
您所在的位置:网站首页 研究生复试英语常见问题及答案 研究生复试英语常见问题及答案


2024-07-17 09:00:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1. Where do you come from?

I come from Shaoyang city, Hunan province.

2.What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?

The Zijiang river through the city center, in my hometown, The most famous tourist attraction is Lang Mountain.It included rich scenic spots,just like Pepper peakand Fuyi rivers, moreover there are many rare animals and plants here.

3.What do you do during the Spring Festival?

I spend most time staying with my parents, and I alsogoing out with my classmates.

4.Tell me something about the customs of your hometown.

Like most other places in China, in my hometown, we should go back home and stay with our families in spring festival.

5.Could you tell me something about your family?

There are four members in my family, my parents my old brother and me .My parents are businessmen.My brother has his own business.

6.What social responsibilities should a post-graduate take?

As a post-graduate, one should have a good master of professional knowledge, so he or she can make contribution to the society in the future.

7.Which kind of professor do you like best?

I like those professors who are knowledgeable and ready to help students.

8.What does friendship mean to you and what kind of people do you make friend with?

First of all, just like the common saying said ,a friend indeed is a friend in need(患难见真情). A good friend should be willing to help you when you are in trouble, comfort you when you are frustrated. Furthermore, good friends should also be honest people, I feel comfortable and safe to get along with these types of friends.

Friendship means a special emotion to me.It's a precious spirit that different from the love between families,lovers,but it's important ,even sometimes more important than those emotions.Friendship is the most clean and refined forever.I want to make friends with the people who really wants to make friends with me in his/her clean mind.(友谊对我来说是一种特殊的情感.它是一种不同于家庭,恋人之间的爱的珍贵的心理境界,但是它很重要,甚至有时侯比那些情感还要重要.友谊永远是最纯洁的,最高雅的.我想和在他纯洁的心灵中真正想和我交朋友的人交朋友)

9.What is your major? How do you like your major? (你觉得你的专业怎么样?)

My major is Chinese LanguageandLiterature;. I like my major very much , because I think it is interestingand useful.

10.When and where did you graduate? What qualifications have you obtained?

I will graduate and receive my bachelor' degree from Shaoyang University in this July.

11.What impressed you most when you were at university?

The most impressed thing is that we classmates study together and play together.

12.What is the best university in your opinion?

In my opinion, the best university should have many knowledgeableprofessors and excellent style of study, and most importantly, students who graduate from this university can make great contribution to the society.

13.Do you think the subjects you are studying today are relevant to present-day society? Why ?

I think most we learned in school are relevant to present-day society directly or indirectly. Because when we study those subjects we not only acquire the knowledge, but also learn how to study, which is very important to our life in the future.

14.What do you do for a living?

I will work hard in the future to support my family.

15.What are your job prospects?

I like those jobs that I am good at, and the salary should be decent.

16. If you had the opportunity to change your subject, what would you do with

I will not change my subject, because I like it veryitmuch.

17.What are your spare time interests?

Life lies in the movement, so I likeclimbingmountainsand strolling parkwith my friends and familyin my spare time.

18.Where have you been traveling to? Which place interested you most?

I went climbing thedragonmountainin my hometown with my familylastwinter holiday.No matter where we go,We love the feeling of going out together.

19.What kind of differences in the system of higher education between China and other countries?

In western countries, university concentrate more on encouraging students to do creative thinking.

22.Why did you choose our university?

It is a prestigious[preˈstɪdʒəs]university in Fujian province,and there are many expertises[ˌekspɜ:ˈti:z]of my major in this school.

23.If there were an opportunity of studying abroad, what would you do?

I will seize the opportunity.

24. Should you study more theory or do more practice? Give your reasons, please.

I think we should do more practice, because only through practice can we strengthen the knowledge of theory.[ˈθɪəri]

25.What do you intend to do after you finish studying?

I will find a job, and learn more knowledge of my major in practice.Maybe I will continue my studies.

26.How serious is unemployment among young people and what will you do if you cannot find a job after graduation?

If I can't find a job,I will attend a job training program.

27.In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated with modern life?

In my opinion, environmental pollution is the most serious problem.

28. What do you think have been the most important changes in your study field over the past 5 years?

29. How do you afford your tuition?

I will earnmy tuition by myself,I will study hard to get the scholarshipand I will take a part-time job.

30.Does your family support your decision on studying? What help do they offer?

Yes,my parents quite support my decision on study,they support me not only economically but also spiritually.



Respected professors, Good afternoon! First,let me introduce myself to you. My name is gongjie. I am, 22 years old, born in shaoyang city, hunan province. In the year of 2012,I entered shaoyang university, majoring in Chinese language & literature.

I am graduating from University this June. I hope I could get the opportunity to finish my postgraduate courses in Fujian nomal University which I have desired for a long time.

Thank you for giving me such a valuable opportunity!And thank you forlistening,I hope to see you again and soon.


Good morning/afternoon, everyone! I am very pleased to introduce myself here. My name is gongjie and I am now a senior student at shaoyang univerdity, majoring in chiness language and literature.

I am an outgoing and sunny girl. During my undergraduate study, I joined lots of student associations, such as Students' Association Union, voluntary organization and etc. In the meanwhile, I also made many friends.

I also have a lot of interests during my spare time. For Instance, I am fond of singing, running, climbing and so forth. Besides, I especially like watching movies. In addition, exercising is an indispensable part of my life, since I know that having a strong body is the solid foundation of future study and work.

As for study, I have not only tried my best and spared no efforts to learn professional knowledge, but also had a good command of College English Test Band 4 and so forth. If I could be admitted, I would try my best to learn theories and concepts, and convert them into practice under the guidance of my supervisor. Thank you!

