【期中复习】Unit 1

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【期中复习】Unit 1

2024-07-18 01:15:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台译林英语6A期中用所给词的适当形式填空专练 (含答案)用所给词的适当形式填空。My sister Cynthia is (wear) a new dress.There (be) too many cars in the street at rush hour yesterday evening.I saw a lot of (people) on People's Square last night.Nancy (show) us some nice pictures yesterday.The foolish cat cried and the mouse (laugh).Three days ago,there (be) two ducks in the river.He (try) on these shoes last night.Nancy (live) in this city five years ago.Look!The man (wear) a kilt.The king (walk) through the city now.There (be) a big tree and many beautiful flowers here last year.There (be) some pandas here one year ago.My mother (tell) me a story and said “Good night” tome.Look at the two (man) over there.What (be) they (do) Mr Smith (stop) his car and (go) to the office ten minutes ago.He (buy) the picture book last week.There are two (woman) talking happily over there.Each boy (move) a chair away just now.Nancy ill at home yesterday.But she fine now.(be)Mike (try) on the coat,but it didn't fit.Don't shout here.The children (have) a maths lesson.The shoes look cool and they fit (good).Su Hai wants (sing) an English song at the party.I like (eat)cakes,but there (not be) any in the box.—Can you (make) a new dress for my doll —Yes, of course.Don’t (shout) at the little boy.Nancy (live) in this city five years ago.An old man (walk) through the city this morning.Look! The man (wear) a kilt.Can you give (I) your book I show (he) a card.Look at (she) new evening gown(女礼服).It (fit) her very much.Look! He (show) a model plane to his classmates.He in Wuxi last year.But he in Jiangyin now.(live)(not shout) at the baby.It's not polite(有礼貌的).根据图片提示完成下面的短文。It was 1. last Sunday. My friend and I 2. together. We went to the river by 3. . But the weather became 4. .We didn’t bring raincoats. So we were wet.用所给词的适当形式填空。It (snow) now.We can make a snowman tomorrow.The twins (be) hungry because they didn't have breakfast.I (bring) some mango juice to the party yesterday afternoon.It often in summer here.It two days ago.I like days.(rain)The weather (become) (cloud) and windy last night.. (be) there any food and drinks on the table just now The boy (eat) two sausages(香肠) yesterday.-Who (go) to the park by metro -Mike did.There (be) any honey in the kitchen a moment ago.We (see) some bees flying among(在…中间) the flowers just now.What a (sun) day!We can go out for a spring outing.-Is it often in summer here -Yes.It all day yesterday.(rain)I (meet) Tim in the street this afternoon.He looked sad at that time.-Does Helen often a kite on Saturdays -No.But she kites with me last weekend.(fly)My father (give) me a model ship at my birthday party.It was so cool.I couldn't find the jam(果酱).Ten minutes(分钟) later,my mother (find) it under the table.Mr Green (take) a walk after dinner yesterday evening.It (rain) yesterday.We (be) at home.It is (sun).Let's (go) shopping.We (cannot) hold onto it.It went away.Su Hai (find) a purse in the street last Wednesday.Sam (lose) his kite.He was very sad.Mike (come) to school at eight this morning.I (bring) some nice food to the party last weekend.-Do you like (cloud) days,Yang Ling -Yes,I do.It was (wind) in Shanghai yesterday.I (go) swimming with Mike on 7th July.Look! They (play) a game.We (watch) the film A little red flower last Sunday evening.They (see) some bees flying in the flowers just now.从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空。walk through become sunny talk aboutbring some bread go to school by bike1.Miss Li and her students their weekend in the classroom now.2.After some rainy days,it finally.3.Yang Ling for breakfast yesterday.4.The children usually go to school by bus,but they last week.5.The boy tried the crowd(人群), but he failed(失败).用所给词的适当形式填空。1.-What you (do) this morning -I watered the trees.2.- Wang Bing (swim) last Saturday -No,he didn't.3.Last week,I (go) to the cinema and (watch) a fairy film.4.Look! David Chinese in the study.He often Chinese on Saturdays.(study)5.— you (pick) any fruit yesterday —Usually I (pick) some on Saturday morning.But I (be) too busy yesterday.So I (not do) that.6. Could you please bring me some white (paper) 7.—How (be) the trip to New Zealand(新西兰) —It was cool.8. There are many (bottle) on the floor. (pick) them up, Bobby.9. Mike’s mother (ask) him (clean) the kitchen last weekend.10.— you (have) a fashion show last night —Yes. I like fashion (show).11.—Taotao, where (be) your paper shorts —I (give) them to John yesterday morning.12.They (eat) a lot of nice food at the party last Friday.13.I (visit) the Summer Palace with my family last summer holiday.14. (be) your sisters at home yesterday,George 15.I'd like (pick) some mangoes for you.16.The students are very (excite).They're reading an (interest) story.17. John was very thirsty, so he (drink) two tins(罐) of cola.18. Look! A little boy (walk) by the river. It's dangerous.19. Did the animal show go (good) last night 20.—What did you at the dinner party last Saturday —I a cool evening dress.(wear)21. I called Nancy, but she (be) at home. She went to the cinema.22. What (make) him laugh just now 23. It's outside now. I have to hide from the at school. (rain)24. My grandparents usually (do) morning exercises in the garden in the morning,but yesterday they didn't.25.Grandpa (not catch) any fish yesterday.What a day!26.