
您所在的位置:网站首页 滑板动作单词怎么读英语 13张图搞定身体动作、姿势常用英语口语表达!(附22类肢体动作英文表达)


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march 行军,walk 走,run 跑,crawl 爬,tiptoe 踮脚尖,drag 拖,push 推‍

jump跳,leap 跳,冲,hop 跳跃,skip跳过,hit 打,击中,stretch 展开,lift 举起,put down 放下

dive 跳水,lean 倾身,crouch 蹲伏,屈膝,sit 坐,squat 蹲,盘腿坐,bend 弯,pick up 捡起,hold 保持,把握,carry 运输

slap/hit 拍打,击掌,,punch 猛击,kick 踢中,catch 抓住 throw 扔

add 添加,walk 走,start 开始,count 算,open 打开,close 接近

talk 说话,look 看,listen 听,wash 洗,watch 看,clean 清洁的

smell 嗅,闻,taste 尝,stop 停止,cry 哭,try 试,eat 吃

smile 微笑,speak 说 give 给,write 写,sing 唱歌,drink 喝

laugh 笑,make 制作,sit 坐,stand 站立,sleep 睡觉

crawling 爬行,蠕动,walking 行走,dancing 跳舞,singing 唱歌,jumping 跳跃

speaking 演讲,listening 听,catching 抓,runing 跑,digging 挖掘,reading 读

colouring 着色,cutting 切割,writing 写,painting 绘画,brushing 刷光,擦亮

bathing 沐浴,combing 梳理,mopping 拖地,cleaning 打扫,hopping 跳来跳去,polishing 擦

‍skating 溜冰,lifting 升起,riding 骑乘,yawning 打呵欠的,knitting 编织物,cooking 烹饪,drinking 喝,touching 接触,eating 吃,sharing 分享,biting 咬

Phrasal verbs


To take back 收回,To take down 拿下,To take off 起飞,To take away 带走,To take after 照顾

To take off 脱下 ,To look up in 仰望,To look at 看,To look for 寻找,Tolook affer 装模作样

To look through 透视,To give back 回馈,To give out 放弃,To give away 放弃To give up 放弃

To make up 弥补,To make out 亲热,To make off 逃走

To get on 上车,To get off 下次,To get up 起来,To get over 克服,To get down to 着手

To turn on/off 打开,关闭,To turn into 变成,To turn inside out 从里往外翻

,To turn upside down 倒过来

To smile 微笑,To do shopping 购物,To talk on the phone 打电话

To dress 穿衣,To smell 嗅,To ski 滑冰

To fish 钓鱼,To dream 做梦

To announce 宣布,To whistle 吹口哨,To feel dizzy 感觉晕眩

To scold 咒骂,To dig 挖掘,To draw 画画

to drop 放弃,to fly 飞翔,to fall 下坠

To read 阅读,To stand 站立,To throw 投掷,To walk 行走

To fight 打架,To catch 抓,To sign 签名,To clean 清洁

To cook 做饭,To cut 切,To do homework 做作业

To repair 修理,To fly a kite 放风筝,To pick flowers 摘花,To write 写

To dance 跳舞, To watch 观看,To whisper 小声说话,To carry 搬运

To think 思考,To paint 描绘,To pour 倾倒,To sleep 睡觉

To sweat 擦汗,To sweep 清扫,To knit 编织,To sew 缝纫

To wait 等待,To wake up 醒来, To wash 清洗, To shave 刮胡子

To wink 眨眼,To pull 拉,To look 看

To handshake 握手,To itch 发痒

To saw 锯,To kick 踢

To calculate 估计,To weigh 称重

To wear a hat 戴帽子,To ring the doorbell 按门铃,To fear 害怕

To count 数,计算,To brush 刷,擦,To escape 逃跑

To cry 哭泣,To play 玩,To hug 拥抱

To bath 洗澡,To climb 攀爬,To feed 喂养,To laugh 大笑

To listen 聆听,To swing 摇摆,To give 给予,To drink 喝

To drive 驾驶,To eat 吃,To jump 跳跃,To exercise 锻炼

play ball 打球,go for walk 出去走走 ,run 跑,bounce an ball 弹球

trampoline (健身用的)跳跃床,bowling 保龄球,roller blades 滚轮叶片,stretch 伸展

ride bike 骑单车,park 公园,playground 运动场,skateboard 滑板

ride scooter 骑摩托车,,camp 野营, soccer 足球,swing 摇摆

play 玩, basketball 打篮球,swimming 游泳,skate 滑冰



1. behave v.举动,表现;运转( behavior n.)

