love and of generosity and of goodness. It illuminates the picture window of the soul, and we look out upon the world's busy life and become more interested in people than in things." - Thomas S. Monson“圣诞是爱、慷慨和善良,它照亮了灵魂之窗,让我们在凝视这个繁忙的世界时,变得更关心人而不是物。” - 托马斯·S·蒙森"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." - Charles M. Schulz“圣诞就是为别人多做点什么。” - 查尔斯·M·舒尔茨"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller“世界上最好、最美的东西看不到也摸不着,必须用心去感受。” - 海伦·凯勒"I heard the bells on Christmas Day; their old familiar carols play, and wild and sweet the word repeat of peace on earth, good-will to men!" - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow“我聆听到了圣诞节的钟声,那古老而熟悉的颂歌,伴着奔放而优美的词藻不断回响:世界和平,与人为善!- 亨利·沃兹沃斯·朗费罗"It is Christmas in the heart that puts Christmas in the air." - W. T. Ellis“心中有圣诞,才会感到圣诞的氛围。” - W. T. 艾利斯"Christmas, my child, is love in action. Every time we love, every time we give, it's Christmas." - Dale Evans“圣诞,我的孩子,就是去爱。每当我们爱的时候,每当我们给予的时候,就是圣诞节。” - 戴尔·埃文斯"Christmas is the day that holds all time together." - Alexander Smith“圣诞之日汇聚了万千时光。” - 亚历山大·史密斯"Christmas is the season of joy, of holiday greetings exchanged, of gift-giving, and of families united." - Norman Vincent Peale“圣诞节是欢乐的季节,是人们互致节日问候、赠送礼物、家庭团聚的季节。” - 诺曼·文森特·皮尔


不知道节日期间的商务邮件该说些什么吗?在邮件底部加入节日引语,可以为你与同事、客户和员工之间的商务交流增添一抹特别的节日气氛。 以下是一些可用于商务邮件的节日名言。

"Christmas is the season for kindling the fire of hospitality in the hall, the genial flame of charity in the heart." - Washington Irving“圣诞季,让我们点起客厅的好客之火、燃烧心中的仁爱之焰。- 华盛顿·欧文"The joy of brightening other lives, bearing each other's burdens, easing other's loads and supplanting empty hearts and lives with generous gifts becomes for us the magic of the holidays." - W. C. Jones“照亮他人的生活、承担彼此的负担、减轻彼此的重担、用慷慨的礼物填补空虚的心灵和生活,这些都构成了节日的魔力。” - W·C·琼斯"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale“圣诞节在这个世界上挥动着魔术棒,瞧,一切都变得更加温柔和美丽了。” - 诺曼·文森特·皮尔"Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection." - Winston Churchill“圣诞节不仅是个欢庆的假日,也是沉思的时节”。- 温斯顿·丘吉尔"The holiday season is a perfect time to reflect on our blessings and seek out ways to make life better for those around us." - Terri Marshall“节假日是反思我们所拥有的,并想方设法让身边人生活得更好的最佳时机”。- 泰莉·马歇尔




"The best of all gifts around any Christmas tree: the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other." - Burton Hillis“圣诞树前最好的礼物:一个彼此相拥的幸福家庭。”- 伯顿-希利斯"Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love." - Hamilton Wright Mabie“幸福的是,这个假期让全世界陷入了一场爱的共谋。” - 汉密尔顿·赖特·梅比"Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas." - Calvin Coolidge“圣诞不是一个时间或季节,而是一种心态。珍视和平与善意,满怀仁慈,这才是真正的圣诞精神。” - 卡尔文·柯立芝"Gifts of time and love are surely the basic ingredients of a truly merry Christmas." - Peg Bracken“时间和爱的礼物无疑是一个真正快乐的圣诞节的基本要素。” - 佩格·布莱肯"Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas time." - Laura Ingalls Wilder"我们的心因童年的回忆和对亲人的爱而变得温柔,我们因在圣诞节时重新做回了孩子而变得更加美好"。- 劳拉·英格尔斯·怀尔德"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." - Norman Vincent Peale“圣诞在这个世界上挥动着魔术棒,瞧,一切都变得更加温柔和美丽了。” - 诺曼·文森特·皮尔"What is Christmas? It is the tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future." - Agnes M. Pahro“圣诞节是什么?是对过去的温柔,对现在的勇气,对未来的希望。” - 艾格尼丝·M·帕罗"Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone." - Charles M. Schulz“圣诞就是为别人多做点什么。” - 查尔斯·M·舒尔茨



"Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal!" - Kevin McCallister in "Home Alone"“圣诞快乐,你这个肮脏的家伙!” - 电影《小鬼当家》中的凯文·麦卡利斯特"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear." - Buddy the Elf in "Elf"“传播圣诞欢乐的最好方式就是放声高歌,让大家都听到。” - 电影《圣诞精灵》中的精灵巴迪"Maybe Christmas doesn't come from a store. Maybe Christmas... perhaps... means a little bit more!" - The Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"“也许圣诞并不来自商店。也许圣诞……或许……意味着更多一点!” - 电影《圣诞怪杰》中的格林奇"Seeing is believing, but sometimes the most real things in the world are the things we can't see." - Conductor in "The Polar Express"“眼见为实,但有时候世界上最真实的东西却是我们看不见的东西。” - 电影《极地特快》中的列车长"It's Christmas Eve! It's the one night of the year when we all act a little nicer, we smile a little easier, we cheer a little more." - Frank Cross in "Scrooged"“今天是平安夜!这是一年中唯一的一晚,我们都会表现得好一点,笑得轻松一点,开心一点。” - 电影《孤寒财主》中的弗兰克"I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year." - Ebenezer Scrooge in "The Muppet Christmas Carol"“我会将圣诞珍藏在我的心中,并努力将它保持一整年。” - 电影《圣诞欢歌》中的史高哲"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is by singing loud and clear." - Max in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (2000)“传播圣诞欢乐的最好方式就是放声高歌。” - 电影《圣诞怪杰》中的麦克斯(2000年)"Just remember, the true spirit of Christmas lies in your heart." - Santa Claus in "The Polar Express"“要记住,真正的圣诞精神在你的心里。” - 电影《极地特快》中的圣诞老人"Blast this Christmas music. It's joyful and triumphant." - The Grinch in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" (2000)“圣诞音乐响起,这是欢乐和胜利。” - 电影《圣诞怪杰》(2000年)中的格林奇








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