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2024-07-10 08:37:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#英语资源# #有关团结的英语演讲稿【五篇】#】演讲的本质在于讲,而不在于演,它以讲为主,以演为辅。由于演讲要诉诸口头,拟稿时必须以易说能讲为前提。一篇好的演讲稿对演讲者来说要可讲,对听讲者来说应好听。以下是©无忧考网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  I think everyone is familiar with the word unity. Small ants can lift a stone together, so nothing can be successful as long as unity.

  When I held the sports meeting in grade 4, when it came to our best project - tug of war, we had to compete with class 4 (3) first. Before the competition, four (3) students were as confident as if they had eaten a weight. However, as soon as we started to exert our strength, some of them were discouraged, while we all picked up firewood with high flame and defeated them at once. We used this strength to fight until the final.

  How many finals will our class 4 win. But we still have a plan in mind. I think we can beat them! The game began. We all tried to pull the rope back. Finally, we won the first game. In the second game, we all tried our best to eat milk, but the other side of class 4 (4) seemed to have a kilogram of weight and couldn't pull it out. In the second game, we lost, and some students were a little depressed. The captain quickly stood up and encouraged us, saying that only by uniting as one can we make money. In an instant, our morale was unprecedentedly high.

  In the third game, our cheerleaders raised their voices because it was a game that decided the outcome! But the red ribbon in the middle of the rope came to class 4 and then to us. It's really a two-sided faction! Suddenly, the cheerleading team shouted "come on". The faces of all our tug of war athletes rose like big red apples. After our concerted efforts, the red ribbon representing victory finally stopped on our side of the class. We won!

  Unity is strength! This sentence is right, so please believe in the power of unity!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students: Good afternoon! The topic of my speech today is "unity is a powerful force"!

  Remember, after school, the first sentence I learned was: "I'm Chinese". I gradually learned that "without the Communist Party, there would be no new China" and "without the Communist Party, there would be no strong China".

  Since childhood, I have been proud that I can live in this vast land of China, because I know that this land gathers 56 enthusiasm; There are 56 kinds of hopes in this land; This land is home to 56 ardent patriots! I know that China is a multi-ethnic country. It is a large developing country where children of all ethnic groups unite as one and jointly promote social prosperity. Therefore, standing on this land, I never seem to worry about being abandoned and hurt. Because I deeply know that China is very strong and the unity among all ethnic groups will not be defeated by any difficulties!

  Five thousand years of Chinese civilization, four great inventions have changed the world; 56 ethnic groups, 56 flowers, 56 brothers and sisters are a family; Hong Kong and Macao have returned to China smoothly, and their economies have developed rapidly and steadily.

  China has built the world's Qinghai Tibet railway and the Three Gorges Project on the roof of the world; China joined the World Trade Organization and the 20XX Olympic Games were successfully held.

  Motherland means this ancient land and people handed down from generation to generation. For thousands of years, she has influenced and created the supreme beauty and deep love of our nation. Countless Communists and people's liberation army fought in blood, threw their heads and shed blood for her; Countless scientists, artists and writers unreservedly give their wisdom and talent, and the hard work is for her! This is a spirit of resisting foreign aggression, uniting as one, and fighting bravely. This is the excellent tradition and national spirit of the Chinese nation.

  Dripping water in the sea can get eternal life, and life can shine in unity. Let each of us plunge into the torrent of great national unity and progress, unite and forge ahead, promote integrity and strive to be a model of national unity. Just like the song: "Fifty six nationalities, fifty-six flowers, fifty-six brothers and sisters are one family". Dear students, let's join hands, work together with our hearts and love, inherit the tradition of people of all ethnic groups being one family forever, and constantly write a new chapter of national unity!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Unity can make us stand out and defeat the enemy. For example, playing football is a multi player event, so there should be a tacit understanding between the players. Once, I played football with my friends and divided into two groups. After the game started, as long as I grabbed the ball, I rushed forward. I thought: I can score by myself. The result is always an inattentive, surrounded by the other team's friends, who can only watch the ball be robbed. Later, I finally learned this lesson and understood that a person's strength is limited after all. Only by uniting and cooperating with his peers can I score a goal successfully. Finally, with the close cooperation of the whole team, we finally turned defeat into victory. I also really understand the true meaning of the sentence "unity is strength".