2. deed n.行为,行动 do good ~。to be rewarded for one’s good ~。misdeed n.

3. engage v.雇用;从事;订婚;吸引;吻合 be ~d

4. manner n.方式;态度;举止;(复数)礼貌

mannerism n.(说话;举止)习气;癖性 noticeable ~

5. profession n.职业;自由职业 ~al adj./n.职业的/职业人员;内行;专家

6. task n.任务;工作

7. work n./v.工作,劳动;职业;工作成果,产品;著作,作品;工厂;功,做功/

工作,劳动/运转;起作用,有效~er n.劳动者。~man 工匠。~shop车间,作坊;研讨会,讲习班


1. bite v./n.咬;鱼上钩

Sometimes I sit for hours without getting a ~.

2.blow v./n. 刮风;吹气/打,打击

3. cost n./v.价格,成本,费用/价格为…,使花费

4. expense n.花费;费用 travel ~ (expensive adj. an ~ education)

5. waste v./n./adj.消费,未充分利用/浪费,糟蹋;废料,弃物/废的,丢弃的,无用的;荒芜的 (wasteful adj.)

It’s wasteful to throw these away。we might be able to use them one day.

6. frugal adj.俭朴的;花钱少的

Although he’s become rich, he’s still very ~ with his money.

7. spend v.花费,用(钱);花(钱;时间);度过;消磨

8.expend v.消费,用尽 ~ too much energy on… (expenditure n.花费;支出;消费量)

9. greedy adj.贪吃的,贪婪的

10. devour v. 狼吞虎咽地吃

11.profuse adj. 毫不吝惜的,挥霍的;充沛的,过多的;大量的 be ~ of money


1. across prep./adv.横越,穿过;在…对面,与…交叉/宽,阔

2. act v./n. 行动,做事;起作用;表演/动作;(一)幕;法令,条例

action n.(行动,行为;动作,活动;作用)。activate v.(激活;开动;使活动)。

active adj.(有活力的,活跃的,敏捷的)。activity n.(活性;活力;活动)

a. An actor’s actions and words should agree.

b. The national campaign is aimed at activating the labor movement.

c. He is in his full time of activity.

d. Although he is over seventy。he is still active.

3.bounce v./n. 反跳,弹起,乱冲/弹

4. bound v./n./adj. 跳跃前进,跳跃/跳动/一定的,必定的

An initial failure was ~ to blight a later success.

5. exercise v./n.锻炼,训练;练习,习题/锻炼,训练;运用,使用 physical ~。~ one’s right

6. fly v./n.飞行,乘飞机旅行;飞奔,飞跑

7. jump v./n. 跳跃;跳过

8.leap v./n.扑向,欣然接受take a ~ from

9.lie v./n.躺,卧;说谎,撒谎

10.rush adv./adj. 彻底地,完全地/直达的,直通的 the ~ train

11.throughout prep.遍及 spread ~ the country

12.via prep. 经由 fly Athens ~ Paris

13.walk v./n.步行,散步

14.wander v./n.漫游;迷路,与同伴走散;离题

Don’t ~ from the subject。stick to the point.


1. audience n.听众;读者;接见(audible adj.听得见的)(audition n.试听;试演,面试)

It is too silent that my heart-beat is almost ~.

2.cry n./v.叫喊;哭泣

3. exclaim v.呼叫;惊叫 ~ at

4. glance v.看一眼;扫视;一瞥

She ~d along the road to see if he was coming.