-Mike,where (be)your toy lion -I (give) it to Bob this afternoon.27.My father (eat) a lot of meat and rice just now.28.Jim (like) (read).Look!He (read) an English magazine.29.Mr Brown wanted (visit) his old friend in Australia.30.The baby (not like) to eat it at first,but how he likes it very much.31.The students need some (paper) to make cards for Miss White.32.There (be) any coffee in the man's cup.33.Would you like to go to the fashion (show) with me They are wonderful.34.My dress was so dirty.I (do) wear it this morning.35.It was sunny.Helen (take) a walk in the park.从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空。be give visit catch fish1.My uncle goes every week.2.The Greens at home last night.3.Yang Ling her grandparents last Sunday.4.My brother a fat rabbit on the farm yesterday.5.My grandpa me a new bike as a birthday present last year.用所给词的适当形式填空。1.My grandmother is (read) e-books on the Internet now.2.My parents (use) the telephone (call) people before.3.Liu Tao (write) a letter to his e-friend yesterday morning.4.Twenty years ago,she usually (make) friends at school.5.Mike (watch) TV after dinner last night 6.Mrs Black (buy) a lot of things in the supermarket yesterday morning.7.I (go) to Ben's birthday party last night and (take) him a gift.8.Helen (eat) a hamburger and drinks a bottle of milk every morning.9.Liu Tao (get) a new computer from his father last weekend.10.Eight years ago,Ben (cannot) write,but now he can write many words.11.Tony usually (fly) kites in the park at weekends.12. you (buy) any new books in the bookshop last week 13.George (play) the violin and (watch) TV last night.14.Let's (read) the sentence together.15.Mr Jones often letters many years ago,but now he emails on the Internet.(write)16.When my mother (be) a student,she (study) very hard.Now she (be) a teacher.She still (work) very hard.17. Mr Green usually (listen) to the radio for news when he (be) young.18. Helen (not do) her homework last Sunday. Her father was angry.19.—How about (go) fishing —Sounds great.20. It is (he) turn (make) a sentence.21. The boy behind me (work) hard every day.22. Yang Ling (wait) for the bus at the bus stop now.23. That girl is eight years old. She (can) read and write two years ago.24.—Where (be) you just now, Dad —I was in the bathroom.25. Mike could not (write) with a pen when he was a baby.26. My sister (have) e-friends from all over the world now.27. My father usually to work by car. But yesterday he to work on foot.(go)28. Let's (make) a sentence with“egg”.29. I like TV. Would you like a documentary(纪录影片) with me (watch)30. I (eat) many cakes yesterday.31. Mr Brown letters then, but now he emails.(write)32. Alice (not do) the dishes after dinner. The kitchen was dirty.33. It is said that no news (be) good news.34. I (not like) cats, but my mother (like) cats.35. David (use) the smart mobile phone (call) people twelve years ago.36. Would you like (go) shopping with me 37. Yang Ling (wait) for the bus at the bus stop now.38. Many of these animals are not found (somewhere) else.39. Are these (TV) in the containers(集装箱) 40. Hurry up! It's time (have) the fashion show now.41. Look! This magic hat is the (king).42. The apple juice in the fridge this morning, but now it on the table. (be)43. The students are (excite) about the running race.44. Would you like (watch) the (wonder) film with us 45. Mike (ride) a bike to the bookshop yesterday afternoon.46. Look! The car (wait) for you at the school gate.47. Who do you usually go (shop) with, Yang Ling 参考答案l.wearing 2.were 3.people 4.showed 5.laughed6.were 7.tried 8.lived 9.is wearing 10.is walking 11.was12.were 13.told 14.men,are,doing 15.stopped,went 16.bought17.women 18.moved 19.was,is 20.tried 21.are having 22.well23.to sing 24.eating,aren't 25.make 26.shout 27.lived 28.walked29.is wearing 30.me 31.him 32.her,fits 33.is showing 34.lived,lives 35.Don't shoutsunny; went fishing; bike; rainy1.is snowing 2. were 3. brought 4. rains,rained, rainy 5. became, cloudy 6. Was7. ate 8. went 9. wasn't 10. saw 11. sunny 12. rainy, rained 13.met 14.fly,flew15. gave 16. found 17.took 18.rained,were 19.sunny,go 20.couldn't21.found 22.lost 23.came 24.brought25.cloudy 26.windy 27.went 28.are playing 29.watched 30.saw1. are talking about 2. became sunny 3. brought some bread4.went to school by bike 5. to walk through1.did,do 2.Did,swim 3.went,watched 4.is studying,studies 5.Did,pick,pick,was,didn't do6.paper 7.was 8.bottles,Pick 9.asked, to clean 10.Did,have,shows 11.are,gave12.ate. 13.visited 14.Were 15.to pick 16.excited,interesting17.drank 18.is walking 19.well 20.wear,wore 21.wasn't 22.made23.raining,rain 24.do 25. didn't catch 26. is, gave 27. ate28. likes, reading,is reading 29. to visit 30. didn't like 31. paper32. isn't/wasn't 33. shows 34. didn't 35. took1.fishing 2.were 3.visited 4.caught 5.gavel.reading 2.used,to call 3.wrote 4.made 5.Did,watch6.bought 7.went,took 8.eats 9.got 10.couldn't1l.flies 12.Did,buy 13.played,watched 14.read 15.wrote,writes16.was,studied,is,works l7.listened,was 18.didn't do 19.going 20.his,to make21.works 22.is waiting 23.could 24.were25. write 26. has 27. goes, went 28. make 29. watching, to watch 30. ate31. wrote, writes 31. didn't do 33. is 34. don't like, likes 35. used, to call36. to go 37. is waiting 38. anywhere 39. TVs40. to have 41. king’s 42. was, is 43. excited 44. to watch, wonderful45. rode 46. is waiting 47. shoppingHYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)" 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)








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