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WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

主要翻译中文英语 相信 believe, trust   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

WordReference English-Chinese Dictionary © 2024:

从词典的另一端匹配条目主要翻译英语中文 credence n (belief)SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xìn rèn ,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  I don't place any credence in his promises. be of the opinion v expr (believe, think)SCSimplified Chinese 认为 rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 rèn wéi ,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  My husband thinks autumn is the best season, but I am of the opinion that winter is better. give credence to sth v expr (accept as the truth)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 给予…以信任 xiāng xìn ,gěi yǔ yǐ xìn rèn  You can't possibly give credence to the word of a man who's a notorious liar!  你怎么可能相信一个臭名昭著的骗子所说的话! take sth on trust v expr (believe sth without needing to check it)SCSimplified Chinese 基于信任接受   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  Peter took it on trust that Rick was telling the truth. trow vi archaic (think, believe)SCSimplified Chinese 相信, 认为 believe, believe that vtr (have faith)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 信仰 xiāng xìn ,xìn yǎng  I believe God exists.  我相信上帝是存在的。 have faith that vtr + n (trust: future)SCSimplified Chinese 坚信 jiān xìn TCTraditional Chinese 堅信   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 jiān xìn,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持 jiān xìn,jiān chí TCTraditional Chinese 堅持  I have faith that I will be able to pay the rent this month. buy into sth vtr phrasal insep figurative (accept as valid)SCSimplified Chinese 接受 jiē shòu TCTraditional Chinese 接受   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 jiē shòu,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  It is difficult trying to get people to buy into the idea. convinced adj (persuaded, certain that)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 确信 xiāng xìn ,què xìn TCTraditional Chinese 確信  The old lady is convinced that family members are stealing money from her.  那位老妇人确信,偷她钱的是她的家人。 believe, believe that vtr (with clause: have confidence) (后接从句)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 对…有信心 xiāng xìn ,duì yǒu xìn xīn  I believe he will return as promised.  我相信他会如约回来的。 buy sth vtr slang (believe) (俚语)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  The policeman didn't buy the suspect's story.  警察并不相信嫌疑人的话。 trust sth vtr (believe)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  Jemima trusts her father's words.  杰迈玛相信她父亲的话。 believe in sb vtr phrasal insep (think capable) (人)SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任   (人)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xìn rèn ,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  I believe in the new prime minister.  我相信这位新首相。 count on sb to do sth vtr phrasal insep informal (trust, rely on)SCSimplified Chinese 指望某人做某事   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  You can count on her to be on time.  你可以相信她会准时到场。 convinced of sth adj + prep (persuaded, certain of sth)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 确信 xiāng xìn ,què xìn TCTraditional Chinese 確信  I am convinced of this man's innocence.  我相信此人无罪。 depend on sth, depend upon sth vtr phrasal insep (be assured of)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 确信 xiāng xìn ,què xìn TCTraditional Chinese 確信  You may depend absolutely upon your solicitor's discretion.  你可以完全信赖你的律师的决断。 get over sth vtr phrasal insep (accept, believe: sth surprising) (出人意料的事)SCSimplified Chinese 接受, 相信  Paul is so gorgeous; I'm still trying to get over the fact that he asked me out.  保罗太帅了。我仍在试着接受他要约我出去的事实。 have faith in sth/sb v expr (believe in)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信 believe sb vtr (trust)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任   SCSimplified Chinese 信得过 xiāng xìn ,xìn de guò  He said he saw it and I believe him.  他说他是亲眼所见,我相信他。 accept sth vtr (believe)SCSimplified Chinese 接受 jiē shòu TCTraditional Chinese 接受   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 jiē shòu,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  I can't accept your excuse; it doesn't make sense.  你的托辞根本没有道理,我无法接受。 trust in sb/sth vi + prep (have faith in)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任   SCSimplified Chinese 依靠,倚靠 yī kào TCTraditional Chinese 依靠,倚靠  "Trust in the Lord!" proclaimed the preacher.  传道者说到:“当倚靠耶和华!”  传道者说到:“当倚靠耶和华!” believe sth vtr (trust)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任  I never believe the TV weather forecast.  我从不相信电视的气象播报。 understand sth vtr (believe)SCSimplified Chinese 知道 zhī dào TCTraditional Chinese 知道   SCSimplified Chinese 认为 zhī dào,rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 zhī dào,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  I understand them to be very nice people.  我相信他们是非常好的人。 trust vi (have confidence in others)SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任   SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xìn rèn ,xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  It took the stray cat a long time to learn to trust.  那只流浪猫很久才学会信任人类。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 hold that vtr (believe, consider)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 认为 xiāng xìn ,rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為  He holds that those actions should be illegal. credit sth vtr (believe in)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 信任  I don't credit anything that politician says. swallow sth vtr figurative, informal (believe)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信  Fred is so gullible; he'll swallow anything you tell him.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 复合形式:英语中文 accept sth, accept that vtr (tolerate, agree with) (认为正确而接受)SCSimplified Chinese 相信,接受 xiāng xìn ,jiē shòu TCTraditional Chinese 相信,接受  She cannot accept that he is married to someone else now.  她不能接受现在他要和其他人结婚的事实。 believe in sth/sb vtr phrasal insep (think real)SCSimplified Chinese 对…信以为真   SCSimplified Chinese 相信…的存在  Even though she's ten, she still believes in fairies.  即使她十岁了,她还是相信精灵的存在。 believer n (sb who has confidence in sth)SCSimplified Chinese 相信…的人 xiāng xìn … de rén   SCSimplified Chinese 极力主张…的人 xiāng xìn … de rén,jí lì zhǔ zhāng … de rén  Her convincing arguments made me a believer. convince sb sth, convince sb that sth vtr (make sb believe sth)SCSimplified Chinese 使…信服 shǐ xìn fú   SCSimplified Chinese 使…相信 shǐ xìn fú,shǐ xiāng xìn   SCSimplified Chinese 说服某人相信  The jury had been sceptical, but the evidence convinced them the defendant was not guilty. Reading the manifesto convinced me that this was the party I wanted to vote for. depend on sth, depend upon sth vtr phrasal insep (trust in sth) (对事物)SCSimplified Chinese 相信,信任 xiāng xìn ,xìn rèn TCTraditional Chinese 相信,信任  I depended on her ability to keep a secret.  我相信她能够保守秘密。 persuade sb, persuade sb that vtr (with clause: convince) (后接从句)SCSimplified Chinese 说服,使…相信 shuō fú ,shǐ xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 說服  Alice persuaded Emily that she was telling the truth.  爱丽丝使艾米丽相信自己说得是实话。 presume on sth, presume upon sth vi + prep formal (rely) (没有证据)SCSimplified Chinese 相信,指望 xiāng xìn ,zhǐ wàng TCTraditional Chinese 相信,指望  I wouldn't presume on his honesty, if I were you; he won't confess unless he has to. take sb at their word, take sb at his word, take sb at her word v expr (believe sb is speaking honestly)SCSimplified Chinese 相信...的话   SCSimplified Chinese 信任...说的 up on sth prep US, informal (confident about sth)SCSimplified Chinese 对...有信心   SCSimplified Chinese 相信...  I'm up on this stock.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: 相信  xiāngxìn 动 believe 他不相信任何人。 Tā bù xiāngxìn rènhé rén. He doesn't believe anyone. 我相信他们(們)一定会(會)准(準)时(時)到达(達)。 Wǒ xiāngxìn tāmen yīdìng huì zhǔnshí dàodá. I'm quite sure they will arrive on time.

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