5. hear v.听见;审讯,听政;听说,得知;收到…的信(电话)

~ing n.听力(所及的距离);倾听;审讯

6.listen v.倾听

7. loud adj.大声的;响亮的

8. noise n.喧哗声;噪音;响声

9. sigh v./n. 痛惜;叹气

10. sing v.歌唱

11. speak v. 说话,讲话 (speaker n.演讲者;扬声器)

12. stare v,凝视;盯

13. talk n./v.交谈;商讨;谈话;讨论

14.utter v./adj.发出(声音);说/彻底的;完全的;绝对的

15.watch n./v.表/注视,观看;看守,监视

16.whisper v.低语;耳语 ~ to sb.

17. browse v./n. 放牧,吃草;浏览

18. gape v./n. 张开;张口;裂开/目瞪口呆

19. glimpse n./v. 一瞥;匆匆一看

I~d him among the crowd just before she disappeared from the sight.

20.oral adj.口头的 an ~ exam


1. describe v.描写;描述;形容(deion n.)

The words can not ~ the beauty if the scene.

2.detail n./v.细节,祥情;枝节,琐事/祥述;详细说明~ the argument

3.explain v. 解释,说明的理由~…to

4.illustrate v. 举例或以图表说明;配以插图

5.mention v.提及;谈到 not to ~ = without ~ing

6.propose v.提议,建议;求婚;提议为…干杯 (proposal n.)

a. She ~d a new method to solve this tough problem.

b. Please allow me to ~ a toast to the bride.

7. refer v.求教,查阅,参阅/提到,说到 (reference n.参照;出处;证明) ~ to

8. interpret v.解释,说明,口译

9. specify v.明确说明;具体指定

10. clichén.陈腐思想;陈词滥调

11.dictate v. 听写;命令;支配(diction n.)

12.endorse v.背书,签署;赞同 fully ~ the government’s proposal

13. depict v.描绘;描写

14. exemplify v.举例说明;作为…的理由(或原因)~ the use of the word

15. interrogate v.审问;询问 ~ the prisoner


1. smile n./v.微笑

2. nonsense n.胡说,废话

3. weep v.哭泣,流泪;悲叹,哀悼

I lost control of my feelings and began to ~.

4. amuse v.逗乐,逗笑;给…提供娱乐(amusement n. winter ~)

I play the piano only for my own ~.

5. distraction n.消遣;娱乐;精神涣散

Restrictions were many, and ~s were less.

6. sob n./v.啜泣;呜咽

7. giggle v. 咯咯笑;傻笑 stop giggling

8. groan n./v.呻吟(着表示)

9. wail v.大声哀号,痛哭;呼啸

Stopping weeping and ~ing and do something about it.


1. doze n./v.打盹 (nap n.小睡;打盹)

2. dream n./v. 做梦;梦想;向往 ~about。~ of doing …

3. sleep n./v.睡觉 (asleep adj. fall ~)(sleepy adj.)

4. gesture n./v. 姿势;手势 / 表示~ to sb.

5. rouse v. 唤醒,唤起;激起;激励

His speech ~d the audience’s enthusiasm.

6. yawn v.打哈欠;张开 ~ heavily

7. awake adj.醒着的/唤醒;使醒悟 (wake v.)(waken n.唤醒)

The incident ~d memories of his school-day.

8. dormant adj.休眠的;暂时的

9. posture n.姿势;姿态;仪态;态度 develop good ~


11. blink n./v.眨眼睛;一瞥

12. shrug n./v.耸肩

13. slap n./v.掌击;拍打 ~sb. on the shoulder


1. escape n./v.逃跑;逃脱

2. flee v.逃走

3. retire v.退休;退出,退下;就寝

4. quit v.离开;放弃

5. resign v. 放弃;辞去~ seat to …。~ as chairman (resignation n.听从;顺从;辞呈)

6. retreat n./v. 撤退 ~ from

7. setback n. 挫折;倒退

8. withdraw v.收回,取回;撤回;撤退

9. banish v.驱逐;消除

10. discard v.抛弃;遗弃

11. relinquish v.放弃;撤回


1. export n./v.出口;输出

2. import n./v.进口,输入;进口商品,输入额;要旨,含意 grasp ~ of your remark

3. join v.连接,结合;参加,加入 ~ in。~ up

4. stack n.堆,垛;大量;书架

I have ~s of works to get through.

