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导读: 31个,关于”美食唯美短句“的英语句子31个,句子主体:。以下是关于美食唯美短句的初一英语句子。



1、Famous world-wide gourmet cuisine. Excellent daily specials and mouthwatering desserts. 世界著名的美食烹调。精美的美日特色饭菜和令人垂涎的点心。

2、For example, we did a "Foods of the World Day" where had delicacies from Europe, Africa, Asia and elsewhere. 比如,我们举办了“世界美食节”,展示了欧洲、非洲和亚洲的美食。

3、If you want to know more about Leshan food, please watch the video frequency I show you. 如果还想了解更多乐山美食,请你们看段视频短篇。

4、Food: Iraq bean gourmet many seafood, crab feast, burning flesh etc. Are all signs. 美食:伊豆美食中有许多海鲜类,螃蟹宴、烧肉等都是招牌。

5、Changing the formation of the image or the aesthetic of the beautiful patterns, gives a profound visual experience and philosophical insights. 形成不断变化的美轮美奂的形象或者唯美的花纹,给人以深刻的视觉体验和哲学感悟。

6、Mediterranean-style cafe style Southeast Asian cuisine with classic dishes. 咖啡厅提供地中海式风情美食与经典东南亚美食。

7、Interestingly enough more and more tapas bars are appearing in the Michelin guide, the bible of gourmets . 有趣的是,很多小菜馆在《米其林美食指南》(美食家的圣经)中出现。

8、Beijing roast duck cuisine is being Wangyanyuchuan - Food popular star was born! 北京烤鸭美食正被大家望眼欲穿——超人气美食明星诞生!

9、Cook up a low-cal storm! 低卡美食亲手做!

10、Chinese food, food, cinemas, restaurants, the Chinese food court, how to say in English, thank you, what is the abbreviation for 50 points! 中国美食,世界美食,美食城,中国美食城,用英文怎么说,缩写是什么,谢谢50分求助!

11、Gianluca, you are a gourmet. 蒋禄卡,你是个美食家。

12、The only sure way to prevent that outcome is to phase out Fannie and Freddie. 要想阻止那个结局,唯一的必经之路则是逐步撤销房利美和房地美。

13、At $58.4 billion, Microsoft's revenue still exceeds Apple's, $42.9 billion, according to the Times. 唯一超过苹果当前估值的公司是美孚石油,为2786.4亿美元。微软的收入为584亿美元,仍多于苹果的429亿美元。

14、You have heard of beauty nap but have you heard of beauty foods? 你听说过美容觉,但是听说过美容食物吗?

15、At the majority of events at the Food Network South Beach Wine & Food Festival, celebrity chefs whip up gourmet burgers, lobster rolls and even dim sum for their fans. 美食网报告了南海滩美酒美食节的一场名厨为他们的粉丝做美味的汉堡包,龙虾卷和点心的活动。

16、Hunan cuisine consists of local Cuisines of Xiangjiang Region, Dongting Lake and Xiangxi coteau . 湖南美食共分当地美食湘江地区,洞庭湖区和湘西区县。

17、The only amaranthine flower on earth is virtue. 美德是世上唯一不凋谢的花朵。

18、A cook preparestraditional Peruvian food during the Mistura gastronomic fair in Lima, on September 9, 2011. xx年xx月xx日,利马Mistura美食节上,一位厨师证在做传统的秘鲁美食。

19、Omnivorous nocturnal mammal native to north and central america. 原产于北美和中美夜间活动的杂食性哺乳动物。

20、Chinese are famous for their cuisine. Chinese are the ultimate gourmet. 中国以其美食而闻名,中国人更是地道的美食家。

21、Foodsion Magazine is a compilation of articles that centred around good food & Life style, F&B industry and food lovers interact with each other through the platform. 食尚是汇集美食与优质生活的杂志,是饮食业、时尚美食爱好者互动的一个平台。

22、Experiencers: Spend freely on experiences, such as good food or travel, but not materialistic. 阅历者:在经历上,比如美食,旅行,花销甚多,但也不唯物是求。

