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2024-07-17 18:40:51| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

In stillness she made one think of a graceful flower reflected in the water; In motion she called to mind tender willow shoots caressed by the wind. She had more chambers in her heart than the martyred Bi Gan; And suffered a tithe more pain in it than the beautiful Xi Shi




Having completed his survey, Bao-yu gave a laugh. ‘I have seen this cousin before.’

‘Nonsense!’ said Grandmother Jia. ‘How could you possibly have done?’

‘Well, perhaps not,’ said Bao-yu, ‘but her face seems 80 familiar that I have the impression of meeting her again after a long separation.’

‘All the better,’ said Grandmother Jia. ‘That means that you should get on well together.’



Bao-yu moved over again and, drawing a chair up beside Dai-yu, recommenced his scrutiny.

Presently: ‘Do you study books yet, cousin?’

‘No,’ said Dai-yu. ‘I have only been taking lessons for a year or so. I can barely read and write.’‘What’s your name?’

Dai-yu told him.

‘What’s your school-name?’

‘I haven’t got one.’

Bao-yu laughed. ‘I’ll give you one, cousin. I think “Frowner” would suit you perfectly.’

‘Where’s your reference?’ said Tan-chun.

‘In the Encyclopedia of Men and Objects Ancient and Modern it says that somewhere in the West there is a mineral called “dai” which can be used instead of eye-black for painting the eyebrows with. She has this “dai” in her name and she knits her brows together in a little frown. I think it’s a splendid name for her!’

‘I expect you made it up,’ said Tan-chun scornfully.

‘What if I did?’ said Bao-yu. ‘There are lots of made-up things in books—apart from the Four Books, of course.’

He returned to his interrogation of Dai-yu.‘Have you got a jade?’

The test of the company were puzzled, hut Dai-yu at once divined that he was asking her if she too had a jade like the one he was born with.

‘No,’ said Dal-yu. ‘That jade of yours is a very rare object. You can’t expect everybody to have one.’

This sent Bao-yu off instantly into one of his mad fits. Snatching the jade from his neck he hurled it violently on the floor as if to smash it and began abusing it passionately.

‘Rare object! Rare object! What’s so lucky about a stone that can’t even tell which people are better than others? Beastly thing! I don’t want it!’

The maids all seemed terrified and rushed forward to pick it up, while Grandmother Jia clung to Bao-yu in alarm.

‘Naughty, naughty boy! Shout at someone or strike them if you like when you are in a nasty temper, but why go smashing that precious thing that your very life depends on?’

‘None of the girls has got one,’ said Bao-yu, his face streaming with tears and sobbing hysterically. ‘Only I have got one. It always upsets me. And now this new cousin comes here who is as beautiful as an angel and she hasn’t got one either; so I know it can’t be any good.’

‘Your cousin did have a jade once,’ said Grandmother Jia, coaxing him like a little child, ‘but because when Auntie died she couldn’t bear to leave her little girl behind, they had to let her take the jade with her instead. In that way your cousin could show her mamma how much she loved her by letting the jade be buried with her; and at the same time, whenever Auntie’s spirit looked at the jade, it would be just like looking at her own little girl again.

‘So when your cousin said she hadn’t got one, it was only because she didn’t want to boast about the good, kind thing she did when she gave it to her mamma. Now you put yours on again like a good boy, and mind your mother doesn’t find Out how naughty you have been.’

So saying, she took the jade from the hands of one of the maids and hung it round his neck for him. And Bao-yu, after reflecting for a moment or two on what she had said, offered no further resistance.返回搜狐,查看更多






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