5. heap n./v. 堆,一堆;许多,大量/使成堆;堆起 ~ of time

6. input n.输入;投入的资金(或物资)

7. plunge v./n. 投入,插入;跳水

8. dump n./v. 堆垃圾的地方;仓库/倾销 ~ surplus goods

9.overlap v.与…互搭,与…重叠;与…部分相同

10. repel v.击退;使厌恶 ~ sb.

11. unload v.卸,从卸下货物;卸货


1. effort n.努力;尽力;奋力

It requires a great deal of ~ of will to give up smoking.

2. prepare v. 准备 be ~ to/for

3.struggle v./n. 斗争,搏斗,奋斗

4. elaborate adj./v.复杂的,详尽的/做详细说明 ~ chemical reaction

5. toil n./v.辛勤工作;艰难地行动/劳力,苦工 ~ another half hour

6. diligent adj. 勤奋的 pretty ~

7. endeavor n./v.努力,力图

I will ~ to pay the bill as soon as possible.

8. inclination n.倾向,意愿 be against one’s ~ to do …

9. strenuous adj. 紧张的,艰苦的;劲头十足的,发奋的;费劲的,费力的 ~ man

To think deeply is a ~ task.

10. strive v. 努力;奋斗;力争 ~ to do …


1. bundle n./v.包裹,包袱/把乱堆在一起

2. burrow n./v.(打)地洞

3. embed v.把…嵌入;使扎根于社会;使深留脑中

4. insert v./n. 插入,嵌入/插页~ the key in the lock

5. lash n./v. 鞭打;责骂

6. penetrate v. 穿过;透过 ~ the darkness

7. pierce v.刺穿,戳入;寒冷刺骨

The freezing wind ~d us to the bone.

8. rope n.绳索

9. sack n./v. 麻袋,解雇/解雇,掠夺

a. He got the ~ for laziness.

b. The invader pulled all to ~.

10. shed n./v. 棚,车库/脱落;发出

a. Trees~ their leaves an flowers ~ their petals.

b. She ~s happiness all around her.

11. strip v./n.剥去,除去;脱光(衣服);抢劫,掠夺/狭条,带状物

Thieves ~ped the house of everything of value.

12. stripe n.条纹

13. thrust n.冲锋,突击;推力 make a sudden ~

14. twist n./v. 捻,搓;扭转

15. wind v. 迂回前进;卷曲,缠绕

16.wrap v.包裹

17. chain n./v.链条;项圈/用链条栓住

18.pack v./n.捆扎,把…打包;使…挤在一起,塞满/小包,小盒

(package n.包裹);(packet n.小包;小盒)

The moment the door open, people began to ~ the hall.

19.tie n./v.领带,绳,束缚/绑,捆,系

20. bunch v./n.束,串,簇/聚成群

21. chopn./v.被取消/砍,劈

22. coil n./v.盘绕,缠绕/一卷,一圈

23. puncture n.刺孔,穿孔

24. squeeze v.榨,挤压;紧捏,紧抱;使负担沉重

25. sting n./v.刺,叮;(感到)灼痛,痛苦 ~ of defeat

26.strap n./v. 带子;皮带,皮鞭,鞭打/用带束住,捆扎

27.trim adj./v./n. 整洁的,整齐的/修剪,整修

28. undo v.解开,拨开;败坏(名声,成果)

29. wreathe v.盘绕,缠绕 ~ arms around sb.

30. stab v. 刺,戳


1. due adj./n.应支付的,正当的,预定得到的(to)/应得之物,会费

The wages ~ to him will be paid tomorrow.

