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[1] 编按:本文原标题为“The Folkloresque Circle Toward a Theory of Fuzzy Allusion”, 收于 Michael Dylan Foster, Jeffrey A·Tolbert 编:《The Folkloresque: Reframing Folklore in a Popular Culture World》(Logan: Utah State University Press, 2016),页52-76。直译《类民俗的循环:走向模糊用典理论》欠通顺,故援《东方风神录》 曲名〈明日之盛,昨日之俗〉(明日ハレの日、ヶの昨日)重新下标,以示作者所谓「类民俗」圈子文化的层累造成。关于此种认识,亦可参考罗大佑〈往事2000〉歌词:「现在妳微笑的样子/过去将妳雕刻成形……往事在未来、在协议」。


 [2]1965年生,美国民俗学家,现加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California, Davis) 东亚语言与文化系日语教授。


 [3]译注:原文为Spirited Away,英语中spirit away意指神秘地或偷偷地拐走、偷走,和台湾译名《神隐少女》译法类似,故后文中作对等处理。


[4]译注:《百变狸猫》的日文全名为「平成狸合戦ぽんぽこ」’ぽんぽこ是击鼓的拟声词,其音译即Pom poko。编注:台湾译名为《欢喜碰碰狸》。


[5]我选择是日本的例子,因为日本民俗是我的研究领域,而且日本拥有高度发达的流行文化产业,不断产出着物质、出版、影视、电子类的文化产品,经常采用所谓的媒介组合(media mix)的策略,从民俗和历史中寻找创作素材。除此以外,研究海内外发行的产品,让我有机会触及类民俗其跨文化的一面。


 [6]译注:原文是animating folklore ,是「动画化」和「赋予生命」的双关,因为类民俗可以说是赋予了民俗新的生命。


[7]Ortabasi, Melek.2013.“(Re)animating Folklore: Raccoon Dogs, Foxes, and Other Supernatural Japanese Citizens in Takahata Isao’s Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko.”Marvels and Tales 27(2),254-75.




[9]Talbot, Margaret.2005. “The Auteur of Anime: A Visit with the Elusive Genius Hayao Miyazaki.” New Yorker(2005January 17), 68.






[12]Talbot, Margaret.2005.“The Auteur of Anime: A Visit with the Elusive Genius Hayao Miyazaki.” New Yorker(January 17):64-75.


[13]《我的邻居多多洛》收到了许多赞誉,但是票房并不漂亮。事实上,当数年后,吉ト力工作室通过授权销售多多洛的填充玩偶才实现盈利,这就是类民俗周边产品营销计尽的典范,参见 Talbot, Margaret. 2005. “The Auteur of Anime: A Visit with the Elusive Genius Hayao Miyazaki”New Yorker (January 17): 64-75.



Bacchilega, Cristina. 1999. Postmodern Fairy Tales: Gender and Narrative Strategies. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.

Benson, Stephen, ed. 2008. Contemporary Fiction and the Fairy Tale. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

de Caro, Frank, and Rosan Augusta Jordan. 2004. Re-situating Folklore: Folk Contexts and Twentieth-Century Literature and Art. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press.

Grobman, Neil R. 1979. “A Schema for the Study of the Sources and Literary Simulations of Folkioric Phenomena.” Southern Folklore Quarterly 43(1-2): 17-37.

 Greenhill, Pauline, and Sidney Eve Matrix, eds. 2010. Fairy Tale Films: Visions of Ambiguity. Logan: Utah State University Press.

Greenhill, Pauline, and Jill Terry Rudy eds, 2014. Channeling Wonder: Fairy Tales on Television. Detroit: Wayne State University Press.

Short, Sue. 2015. Fairy Tale and Film: Old Tales with a New Spin. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,

Smith, Kevin Paul.2007. The Postmodern Fairy Tale. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Sullivan, C.W.2001. “Folklore and Fantastic Literature.” Western Folklore 60(4):279-96.

Zipes, Jack. 2010. The Enchanted Screen: A History of Fairy Tales on Film. Clifton, NJ: Routledge.


[15]译注:ATU,即Aarne-Thompson-Uther Classification of Folk Tales, 指的是以三位民浴学家阿尔奈、汤普森、尤瑟命名的民俗故事类型分类系统,简称ATU分类法,其中550号至559号大类是「神奇的援助者」故事类型,该大类中的510 号即「灰姑娘」亚故事类型。


[16]Šmidchens, Guntis. 1999. “Folklorism Revisited.” Journal of Folklore Research 36(1): 51-70.


[17]Šmidchen描述的是赫尔曼•鲍辛格对民俗主义的早期定义。我想在这里以及后面的参考文献中确认的一点是,民俗主义是一个复杂而又微妙的概念,三言两语是解释不清的。其实,鲍辛格、汉斯·莫瑟(Hans Moser)以及其他欧洲学者们开创性的理论硏究,已经为今天的类民俗讨论奠足了基础。关于更多德国学界对民俗主义的讨论,请参见 Bausinger, Hermann. 1990. folk Culture in a world of Technology. Translated by Elke Dettmer. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.