2.考研原因 (reasons for my choice)

There are several reasons accounting for my endeavor.

Above all, I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere. In my opinion, as one of the most famous university in fujian country, it provides people with enough room to get further achievement. This is the first reason.

Secondly, I learnt a lot from my undergraduate study during the past four years. However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value. Life is precious. It is necessary to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.

3.研究生期间你的计划 (plans in the postgraduate study)

First, I hope I can form systematic view of Chinese ancient literature. As for research direction, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development about yuan ming and qing dynasties. If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.

In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here.

4 .介绍你的家乡(about hometown)

I am from shaoyang. The city lies in the middle of Hunan province. Many celebrities were born here, for instance, cai’e,wei yuan and he lv ting.There is my beloved hometown.

5.你的家庭(about family)

There are four members in my family: my parents, my old brother and me. My father is a busnissman in shaodong. He often goes out on business and therefore, most of the housework is done by my industrious mom. Climbing at weekends is our common interest. The fresh air and natural beauty can help us get rid of tiredness. They can strengthen our relationtoo.During my prepareing for coming here, my parents’love and support have always been my power and I hope in the future I willbe able to repay them.

6.你的大学(about university)

Shaoyang University is the oldest one in the locality. It was founded in 1958. It consists of two campuses. It develops into a comprehensive university with efforts of generations, especially after the reform and opening up. The library has the storage of one point five million books and various research institutes. There are teaching research experimental bases. For example, the computer center, analyzing-test center, modern education technical center and so on.



拿过校内的奖学金(I won a Scholarship),曾经有幸参加过秋季运动会开场舞以及元旦晚会(I took part in the opening dance of the autumn gamesand New Year's party),喜欢唱歌(I enjoy singing),平常有空会出去爬山、逛公园(I will go out to climb the mountain and go to the park on the weekend.)。


A. 其实老师是想了解考生对所在院系的了解、是否关心其院系老师的科研或参加什么课题等。有的同学就说说所在院系大概有多少学生和老师,就没有别的话了。如果学生能够讲出所在院系的研究特色、条件和老师们的典型课题等,效果就不一样了。
























Q. Please introduce yourself briefly.

A.本来这类题目也是非常好展现自己的。但一些同学就像背儿歌一样:My name is XXX. I am twenty-one year old. I was born in XXX Henan. I come from XXX university.。。。这样只能让老师看出是小学生的英语水平和浪费了很多时间。这种题目一般事前应该有所准备,应该用比较学术性的英语讲讲自己的成绩、获奖、特长等等什么的,既展示英语水平又展示研究才能。


1) 考官要求你作自我介绍时,不要用…let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here。然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。

2) 自我介绍的主体内容。①姓名。介绍自己姓名时,发音一定要准(南方考生要多加注意)。②年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old)。③原来的院校、专业。注意:一定要把原来学校的英文名称、专业的英文名称弄清楚(尤其是跨校、跨专业的学生)。④性格、能力。可以着重强调你的个性对你报考的专业有何积极的作用。如果报考的是学术性的专业,可以说自己细心(carefully,detail- oriented)、条理分明(logical)、踏实(steady)等;如果是研究性、应用性更强一点的专业,可以说自己负责 (responsible)、可靠(dependable)、有效率(efficient)等。其他的一些表示性格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive(有进取心的), adaptable, amicable(友好的), analytical(善于分析的), cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent(有主见的), innovative, motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise(一丝不苟的), temperate等等。⑤爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义 (build my body, relax myself, open my mind…);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。⑥你对报考的专业有兴趣(be interested in/be fascinated with/be obsessed with…),可适当举出一些例子,如经常看相关的书籍、论文、文章、新闻等。在职考生可以强调知识教育对工作的影响: In my work, I find it necessary to broaden my horizons in communication. That’s why I long for entering your prestigious university。

3) 结束时可以用说:That’s all about me. / Well, that’s who I am. Thanks for your attention。

2. 家庭、家乡、学校篇。考官其实是要通过你的家庭、家乡或学校来了解你的成长的环境。

1) 家庭。需要注意的是,考官并不是为了做人口调查而提出这个问题的,所以应该避免流水账似地介绍家庭成员;要尽量说明家人(尤其是父母)对你造成哪些方面 (性格、职业规划、做事风格等)良好的影响。可以参考以下句式结构:Just like my father, I am especially interested in history. / Though my father is an ordinary worker, his responsible attitude towards work has a great influence on me。

2) 家乡。正所谓“一方水土养育一方人”,考官实际上是想从你对家乡的介绍中找出有关你性格、志向的线索。可以从历史、历史人物、著名景点、独特风俗或特产等方面来简单介绍,注意要表达热爱家乡的情感。

3) 学校。如果是本校考生的话,在自我介绍中就可以点到(拉近跟考官的关系)。如果是外校,考官通常会问:Why did you choose our university? 那么我们就可以说说它与报考院校之间的异同,然后说明为什么你选择这个学校(I do love the atmosphere in your university. It is full of youthful spirits。);要注意的是:一定要说明你对在原来的院校接受教育心存感激之情appreciation(从好的方面说一说),着重强调希望能被录取,表达自己坚定的决心、展望一下未来。



在面试快结束的时候,一般考官都会问,你有没有什么要问的。除非你是最后一个面试者,你明显感到所有的考官都急切的想离开,一般不适合说“I don‘t have any question.”可以问考官一两个你关心的问题(Questions you should ask the recruiter):

最后可以说:Thank you for giving me the chance. I hope to see you again and soon.(谢谢您给我机会,我希望很快能再见到)






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