23、Gourmet Street, a paradise of dainty snacks. 美食街——美味小吃的天堂。

24、A road, a very beautiful very enjoyable moonlight, accompany. 一路,有很唯美很写意的月光,陪伴。

25、Disappeared at sunrise, seemed only a fairytale. 在日出前消褪,像一则童话般唯美。


26、Travel and noisy Food Street. 这是喧闹的美食街。

27、Left me and a most precious memory. 留下我和一段最唯美的记忆。

28、Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man. 唯利是图者,胸中无美德。

29、Huadu District Food Festival held gourmet carnival, Huadu gourmet cooking contest, and Huadu Food Day Tour activities, gourmet display, beer culture. 花都区美食节举办美食嘉年华、花都美食烹饪大赛、花都美食xx日游等活动,有美食展示,啤酒文化等。

30、Learn how to plate a gourmet lamb chop recipe with expert cooking tips in this free 5-star cuisine video clip. 了解如何板美食羊排在这个自由的5星级美食视频剪辑与专家食谱烹饪技巧。

31、Enjoy on its own or the perfectly matched with Asian cuisine. 适合单独饮用,或配以亚洲美食都很完美。

32、In Mexico City, the largest city in the Americas with a population of 22.9m, taps ran dry for several months of 2009. 美洲最大的城市、人口达2290万的墨西哥城, xx年有几个月食水短缺。

33、I really miss those delicious dishes. 我真想念那些美食。

34、3 delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet; 即使是最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴;

35、Including wines, canapés, live entertainment, and a whole evening of enjoyment! 包括葡萄酒、精美小食和现场表演的美妙享受!

36、In Zone B, there's a Chinese Food Street which includes all the Chinese food. 在B区,你能尝到的美食…在B片区有一个网尽中华美食的“中华美食街”。

37、Wellton Cafe offered world-wide buffet 3 times a day, we provide 24-hour service of delicate western food and Asian cuisines. 华尔登西餐厅提供每日三次汇萃环球美食的自助餐, 更有24小时提供精美的西餐及东南亚美食。

38、Dolan suggested euro/dollar will still test $1.44-45 in the short run. Dolan认为,短期欧元/美元仍将测试1.44-45美元.

39、) Virtue flies from the heart of a mercenary man. 唯利是图者,胸中无美德。

40、I became a fiction gourmand, so to speak, devouring so many novels and short stories particularly when I was much younger. 我成了一个虚构的美食家,可以这么说,吞食许多小说,尤其是当我年轻得多的短篇小说。

41、A bon vivant is a person with cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes, especially with respect to food and drink. 美食家是有教养、雅致而爱交际的人,尤其在美食美酒方面很有品位。

42、ABSTRACT: Nowadays, more and more people try to pair food with wine. You should also learn some pairing tips to combine food with wine together. 摘要: 现在,越来越多人以葡萄酒来佐餐。既爱美食,又爱美酒的你应该学几招搭配攻略,让美酒美食完美地融合在一起。

43、Aesthetics are fleeting, the only things with longevity are ideas. 美学稍纵即逝,唯一永恒的是思想。

44、Fourth, the food was amazing. 第四就是美食佳肴。

45、An environmentalist who is not a gastronome is boring. 同理,不热爱美食的环境专家也成不了一个好美食家。

46、The only difference between panthers and leopards is color. 黑豹与美洲豹唯一的不同,只是肤色。

47、Deleuze's aesthetics of sensation is an aesthetics of materialism based on affect and sensation. 德勒兹的感觉美学是一种基于感受和感觉的唯物主义美学。

48、So! Well! . I just believe in one. The one is stefanie! Because she is so perfect . So perfect! 所以,好吧,我唯一相信的,那便是燕姿,她是如此完美,如此完美!

49、Sergiev Posad - the beautiful city, absolutely gorgeous, there's people, a gift from the heaven! Sergiev Posad - 唯美的城市,她的美是绝对,那里的人,更是上天的礼物!