Bendix, Regina. 1988. “Folklorism: The Challenge of a Concept.” International Folklore Review 6:5—15.

Moser, Hans. 1964. “Der Folklorismus als Forschungsproblem der Volkskunde.”

Hessische Blätter für Volkskunde 55:9-57.




 [19]Bendix, Regina. 1997. “Folklorismus/Folklorism.”in Folklore: An Encyclopedia of Beliefs, Customs, Tales, Music, and Art, vol. 1, edited by Thomas A. Green, 337-39. Santa Barbara: ABC-CUO.


[20]Dargis, Manohla. 2014. “Dumped by Her Prince, So Watch Out.” New York Times, May 29.


[21]关于更多狸猫民俗, 请参见 Foster, Michael Dylan. 2012. “Haunting Modernity:

Tanuki, Trains, and Transformation in Japan.” Asian Ethnology 71(1): 3-29.


[22]关于《百变狸猫》令人深思的讨论,请参见Ortabasi, Melek. 2013. “(Re)animating Folklore: Raccoon Dogs, Foxes, and Other Supernatural Japanese Citizens in Takahata Isao’s Heisei tanuki gassen pompoko.” Marvels and Tales 27(2): 254-75.


[23]日本长野县的民俗「分福茶釜」的英文翻译请参见Mayer, Fanny Hagin.l984. Ancient Tales in Modern Japan: An Anthology of Japanese Folk Tales. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 194-40

关于绘卷上的狸猫妖怪,请参见 Foster, Michael Dylan. 2015. The Book of Yōkai: Mysterious Creatures of Japanese Folklore. Oakland: University of California Press. 45-46


[24]Ortabasi, Melek. 2013.“(Re)animating Folklore: Raccoon Dogs, Foxes, and Other Supernatural Japanese Citizens in TaKahata Isao’s Heisei tanuki gassen porrmoko.” Marvels and Tales 27(2): 254-75.


[25]Machacek, Gregory. 2007. “Allusion.” PMLA 122(2): 522-36.


[26]关于文学民俗学(literary folkloristics)中用典的讨论,请参见Dolby, Sandra K. (Original work published 1989) 2008. Literary Folkloristics and the Personal Narrative.Bloomington: Trickster.

文中,他如此解释道:「在叙事表演的主位系统中,典故是被利用和依赖的对象,因为基础的文体传统(stylistic convention)支撑了叙事、表演,让其为读者所接受。


[27]lwabuchi, Koichi. 2002. Recentering Globalization: Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism. Durham: Duke University Press.




[29]译注:即coming-of-age tale,也可译作成人礼故事,因为这不仅是个常见的文学、影视题材,同时也是一个典型的民俗故事类型。




[31]Thompson, Stith. 1955. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-Books, and Local Legends. 6 vols. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


[32]Koven, Mikel J. 2008. Film, Folklore and Urban Legends. Lanham, MD: Scarecrow.


[33]Saijo Tsutomu. 2009. Sen to Chihiro no shinwagaku. Tokyo: Shintensha.


[34]Reider, Noriko T. 2005. “Spirited Away: Film of the Fantastic and Evolving Japanese Folk Symbols.” Film Criticism 29(3): 4-27.


[35]Yanagita Kunio. 1968. Teihon Yanagita Kunio shu. Vol. 4. Tokyo: Chikuma shobo.


[36]Blacker, Carmen. 1967. “Supernatural Abductions in Japanese Folklore.” Asian Folklore Studies 26(2): 111-48.


[37]Komatsu Kazuhiko. 1991. Kamikakushi: Ikai karo no izanai. Tokyo: Kobundo.


[38]译注:Constituent parts,亦可译作「组成部分」。


[39]博伊德和西村还指出「民俗和日本神道的思想也根植于在影片的文化词汇之中」。他们在禊祓(净身)信仰这方面进行了深入探讨。但我对他们的评价抱以异议,我认为这些不过是「思想(perspectives)」而已,影片不过是模糊地参考了一个世界观,而不是对可识别的宗教行为的直接引用。参见Boyd, James W., and Tetsuya Nishimura. 2004. “Shinto Perspectives in Miyazaki’s Anime Film Spirited Away.”Journal of Religion and Film 8(2).


[40]Reider, Noriko T. 2005. “Spirited Away: Film of the Fantastic and Evolving Japanese Folk Symbols.” Film Criticism 29(3): 4-27.