  Unity can also turn weak into strong. One day, I watched animal world at home. The TV was about ants. When ants want to find food, they will let a vanguard look for it first. If the food found is small, it will carry it back to the camp by itself. If the food is large, it will return to organize its companions to carry it together. Ants seem weak, but they have a clear division of labor within the group and perform their duties. However, as long as they hear the call of their peers, they can always unite and complete unexpected and arduous tasks. Unity may be an important reason for the survival of weak ants.

  Unity can also save lives. Not long ago, there was a magnitude-7 earthquake in XXX. Landslides and boulders pressed the top. Many tourists and injured people were trapped. They may encounter disaster again at any time. At this time of crisis, our people's Liberation Army, civil volunteers and medical teams rushed to the scene at the first time to organize the orderly evacuation of tourists and people. Donations from the whole society provide a guarantee for their follow-up life. "When one person picks up firewood, the flame is high." A large-scale rescue cannot be achieved by any individual alone. In the face of disasters, only the united strength of the whole society can help us tide over the difficulties together.

  I firmly believe that as long as we unite as one and unite as one, we will be able to overcome all difficulties.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students    hello everyone!

  XXX said that without unity, any power is weak. A Chinese proverb is the same: when people are united, Mount Tai moves. If someone asks me, "what is the great power in the world?" I would say, "of course it's unity!" Yes, unity is indeed a great force in the world.

  I remember when I was a child, when I was playing with children in the mud, I found an ant at a loss in front of a very "big" piece of sugar. So it returned to the cave and came out with a group of ants. Finally, they worked together. Each ant gave its own strength and carried the "big" candy back to the hole.

  Unity is strength. In the "two people and three feet" competition, we also know this truth.

  I remember that time, we were in XXX military training. The instructor said that we would have a two person three legged game, so my good friend and I "went to battle". First of all, we tied our legs together, shouted street shots and walked as if our hearts were connected. After a while, the game began. My good friend and I looked at each other, smiled and tied my legs together again. The game began, we worked together and began to shout slogans... Finally, the game was over, and we won the first place.

  Unity, in fact, is not so difficult. As long as we learn to unite, nothing will be difficult for us. So let's take action to eliminate jealousy and hate. Let unity, respect, love and praise come back to us!

  Thank you!


  Hello everyone, the topic of my speech today is the iron word in front of us - unity!

  "Unity is strength!" The lyrics of this sentence are good. It inspires us to unite and move forward bravely in everything, rather than relying on the strength of one person alone. As the saying goes, one slap can't make a sound because this "slap" has no motivation to unite and doesn't unite with another slap. Just like us, if we are alone and do not unite with others, his contribution will be minimal. Therefore, we should unite both in the collective and in life, because the strength of unity is harder than iron and stronger than steel!

  Now our loudest slogan is: one world, one dream! One world, one dream. If we don't unite, where can we come from the same world, let alone the same dream

  Tongxin mountain becomes jade, and earth becomes gold together! Success requires the spirit of overcoming difficulties and difficulties, and more importantly, the joint force of unity and cooperation! Only those who understand unity can understand the significance of unity to themselves, others and the whole collective. Will regard unity as their own responsibility.

  The awards on our heads, as well as the basketball game last week, all reveal the strength of our unity. On the basketball court, our players are the most passionate when they play together, and our cheerleaders shout the loudest when they work together. Although we lost the game, the spirit of unity shown by it is worth remembering forever! At the same time, it also makes us more responsible for unity. We can't get these achievements without unity!

  We all know the beauty of the rainbow. The beauty of the rainbow lies in its seven color brilliance. If the seven color brilliance is not united, how can it show such dazzling brilliance?

  Unity, unity, the more the group, the more the knot! Then let's be more united and United forever. Let's send out this rainbow like dazzling and beautiful colorful light forever!!!

  My speech is over, thank you!

有关团结的英语演讲稿【五篇】 =相关文档推荐=   查看无忧考网英语资源全部文档 >>






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