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2024-07-10 23:26:18| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Your headline is the most important part of your blog or article post.无论是博客还是论文,标题都至关重要。

It is the first and usually only chance you have to get the attention of prospective readers. If they don't read past your headline and click on your post then the body copy might as well not exist.这是你能吸引读者的唯一关键机会。如果他们匆匆掠过标题,那么正文估计也没多少人会再看了吧。

According to CopyBlogger, eight out of 10 people will read your headline copy, but only two out of 10 will read the rest. This is why so much emphasis is placed on the headline in all forms of marketing and advertising.调查显示,80%的人会看标题,然后只有剩下来两成的人会读正文部分。所以在市场和广告领域,标题一定是制胜法宝。

Your headline has only one purpose—to get the next line read. The next line needs to get you to read the following line, and so it goes on until you reach a call to action.你的标题只有一个目的——让人读下一行,而下一行又需要引着人继续往下读,然后就这么一直读下去咯。

There is no point in spending a couple of hours writing a post and allocating only a couple of minutes to your headline. If your post doesn't get read, all your hard work will be wasted.如果你辛苦花费好几个小时写一篇东西,只花几分钟来想一个标题,那真是毫无意义。标题不好,吸引不到人来阅读,一切努力都会白费。

I want to help you to write headlines that will increase your readership. Remember, these headline tips can work for email subject lines, tweets, Facebook posts, videos, and many other situations where you want to grab someone's attention.下面我来教教你到底该如何写标题,可以增加读者的哦。记住,这些小贴士都可用于邮件主题,推特,脸书,视频以及其他你想吸引人眼球的场合。

If you've ever studied copywriting for any length of time you will understand the huge importance of a killer headline. I am about to present to you seven ways to write a headline that will get your blog post read.如果你从来没学习过文案写作,就不会知道一个好的标题到底有多么重要。下面就来看看能给你超多点击率的七种标题形式吧。

Let's jump right into a few headline shortcuts.下面就一起看看吧:

1. The secret to _____________的秘诀

This one gets used a lot. People love to feel that you are letting them in on a secret—that they are obtaining some knowledge that others don't have. Modify this headline as needed.这个非常常见,人们都喜欢被分享秘密的感觉,好像这样他们就学到了一些别人学不到的东西。必要时也可以对这个标题进行。

The secret to getting published on Forbes跻身福布斯的秘诀

The secret to gaining Twitter followers增加推特粉丝的秘诀

2. 7 ways to _________7种____的方法

Lists are very popular. Give the reader a list of benefits. This demonstrates that you have some specific chunks of content for your reader.列清单最流行了,给读者一系列的好处。这个标题会暗示读者下面的特别内容模块。

7 ways to write a killer headline7种写个吸引眼球标题的好方法

7 ways to push back without being pushy7种以退为进的方法

3. How to [mundane task] that [rewarding benefit]如何(从简单任务)中(获得好处)

People love to find out "how" to do things. Dig around and find of the benefits of your mundane task. Adding a benefit to the end can really enhance the headline and give the reader a reason to click your post.人们都喜欢了解”如何“做事情。好好挖掘看看如何从一些简单任务中获得好处吧。在结尾加上“好处/益处” 二字会让标题更吸引人,还能给读者理由点击你的文章。

How to create a website that makes money如何创建网站来赚钱?

How to write a headline that will get more people to read your blog如何写出让别人阅读你博客的标题?

4. How to [desired result] without [painful objection]如何不(经历痛苦)而(达到目标)

Stating the desired result will get attention from a specific audience who wants that result. If you create the image that your post will overcome their most painful objection by including the word "without" will strengthen your claim.把特定的目标写出来有助于吸引固定的读者人群,因为他们正想要个结果。如果你的标题可以创造出一种帮人战胜困难的意境,那么会更加吸引人。

How to get more Twitter followers without logging into your account如何不登陆账户就能涨粉丝?

How to become successful without any skills, knowledge, or talent没有技能、知识和天赋该如何成功?

5. (Do something) like(world-class example)像(世界级别的例子)(做什么)

By comparing an activity to someone or something well know will add instant credibility. Your reader will be able to associate with a widely known example than to someone unknown.把那些世界闻名的事情或人列出来能有效增加文章的可信度。相对于一些无名小辈,读者就更容易把内容和名人联系在一起。

Blog like an A-lister像精英那样写博客

Play golf like [ename]Tiger Woods[/ename]像老虎·伍兹那样打高尔夫

6. Now you can have [something desirable] [great circumstance]现在你可以(想要的东西)(完美的情景)

Here's a classic headline. Offering a benefit/desire coupled with an ideal situation/circumstance can get your reader to click through to your post in no time.这是个经典的标题。向大家展现一个完美的情景外加诱人的渴求,读者就会情不自禁的点进去看看啦。

Now you can have that car of your dreams while working less现在你可以实现少工作实现买车的愿望

Now you can get more leads all on auto-pilot现在你可以获得更多的指导

7. What you need to know about _________你需要知道的___

This headline implies that the reader is missing crucial information about a certain topic, and must click to find out what that is.这个标题其实是暗示读者忽视了某些话题的关键信息,而且必须要点进去看一看。

What you need to know about generating leads from social media关于如何从社交媒体中获得利润你需要知道的...

What you need to know about the 2013 London Marathon关于2013伦敦马拉松你需要知道的...

These formulas are only a guide. I recommend playing around with the wording so you get it just right for your audience.这些模板都只是个参考,我建议你可以适当根据自己的读者进行调整。

When you are writing, come up with a list of headline possibilities. That way you can pick the best one. Or you can use several different headlines when posting your content and measure which gets the most clicks. Then, edit your headline according to the one that resonated best.写作的时候,别忘了列一个标题的清单。这样你就可以从中选择到更好的,或者在发布内容的时候使用几个不同的标题,看看哪个标题获得的点击率最多吧。然后再把标题改成最受欢迎的那个。


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