50、A foodie/foody is a person who has a refined interest in good food and drink. “吃货”是对美食和美酒有雅趣的人。


51、If you've been confused by the competing claims of the Atkins Diet, the South Beach Diet, and other fad diets, No More Bull! is the book that will set you straight. 如果你一直搞不清楚阿特金斯美食、南海滩美食以及其它种种流行的美食竞相媲美的吹嘘之词,《别再吃牛肉了! 》就是会使你改变错误食谱的书。

52、The only apple that is native to North America is the crabapple. 北美唯一的苹果品种是红果。

53、Iwonder what kind of tasty treats we will get to sample?oing to international food shows are great experiences. 不晓得美食展有什么美食可以尝尝呢?参观国际美食展是一种很棒的经验。

54、The only fly in the ointment could be the weather. 唯一美中不足的是天气。

55、Many gourmets think France 、Italy and China are the Food Paradise. 很多美食家都认为法国、意大利与中国是美食国度。

56、Many people dream of a time when they can bask in the glow of the setting sun on a boat floating along the La Seine River in Paris; 坐在巴黎赛纳河的游艇上,沐浴金色日光,尽享法国葡萄酒和法式美食是很多人梦寐以求的唯美画面。

57、The Wuhan AESTHETIC Cosmetology office, is the group the first chain-like organization which sets up in Wuhan. 武汉唯美度美容会所,是集团在武汉设立的第一家连锁机构。

58、But why did maize become the favoured food and the revered grain of the Americas? 但为什么唯独玉米成为所有美洲人最为青睐的食品与崇敬的谷物?

59、She cloyed her appetite with rich food. 她吃缋了美食。

60、Out of Asher his bread shall be fat, and he shall yield royal dainties. 他的食物必定肥美,他有美食可以供奉君王。

61、The setting couldn't have been more cinematic. 还有比这个场景更唯美的的吗?

62、Based on his Aestheticism, the missing beauty is human self-mutilation, and the ruined beauty is the outcome of fate. 他从唯美主义观点出发,认为美的消失是人性的自残,美的毁灭是命运使然。

63、I was the only Hispanic student. 我是班上唯一的拉美学生。

64、At Le Meridien She Shan, even the most fastidious food critic would be impressed by the delicious dishes. 在艾美酒店,令人震撼的美食体验即便是最苛刻的美食家,也会赞不绝口。

65、It's so delicacies that beguile even the most discerning gourmet . 这是即使最识货的美食家也会着迷的美味佳肴。

66、The fair aims to promote Peruvian cuisine by showcasing Peruvian food andproducts from all over the country. 此次美食节旨在通过展示秘鲁各地的食物来推广秘鲁美食。

67、In addition, she says WFP is facing a shortfall of $90 million on its $150 million appeal. 她说,此外,世界粮食计划署所要求的一亿五千万美元的资金尚短缺九千万。

68、We strongly the essence of Chinese cuisine will be the latest fusion cuisine concepts to create the ultimate taste feast for beauty and delicious harmony. 我们极力将中华美食的精髓融合最新的美食理念,打造极致味觉盛宴,让美感和美味和谐共融。

69、Barcelona came in second, followed by Copenhagen, London and New York in Food &Wine Magazine's fourth annual list of top cities to go for cutting-edge cuisine and vibrant food scenes. 巴塞罗那位居第二,其次是哥本哈根、伦敦和纽约。这是《美食与美酒》杂志第四次公布最佳美食和活力美食文化城市年度排行。

70、If you carefully appreciate, it is almost at the margin of the "extreme beauty". 唯美是它所传达出来的基本的美的性格,仔细品读,似乎更近于”极美”的边缘。

71、Arrogance of U. S. imperialism cancer solipsism! 唯我美帝自大之毒瘤!

72、I'm such a foodie, I love food. 我是一个美食家,我爱食物。

73、Gourmet recipes make the best network, provide the latest recipes food resources, to find food recipes , recipes 592YI. Dishes, Sichuan, Beijing cuisine, Cantonese, Shandong has everything. 做最好的美食菜谱网,提供最新的美食菜谱资源,找美食菜谱,就到592YI菜谱网。家常菜,川菜,浙菜,京菜,粤菜,鲁菜样样都有。

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