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2024-07-12 18:15:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1.Don't panic.

Before all else, keep a calm head and demeanor. Staying calm will allow you to continue to think clearly and to keep your energy intact. Panicking will only use up energy and cause you to lose the ability to think straight. Moreover, maintaining a calm,demeanor will help to reassure others who are with you and keep them calmer too.万事先保持头脑清醒、泰然处之。镇定自若可以让你思维清晰、保存体力。慌张只会耗尽你的精力,阻碍你思考。此外,稳如泰山可以安抚他人情绪、使其更为冷静。 

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

demeanor(de-完全,mean突出,与mountain中的mount同源,-or=-our名词后缀,表示性质,状态,条件;突出,凸起,恐吓,威胁→通过威胁、恐吓驱赶牛、驱赶动物→带领,引导、以某种特别方式对待某人、处理某事→) n. 行为;举止;风度

2.Exam yourself.

Before anything else, reassure yourself that you're okay, whether you're bobbing in water or in a lifeboat. If you have any cuts or wounds, treat them. If the wounds or cuts are deep, wrap them up snugly but not to the point where it hurts. If there is bleeding, apply pressure to the wound or on either side of it.先保证你自己安好,无论你还在水里还是已经上了救生艇。 如果你有伤口就得护理。如果伤口深,就包扎服帖,但不要弄疼伤口。如果流血了,就轻压伤口或伤口两侧。

3.Assess the well being of others

Do the same checks that you have done for yourself, only on others now. Obviously, some treatment options cannot be performed unless and until you're out of the water.同样检查一下别人的情况。显然,有些处理方式得脱离水面才可以操作。

4.Make Use of Debris.

Clamber onto anything that could be used like a raft or cling onto floating debris. Miscellaneous debris can often be turned into makeshift rafts by tying together wood, barrels, floating items, etc. To keep together with others, try lashing all lifeboats or makeshift items together.凡有木筏或者漂浮的船体残骸,就爬上去。你可以把木头、酒桶还有漂浮物绑起来,各色各样的碎片都可以作为临时的救生艇。和周围人待在一起,试试看把救身艇、还有其他临时救生物品捆绑在一起。

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

miscellaneous [misə'leiniəs](misc意思为mix,也属同源,mix最终也来自拉丁语miscere混合,miscell(us) ‘ mixed’ 混合的,-an形容词后缀,-eous 具有…性质的,或 -aneous 形容词后缀;) a. 混杂的;五花八门的;各式各样的

To protect your skin and minimize dehydration, look for ways to make shelter from the sun from clothing, cloth, tarps, sails, etc.; some things might be caught up with debris. Ultimately, aim to get out of the water as soon as possible; swimming, treading water and even maintaining a float will drain your energy and lower your body temperature.保护好你的皮肤小心不要脱水了,找找衣服、布料、油布还有船帆里,看看有没有方法可以遮阳,有些东西可能就在船体的废墟里。最为重要的是,要以尽快离开水为目标,游泳、淌水甚至连保持漂浮状态都可能会耗尽你的能量、降低你的体温。

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

dehydration [diˈhaɪˌdreɪt] (除去,脱离,hydr水,-at=-ate 使, dehydrat=dehydrate使(食品等)脱水,(使)(身体)脱水,-ion名词后缀) n. 脱水;极度脱水

5.Keep all survivors together as much as possible.

Don't hesitate to take a leadership role and motivate people to remain in a group and boost morale. Explain quickly but authoritatively that staying together as a group improves everyone's chances of survival. Being part of a group creates greater safety in the face of dangers such as predators, exhaustion, drowning, etc. and also acts as a source of comfort and support.不要犹豫,担起领导的职责,激励大家紧跟团队、并鼓励士气。快速解释,但要保持权威,告诉大家以团队形式待在一起可以提高每一个人的存活率。团队成员在碰到肉食动物的侵袭、极度劳累和溺水等危险情况时,安全系数更高,更能相互鼓励安慰。

6.Consider whether it's possible to signal for help.

If you're in a lifeboat, it should be equipped with rescue flares; read the instructions and deploy them. Be prepared to let off more flares or smoke when you are sure potential rescuers are near, to help them to pinpoint your location. Only use flares and smoke when boats or rescuers are in sight.—You don't want to waste these precious resources.你所在的救生艇应该配备有救援信号火焰。阅读说明书做好部署工作。确信救援人员在附近,就准备好发信号火焰或是烟雾,帮助别人锁定你们的位置。当且仅当能看到救援人员和船只的时候才发信号和点烟----你一定也不希望浪费这些珍贵资源的。

7.Head for land if relevant.

If you can see land, steer your craft toward it if you have control over moving the lifeboat. Hopefully there will be people able to help you if you do reach land. If not, you'll need to continue your survival tactics to cope with being stranded somewhere.要是能看到陆地,你又可以控制救生艇,就把船驶向陆地,你上岸后那里有人帮助你最好了。否则的话,你得继续锻炼生存技能,继续和搁浅做斗争。

8.Seek shelter.

If you reach land that isn't inhabited, make use of debris that has turned up with you (including any craft you've floated in on) and from items on the land. Natural shelters such as caves make good shelters. If you're desperate, you can hang some leaves on a branch that is big enough to cover you. Leaves can be your bedding but make sure they're not covered in bugs first.如果你碰上无人岛,那就充分利用周边的碎片残骸(包括任何你坐的救生小船)和岸上的物品。山洞之类是很好的自然庇护所。如果情况窘迫你很抓狂,可以在树枝上挂些树叶,多找些树叶遮蔽你的身躯。树叶还可以做你的床榻,但记得要确保不要找虫堆里的叶子。

9. Look around.

Is there anything that can help you? Quite often people miss essential items and either die or struggle to stay alive. Gather pieces of wood as you can use these for many things such as stoking fires, creating shelter, and fending off predators. Use leaves to create shelter roofs and bedding. Use reeds to lash together shelters and rafts or use them for food utensils and plates, etc.看看周围有没有什么可以帮到你?很多人缺少必需品,不是死去了就是挣扎着求生。尽可能多找些木头,木头可以派很多用场,比如生火、搭简棚避难、防御肉食动物等。用叶子可以搭出棚顶,还可以铺床。芦苇可以用来把简棚还有求生木筏栓一起,还可以用来盛食物,当餐盘用。

10.Find food and water.

You may need to find food immediately if supplies aren't with the lifeboat or if they have been consumed. If you do have available food, immediately ration it and look for other food as well. If you have no food supplies, start looking.如果救生艇里没食物补给或者食物被吃完了,你得迅速去觅食。如果你的食物充足,迅速分配好再去找其他食物。如果你没有食物补给,就开始找吧。

11.Wait for rescue to arrive.

Continue doing everything needed to attract attention. This includes making messages; using body signals; using mirrors and reflectors; building fires; and setting off flares intermittently when you perceive rescue opportunity. In the meantime, remain focused on staying fed, watered, and properly sheltered. If you're with other people, stay together.继续做任何可以吸引注意力的事情,发讯息、发肢体讯号、用镜子或者其反光片、生火,发现救援机会来了就每隔一段时间都发一次信号弹。与此同时,时刻关注有没有吃的还有喝的、留心住的可好。如果你周围有其他人,待一起不要分开。






01、赛默飞世尔科技(热电)Thermo Fisher Scientif



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