2. theft n.偷盗

3. undue adj. 过分的,过度的


1. bring v.带来,使来到;提出 ~ forward(提出)。~ up(养育)。~ about(带来,造成)

2. cast n./v.铸造/投,掷,抛;铸成 ~ aside(抛弃,废除)。~ off(解缆放船;抛弃)

3.finger n.手指

4.hang v.悬挂;吊死;贴,糊

5.heave v. 用力举起;起伏;掷,扔/举,拉,扔 ~ a stone to

6.lock n./v.锁(住)~er(公共场所寸衣物的小橱柜)

7.pull v.拉,拖,拨

8.push v.推,挤

9. throw v.扔,投,抛 ~ up(扔掉,抛弃)。~ away(呕吐)

10. dash n./v. 冲;破折号/撞击,猛冲 ~ across street

11.dig v.挖土,挖掘,挖沟

12. drag v.拉,拖,拽 ~ out

13 fetch v.拿来

14. strain n./v.拉紧,拉力,努力,尽力/尽力使用;使损伤(坏);过滤,滤掉

15. fling v. 掷,抛 ~ sth. to…

16. haul v./n.用力拉,拖/捕获量,拖运的距离

It was a long ~ home and we arrived exhausted.

17. hurl v.,猛投,猛掷 ~ sth. away

18. jerk n./v.急动,急停/猛拉

19. toss n./v.抛掷,扔

20. traction n.拖,牵引(力)


1. brush n./v. 刷子;画刷/擦,刷,抹

2. sweep n./v. 打扫,连绵的一片/扫除;掠过;延伸,连绵;在…迅速传播

a. The coast ~s north.

b. The disease is ~ing the country.

3. immerse v. 沉浸(于)

I ~d myself in work so as to stop thinking of her.

4. polish v./n. 擦;擦光,磨光;使完善,改进/擦光剂;完美,优雅

If you ~ the article, we will print it in the newspaper.

5. rub n./v. 摩擦,按摩 (rubber n.橡胶;橡皮)

6. stain n./v. 污点,污剂;着色,染色/玷污 be ~ed with

7. wipe n./v.擦,抹,揩

8. bathe v./n. 浸到水中/游泳 bathroom n.浴室

9. delete v. 删除(文字);擦去(字迹)

10. pollutev. 污染 be ~d with

11. scrape n./v. 擦痕/剖,擦

12. shave v./n. 剃,刮

13. shear v. 剪

All her beautiful tresses have been ~ed.

14. abrasion n.磨损;擦伤处

15. clearance n.清除,清理,净空

16. contaminate v.弄脏;污染

17. detergent n.去垢剂;清洁剂

18.purge v.使净化;清除;清洗

19. eradicate v.根除;消灭

Cancer is never going to be ~d as long as life exists as we know it today.

20. erase v.擦掉;抹掉

Nothing can ~ from her mind the memory of that terrible day.

21. indelible adj.去不掉的;擦不掉的

There is an experience ~ printed on my memory forever.


23. avoid v.避免;逃避

You should ~ being late for your class.

24. conceal v. 隐藏;隐蔽

25. cover v./n.覆盖;包括,涉及/(书的)封面,盖子,套子

His studies ~ed a wide field.

26. hide v. 隐藏;隐瞒

27. mask v./n. 遮蔽;伪装/面具,口罩

28. evade v.躲避;回避

The thief ~d the police by dodging into a alley.

29.precaution n.预防

30. beforehand adv. 预先;事先 prepare sth. ~

31. dodge v. 躲闪;躲开

32. flaunt v. 夸耀 ~ success


1. rest n./v.休息/放,搁 ~less adj.焦躁不安的

take/have a ~(休息)。~ with(取决于);~ on(依赖,依靠)

2. seat n./v. 座位/使就座

3. sit v. 就座 ~ up(不睡)

4. stand v.站立,起立;处于特定状态;忍受,容忍

~by(袖手旁观;准备行动;支持;坚持,遵守);~for(代表,象征);~in (充当替身演员)

~ off (远离,疏远);~ out(伸出;杰出,出色;坚持/反对);~ up for(支持)

I can not ~ her, with her affected ways.

5. stoop v.俯身,弯腰;降尊;堕落

I would not ~ to borrowing money. / He ~ed to such meanness.


1.check v./n. 核对/控制

2. census n. 人口调查

3. censor v./n.审查/检察员


1. capture v./n. 捕获;俘虏;夺得/捕集

captive adj./n. 被捕获的/俘虏

2. grasp v. 抓紧;理解,领会 ~ one’s meaning

3. grip v./n.紧握,抓紧,握力/柄

The president keeps a firm ~ on his country’s foreign policy.