[41]2014年,在我所教授的印第安纳大学的民俗学本科课程上,有一位学生作了一份关于雅加婆婆的报告。报告中,学生解释道,这个传说人物不仅出现于俄国或斯拉夫人的民俗之中,日本民浴中也有一个类似的形象「汤婆婆」,她随即展示了一张《神隐少女》的电影截图。在不同的语境下,像这种人物创作的类民俗被杰弗里·托尔泊特(Jeffrey Tolbert)描述为「反向示意」,「它牵涉新的创作,新的没有连续性的体验;还涉及将这些元素组成一部『传统』叙事的语料库,以现有的民俗作为模版(但却完全不求助于任何特定的传统)」




[43]Machacek, Gregory. 2007. “Allusion.” PMLA 122(2): 522-36.


[44]Santino, Jack. 1992. “Yellow Ribbons and Seasonal Flags: The Folk Assemblage of War.” Journal of American Folklore 105(415): 19-33.还可参见 Santino, Jack. 1986. “The Folk Assemblage of Autumn: Tradition and Creativity in Halloween Folk Art.” In Folk Art and Art Worlds, edited by John Michael Vlach and Simon Bronner, 151-69. Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press.


[45]Shukla, Pravina. 2008. The Grace of Four Moons: Dress, Adornment and the Art of the Body in Modern India. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


[46] Bauman, Richard. 2004. A World of Others’ Words: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Intertextuality. Malden, MA: Blackwell.


[47]Barthes, Roland. 1979. “From Work to Text.” In Textual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-structuralist Criticism, edited by Josue V. Harari, 73-81. Ithaca: Cornell University Press.


[48]Culler, Jonathan. 1976. “Presupposition and Intertextuality.” MLN 91(6): 1380-96.


[49]Bauman, Richard. 2004. A World of Others’ Words: Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Intertextuality. Malden, MA: Blackwell.


[50]ōtsuka Eiji. 2001. Teihon monogatari shohiron. Tokyo: Kadokawa shoten.


[51]转引自 Azuma, Hiroki. 2009. Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals.Translated by Jonathan Abel and Shion Kono. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.




[53]Azuma, Hiroki. 2009. Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals. Translated by Jonathan Abel and Shion Kono. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.


[54]Culler, Jonathan. 1976. “Presupposition and Intertextuality.” MLN 91(6): 1380-96.




[56]Grobman, Neil R. 1979. “A Schema for the Study of the Sources and Literary Simulations of Folkloric Phenomena.”Southern Folklore Quarterly A3(l-2): 17-37.


[57]Culler, Jonathan. 1976. “Presupposition and Intertextuality.” MLN 91(6): 1380-96.


[58]Foley, John Miles. 1991. Immanent Art: From Structure to Meaning in Traditional Oral Epic. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.


[59]佛利的「传统指示性(traditional referentiality)」和「内在艺术(immanent art)」的概念虽然是在口头叙事理论的语境中提出来的,但和本文所讨论的典故有着巨大共通之处。参见注[53]。




(2015 年 6 月 16 日)。


[61]参见 Cashman, Ray. 2006.“Critical Nostalgia and Material Culture in Northern Ireland.”Journal of American Folklore 119(472): 137-60. 和Foster, Michael Dylan. 2009. “Haunted Travelogue: Hometowns, Ghost Towns, and Memories of War.”Mechademia 4(1): 164-81.


[62]Dorson, Richard M. 1971. American Folklore and the Historian. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.


[63]商业并非类民俗的唯一追求,可以参见托尔伯特对瘦长鬼影的都市传说的讨论:Tolbert Jeffrey A. 2013. “The Sort of Story That Has You Covering Your Mirrors’:The Case of Slender Man.” Semiotic Review, no. 2: Monsters;



[64]其实,从类民俗到大众认可的民俗的这样一种运动,水木茂创作的妖怪漫画,将妖怪(重新)转化为20世纪的流行幻想就是典范,代表作有《咯咯咯的鬼太郎》。参见 Foster, Michael Dylan. 2009a. “Haunted Travelogue: Hometowns, Ghost Towns, and Memories of War.” Mechademia 4(1): 164-81.

Foster, Michael Dylan. 2009b. Pandemonium and Parade: Japanese Monsters and the Culture of Yōkai. Berkeley: University of California Press.


[65]Mitchell, Elvis. 2002. “Spirited Away (2001) Film Review: Conjuring Up Atmosphere Only Anime Can Deliver.” New York Times, September 20.


[66] Sragow, Michael. 1999. “Pompoko.” New Yorker, September 20.


[67]Otaku Center, January 19, 2011,



[68]Napier, Susan J. 2001. “Confronting Master Narratives: History as Vision in Miyazaki Hayao’s Cinema of De-assurance.” Positions 9(2): 467-93.


[69]Thompson, Stith. 1955. Motif-Index of Folk-Literature: A Classification of Narrative Elements in Folktales, Ballads, Myths, Fables, Mediaeval Romances, Exempla, Fabliaux, Jest-Books, and Local Legends. 6 vols. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. 1:19






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