4. kick v. 踢 ~ at/against ( 反抗,抗议);~ up (足球开赛)

The baby was lying on his back, ~ing its legs in the air.

5. pat n./v. 轻拍;轻打 ~ a ball

6.pinch v. 拧,捏,掐,夹痛,紧压 give sb. a ~

7. pursuit n. 追赶,追求;从事;消遣 take up literary ~

Surfing is a favorite ~ of the youths in Australia.

8. knock n./v. 敲,击,打 ~ at

9.pounce v./n. 猛扑,突然袭击;抓住/突袭,猛扑

He is ready to ~ at the phone when it rings.

10. seize v.抓住;夺取;占领

~ on/upon(采纳,利用);~ up(机器停止转动)

11. touch n./v.接触,轻碰,妨碍/触觉

12. grab n./v. 抓取;抓住;夺取

He jumped up, ~bed his hat and ran to the bus-stop.

13.overtake v. 超过;赶上

He slowly ~ the lead runner.

14. scratch n./v.抓痕,擦伤/抓,搔,挖

15. tap n./v. 水龙头/轻拍,轻敲

~ one’s fingers

16. catching adj.传染性的;感染性的

Her laughter was the most ~ I ever heard.

17. clutch v.抓住,攫住/离合器

18. flutter v./n.振翼;(心脏)不规则跳动/振翼

My heart ~ed with excitement.

19 snatch v.夺走,夺得;一把抓住

The thief ~ed her bag and ran away.


1. fend v. 抵挡 ~ off (挡开);~ for oneself (照料自己)

2. guard v./n. 保卫,保护,看守/看守人,警卫,守卫 be on/off the ~(戒备/未戒备)

guardian n.保护人;监护人

3. preserve v. 保护;保存(使之不腐烂)

4. protect v. 保护 ~ from

5.conserve v. 保存,保藏 conservation n.保存,保护

conservative adj./n.守旧的,保守的/保守主义;保守党人

We must ~ our forests for future generations.

6. shield n./v.保护者,保护物;盾牌/保护,庇护

7. react v. 反应,起作用;反对,起反作用 ~ against

8. revenge v.报仇;报复


1. design n./v.设计;构想

Was it ~ed, or did it just happened?

2. program n./v. 程序;计划,规划,大纲;节目(单)/为…编制程序

the ~ of computer。the ~ of exhibition。a television ~

3. project n./v.计划,方案;工程/设计;投影;预测

a. He ~ed the weather for the coming week.

b. Could you ~ a new working scheme for us?

c. The tree ~s a shadow on the grass.

4. devise v.设计;想出

5. layout n.布置;设计

6. contrive v. 设计,发明;设法;造成

a. He managed to ~ a meeting between them.

b. She didn’t speak any English, but we ~d to communicate using sign language.


1. choose v. 挑选;选择 choice n.

2. opt v. 选择;挑选 option n.optional adj.非强制的;自愿的;自发的

a. The voters ~ed for higher taxes rather than any reduction in services.

b. The options for a foreign language is between French and German.

3.pick n./v.凿;挑选,选择 pickup n. 拾起;获得

4. rather adv. 宁愿;更确切地

I would ~ you come tomorrow than today.

5. select v./adj.选择;挑选/精选的;选择的 selection n.

6. share v./n.分享,分担;分配,均分;/一份;份额;股份

She ~s in my troubles as well as my joys.

7. usage n. 使用,用法;惯用法 the increasing ~ of plastics。contemporary English ~

useful adj.。useless adj.。user n.

8. alternative adj./n.可供选择的;可供替代的/两者之一

a. They are exploring ~ possibilities.

b. There are many ~ energy sources such as solar.

c. You have the ~ of leaving or staying.

9. cite v.引用,举例;传讯

The minister ~d the latest crime figures as proof of the need for the more police.

10. concoct v.调制;编造(故事)

Human wonder why nature, with some snakes, ~ed poison of such extreme potency.

11. utilize v.利用

You should ~ ability as fully as possible.

12. wield v.使用;行使

The sales manager ~s tremendous power in this company.























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